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File: 102 KB, 621x829, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
946650 No.946650 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ so anti Bitcoin?
It gained over 30% in under a month, can your stocks even comes close?

Drop the contrarian attitude and get in now.

Everyone should own at least 1btc, thank me later.

>> No.946660

>muh buttcoin

Enjoy trying to 'cash out' the imaginary good of yours

>> No.946662

Many exchanges are FDIC insured and regulated like banks.

Stop putting obstacles on your own path.

>> No.946666
File: 349 KB, 1604x1204, btc lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, but what's funny is you don't even need to cash out. You can buy a lambo directly with Bitcoin.

>> No.946687

Thing is, 1btc is cheaper than 1 share of google. Yet the potential for btc to triple its value is a lot better than google stocks tripping.

Risk wise, Google is not invincible. Look at Alta Vista, Yahoo, AOL, all huge companies that collapsed overnight.

>> No.946869

More people have lost their ass on Bitcoin than the few hundred or so that got lucky in the early days and became millionaires. Thats why you shills are always out in force. You are trying (valiantly but unsuccessfully) to make back your losses. Every time Bitcoin even rises a small percentage of its former glory, you spam 4chan with bullshit. Im not sure why you think people forget how much Bitcoin value has been BTFO. If it were a stock in the S&P 500 it would easily be the worst performing stock we have seen the last couple years. Really not a great idea to compare it to Google stock which has done phenomenally.

>> No.946876

I am net positive a month ago, now I gained nearly double.

Not shilling, I buy Bitcoin and gold and silver as long term assets, not short term gains.

>> No.946880

I don't see how you could be net positive unless you have had Bitcoin for a very short amount of time or an incredibly long. If you have been holding for that long, then you are one of the lucky ones that knew about Bitcoin before it bubbled.

>> No.946883

>>>/intrinsic value/

>> No.946885

more like one dumb fuck for not selling over 1k

>> No.946886
File: 63 KB, 365x450, laughing 1984 author.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I buy Bitcoin and gold and silver as long term assets
>crookcurrency and muh inflation hedges
>"long term assets"

no wonder you don't want to make any money lmfao.

>> No.946891
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You're comparing a commodity that has a track record as a store of wealth for thousands and thousands of years to a purely digital holding that didn't exist a decade ago.

>Not shilling

>> No.946899

I buy shit off amazon and newegg with my bitcoin all the time

>> No.946904

>Bought in at 220$
>380$ now

>> No.946907

That's what people say to those who buys tech stocks.

>> No.946922


I know, it's hard to dispute something that's factually accurate. Nice try.

>> No.946942
File: 151 KB, 1686x1218, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's factual is, Bitcoin is rising and there's no sign it's stopping anytime soon.

>> No.946945

remember that time it was worth 1k and now its worth a third of what it was?

Bitcoin shills are a cancer on biz

>> No.946946

You managed to guess the bottom and buy in at almost the exact lowest price it has been in almost 2 years? Damn bro, I am in awe. Too bad the majority of Bitcoiners don't have your uncanny predictive skills, huh?

>> No.946947

That was MtGox, not due to natural factors.

>Chinese buying in to escape capital controls
>Major publications paying attention
>EU relaxing VAT on BTC
>More adopters and businesses using Bitcoin
>Increasing transactions YOY

>> No.946948

Not guess, I diversify my FIAT into various assets. I got lucky I guess. But even at 380$ now, it's a bargain.

>> No.946952

Why do you capitalize fiat? But yea buddy, you sure got lucky and dodged a bullet there. A lot of bitcoiners weren't as fortunate and are still seriously in the red even at the recently inflated $380 price. More than would care to admit, at least. Don't worry, I believe you weren't one of those. You would have nothing to gain by lying on the internet.

>> No.946954
File: 26 KB, 490x223, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$20k buys your grandparents house.
Now the same amount of money can't even fucking get you a properly loaded Honda Civic.

Keep growing that dollar senpai.

