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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 1200x729, kuc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9372033 No.9372033 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9372178

They mean that kucoin will enforce KYC to its users

>> No.9372194

Is this real? Can still withdraw?

>> No.9372206

fuck! binance will follow

>> No.9372217

Curious about this too fuck reee I hate this fucking faggot exchange I wish I sold all my kcs is January reee

>> No.9372225

Identity is not safe

>> No.9372259

Fucking cucked really

fuck that kucoin scam shit

>> No.9372315
File: 71 KB, 604x613, pepe sweat 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we withdraw if we don't complete KYC? I don't have ID.

>> No.9372318


>> No.9372485

Fuck it, withdrawing my coin.

Fuck off Kucoin, I don't need to do KYC, I can't even do it because I don't have ID right now.
Not gonna get my coins held hostage by you chink fuckers.

>> No.9372494

Everyone else should do it before they enforce the KYC, you can still withdraw but not for long.

>> No.9372614

Still working atm, just withdrew all

>> No.9372631

Didn't have much but just got it all off.

>> No.9372654

Isn't this a good thing?

>> No.9372655

just liquefied the last of my coins and im out too. this kyc nonsense is ridiculous and i was in kc from the start. i have next to nothing on any centralized exchange and have never and will never give kyc.

>> No.9372720


>> No.9372755

Yeeesh..dodged that bullet

>> No.9372783

Their terms of service say that only accredited / finance professionals with 2 years experience can use their exchange.

It's bullshit but I'll be taking out my shit as well.

>> No.9372828

It’s bait and switch. I bet this was there whole plane from day one

>> No.9372840

I’ve withdrawn everything no problem so far

>> No.9372859

Time for the dex to rise

>> No.9372870


>> No.9372935
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KYC = Kill Your Celf

>> No.9372949

Fuck fuck fuck fuck I was in the process of moving everything off the exchange and didn't move my last biggest hold yet, now I'm traveling and will only have access in six hours. I really hope I'll be able to withdraw by then.

>> No.9373023

Kill your customers

>> No.9373081

I guess I'll move on to Bancor. Any other exchanges, with decent volume, not requiring this ID bullshit?

>> No.9373103

Binance for now and Bibox

>> No.9373134


Bibox is nice, BIX is their token, like KCS (fee-split), BNB (reduced fees) rolled into one.

>> No.9373182

this, essentially
just withdrew everything to binance in 5 minutes, no problem

>> No.9373300


>> No.9373332

Tradesatoshi has no limits or verification.
Tradeogre it's a dark world only privacy coins

>> No.9373455

Well duh.

This board lit up with autistic screeching that some exchanges (like COSS and now Kucoin) implemented manditory KYC early like it was something they wanted to do. But it was completely obvious to people who work in finance that this was completely inevitable. I'll admit that it is fun watching this batch of prepubescent "investors" now having to face some realities of the financial market.

>> No.9373494

i like an exchange with balls not cucks in a rush to comply. while those exchanges are still an option, I'll use them (binance, bibox, etc). kucoin is done now, nobody is going to go for this.

>> No.9373498

Why would they even do this though. That mostly means that no one can use it and they wouldn't make nearly as much money.

>> No.9373665

Should I sell my elixir or transfer it away? Kucoin is the only exchange with any real volume that has it listed. I want to keep it, but I don't know if it's a good idea if the only exchange that lists it with any volume is implementing KYC

>> No.9373666

yup, kucoin is dead as far as im concerned, sold all my dust as best i could and said goodbye
still have like $20 left, but fuck it, they can keep it

>> No.9373717

Fuck Satan making me wanna dump all my kcs

Fuck it bix it is way undervalued compared to kucoin anyway

>> No.9373732

Fuck I should have sold the top of this o e I got in so early I’m dumb as fuck for not dumping in Jan

>> No.9373772

fucks sake i only use this shit exchange to swing trade BNTY

now what the fuck am i supposed to do? use another gook exchange?

>> No.9373820

this looks exactly like binance

who the fuck are making these sites? im going to make one

>> No.9373890

you and me both buddy, it fucking sucks because i was thinking about jumping ship too
BIX seems like a better version of KCS anyway, and with higher exchange volume should give better rewards.

