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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 501 KB, 561x767, shrimpstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9350838 No.9350838 [Reply] [Original]

Actually went to the fish store to look at some shrimp IRL.

Guy tells me, "Oh those little colorful guys? Yeah we're sold out."

> mind starts racing.


>> No.9350872

>fish store

>> No.9350907

Can anyone explain this shrimp farming meme
How much can I get for one of these little colored pieces of shit

>> No.9350922
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>not hodling ur new shrimp frens

>> No.9350935

>little colored pieces of shit
Fuck off anon, shrimpings not for you

>> No.9350951

Ever seen that show worlds deadliest catch
We're talking 300-400k per year

>> No.9351269
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Crystal red shrimp can go for upwards of $200 EACH if they have good coloration (see pic). I think grade A go for about $20 each though. But you can keep the best looking ones for breeding and separate the worse ones and over a few generations you will have a small colony of SS shrimp.
I don't have any but will be getting some soon, don't care if I don't make much money because it's fun.

>> No.9351274
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Look at this stack btw

>> No.9351281
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>you can keep the best looking ones for breeding

>> No.9351284
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>> No.9351289

that show is a sham.

>> No.9351297
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>> No.9351305

yeah but crystal reds are my hustle so your gonna make to find something else

>> No.9351328

shrimping and shorting go hand in hand

>> No.9351360

Don't worry I'm in Australia. Just me vs the chinks

>> No.9351361
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>Oh those little colorful guys?

>> No.9351386

ive been thinking about getting some fish myself after that shrimp farming thread. i dont know why but it just seems so comfy.

>> No.9351611

Sounds like you just found yourself a buyer, OP.

>> No.9351619

Those are crabs lol

>> No.9351641

can't be because your sister has crabs and she struggles to make $16k a year

>> No.9351679

You're being silly.

>> No.9351733


>> No.9351748

Listen biz of you fuck up the shrimping game I'm going to fucking kill you all

>> No.9351774
File: 229 KB, 386x386, 576-el-dorado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking bees, m8erinos. My grandfather was a beekeeper and although I didn't know him, my father told me that the biggest mistake in his life was that his widow sold all his bees when he died and my dad let it happen. He said bees are extremely low-maintenance, and the market being how it is there won't be any oversupply of them (especially now that sugar is considered the devil, quite rightfully so).

Some fag yelled bees in the last thread like this before it died, thought I'd add my opinion on it as well.

>> No.9351805

I've heard bees make a lot too, thing is they take a lot of space that needs to be dedicated to them

>> No.9351835

Why not compromise and get some bee shrimp

>> No.9351852

Go back to reppit :DD

>> No.9351876

>sugar is the devil
>honey is okay

>> No.9351901

>processed, bleached diarrhea
>nectar of the gods

I don't see your point.

>> No.9351926

>biz actually creating an economic good
Nah fuck off saged and reported this has got to be some prank

>> No.9351950

Honey has 20% less fructose and 40% less glocose.
easier to digest, less insulin spike

>> No.9351955

doesn't matter how processed it is, a gram of sugar still has the same calories and hormonal effects wether it's from honey or sugar cane

>> No.9351977
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>> No.9351994

>>>you can keep the best looking ones for breeding
You mean EATING

>> No.9352011

Im making an initial investment of about $600 get 4 25 gallons tanks, how long till I'm in profit?

>> No.9352105

Don't focus on profit at first anon. The whole shrimp market is going to go parabolic so you want to focus on building a customer base first, otherwise there will be 1000 shrimp farmers competing with you. You want to be the dominant shrimp farmer in your region. Once you are, then you start making a profit.

>> No.9352201

so is this shrimp farm thing not actually a meme?? who here actually makes a profit off these things? what do they go for?

>> No.9352298

There is an unlimited supply in shrimps it's not worth it

>> No.9352342

Brimps? Or Shrees?

>> No.9352357

Historically, people have consumed honey for way longer than sugar.

Chill man, there's enough space for all of us with side hustles like this on /biz/. I fully endorse threads like these, I'd love it if there were more.

Honestly, I think it's a full blown meme because I see the same copypastas everywhere and that makes me vary. Also, who the fuck would pay 2-5$ per shrim, jesus. But hey, i don't know shit about shrimps, so whatever floats your boat.

>> No.9352400

Guys, can you use these shrimpies of aquaponics? What do you feed them? Are there organic and diy feeding options?

I'm starting to get literal shrimpfever with all these threads

>> No.9352688
File: 18 KB, 342x475, funny71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lulz, this meme is terrible

>> No.9352690

>thing is they take a lot of space

Anon... I've got some great news for ya. In poor countries like Brazil, they have GHETTO BEES. I shit you not, there exist smaller, biteless bees that can thrive in urban environments and create honey

Wiki stingless bees and here's a researchgate link

researchgate net/figure/Vertical-hive-with-special-ventilation-system-for-stingless-bees-of-tropical-areas-from_fig1_237670479

>> No.9352756

Wow, wtf.