>> No.946957

Brilliant. Did you come up with that example on your own? I didn't understand how inflation works before but now you have opened my eyes.

>> No.946959
File: 42 KB, 480x376, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now look at the dollar value chart, compare it with wages growth chart.

You make basically the same amount of money in 40 years, and that money is worth less than 10% what it used to be.

No wonder most of our parents and grandparents can afford to buy homes and cars with just one income household huh?

>> No.946960

I'm here giving suggestions, how about you give us your superior insights?

>> No.946961

My eyes are not that good but doesn't it say "adjusted for inflation" at the bottom of the chart? Must be a typo. You seem like a reasonably intelligent individual so I don't think you would miss something as simple as that.

>> No.946963

I am just here taking it in. You seem to have this all figured out.

>> No.946969

Consumer prices do not adjust for inflation. A gallon of milk or a new car or a college education do not cost the exact same percentage of total income as they did 40 years ago.

>> No.946972

Really? Let's start with milk. Honestly it's not that fair to use this as an example though because the farming system has had a ton of technological and logistical advances in the last 100 years. But still.... you are right. A gallon of milk costs less.

>> No.946973
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>> No.946975
File: 69 KB, 486x350, carprices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is car prices in the last 100 years. Source: energy.gov if you would like to know

>> No.946979

Hey how about you share your tips with us on how to grow or manage wealth?

>> No.946985

Why does it matter if I give you a tip on how to grow wealth? Since fiat currency is basically worthless anyways, right? 100 years ago we used to be able to buy a lot of stuff and now we can't buy as much stuff. I, for one, am outraged at how much quality of life has deteriorated. I am sure that Bitcoins will be worth the exact same amount that they are worth now in 100 years in purchasing power. OR more! What if each one was worth a million each and everyone who had the foresight to buy a bitcoin now was the new rockefellers and rothschilds in the new era?! What is the FBI even thinking in selling the SR bust proceeds? If I were the government I would be hoarding those bad boys.

>> No.946988

The cost of a car has increased by more than 67% since the post war boom, and the price was stable until the mid 80's. Incidentally right around the time when the current generation of underemployed student loan debtors was born.

The scale implies some relative consistency but it only shows $25k-40k for the anomalous period when cars were new technology.

Fox News tier graph.

>> No.946990

Pffff.. simple. I put my life savings in bitcoin when it was at $850 per. Now it's at less than $400.

Like all wise investments, it's been a bumpy road. I defaulted on my mortgage, my car was repossessed, my wife left me with the kids and I live in a one bedroom efficiency within walking distance of my job at burger king. But some day, some day I'll be a millionaire when it takes off again. That's what keeps me going every day as an intelligent 38 year old recently divorced single man, with a plan.

I mean, something that has lost over 50% of it's value in a year and has limited utility will surely go to the moon once it rebounds, right? It makes me feel better when I see people saying positive things about it on an anonymous japanese image board. It puts that sparkle back in my eye, ya know? You're doing gods work here friend.

Keep it up!

Until then, I'll keep asking 'would you like cheese on that?'

>> No.946992

True. Although the price of cars are actually less than they were a century ago, I attribute those periods where car makers increased prices to the failing dollar. There is a direct correlation between car prices and how worthless our currency is becoming. I can't think of any other factors that might affect the price of automobiles. I like the way you think.

>> No.946996

$378 now. It gained another 5% since I started the post a little over an hour ago.

Pessimists, conservative, "hurr durr I am right you are wrong", sourpuss BTFO


>> No.946998

MILK? YOUR ARGUMENT IS MILK? I feel sorry for you here.

Try property values senpai.

>> No.947000

Bitcoin still has a way to go,I live in the U.K. and there doesn't seem to be a way to buy coins without jumping through a few hoops.

>> No.947006

You actually got a giggle out of me. Milk was never my argument bud. Reread those posts again lol.

