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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9443538 No.9443538 [Reply] [Original]

I have a 5 year gap on my resume because I did fuck-all in that period. How the fuck am I ever going to get a job when I haven't done shit since 2013?
Is there any field I can study at home so I can be in demand even though I have that gap of 5 years?
Don't say kneepads pls

>> No.9443580

just say you were working with your family

>> No.9443584

What country are you in? Say you took five years out to work with orphans in some shithole country.

>> No.9443591
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>mfw white men are turning into traps with cute boipussies

>> No.9443593
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>> No.9443614

every race is... kike clown world. though niggers have a higher perpensity to be homosexual per capita. not surprised because your impulse control is also lowest among all races.

>> No.9443752

I had the same problem exactly OP. I had been doing casual online work, so I put that on my resume to fill the gap. Get one shit job under your belt and the gap will be pretty much erased

>> No.9444027

Suicide rates are going to be through the roof, I mean absolutely THROUGH the fucking roof. Not only will all these "traps" off themselves when they realize that humans AGE, all the single roasties are now offing themselves at 30 when they realize none of the chads who have been using them for 15 years will marry them, but even the betas and average joe's who they passed up will also turn the other cheek, as the job market shrinks and immigration increases - providing a fresh crop of young girls and traps who will accept money for affection.

We are quite literally witnessing the collapse of our (((civilization))) and what comes out of it will be a forever backwards post modern nightmare on one end, but the white nation-states that emerge out of necessity will be a light on a hill.

>> No.9444089

hopefully white people learn from their mistakes this time

>> No.9444165

This is the first time that modern white man has had to confront the Jewish question with this much skin in the game. They have flooded our countries, built by white mans hands, with parallel societies in order to bolster their voting base, and in the process demoralized white man and stripped him of his heritage. We should be nuking Israel and negotiating repatriation + infrastructure deals with the Middle East and Africa, instead we are emptying civilians pockets to fund blatant replacement immigration - they aren't even trying to hide this. I am just amazed at how the only place you can discuss reality is anime figurine hobbyist bulletin boards.

>> No.9444273

>I am just amazed at how the only place you can discuss reality is anime figurine hobbyist bulletin boards.

Because it's most likely set up as an NSA honeypot to identify potential resistence.

>> No.9444298

Find some place that went out of business and use that

>> No.9444314



>> No.9444327

why is this thread full of nazis

>> No.9444363

Just make some shit up. Work experience means fuck all to how well you can perform a job, everyone that has ever worked and seen others work can tell you this. Employers and normans in general just get really hard up on shit that doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.9444402

where do you think you are?

>> No.9444418

but hiroshimoot owns 4chan, you're saying he is a stooge?

>> No.9444420

>>9444444 pls be linky stinky 1000keoy

>> No.9444467

Linky 1000 eoy

>> No.9444561

Won't they check whether it's true or not? I can't just lie about having had a job for 5 years without them finding out right?

>> No.9444670

Come on. Can you think of any nation that chokes on US cock more than Japan?

>> No.9444970

And they fight back with Waifus, and they are winning.

>> No.9444995

depends on the job honestly. The problem really is that you resume will probably just be thrown out or never looked at anyway.

>> No.9445064

OP, this is such an easy problem that the solution is extremely easy. Say that you were working on your own business (invent one) during those 5 years, and that you finally decided to quit

>> No.9445091

They never check. they NEVER check anything.

>> No.9445178

dude , it's matter of historical record that 4 Chan servers have been hosted by the FBI since 2007-2008


>> No.9445203

Just lie that you had a job this whole time. They never check unless you got some high job.

>> No.9445458

Insurance sales

>> No.9446438


Of course you can. Why not? How would they find out? Hell, hire some pajeet in Fiverr to answer the phone as your previous "manager". Easy shit to fake, lying in job interviews is what everyone does. I'm a senior developer - never even finished high school kek. Nobody checks anything.

>> No.9446464

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.9446808
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>Won't they check whether it's true or not?
oh child