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9369850 No.9369850 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find a girlfriend/wife that is financially minded?

>tfw want to get a gf/wife so we can combine our income and save $ on housing cost
>tfw saved money will then be able to invested elsewhere to make more $

Sucks being in America where women are just garbage whales.

>> No.9369854


>Financially minded girl

oh my god my sides

>> No.9369874

>ywn be part of a power couple making mills together

It hurts lads

>> No.9369890

How do you have a wamen without her being a cheating whore?

>> No.9369899

buy a lottery ticket, you have a better chance

>> No.9369915

The least you could do is find out if her parents are successful.

>> No.9369917


Find a really ugly mean one

>> No.9369926
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i would just be fine with a friend or two

>> No.9369936

Find someone who doesnt use too much make up, who doesnt buy expensive clothes or is obsessed with rich people.you know, someone who sees money as means to build a family or future. That' s how it is in my relationship.

>> No.9369973

Watch out for the red flags: too many friends, male friends, too much make up, slutty outfit, listens to garbage music and goes to clubs, is naive and easily manipulated, watches porn, has had previous sexual partners..those are some major red flags.

>> No.9369984


So avoid all women then? Got it

>> No.9369991
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This is literally my dream in life.

>> No.9370008

Not all women are like this. But they are very ver ver rare andyou have to be extremely lucky to find one. Where do you live?

>> No.9370227
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>tfw no ambitious gf who loves me and aspires to do great things together

>> No.9370319
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70.7% of all females over 21 are overweight/obese, just marry asian instead


>> No.9370346

we did it reddit, we're a nation of fat slaves

>> No.9370378


>> No.9370459
File: 40 KB, 491x491, thispost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marry indoctrinated, high IQ intellectual yet idiot gf.
>Earn 500k a year thanks to having two very solid upper-middle class jobs between the two of you.
>Live in a "world class" shithole city with feral niggers and pants-on-head retarded cost of living, because that is where the cushy upper middle class jobs are.
>Have half of your collective income taken by men with guns and redistributed to raise low-IQ subhumans who sneer at you as they live on your largess.
>Have half of the remainder go to rent/mortgage/insurance
>Barely fuck your wife because of your high stress jobs
>Be childless at 35 while your wife's ovaries shrivel and die and Shaniqua two blocks down continues to pump out niglets.
Living the dream!