>Try property values
I am a little on the dense side but wouldn't the housing bubble skew those numbers a tad bit? All kidding aside, I agree with you that owning (stable) assets is a good hedge against inflation. Average property investment for the last century has performed very well.

>> No.947009

Checked dem trips.

Well, once it's at that stage, you won't be able to afford it anymore.

>> No.947013

Milk, cars, doesn't matter.

What matters is now, hardly anyone can afford a house with a normal, non-IT job with a single income without their parents help or taking out jumbo loans that takes 30-50 years to pay off.

It used to be most anyone with a blue collar jobs can get a new car and a new single family home in a nice suburb only after working a few years.

Now, you have to die in your job and can't even saved enough for a down payment on a decent house.

>> No.947016
File: 11 KB, 1045x502, earnings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk, cars, doesn't matter
But that's the thing. It really does matter. Basic goods and services have not really increased in price in relation to income. That is exactly how inflation works. The things he mentioned like milk and cars actually cost LESS than they did 100 years ago because of advances in technology and transportation. There are some exceptions to the rule like houses which cost more because of the rate that banks were pumping out loans to people who couldn't afford them. The housing market is STILL bubbled. It doesn't mean that people are making less money, it means that there is more demand for houses. You can't just cherrypick one index and use it as a basis for why people shouldn't use fiat. Inflation is healthy and natural in any economy.

>> No.947019

Lol watafuck are you on about mate? Local bitcoins domestic bank transfer. Takes minutes.

>> No.947020

Exactly! Bitcoins (like you said being similar to gold and silver) are the answer to that. Easy. E-Z. Get in while it's hot I say. Everyone else needs to be like Warren Buffett. Load that elephant gun with every dime you have and pull the trigger bitcoin style.

Good thing my car was repossessed, I can't use bitcoins to make the payment or for repairs on it or gasoline. Also a good thing I go to a local soup kitchen for the homeless to eat, I can't pay for groceries with them either. I'm all set on the electricity front, I just run an extension cord from my apartment buildings utility closet since I can't pay the bill with bitcoins. It's whatever, ya know? Oh and thank god for unprotected wireless internet too, I wouldn't be able to pay for that bill with bitcoins either. Heat is no problem. I just burn all the investing 101 books that weren't worth reading since I've got the formula now.

I can feel it. I'm locked in at $850 ready for lift off. This rocket is set to blast off any day now. All we need is a few more threads about it to get the chatter going. Get people pumped. Pump it up, huge like a gigantic balloon of unlimited digital wealth.

I remember when I was younger, my mom always said I was a risk taker and some day I'd get it right. Thankfully she still does my laundry, the machines don't take bitcoins.

>> No.947023

The amount of bitterness reminds me of my last HS reunion.


>> No.947024
File: 79 KB, 746x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This salty

>> No.947029


It's /biz/. The other thing bitter is my coffee, I microwaved it too long. We'll get there guys. 30 threads a day keeps rock bottom away.

>> No.947049

Suit yourself, if you don't want in, then stop posting in the thread.

Hey look! It's at $380 now.

>> No.947050

>It gained over 30% in under a month

Yeah but it dropped 80% before that.

>> No.947082

inflation is a measure of purchasing power you fucking idiot

>> No.947132


Will it go down again

>> No.947133
File: 44 KB, 975x644, BitcoinRainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've had MONTHS to buy Bitcoin at 200-250 BTC. We've been saying how you fucking nocoiner retards still are on denial but you wouldn't listen. Now suffer.

Watch Bitcoin outdo the banking infraestructure in under 2 minutes:


If you still CAN'T see the insane potential of the thing you simply have no hope.

>> No.947134


The reason that it moved %30 in a month and its past behavior is precisely why I'm staying away from it.

>> No.947135

Before that is due to fraud.

>> No.947138
File: 143 KB, 1674x878, TheInevitableBitcoinRise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking LOL.

>> No.947139
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$390. Nice, I think these guys are too into "muh Robinhood", "muh STEM major".