50% fee reduction while on Bibex PLUS a 30% fee split. It's basically a hybrid of KCS and BNB which everybody knows and loves, but with NO KYC for basic 2BTC users.
This site has had great volume, over $212M volume yesterday and growing, compared with KuCoin's MEASLY $45M and king BNB's $2B, so it's already established, but still has tons of room to stretch its legs.
Plus it has margin trading for you fags that are into that sort of thing as well as ton of alt coins that aren't found many other places like UUU, IPSX, and BBN which get shilled to shit here and may give you some returns.
However, BIX is the true prize to be found here. Get some and you'll make it.
Sub 100M market cap compared to KCS $320M and BNB $1.65B.
If you could go back and get into BNB or KCS under $1, would you?
Well this is an even better version. Stop waiting.

>> No.9373915

10/10 shill, at least I know I’m in good company on bix

>> No.9373933

Oh shit I just noticed my id is KEC too

If dubs I’m putting all kcs money in bix

>> No.9373962

good dubs

>> No.9373972


>> No.9374014

The KYC is never going to be compulsory, which means if client chooses not to complete his/her KYC, the client could always trade without any restrictions. However there will be a limit of 2 BTC on withdrawal amount in 24 hours.

>> No.9374064

How do you know this

>> No.9374102

I can't even get the email from Kucoin to setup the security questions. Fuck this shit chink exchange.

>> No.9374129

Literally underage retards and brainlet sheeps following the other faggots.
Nothing will change unless youre an illegal immigrant nigger pajeet.

>> No.9374203

It isn't practical and there's a low chance it'll be enforced, but I don't want to in a situation where I got locked out and during a kyc procedure they find out I'm quite obviously not a business professional.

Anyway, friendship with KuCoin ended. Bibox is now my new best friend.

>> No.9374214

not sure what's ambiguous about "kucoin will enforce KYC for users"
if anything, it's the young people who have grown up with the expectation of giving every detail of their life to google, facebook and apple who see this as normal
you're free to submit your personal information to every shitcoin exchange in the world, i'm free to use less restrictive alternatives

>> No.9374216
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>it was prophecy

>> No.9374221



>> No.9374311

As long as an exchange has fiat pairs the issuers of the fiat currencies can sperg out until the exchange complies with kyc. Fiat pairs and usdt are forces of evil that must be stopped. You are supposed to trade altcoins against btc like it was in ancient times, not rely on the corrupt system you're trying to disrupt.

>> No.9374336

My end goal for crypto is to convert to FIAT
I realized long ago that the only realistic way to have that is to ID myself and save all the sources of where I got my crypto from
Screw anonymity....they want my ID, they can have it....just give me my real money when I ask for it

>> No.9374793

jokes on them i already did it kek

>> No.9374859
File: 49 KB, 907x265, not-that-bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that bad.

> 1. The KYC is never going to be compulsory, which means if client chooses not to complete his/her KYC, the client could always trade without any restrictions. However there will be a limit of 2 BTC on withdrawal amount in 24 hours.

>> No.9374929
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 1524321428221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has no one else noticed how Kucoin's volume has dropped significantly?

>our volume is cratering what do we do
>everyone is withdrawing their crypto
>i have an idea
>mandatory KYC
>can't lose volume if no one can leave

>> No.9375415

Isn't this what Binance is like with their KYC? I just logged on to Kucoin to marketsell everything into BTC, which would have been an immense pain in the ass given I hold like a hundred shitcoins from KCS bonuses, but a 2 BTC daily withdrawal is no big deal for me or like 99 pct of people.

>> No.9375542

What the fuck, one of their news didn't mention this.

>> No.9375642

Yeah, Binance is the same.

>> No.9375643

me2. 400$ in the ass.

>> No.9375671
File: 90 KB, 1337x674, kcs elliott waves stages of a bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing I sold at 125k

>> No.9375709
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RIP Kucoin

>> No.9375715

Why is Kucoin so fucking retarded. Why didn't they mention this in their initial announcement. Fucking retarded idiots.

>> No.9375722
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Sounds like a good word for front running. And fudging the numbers on what gains you might make. Also like bitconnects robot trader.

>> No.9375741

Nice photo shop.

>> No.9376073

Oh look, more kucoin fud. Who else remembers all the fud in january with anons outright lying about an exit scam coming.

>> No.9376114
File: 22 KB, 234x200, 1390283510216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lost my 2FA and they want me to post my ID and shit like that to disable it

WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. I have the account, the password, I could describe every crypto I hold in it to the last decimal digit, I can also tell every deposit that has ever been made to the account, AND I can answer every security question.

But I don't have access to Google Authenticator because it stopped working. What the fuck. Did I just lose all my crypto?! I feel like they are literally holding my coins hostage.

>> No.9376212

Not necessarily. People will move there in the hopes that they don't.

>> No.9376241

You should be able to get it back. Talk to their support. It’ll take a while though so get comfy.

