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File: 118 KB, 394x404, new shirt for link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9560095 No.9560095 [Reply] [Original]

I know some posters always say shit like "it's happeneing tonight.....but biz.....non ironically it happens tonight


call him a larp if you want to, but I happen to believe what this guy says, he called a 30% spike from 3 weeks ago, I bet the absolute madman is spot on yet again

Just Market sold 2000 Bat for roughly 1600 link, good trade?

>> No.9560126


>> No.9560162

Link is going to moon today, if you get In congrats way to go, life is no longer a rate race for you, you made it, if not, I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for you, you should have seen the writing on the wall and took action. After the dump we had yester day now is the perfect exit point, exactly 42 days, or 6 weeks from the person who made that thread, right after the OP made the orignal 3weeks to go, 2 weeks to go. If you're not heavily in link, you have made some poor poor life choices

>> No.9560201


>> No.9560243

I hope you're right, but Link is due for a pump so if he tries to claim some 20% movement was his prediction then it was a larp.

>> No.9560443

Link gets a lot of fud on this board, but the real people who have been here since DGB, RDD, ANS, ARK all know that when link came out, it was fudded completely differently.

The time to buy is when everyone is everyone else is scared, and this is the first time I see people scared. I took my Bag from 10k to 12 k today, spike is going to happen within 3 days hope youre ready for the day of judgement.

No one will judge you for not getting in before know, but now the normies want us and the normies need us.
XLM can scale, but xlm needs chainlink. Remember what assblaster said, hyper ledger was the key

>> No.9560460

That day the spike was so random and it wasnt really acting on news or anything, I sold down to 10k before, but I was waiting on this date for a while

>> No.9560646
File: 230 KB, 1320x1181, Telegram1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know?

The ChainLink team is actively ignoring all questions to do with the TM refusal and is now suddenly threatening to ban people from Telegram? Don't believe me? Heres a screenshot....go check the telegram and slacks for yourselves.

>> No.9561016


Don't blame rory, Link is like 75% of my port, probably more, however, I can't say I blame him, to see what I mean, go to r/cc and look up the link posts, not upvoted and tons of fud in the comments, almost makes me proud.
I am so proud of every one of you for helping me keep the price low enough where I could accumulate 12k link.

we even FUD it on here whenever we post anything about it, expect to see some crazy shit within the next 5 days or so