>> No.947140

Not him but I wanted to buy in early October but wanted to wait for a new laptop to come in.

>> No.947141

Holyshit. GMTA.

>> No.947153

>hey guies btc went up 30% month do date!
>best thing ever guies

Yeah, after falling 80%, cool.

>It gained over 30% in under a month, can your stocks even comes close?
Yes, lol. If you take some dumb risks that is possible. Especially in penny stocks, I've done it.

Comparing a currency to equity isn't doing you any good here OP.

This, >>946891

Regardless of BTC's performance, this guy is a moron.
inb4 Ad hominem.

>> No.947612
File: 292 KB, 799x1201, warrenfailet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone needs to be like a deprecated dinosaur that doesn't understand anything

Muhh check, ROFL.

>> No.947617

Picture saved to laugh at you when we cross 1K again.

>> No.947661

dawg. I'm not bashing bitcoin. I'm bashing the arguments some of the people shilling use to shill. That's it. They're acting like they're pushing any other crypto.
I actually own some BTC. What is said here will have no effect on the long term development if BTC is truly a game changer.

>> No.947674

Its just the fact that there is no government behind it and it's very volatile. Many stocks have gone up like that as well like yougov plc and murk and development corp and finally to a lesser extent Apple

>> No.947676

Holy shit, this crash! kek!

>> No.947687 [DELETED] 

looking for very generous person to loan me $40 until next friday. started new job and have no money for gas/food until that date. will pay back via paypal wicked_rob_10@hotmail.com

>> No.947693

Suck 40 dicks @$1

>> No.947705

That's just about the stupidest reason you could have against Bitcoin

>comparing Bitcoin to a stock
Bitcoin is open infrastructure. It's like owning a piece of the internet itself. (as opposed to say, owning a piece of a single Internet company like Google).

>> No.947833
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, 1446431007521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like owning a piece of the internet itself.

>> No.947888

My break even is at 450, I'll sell five or so around there just to lower my holdings. The rise has been nice.

He is right, it's just that it may at some point be a piece of the internet that has no/little infrastructure and nobody gives a shit about it.

>> No.947896

>TFW I can tell you're the same butthurt nocoin faggot from the other thread/threads
Nobody takes what you say seriously, its obvious you are projecting from your own experiences in other markets.

>> No.947908


>> No.947912

If you don't have 21 bitcoins by 2016 then you're fucked, enjoy your fiat and getting shafted by life

>> No.947916
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There's no brakes on this train!!!


>> No.947948

Hi Guys, I'm new here and I don't know how does it really works, I would like to know how much dollars a bitcoin costs, and how do i can buy some of them, I know you're the kind of people I want to learn from, I'll really appreciate if someone reply.

>> No.947954

A shame peggy cashed out and bought Monero.

>> No.947992
File: 41 KB, 745x423, biz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks bought max 2 months ago. Might not be 30% a month but no way as risky as bitcoins

>> No.947998

Google and be prepare to spend a few days reading and learning.

>> No.948000

Then stay in stocks, it's what works for you,

>> No.948002


See >>947998, I've been on and off lurking and reading for a month now. It looks intimidating at first and some sites might worry you about security but just educate yourself.

Personally I think my plan now is what for a crash and hope for best next time. Unless it stabilizes high in which case I'll just hold my pillow and dream.

>> No.948007

this is not a pump if you ignore the mt.gox willy bot it's going straight upwards

>> No.948013

That's what I'm going to do guys, I use to think that if I just saved my money it would have the same value, now I get how wrong I was, so let's read for the next couple of days all about this, thank you guys.

>> No.948020

Okk mom :^)

>> No.948093


>> No.948101

The shades thrown in this thread, it's fabulous

>> No.948123

Where is a good place to setup buying bitcoins?

First google was coinbase.com?

>> No.948126

where you at?

best is probably localbitcoins (its p2p, so no verifications or other bs)

>> No.948127


>> No.948128

coinbase is pretty good for you I hear

>> No.948130

It's only 42 cents per mB.

