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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 19 KB, 300x300, vXYKKeHS_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9597964 No.9597964 [Reply] [Original]

It's getting (((delayed))) again isn't it

>> No.9597977

says who

>> No.9598002

you fags were so hopeful like a fuckin month ago

>> No.9598023

Why do you keep posting this?

>> No.9598053

nope, there is no delay. the train will arrive right in time and as planned, in june 2019.

>> No.9598067

Coin Metro 300 mill market cap EYO lads. Screenshot this.

>> No.9598092
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x1800, kevin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9598128

Not like we can even if we wanted to

>> No.9598153

The project is legit, man. This is one of my guaranted 25x of the year

>> No.9598186

I agree, just saying

>> No.9598306
File: 1.40 MB, 1592x2060, E14CF22A-2EDE-4610-8096-7AEB7B0E04E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5$ eoy

>> No.9598339

What coin?

>> No.9598926

circulated or total supply

>> No.9599185

Choo choo motherfuckers

>> No.9599248

Is this a crypto exchange? Yeah we really need more of those

>> No.9599268

Boomer retard spotted

>> No.9599900

>will have made it.

God hears you anon.

>> No.9599964

Coin metro insider here guys, we don't like to speculate too much but Kevin and I were talking over lunch yesterday and both agreed that $10 eoy is conservative.

>> No.9600063

Tomorrow at 2 GMT is the normiebook ama, main topic will be the state of crypto, regulations, projections and such.

>> No.9600065

Kevin here guys, that’s obviously a lie and nobody that’s part of the team would speculate as it’s actually illegal for us to do so.
The correct figure is $15 eoy screencap this Bizraeli’s

>> No.9600084

The correct figure is on xcmprice.com you ficking brainlets

>> No.9600165

Is that a subtle shill of your referral website?

>> No.9600250

I wouldnt call $10 eoy conservative but considering every other major exchange is a shitshow that could come true. Just wish I had more

>> No.9600268

>ico is over
>"are you shilling your ref?"
the absolute state

>> No.9600309

Did I imply it was logical?

>> No.9600333

Yeah because huobi, Kucoin and Gate io are so great... fucking mongoloid

>> No.9600386

Yeah mongoloid fuck off back to your coss thread, this thread is for those who will actually make it

>> No.9601393

Yeah mongoloid

>> No.9601650
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1521143053840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a bunch of delusional apes who got pajeeted by this ico. Their team is so fucking shit, how can you think this is a good investment.
When you need referrals to fill your public sale, you know shit is bad.

>> No.9601675

You guys sound like cosstards prior to January.

>> No.9602416


So regret putting an eth into this scam.

>> No.9602474

Burgers confirmed

>> No.9602534

Dump your XCM on the first day, I dare you to dump an exchange token that will have fiat and margin trading.

>> No.9602578

Coss is straight garbage and didn't even deliver fiat til later on meanwhile Coinmetro will have fiat on the first day. Their token model is a pyramid, their UI is straight trash and they have fees out the ass for any sort of fiat.

Kucoin is pretty incompetent and it still managed to moon without a fiat entry/margin trading. Don't be surprised if XCM moons because people who actually did due diligence saw it coming.

>> No.9602701

Oh my god you're so right. Fuck.

>> No.9602977

Even cuck-coin shares did a 50x from the ATL. I’m not even sure what ico price was. If CoinMetro does a 50x.. My dick is getting hard just thinking about it

>> No.9603161

It'll have fiat MAYBE 13 months from now. Congrats lol

>> No.9603210

who ? coinmetro? they are already licensed to have EUR.

>> No.9603255

Haha you absolute mong