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9602119 No.9602119 [Reply] [Original]

Damn lads, Trump's letter to Kim seems like something straight out of Dale Carnegie's book.

How important is the skills that book teaches, really?

>> No.9602347


>> No.9602383

best potus. this is how u make deals.

>> No.9602413

is this shit real

>> No.9602429

holy shit

>by the way, thanks for those three hostages senpai!

kim must be raging in his mountain of doom

>> No.9602439
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>> No.9602449
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I don't know why but I like how he says "totally" so much. It's totally awesome in my book.

>> No.9602471

> Changes his mind
> tells kim to get back to him if he changes his mind

Kek. Fucking idiot

>> No.9602482
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check this

>> No.9602515
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6 dimension chess...it was only a matter of time

>> No.9602675

The important lessons here?

>Engage stakeholders and know their sources of power.

This is Sun Tzu "know your enemy" shit. KJU lived in Switzerland and by all accounts is a laxadasical fatty who loves basketball (he's especially good friends with Trump's Celebrity Apprentice pal Dennis Rodman). However he inherited in a nightmare position crushed between China and the US, conniving generals, and a populace that would stomp his guts out if no one were looking.

Trump has personally engaged Rodman, pressured China via threats of a trade war, enforced sanctions so much that Norks are months away from running out of oil, and offered them K-Pop levels of wealth. No other president has engaged all these fronts at once. They just fucked around with diplomatic theater and low level backchannels that nobody gives a shit about.

>Present a golden bridge out, amidst crushing pain.

Kim is in a world of hurt. Not only are sanctions actually being enforced and China abandoning him, but he looks like a chump if he just accepts a bribe and folds in front of his backstabbing generals and vengeful people.

Notice how Trump's blamed Kim's statement, while offering to be Kim's best friend, bringing him untold wealth and world peace. Kim will need facesaving concessions and, just as he can't appear weak, neither can Trump. That means they need to appear like equitable friends.

>Minimize your weakness by denying your enemies leverage

Notice what Trump does by reframing everything. "The world loses an opportunity", "Korea misses out on wealth", "a sad moment for history". Trump doesn't lose anything from this cancellation and now he's taken away KJU's one card of defiance by doing it first.

Objectively, Trump is fucked if this whole thing fails and NK collapses or needs to be Libya'd or whatever... but just try imagining that after reading the letter.

100%. Also read his book(s).

>> No.9602706

Based Trump

Commies absolutely rekt

>> No.9602714

Carrot and stick used in a very balanced way. Brilliant. Trump is an intuitive genius.

>> No.9602889
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Not sure about the current state of the board these days but Dale Carnegie is based and should be read by all. Much of it will come to you as common sense but the effect that comes from being mindful of his lessons cannot be overstated.

>> No.9602957

Meh. Him and Kim probably planned it to max the media cycle. Still it’s ducking hilarious cuz I’m sure some retardo libs got excited that there wasn’t gonna be a meeting and now they will end the Korean War finally.

>> No.9603013

I can't stand listening to the guy but as far as judging him on results, he will go down as one of the greatest presidents ever.

>> No.9603059


This is all just for show, it's like rap beef

The meeting with NK is going to happen as planned, screencap this

>> No.9603423

most of you faggots are brainwashed and only able to repeat things youve been indocrinated with.. zero thoughts of your own.. zero critical thinking.. fucking zombies

>> No.9603435

the good news is youre such cunts that you couldnt do anything anyway

>> No.9603448


>> No.9603466

also truth

>> No.9603491

You excited to be starting high school soon?

>> No.9603512


One of the rare intelligent posts.

I would also suggest that Un is trying a little triangular diplomacy out of Nixon's China-Russia playbook. Un, by simultaneously reaching out to both China and the US stands to make better deals with both than he would have made with either alone.

>> No.9603539

Trump is powerful as fuck, time to face the facts

>> No.9603658

Agreed. The pure fact he does what he wants with zero care of reprisal is refreshing.

>> No.9603802

>normie detected

It's arguably his worst book.

>> No.9604095

Trump's sole contribution to that letter was his signature

>> No.9604322


>> No.9604372

judging by the use of 'you and me' i'd beg to differ

>> No.9604394

What a fag. Why don't those two just fuck or something.

>> No.9604413

>conniving nork generals
exactly, Kim is just a figurehead. The Korean race is strong and is not government by just one man.

only in your cartoon world of political personalities engaging in personal duels does this letter look good.

Trump is going back on his word, caving to establishment pressure. This is very weak.

This is almost certainly a sign of some big victory for North Korea. Kim was feeding the press these lines about disarmament and unification. Now those hopes are scattered. The people most likely to act on this move from trump are KOREANS, not americans, so your dumbfuck opinions do nothing but delude yourselves.

This move will PISS OFF all korean people. This plays directly into North Korea's interests. Makes it look like south korea is controlled by the US (it is) and the US will spread its corruption of values (like going back on your word) to the korean people.

>> No.9604431
File: 406 KB, 764x690, 1516585524503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post.

100% rekt


>> No.9604437

"You and I" would be grammatically incorrect, if that's what you're saying.

>> No.9604487
File: 36 KB, 636x451, n8der42h29701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the Hillary fag

>> No.9604516

>socially retarded

>> No.9604561

good example of bots

>> No.9604596


>> No.9604631

Kimmy was becoming petulant, so he had to be reminded who the top is.

>> No.9604652

literally the greatest letter I've ever read

people wouldn't stfu about 4d chess during the election... and here trump is playing inverse AlphaGo 24-dim Backgammon and leaving rocketman in the dust

>the absolute state

>> No.9604661


>> No.9604912



>> No.9604923


beautifully rendered, anon

>> No.9605166

3 american hostages for free

>> No.9605254

Both Trump and KJU agreed to this political theatre beforehand. Trump gets to look like a master dealmaker, KJU gets to look big, if true in front of his generals.

The summit will be "rescheduled" for July

>> No.9605313

Not a bad letter if I may say so myself.

>> No.9605576

now that's some hardcore dunning-kruger
for your sake, i hope this is the result of emotional investment against trump rather than an earnest attempt to reason

>> No.9605712


>> No.9605773

He talks about his nuclear arsenal like the Stacey's talk about my cock

>> No.9605961

>if you change your mind having to do with this important summit
Was this written by an adult?

>> No.9606014

Worst Koreans hate North Korea, most don’t want reunification and those that do want North Korea to submit to South Korea. they love American dick, this letter changes nothing.