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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9524797 No.9524797 [Reply] [Original]

I prepared for my MBA with all my soul
Got a very good score (top 5000 rank) but the fuckers rejected me during interview for no reason
I had also left my job
Now I stay at my home all day long
No friend circle, No one to talk to
I do not think I can get the same score again
I give up

>> No.9524805

Ask God to enter your heart. Pray you want to want to believe. He will come.

>> No.9524811

Don't anon. There are so many better things to do.

Now you're free to do fucking anything.

>> No.9524822
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good luck anon

>> No.9524852

can i have your coins?

>> No.9524857

Just make sure you do it properly. I tried last year and ended up in a mental hospital for like six months, and everyone now knows I am a suicidal loser.

>> No.9524865

I'm basically in the same boat, the loneliness is really killing me

>> No.9524877

Find out what's most important in life, watch

>> No.9524895
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There is a saying or a motto my dad used to tell me when i was little " when you have no target, everything becomes a target" which basically translates to.. you are not confined to 1 particular path or goal, the whole world is your playground now. Sp just swing your shit in any direction and it will stick to something or other.

Maybe you end up becoming a DJ or a TOP CHEF or a CRYPTO MASTER TRADER.. or who knows you could become all 3 in 1 and none of it has anything to do with your MBA. point is you are free like the Genie at the end of the movie. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO.

>> No.9524900
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>He couldnt even kill himself properly

This is every girl who read about you on facebook

>> No.9524904

do you guys want to start a discord group or something? Looking to make legit friends, in the same boat

>> No.9524963

Yes.. i would love to

>> No.9524967

I feel like I am drowning
I already tried being an entrepreneur , we used to deliver healthy gym meals and I failed at it
This time I wanted to get in an MBA and make a good platform and then maybe later have a business
Getting more depressed as I think of it

>> No.9524991

that's the worst thing you could do. Losers banding together and enabling each other only leads to more misery even though at first it might seem as relief.

>> No.9525031

I took concerta for 1 whole and all I did was study
I seriously do not want to take that thing again man

>> No.9525042

Sorry you weren't accepted. Affirmative action says you may be better than Tyrone but he still gets your spot. You have to be the best you can't be 3rd place and get the 3rd slot anymore.

Affirmative action is robbing Peter to pay Jamaal.

>> No.9525050

Do not go gentle into that light rage rage against something atleast

>> No.9525051

Hang in there bud.. i know the feels. i have made a lot of online friends (not here though) who have been such great support and quite frankly they keep me going. idk how contacting anons works here but you can always talk to me and i will be your friend in good, bad and ugly times too.

>> No.9525113

How about transforming that feeling into rage at the libtard marxist government who make policies and little changes here and there to make good men like you depressed kill themselves?

>> No.9525118


>> No.9525128

On the plus side I made 200k from 1k in 8 months
in crypto
But fucking 30% tax

>> No.9525166

> Good at crypto
> Needs a job
Anon I have an idea...

>> No.9525172

bro how long will i keep on making from crypto
its not a forever thing

>> No.9525198

Only faggot's kill themselves, don't be a faggot anon, it's not the end of the world, man up, you're free to do what ever you want, also think of your family and the impact your death would have, if for anything else then saving them that heartbreak, don't do it, good luck anon.

>> No.9525214

Use some of your profits from crypto, and diversify into rental properties

>> No.9525227

how do you predict the future?

>> No.9525330
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>privileged whitey plays the victim game

>> No.9525370

>has made $200k from crypto
>wants to kys
Fuck you. I'm stuck in a small country with normie parents and normie friends and my measly 13.5k link and 1.2k VEN stacks waiting for them to reach $100k total so I could gtfo of this place and get some privacy. Only thing I like is lifting and I can only do it 3 times a week.

>> No.9525416
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Don't let some narrow definition of the world define you... "I must be an MBA student"
Who gives a fuck. Life is short, it's not about how much you earn or any of that materialistic stuff.
Maybe you meet your new best friend tomorrow while you are ordering a coffee. It seems unlikely but so were the infinitely small odds that you are alive, and yet here you are.

If the defined path of your life changes, embrace it. Maybe it's for the best.

>> No.9525499

it works for scientology

>> No.9525514

nice try, dima.

>> No.9525594

tf is dima

>> No.9525607

You just made up the "my dad used to tell me" part didn't you.

>> No.9525623
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fuck off OP, there's a "i'm going to kill myself" thread every single day. welcome to life, welcome to /biz/. either do it and get it over with, or have the balls to move on. are you going to give up, or will you SACK UP and figure out something else to do.

p.s. MBA is the gayest degree. you're better off getting a JD/MBA combined, better deal. dumbfuck. consider this a godsend that you get another chance at going for JD/MBA.

go get a fucking CPA or tax EA cert if you are so lost and need to wagecuck for high $$$ in the finance/biz field. you weaknigger. i bet you're not even white. a true white man wouldn't feel such despair.

>> No.9526041

>privileged whitey
kys, he made his own luck you victim mentality basketball nigger

>> No.9526469
File: 170 KB, 640x339, hbt stocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gud that you don't have friends, you don't need them, just go and buy HBT and get rich than you can buy friends
hbt is still selling around ico price

>> No.9526551

yawn, another underage faggot comes to waste /biz/ with his whining. we all know you're not doing shit, pussy. now kindly fuck off back to whatever cesspool

>> No.9526790

Pretty comfy here sitting on my 33000 HBT.

>> No.9527018

hahahahha.. i wish but he did tell me that.. i wasnt good at sports or arts or anything and mediocre in studies too.. so he always used to encourage me to try anything and everything.. which led to, me winning a 2nd prize in a eat-o-mania competition.. as a skinny underwight malnourished kid, the odds were completely against me. but the results shocked everyone including me.. since then i just do whatever i feel like. trying my hands on html to photoshop to rollerskates to blog.. didmt have sucess km any of those but i still enjoy them. lofe isnt boring or monotonous anymore. #truestory

>> No.9527040

If that was all that was necessary to kill you go ahead OP and do it.
You were weak anyway. I would kill for a life in which the only problem is work.

>> No.9527313

you came off as incel, they were afraid of another school shooting

>> No.9527324

lol, I quit a prestigious business school 2 years ago cause I realized I don't wanna be a wagecuck for eternity.

>> No.9527985

>it's the fault of the system if I can't succeed
>affirmative action is oppressive against whites
>I'm victim of structural domination REEEEEEEEE
the absolute state of white supremacists

>> No.9528032


>privileged whitey

Across the board, whites account for ~10% of all peoples living beneath the poverty line in each state. When adjusted for population, it means that roughly more white people live in poverty than any other group.

You can fuck off with your fairy tales now.

>> No.9529033

Vaginas attempt suicide at rates 4x higher than men. They fail because vaginas do not own guns and use girl-methods of suicide, like trying to overdose on Flintstone Chewables.

Women are too stupid to even kill themselves right by a vastly larger margin, vagina.

>> No.9529265

>Affirmative action isn't institutionalized racism!! It's totally fair because slavuree!!
>If you call out affirmative action you are a white supremacist
>Haha what's the matter, can't compete now that it's a level playing field, whitey?
*Is given a job despite not being the most qualified*
Not sure what I'm doing here.
Don't even bother trying to argue with a shitskin. They've been handed what they have and lack the mental capacity to reason.

>> No.9529297

that's not even an argument lmfao you just said white supremacist then pretended like affirmative action doesn't take jobs from more qualified and hand it to less qualifed due to shit skin colour.

>> No.9529309


Sounds like someone needs to bootstrap their impoverished ass.

>> No.9529316

Do it already then faggot