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9419327 No.9419327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

First date with an 8/10 Korean qt I met at a work function (she's seconded at a local startup as part of an investment being made by a large Korean conglomerate). At some point we were talking about hobbies and I let it slip that I trade and invest in crypto. She thought I was joking at first, then started literally laughing aloud at me when she realized I wasn't.

Something about this really shook me; it was like an epiphany. It's really over, isn't it? Crypto is a joke to normies now, even Korean normies. Nobody's buying our bags this time.

>> No.9419335

Send her a picture of your lambo when you make it.

>> No.9419336

they wont be laughing when they see your lambo in 2022

>> No.9419350

Anon, she was laughing because she couldn't believe her luck at snagging one of the future crypto oligarchs. Now you just need to whip out your cock next time you see her for happy times.

>> No.9419361

LARP. first of all if this story was true then she would have shown you THE LOADS of ICX she holds. She would have also laughed at how you know all about Upbit and Bithumb and recent FUD that was made up to literally make you sell low. I call absoLUTE LARP

>> No.9419372

Crpyto was/is bigger in Korea than in the US amd Europe.

A lot of couples broke up and some suicicides occured over losses. I think some Koreans have aeen it as having passed its.prime.

Could also be that she learned of it through something like the Big Bang theory and views it in that light?

>> No.9419377

>investing in crypto
pick one. you couldn't fucking go with playing sports or swimming? the fuck?

>> No.9419400

Who fucking cares what ignorant people think. Look what smart money is doing, brainlet.

>> No.9419457
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normie adoption is not happening, that's obvious at this point, the bet is investing in largest coins - btc, eth, bch, ltc, because they work as gold/store of value so possibly big time investors will put a part of their wealth into it or investing into enterprise coins like ven, but for now we don't know if enterprise coins will even work so it's risky

>> No.9419478

>robot wanted to brag
>it backfires because normies don't believe in magic internet money.
>has epiphany and thinks crypto is over

the absolute state of /biz/ go kill yourself, crypto is here to stay, even if we go sideways for one year, this technology will change our life.

>> No.9419505

Yeah it's over for you. Your level of stupidity means that all your gains were from luck rather than skill. "Investing in crypto" hah. How much stinky did you buy?

>> No.9419512

Normies want to use. They don't think of assets or appreciation, our public schooling sees to that.
Things are becoming usable.

>> No.9419546

I think this is a lot of it. It seemed to me her opinion of crypto was the same kind of opinion someone might have had about, say, beanie babies a few months or so after the craze ended. I'm seeing her again in a few days... I suppose I could ask...

Not bragging. I legitimately thought it'd be a more interesting thing to talk about with her than some of the other things I'm in to. If I really wanted to brag I'd have made up some bullshit then returned to talking about my salary or whatever (inb4 "wagecuck").

Hope you're right.

>> No.9420021

I almost talk about crypo in my last two dates but decided not to in the end.

>> No.9420149

Probably wise. Cute girl, really fun to talk to otherwise... But I think I came very close to ruining it by coming off as a crypto-autist, though. Will downplay it when I meet her again, assuming it comes up (I won't bring it up).

>> No.9420176

Koreans hate crypto because it’s a nip thing and nips fucked them in their sideways cooches Since the dawn of time. Don’t worry lad find something actually interesting to talk about

>> No.9420199

jesus this isnt even related to /biz/. starting to get sick of reporting all of these threads

>> No.9420209

Do you do it for free?

>> No.9420235

>Thread about an educated, tech-industry normie's reaction to crypto
>"It's not /biz/ related!!"
Fuck off back to your pink wojaks and "IT'S HAPPENING TONIGHT" threads.

>> No.9420258

Just spin it so that you dont care about the tech but about the money, when she asks tell her 10x, 100x is possible but rare and do go into detail on what you made or didnt make

>> No.9420260

>it was like an epiphany. It's really over, isn't it?
if that is the conclusion you constructed out of that experience, you are beyond help.

it was obviously a reaction of hers pointing to the lack of prestige (she's a high-maintenance bitch) associated with crypto-trading, as a "profession"...

it's not culturally accepted as something that screams "rich alpha guy!" yet like stock, for example...
it still has that virgin-nerd vibe about it, like facebook, before everybody on their dog had a profile. nowadays, chads go hunt for tail on FB while answering the DMs of their parents...
well, they used to... now, there's tinder and all that crap

>> No.9420278

everybody and their dog*

>> No.9420305

I never said trading was my profession, I said it was a hobby. I'm actually an attorney. I do agree that the image people have in their mind regarding a "professional crypto-trader" is probably exactly as you described it, however.

If it comes up I'll downplay it as a means to make money on the side, of course. I actually do believe in the tech (fuck me, right), and she's in tech, so I thought it'd be interesting to her, but I suppose not. She's highly educated and we share some common interests from what I gather (so it's not a case of being a vapid simpleton), but I guess you can't win them all.

>> No.9420598

then just as a next time go "I know it sounds like a joke, but just look at something like Ethereum right? Nobody believed it would go off..." and then tell her a bit about turing complete smart contracts and their implications, why ethereum has value, tell her about how they had problems with it and half of the other stuff is trying to "kill" it but theres already solutions in the work.

I dont know, crypto should be fun to a techie, just impress her instead of communicating "I buy funny internet coins"

>> No.9420653
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You deserve all the mocking you get you beta faggot

>> No.9420846
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Saying you invest in crypto to a Korean is like saying you're an alcoholic. Koreans have a huge addiction problem. Believe it or not, most of them lost money in crypto last year going all in when Bitcoin was 20k. They aren't autonomous individuals, they can't control FOMO.

>> No.9420861

OP here. I want to say "go back to /pol/" but I actually laughed at your image.

>> No.9420874

epic bro deus vult teehee

>> No.9420884

No its about your shitty date with crypto ham fisted in at the end to make it related

Time for you to go back to r9k

>> No.9420888
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Literally what everyone will think
>he can't get a real girlfriend he had to get a gook lmao
Enjoy your Elliot Rodger son

>> No.9420939

The date actually went well overall, doofus. I'm not whining about a girl here. Read what I wrote again; it really is only about her reaction to crypto.

>> No.9420951

Technology has an expiry date. If there's anything crypto currency won't function as it's as a store of value.

>> No.9420962

What the fuck cunt, just laugh it back how can you be so stupid seriously