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9504310 No.9504310 [Reply] [Original]


Google's selfish ledger. Watch the video.
Using a ledger/blockchain and watching actions and reactions, Google is convinced that they will not only start to understand humanity, but be able to direct it.
What are the implications of this?

>> No.9504330
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>bog king of the hill
>not "king of the bog"
you had one fucking job, anon

>> No.9504348

watch the god damn video. it's interesting.
you're right tho

>> No.9504478

Not sure if I entirely understand it, I get the gene theory, I'm familiar with that. But at what point will they be able to direct humanity? I'm having a bit of a mental gap here.

>> No.9504604

I'm only halfway through but I like the gene theory and have heard it before. Google is suggesting I think that with everyones information theyll get better at predicting human behavior and then better at directing humans to help them more easily towards certain things.

>> No.9504646

Precisely. With generational data, and having the ability to directly influence humanity through the google platform(which they already do), they will eventually be able to direct where they want to steer humanity.
In theory it's interesting, if that power doesn't corrupt of course.

>> No.9504674

Hm.. yeah it has its upside and downside, raises some ethical questions aswell (human experience, meaning of being human etc) I personally would not want this.

>> No.9504679

This kind of system is likely already in effect imo
It's positive spin to make it palatable to the masses.

>> No.9504682

>implying the genius level google research teams would choose blockchain for an internal application which won't require trustless interactions

>> No.9504709

Btw I think with ledger they don't mean blockchain, I think they just mean a store of data. Like our genes are compared to being a ledger aswell and we its custodians.

>> No.9504730

That's a good point. Think about the articles that are recommended to you. Directed ads. I think this is taking it a step further though.

>> No.9504821

It's basically the same thing just scaled and with additional parameters.

>> No.9504949

Google - or someone with access to their platform - has already spawned a hyperintelligent AI without them realizing it lol.

Their mistake is to assume, that a real AI would in any way be similar to human thinking/communicating.

>> No.9504981

Deepbrainchain has claimed they can control AI of any complexity on their platform. Whether this better or worse than free thinking advanced AI, I am unsure.

>> No.9505150

essentially holochain but mandatory to put everything you do into your profile