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9534689 No.9534689 [Reply] [Original]

What is Masari?

Masari is a CryptoNote currency based off Monero. CryptoNote coins are untraceable and unlinkable. Monero takes that further and provides fungibility through Ring CT. Masari has all of these properties, which makes it a private and secure currency.

Masari operates in a decentralized proof of work (PoW) setting. The algorithm used is egalitarian by design, encouraging both CPU and GPU miners. Blocks are every 120 seconds, with a variable reward currently around 25MSR. Max supply is 18.5 million with tail emissions. Masari did not have an ICO, nor a pre-mine.

Why have another privacy coin? why not just Monero?

That’s because Masari is scalability focused (layer 1), with privacy guarantees at its core as a Monero fork. This difference of roadmap initiatives will help advance the cryptocurrency space and entire ecosystem, with Uncle Mining in its timeline, as well as the introduction of a synchronized PoW “sharding” Blocktree protocol that would promise auto-scaling high TPS capabilities. Coupling scalability with privacy will offer a tangible world currency solution. While the roadmap differs from Monero, any compatible developments in Masari will be shared upstream, such as this pull request implementing one of the best difficulty algorithms in the space.

Readers are welcome to visit the Masari Github to see activity by the development team of Masari and click-through to other projects, as well as the home page for the public roadmap.

Where is the whitepaper?

The foundations are in CryptoNote and RingCT, which are incredible protocol whitepapers with real world use. Masari will propose a Blocktree protocol, and will release a corresponding whitepaper which will identify specifications for on-chain scalability.

Where do you buy or sell Masari at? There are four exchanges that currently trade MSR/BTC:

Trade Ogre - Stocks.Exchange - SouthXchange—Altex.Exchange

Altex.Exchange offers a MSR/XMR pairing. SouthXchange

>> No.9534905

Is it same thing as Bitcoin-Litecoin, but Monero-Masari? Like young brother with more advanced tech, quicker and lighter than parent coin?

>> No.9534921

>LTC is advanced tech

thanks anon, i needed a laugh today

>> No.9534950

BTC Core uses LTC as test network, no? Lightning, swaps?

>> No.9535039

>thinking the "lite" in litecoin has anything to do with "lightning" network

haha, oh wow

>> No.9535083

yes, exactly... fluffypony even acknowledged Masari as a great project that contributes back to Monero.

>> No.9535093

I thought masari was proof of stake.

>> No.9535109

no, it's asic free like Monero and pow. The same algorithm as Monero.

>> No.9535152

Huh. Weird. Not to FUD I am already interested in Masari, I'm just juggling so many other options that I must have confused Masari with PoS. Thank for clarification.

>> No.9535198


I like sumo's CN-Heavy better. their algo doesn't require hard fork every 6 months to stay ASIC resistant.

Also isnt uncle Mining years away from being implemented. iirc the dev said paper on uncle mining won't come out this year, and writing code for it will take another.

>> No.9535225

uncle mining will be the reason why this coin will skyrocket soon... it should be soon... MASARI has a legendary known developer behind it.

>> No.9535330

whitepaper is for a different advancement :), but not uncle mining, that should be soon.

>> No.9535343


Uncle Mining is Year's away from being implemented. If monero couldn't do it, masari wont either.

write paper- 6 months.
peer review it- 3 months.
write code -1 year.
code audit- 6 months.

good luck carrying those bags.

>> No.9535350

>not mining xtl instead

>> No.9535399

>that should be soon.

sand nigger dev said it will take a year to write the paper ? you got proof for your claims ?

>> No.9535464

ITT: people pretending they understand blockchain tech

>> No.9536109

No, Aeon is Monero's Litecoin.