Buy them up while they're cheap folks.

>> No.948141

You shouldn't even be allowed post on /biz/ without at least 1btc.

>> No.948148

well just bought my first one

soon as the limit raises i'll get another 9

>> No.948150

I love how all the anti-BTC guys constantly bring up the losses in 2014 as a detractor of the currency.

While it may have tumbled quite a bit in 2014, it also "crashed" to a baseline level roughly in line with the previous all-time high, which is a pretty sweet fucking "crash" if you asked me. Yes, there are people who were stupid and bought in at the peak of the mania, but the people that irrationally buy into bubbles exist in all asset classes and shouldn't be used as a detractor of the currency itself.

Those people getting all caught up on the 2014 drop aren't taking a big enough view of the currency. The thing fucking started as worthless less than 5 years ago and is worth roughly 425 USD now, by any stretch of the imagination that's an incredible ascent. For every bubble prior to 2013, even those who had bought in at the absolute fucking top would be at a profit now, had they simply held onto what they had. I get the feeling 2013 will be no different, we're just not there yet. Literally the exact same words were spoken after the bubble to 30 in 2011, and 266 in april 2013. Both times, people were proven incredibly, exponentially wrong, and my personal believe is that the nov 2013 bubble will be no different. The magnitude of the ascent obviously impacted the magnitude of the descent, and how long it's taken to move past the memories of that, but given time I strongly believe it WILL move past it as it always has.

>I personally hold 10.2 BTC at an average cost of 280 CAD/BTC

>> No.948156

Monero is the way to go bro. Probably not smart to go all in like AP but you should have at least 10% of your crypto holdings in it if you want a shot at serious riches.

>> No.948170

stay away from alts if u r a n00b

>> No.948183

I am by no means recommending alts. Monero is the only alt worth having atm imho.While still holding majority btc of course.

>> No.948189
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>Thing is, 1btc is cheaper than 1 share of google. Yet the potential for btc to triple its value is a lot better than google stocks tripping.
BTC might have that potential, be that as it may, but making a price comparison between one unit each of btc and google stock is fucking humongously retarded. Literally, actually, factually, comparing apples and oranges.

>> No.948191

>bitcoin industry insiders
some reddit post for sure

>> No.948214


>> No.948231

>putting large amounts of money into assets that produce nothing

>> No.948249

What does a currency produces? It's a mean of barter or wealth storage.

Also, 438.

>> No.948588

Well well. I stand corrected, sir. I thought he was behind it. But just the same..

Bump for quality assurance purposes and to maintain a minimum 5 bitcoin shill threads on the front page rofl

>> No.948683
File: 149 KB, 1670x876, NoCoinersOnSuicideWatch500Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nocoiners on serious suicide watch right now.

>> No.948687
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>> No.948983


If that's the case btc could go well over 1k very soon (or could horribly crash at 1 penny)

>> No.948988


The biggest anti-bitcion people are the speculative shills just trying to make money. If they actually wanted bitcoin to work the would be writing business to start accepting it, not shilling to normal people hoping to create a bubble.

>> No.949100

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? I haven't posted here in about 4 months or so. You know why right? Shills got awfully quiet the more Bitcoin continued to drop. Now all the sudden we have a relatively small pump and dump compared to the other ones and you are back with the same old bs. As we speak Bitcoin is already beginning to drop again. That is the nature of cryptos. All of them reach a plateau as the shills get the maximum number of "investors" (suckers) to buy in to the hype and then they crash. The only confusion here is which people are shills and which people are suckers. Protip: the majority of you are suckers.

>> No.949204

You tell yourself that but if you actually compare the prjce of btc vs any major financial news over time , especially panics and this vague "loosening of capital controls" youll find the correlation doesnt hold.

Why didnt its price skyrocket during the chinese stock crash? Or the last run in with greek debt?

>> No.949225

...it did

just not as much as it is now because we were in a bear market.