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9550486 No.9550486 [Reply] [Original]

What is Masari?

Masari is a CryptoNote currency based off Monero. CryptoNote coins are untraceable and unlinkable. Monero takes that further and provides fungibility through Ring CT. Masari has all of these properties, which makes it a private and secure currency.

Masari operates in a decentralized proof of work (PoW) setting. The algorithm used is egalitarian by design, encouraging both CPU and GPU miners. Blocks are every 120 seconds, with a variable reward currently around 25MSR. Max supply is 18.5 million with tail emissions. Masari did not have an ICO, nor a pre-mine.

Why have another privacy coin? why not just Monero?

That’s because Masari is scalability focused (layer 1), with privacy guarantees at its core as a Monero fork. This difference of roadmap initiatives will help advance the cryptocurrency space and entire ecosystem, with Uncle Mining in its timeline, as well as the introduction of a synchronized PoW “sharding” Blocktree protocol that would promise auto-scaling high TPS capabilities. Coupling scalability with privacy will offer a tangible world currency solution. While the roadmap differs from Monero, any compatible developments in Masari will be shared upstream, such as this pull request implementing one of the best difficulty algorithms in the space.

Readers are welcome to visit the Masari Github to see activity by the development team of Masari and click-through to other projects, as well as the home page for the public roadmap.

Where is the whitepaper?

The foundations are in CryptoNote and RingCT, which are incredible protocol whitepapers with real world use. Masari will propose a Blocktree protocol, and will release a corresponding whitepaper which will identify specifications for on-chain scalability.

Where do you buy or sell Masari at? There are four exchanges that currently trade MSR/BTC:

Trade Ogre - Stocks.Exchange - SouthXchange—Altex.Exchange

Altex.Exchange offers a MSR/XMR pairing. SouthXchange

>> No.9550490

ICO's and shitcoins with premine are awful. Masari is great. ringCT from the start (unlike monero which had to upgrade tx's and you still have to convert if you have an old paper wallet)
- 5m total supply right now
- fluffyblocks enabled by default & minimum 13 mixin by default
- web wallet, gui wallet, easily added to ledger once XMR support is here (few days? waiting on 12.1 cryptonote client translations)

do your research friends

>> No.9550597

please to be buying Masari Coin sir. is good coin. Make you vary rich sir.

>> No.9550664

SumoKoin is better

>> No.9550724

premined... and retarded, do your research people.

>> No.9550750

Explain why premined is terrible.

>> No.9550768

monero classic is the only monero, fuck all these forks dilluting the supply and value

>> No.9550822

monero classic is Jihan Wu's monero... not monero. Go away.

>> No.9550840
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>Investing in the little brother

>> No.9550878

go away smelly forker

>> No.9551053


how many time's will you post this pajeet ?

>> No.9551130

ys darling pls is gd sure is moonings
thnk u sir

>> No.9551152

Way overshilled. I was actually thinking of mining this because of a thread the other day, but your utterly transparent shilling has turned me off

>> No.9551176

been accumulating since 6k sats. volume has doubled the last few days

>> No.9551333

hello sirs i buy 10k monero little brothers when moon 100x?! thanks