>> No.9352879
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hahaye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw highest value shrimp is called SS s

>> No.9353050

I'm seriously looking forward to make a shrimp tank, as a hobby, how much does it cost to make a small one, is 500$ enough?

>> No.9353136
File: 177 KB, 764x573, 1498274140834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could get a 10 gallon tank for like $30-50. Lights maybe $20. Plants, $10. Filter and heater, maybe $20. Substrate, you want a bag of some good shit like ADA Amazonia, great for shrimp and plant roots. The shrimp themselves are pretty cheap, but it depends on the quality and species. $200 would get you a neat setup

>> No.9353149

Is being a plumber helpful when you start shrimping?

>> No.9353158

I'm not even sure anymore if this is truly a well constructed meme or legit a smart business idea. Holy shit biz I'm glad this is not crypto related because I could get justd

>> No.9353199

nice one
What about their life circle? What do you do when they're all dead?

>> No.9353205

Same, I legitimately can't fucking tell either way. Gl to all shrimpers tho.

>> No.9353361

I have good ties with the mafia so I'm not worried about that

>> No.9353367
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They will die at different times and will breed easily if you keep good water conditions (need to change 20% of water once a week). I recommend starting with red cherry shrimp because theyr'e very easy to care for and cheap but look really cool still. Once you're confident move on to Crystal Red Shrimp and try selectively breeding them until you reach a good grade then start selling.

>> No.9353394

hornets will wipe them out even faster, great.

>> No.9353429

You only feed them twice a week for like 5 cents that's why this is such a meme

>> No.9353453

Would Pule cheese be a better investment?

>>Serbian Donkeys are rare
Prices goes up
>>Golfer fag owns world supply
A literal cucked kingpin

Biz this is the gold mine.

>> No.9353471
File: 59 KB, 474x675, Robin Hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to come round to the idea of investing in shrimp.

But are they harder to maintain when they grow into lobsters?

>> No.9353476

Apart from there no market for cheese

>> No.9353482

holy fuck

>> No.9353492

Anon please your lowering the tone of the thread

>> No.9353499
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>> No.9353500

If you have iron shrimping hands there are mad gains to be made when they go full lobster. Its just if you can hodl em long enough desu.

>> No.9353569

they're so small aren't they going to explode the cage when they grow up?
very pretty tho

>> No.9353614

I did my master thesis on shrimp farming, not even joking

>> No.9353623
File: 787 KB, 3242x1848, IMG_20160530_212850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crs shrimp Market is saturated. You'll be lucky to sell pure breed sss Crs for above $10 each. If you want real money in shrimping, make your own strains from tigers and bees.

Pic related. My Red wines, blue bolts, and a cherry.

>> No.9353641

No, crystals only grow 1,5 inches the most. That's why they are so appealing for aquarists.

>> No.9353643
File: 255 KB, 768x1024, 1514406494761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you can keep 10 shrimp per gallon at least. They stay very small.

>> No.9353653

Did you mean she has cancer?

>> No.9353685
File: 966 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20160611_212704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A rank crs and blue dream neos.

>> No.9353698

not mine lol

>> No.9353853

where do you actually sell them in aus?

>> No.9353908

This started as a meme, but raising shrimp looks super comfy. Seriously considering it once I get a new place.

>> No.9354113

Which is the best edible freshwater shrimp?

>> No.9354198

Hornets are similarily sized to normal bees so they can fit in their hives. They can't fit on biteless bees' hives cause the biteless bees are way smaller.

That's not even an issue

>> No.9354267

I would probably be emotionally attached to them after a few weeks and couldn't bring myself to sell them.

>> No.9354370

What's to stop someone from just painting it white?

>> No.9354420

Nothing apart from the fact you would kill it and it would massively impractical and only temporary

>> No.9354452

Well what if you used like the bodypaint stuff they use on negros

>> No.9354486

Don't you need a license to sell food thats gonna be eaten? You know health regulation and stuff

>> No.9354490

The shrimp will ahead it's exoskeleton

>> No.9354501

Yeah good job these arnt food

>> No.9354516

It's only food if restaurants buy it hence only they need a license to sell food not you


>> No.9354543

You cant paint the shrimp because it's it will ahead it's skin basically

>> No.9354592

kek, I assume this is in USA where no one cares where their shrimp comes from

Wont you just be outbid by a chink farner though?

>> No.9354597
File: 1.76 MB, 2448x3264, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you shrimp cucks breed and mix snakes
They seem way more sought after and can easily go for over a grand for a babby snake

Pic is my snake , she da best

>> No.9354613
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>> No.9354682
File: 13 KB, 213x244, 96716C91-5F36-486D-B0DB-25EC03A09F9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t you guys realise the whole
Meme was a low key way of promoting this ICO


> already has working product (shrimp farms in Peru)
> tapping into $67 billion global market
> pays out dividends each year from shrimprofits to token holders
> team of industry veterans and super intensive farmers
> only 147k raised so far

Get in before it’s gone, this could be the new /ourcoin/,and get around this absolute hidden gems

>> No.9354818

Aquariums. Or direct on gumtree.

There are also closed, secret shrimp trading FB groups. I wish I was joking.

>> No.9355361
