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File: 64 KB, 751x712, Sergey-Nazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9468001 No.9468001 [Reply] [Original]

So you guys actually think a philosophy major can solve the Oracle problem? It all seems so absurd to me. He raised 30M dollars for what? We see nothing at all. We don't even know if they have an office. Almost everyone works for home. Rory does this part time, the devs are also not fulltime on Chainlink. So what is Sergey doing? I just don't get it. Imagine Elon Musk went off the radar for 8 months. Or even any series A funded startup CEO. Yet this Sergey guy is still gone for months.

I honestly don't buy it and yet you guys have so much faith in this. I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.9468045

>Almost everyone works for home
Decentralized workplace

>> No.9468055

Why raep Sergey ???
Why raep ??
No liek raep Sergey ..
Pls no more raep..

>> No.9468069

This philosophy major provides the fresh eyes we need to solve this ancient computer problem.

>> No.9468078

I pretty much gave up. Too many competitors now. Sold 10k at 6200 sats

>> No.9468089

>He raised 30M dollars for what?
He used this to pay a pajeet group to create some idiot memes.

>> No.9468092

hes eaten it all

>> No.9468105

>Let me just spew a bunch of shit I heard on biz the post
>I don't realize that Elon Musk is overrated as fuck
>"I can't put my finger on it"
Good. Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.9468130
File: 102 KB, 733x464, 1525266336247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Competition is good
t. Rory

>> No.9468135

he already did, and it's called chainlink
the fact of the matter is your are either a bag holder yourself and you are larping or you are actually stupid enough to have fallen for the memes and you are going to miss the biggest bull run in human history.
your uninspired FUD attempt dose nothing, either get on the train or fuck off

>> No.9468162
File: 65 KB, 800x803, 1525116761939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so hard we will blow any competition
t. No product yet

>> No.9468176

Well ChainLink is a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because decentralized oracles are useless in practice:

>> No.9468197
File: 102 KB, 500x574, 1522522594015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of autist neets went all in on this. Sergey has to deliver, or it will be a bloodbath. Will be interesting to follow desu

>> No.9468219

$1000 EOY.

>> No.9468225

I will kill myself in the most spectacular fashion. Look out for the news on 18 25 19 27 57.

>> No.9468231
File: 51 KB, 394x453, 1525556424241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our product™ is so good it will speak for itself, no need to advert
t. Chain is not our side product™

>> No.9468240

can someone confirm this? is this quality FUD or is it actually true?

>> No.9468257

More obvious it may not get it, let him eat off those brainlets anon.

>> No.9468298

>can someone confirm this? is this quality FUD or is it actually true?
Are you not provided of a brain? Click the link and check yourself. It's true.

>> No.9468316

Why did he slap?!

>> No.9468333

The rumor is true

>> No.9468340

It's pasta, check on warosu, I don't want to go over it again.

>> No.9468361


Don't worry, frens. We are the good timeline, where Sergey delivers. In the Hillary timeline Sergey was killed in Rusia two months ago, that's why some people remember it today.

>> No.9468444
File: 222 KB, 750x1334, DA98F57E-DF78-4105-8608-7598BB6F7592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality FUD, last time I am helping an ANON. Last commit was 3 years ago.

>> No.9468452

>Last commit was 3 years ago.
that's exactly the point, brainlet.

>> No.9468474

Oh no, a project that is not being worked on is gonna beat chainlink

>> No.9468498


>> No.9468551

You fucking idiot, the point is that ChainLink has no future. No one ever used Orisi because decentralized oracles are useless in practice, and we know this since YEARS. Sergay is copying such an old FAILURE and you are still throwing your money to him. You are paying the whores sucking his cock every night. Congrats, dude.

>> No.9468587

>He raised 30M dollars for what?

Literally Bigmacs

>> No.9468588

There is barely no code in that thing compared to what they do. Stop spreading FUD shitfag

>> No.9468647

Capping this for your eventual suicide. Going to print this on your funeral invitations as well.

>> No.9468681

Comp. Engineer/Comp. Sci double major here.
Philosophy majors in my college are actually required to undertake a few EECS classes to furfill their major requirement. When it comes down to it, all coding is just fancy "if then" statements.

>> No.9468710

you idiot 3 years ago first smart contract platform ethereum was a meme, of course it had no use back then. It barely has any use now cuz all potential industries are full of boomers

>> No.9468770

>Capping this for your eventual suicide. Going to print this on your funeral invitations as well.
Fag, LINK is 15% of my portfolio

>> No.9468829

capping this for your suicide

>> No.9469258

people underestimate the amount of soft skills a software engineer needs to have

>> No.9469274

>so you guys actually think a patent clerk can develop the special theory of relativity?

>> No.9469898
File: 101 KB, 600x874, A1042B2D-E0AE-4445-A417-C6F0BBB3CFA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9469904

criminally underrated post

>> No.9469933

Trump will solve oracle problem.

>> No.9469980
File: 70 KB, 353x334, 1512077476131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I came to the realisation that perfectly legitimate criticisms of LINK are turned into pasta by stinkies as a coping mechanism

Holy fuck. Linkies delusion is actually crazy lmao, I didn't even realise how deep they had gone.

>> No.9469984

Philosophy has solved many problems. Do you think philosophy is just saying whatever you feel like? No, in fact it gave origin to science. Sergey will be the Socrates of our age. He will be the one who will link philosophy with blockchain. That's why it's called chainlink

>> No.9470003
File: 1.22 MB, 360x202, AB383E46-0382-45A6-85C8-DE2777AC59F9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 EOY, globalist.

>> No.9470660

>philosophy major

Literally all you need to know not to invest.

Brb lead dev can't even read a js for loop but went ahead and created a cryptocurrency. Totally not a scam guize.

>> No.9470746

>implying us treasury and govt will back chainlink?

>> No.9470824

Why do people call him Sergey? His actual name is Aleksey.


>> No.9470840

Start at current time didn't work, skip to 1:14

>> No.9470929

30m of eth raised at $300 a pop
2/3rds of tokens in their hands
originally a two man team, only started to hire couple contractors like 6 months after ico
next to no communication
renting office space in a dry cleaners
registered in the cayman islands

seems they have done very little for the project with the 30m worth of $300 eth
too many red flags for me. but newbies who are new to investing are too scrub to care about the basics, they only gobble down muh tech and bs rumors/larps.

>> No.9471690
File: 121 KB, 903x629, ser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh sergey is a nobody FUD

Reality is he is already a made man. ain't his first time creating hundred million dollar business.

>> No.9471802
