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9494634 No.9494634 [Reply] [Original]

Do you tell your family members how much you have?

>> No.9494731



>> No.9494756

Absolutely not... they stop giving you xmas and birthday $$ too...

>> No.9494775
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>> No.9494777

Anyone dumb enough to tell people they know personally about their crypto gains, deserves every bad thing that happens after that
And bad things most certainly WILL happen

>> No.9494854

Trips of truth.

>> No.9494874

>bad things will happen to you if you become a famous artist/investor/actor/entrepeneur/programmer/ceo/athlete

It's the same fucking concept. People will hound you for shit. That doesn't mean you can't let certain people into your life. Man is not an island.

>> No.9494912

I used to tell family more, but I made the mistake of telling them my peak in January. Then they think I'm an idiot for not selling it all. Having other people judge your trading decisions make's it harder to make calm and rational decisions, at least for me. So now I keep it on the down low. I'll tell them when I cash it all out finally.

>> No.9494919

the amount of entitlement...
are you people fucking kidding me?

>> No.9494923
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I only tell them about my losses

>because I only have losses

>> No.9494926

I unironically used some crypto gains for mothers day margarita dinner
Anon is a jew that hates his mom

>> No.9494940

there is a difference between making your money, and coming into money
crypto wealth is exclusively the latter
if you did not work for your money you don't know how to build professional and private relationships, since you skipped the critical phases of personal growth, and this leaves one vulnerable to being approached by scum
becoming a millionaire or multi millionaire but not being in the 'circle' of other wealthy individuals is a difficult place to be, because you will never have their respect unless you build something with your money, and you will never ever be able to blend into peasants ever again unless you put it away and forget about it (hard but possible)

>> No.9494943

>Man is not an island.
The Isle of Man would like to have a word with you.

>> No.9494970

Brain 12% smaller, no grey cells. First they 'feel' what is right, then try to rationalize it using our logic in a broken way. If women spoke their own language and not one invented by men, their true nature would become much clearer. Unfortunately, they are entirely unable to invent something new or make changes to their surrounding.

>> No.9494979

I don't think OP said anything against being generous, to take your example he's just asking if you'd simply say "happy mothers day" or "TRON PAID FOR THIS MARGARITA, MOM".

>> No.9495428

I feel that as long as you dont openly broadcast it you can still tell people you care about that you have become successful.

>> No.9495593

I came into money through stepparents.
But im doing things with it.
Is it fair that i got shitted on and abused when i tried to make relationships and build circles when they didnt know who i was? Do i have a legit reason to not "work" when i already see the path if not being able to fit in with others who grew up the same?
31 and sort of neet. So i was fucked either way. Doing something with wealth thats not really mine is the path ive chosen. Just wish i had a social life, havent felt any true relation with people since elementary school.

>> No.9495667
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>I feel like this is OUR money because I have been with him for 8 years
>He pays for everything and doesn't deny me anything

>Should I take him to court? I'm entitled to his money that he worked hard for all his life and denied himself of luxuries too

I... I mean everything has been said already about women on these boards. But why does it still hurt so much reading this utter shit?

>> No.9495723

He deserves it. He got complacent. Didn't treat his roastie like an enemy spy. Never never never reveal your power level.

>> No.9495922
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the lucky trips of wisdom have spoken

>> No.9496036

Told my parents to buy BTC they did. Got 11 for $110 each, and they know about the 63 I have, and my brother got 4. So we all know.

>> No.9496152

you just blew my mind

>> No.9496232


I have one friend that knows I have some crypto and I know he has some because we discuss the market and stuff from time to time.

I just downplay the amount I have and always say I have "a little bit of crypto". I'd never tell anyone how much I actually have or boast about mad gains

>> No.9496239

Yes and a couple of close friends. Parents are supportive, would definitely let me quit job to mooch from them to gamble shitcoins full time. With my friends we already competed on salary so it's no different.

>> No.9496955

Never told anything to anyone but people online I've never met and will never meet.

>> No.9497011
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things get a lot harder. Minecraft creator have been open about this. all he does is sit at home staring at the screen, waiting for his friends to stop their workdays. he cant meet women or new people because he cant know if they just are interested in his money

bottom line is it's always best to try to keep it quiet about your money as much as possible. unless you like the idea of plastic people around you, meaning you probably are plastic yourself

>> No.9497024
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unless you actually think God will throw you into hell because of children outside of marriage you don't need to do it. if she wants a ceremony fine, just as long as nothing legal comes out of it.

>> No.9497045

never actually thought that their brains are physically smaller. now i need to start looking at how large skull girls have.

also, no gray cells...?

>> No.9497089
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Im not tellung anyone because all ibe done so far is lose money

>> No.9497096
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>> No.9497142

Only my parents know that I trade btc and sometimes shitcoins. However, they also know that they should under no circumstances talk about that with other people. They don't talk about their finances with other people besides me and I'm confident that I can trust them.
I think my gf suspects (or knows?) that I own or trade crypto, but I have never talked with her about that. Judging from her familiy, she won't need any of my gains and I'm also sure that she won't talk about it.
I'm pretty comfortable with my situation.

>> No.9497154

It's legal as soon as you're living together for more than a year. You are de facto married. Holding assets in a shell company and savings in Monero is the only defence.

>> No.9497168

According to women logic, 1250 x 12 x 8.5 = half of 4.8 million

Must be nice to be this bad at math yet still get good jobs because of diversity quotas

>> No.9497210

no one knows about my 4 btc and ide doubt theyd give a shit anyway

>> No.9497219

Well good thing I wasn't going to get married anyway.

>> No.9497281

Tried shilling it to them in 2015 and they didn't listen. Tried to downplay my involvement when they started asking me about it last year. I now view them as active threats more than friends. If they were real friends they would have listened.

>> No.9497635
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cool. i also read that after a pregnancy a woman loses even more gray mass that she doesnt get back for several years.

>> No.9497742

Follow up question? Does anyone even mention that they're involved In crypto to their family?

>> No.9498513
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my parents know exactly how much i have in crypto. unless they have forgot again. my sister only know i have some bitcoin cash but not how much.