>> No.9376413

Yeah, I got a standard response saying that I should provide ID, to which I responded essentially "Yea, no."

I plan to keep bugging them for a good couple of weeks (thankfully I'm in no hurry), if they keep bitching I might threaten to go public with them essentially stealing my crypto. I doubt that will be necessary tho. Still, it's a bit unsettling.

>> No.9376415
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>I feel like they are literally holding my coins hostage.

At least you know they have some coins if they are willing to comply with the government.

>UPbit is suspected of fraud for allegedly selling cryptocurrency to customers that it does not actually hold, according to the report.
>In March, prosecutors reportedly raided the offices of three cryptocurrency exchanges on suspicion of siphoning off funds from customers' accounts.

>> No.9376432

True. I really shouldn't hold my crypto on fucking exchanges, but the withdrawal fees are killing me.

>> No.9376434

Good for you. I wish I knew how to trade back then.

>> No.9376444

Either lawyer up or just do the KYC. You won’t get it back otherwise.

>> No.9376480

It's not a lot of money. Just consulting with a lawyer would probably cost more than what's there, lol. Still, this IS ridiculous. Nowhere in the terms of services do they specify that they can do shit like this.

>> No.9376504

The KYC is not compulsory, which means if client chooses not to complete his/her KYC, the client could always trade without any restrictions. However there will be a limit of 2 BTC on withdrawal amount in 24 hours. The limit on the withdrawal for KYC unverified account will be implemented on 1st Nov 2018.
We strongly suggest client to complete their KYC verifications. To avoid circumstances like forgetting the credentials to access the platform and accounts being taken over by others (information leakage from client side), the verified KYC information will help the client recover his/her account quickly.
A KYC verified account will have access to the Fiat-Crypto exchange services provided on KuCoin platform in the future

>> No.9376514

lmao keeping almost a million dollars on some chink exchange.

>> No.9376527
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The people who will get the most ass mad about this are ponzi pushers like Trevon James because he does not want his ponzi funds seized by the SEC and his massive fish nigger lips would not fit in the photo ID.

>> No.9376570

that was in early Jan at the peak of KCS's value
I sure as hell wouldn't be doing that now

>> No.9376586

*That was in Microsoft paint two hours ago

>> No.9376729

Did anybody actually bother to read the fucking article?

>The KYC is not compulsory, which means if client chooses not to complete his/her KYC, the client could always trade without any restrictions. However there will be a limit of 2 BTC on withdrawal amount in 24 hours. The limit on the withdrawal for KYC unverified account will be implemented on 1st Nov 2018.

You stupid fucking cucks it's going to work literally THE EXACT same way Binance is working RIGHT NOW

>> No.9376905

Yeah you tell me how it's not compulsory when they won't let me disable 2FA without it...

>> No.9377024

You dense motherfuckers.
If you did any research you would figured out they will add fiat soon to stay on top of the game, kyc is mandatory when handling fiat to comply with local laws. Where you brainlets see a red flag, I see a huge green flag. Switching all my kucoin holdings to KCS, gl missing out on huge gains.

>> No.9377057

gonna get justd anon

>> No.9377079

Post proof

>> No.9377177

it means I'm withdrawing my funds

>> No.9377307
File: 16 KB, 500x300, wf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God waves are the most arbitrary trading method in the world.

>> No.9377392
File: 225 KB, 1417x1260, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, if you did your research you would know that no bank will touch an exchange which has not kyc'd clients in the past. Hence, why binance cannot, and will not get fiat.

>> No.9378274

Go to the fucking support forum kucoin posted this morning.

>> No.9378657

OP stop being a fag it's literally nothing
they just limit withdrawals to 2BTC per day

>> No.9378888


>> No.9379059

You could read the page, you fucking kike.

>The KYC is not compulsory, which means if client chooses not to complete his/her KYC, the client could always trade without any restrictions. However there will be a limit of 2 BTC on withdrawal amount in 24 hours. The limit on the withdrawal for KYC unverified account will be implemented on 1st Nov 2018.

>> No.9379122

The fucking confirmation email link isn't working why the fuck is that

>> No.9379153

Ive never done KYC on bittrex but everytime I login the redirect me to the KYC page but I just click away. These exchanges need to stop trying to bully people.

>> No.9379306
File: 112 KB, 1347x677, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why you confirm wave count with other indicators

>> No.9379548


>> No.9379575

At least spell Bibox correctly in your pasta, shill. Jesus fuck.

>> No.9379636

After November 1st you're limited to withdrawing 2 btc every 24 hours if you don't give them ID. What the fuck does KYC stand for?