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File: 247 KB, 1067x800, Lotus-Temple-Park-Bahai-Temple-Delhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9317348 No.9317348 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good country in EU or somewhere else in the world where it's good to live as a crypto dude?

Meaning: many options to buy stuff with BTC online, and lower taxes?

Some potentially interesting ones:

1) Japan; has many shops that accepts btc, but this could be a meme

2) Czech Republic: has https://www.alzashop.com/ you could basically order everything with bitcoin on this Amazon-like website

3) Hong Kong or Singapore: 0% capital gains tax

4) Germany, Slovenia, Denmark: 0% tax but only for HODLers, not traders

5) Belarus 0% tax crypto, but who would live there?

6) Malta: called the new "crypto heaven" but I don't know if it's good only for companies or also for trader individuals?

Any others? Any comments?

>> No.9317504

From your list only Denmark is worth living in.

>> No.9317549


>> No.9317569

You know nothing. What about Portugal? 0% tax on crypto. Cheap, good weather, good food, amazing beaches. What more do you want?

>> No.9317582

Pretty shithole, aim for democratic countries where people are red-pilled and actively participate in defending their rights.

You'll notice a pattern of taxes actually being smaller in such places.

Also scientific participation of that country is also important, you want it to be already established in the fields.

Better than Singapore, but you have to put with brown skinned, bored, uninteresting people - slow internet and expensive electricity + sun gives you cancer, last year we had level 10 / 10 uv radiation ratting, this year might be worse.

>> No.9317601

>0% tax on crypto
Source on this?
Are you Portuguese anything similar to Brazlians? "Huehuehue" etc.?=

>> No.9317610

>You'll notice a pattern of taxes actually being smaller in such places.
WTF? Singapore and HK have 0% capital gains tax
Can you have lower than 0%?

>> No.9317614

>Azores meme

>> No.9317623

portugal is shilled so often on /biz/ but as someone who doesn't speak the language i was miserable going there
few portuguese speak english fluently, and the many who don't resent you for not speaking portuguese
the beaches aren't even as great as you'd think, because they're next to the atlantic ocean, not the mediterranean sea. you get scorching heat, but the water isn't as warm
food... hope you like seafood. if you come from an anglo country, it might be an improvement. if you're used to french or italian food, portugal is a downgrade
besides that, let's be honest... it's not the best people who stay in portugal
if all you want is tan on the beach and you don't mind solitude, it might be nice

>> No.9317626

Add Luxembourg to 4). 0% tax on 6 months holds.

>> No.9317646

Source is fucking google. I can't deal with these pajeets.

>> No.9317680

(((Luxembourg))) is too expensive

>> No.9317760
File: 64 KB, 660x440, Belarus_Mir_Mir_Castle_Complex_8101_2085-660x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany started taxing cryptos, that's old news. NEAN (North America, EU, Australia/New Zealand) countries exist to fuck you over... "red-pilled" things like cryptos will be heavily taxed soon in all NEAN countries soon, so stay the fuck away if you're seriously considering moving.

Belarus is a beautiful nation, sure it isn't really a democracy but who gives a shit? It is poor but that just means your cryptos will go much further, plus the girls are just as hot as Russians and even more conservative (they mostly are ethnically Russians anyways) and are the slavic nation with most blondes per capita. Getting in as a foreigner is quite tough, but most people are going to basically worship you as a westerner once you actually live there.

>> No.9317787

No, we are like any Europeans which includes looking down on Brazilians sometimes. We have niggers and gypsies though but those aren't Portuguese.

>> No.9317792

Not Australia

>> No.9317881

That's a dumb question, Brazilians are not the direct decedents of the Portuguese. That's like asking if British people are like Jamaicans. They didn't really slaughter too many natives and had 10x slaves per capita than the US had. In fact, at one moment Brazil had more imported niggers than the rest of the population. So they all blanda'd up eventually and are all various levels of mixture between White/amerindian/nigger. The only real Whites in Brazil are a tiny portion of Southern Brazilians that are farmers of German/Italian/Central European descent.

>> No.9317923

The beaches part is true. The only good ones are in the south and even then, they are not great compared to other ones in the Mediterranean.
The food part is untrue. French and Italian are pretty overrated and resembles more of a brand than anything. We don't just eat seafood but also meat although the best thing are the traditional desserts.
As for the natives not being able to speak English, I don't know because I never had to speak in English with them. I imagine we speak more decent English than other major countries for the fact that we watch English movies with subtitles and Portuguese isn't popular in Europe. Ofc you can't expect old people being able to speak English, most of them didn't even finish 4th grade. Young people might be able to speak some of it though if not fluently.

>> No.9317937

any documentation you might have to back up your claims?

Been trying to find shit on this but it is impossible, I'd be comfy AF it this happened to be true

>> No.9318103

If you want to move to a new country you should learn the language. It's just basic respect for the place and the people around you. Even if most people speak English, you won't have quite the same experience if you can't speak the native language. I mean, if it's just a holiday then, yeah, you don't need to bother (other than a few basic words). I'm planning on spending at least 6 months in Portugal. I started learning the language a couple of months ago, it's not that hard.

>> No.9318429

Google "Luxembourg income taxes 2018
Guide for individuals". Page 10:
Capital gains on movable properties
Long-term capital gains:
Shares are disposed of
more than six months after
the acquisition date

Capital gain is tax-exempt if the taxpayer does not hold a major shareholding (10%)

>> No.9318489

The US
>lowest capital gains taxes
>highest standard of living if you have money
>most amount of space
>high real estate prices keep the minorities segregated into their own shitholes

>> No.9318740

What about Poland? Low cost of living, majority still white because they say no to refugees. Beautiful mountains in the south or nice (though cold) Baltic sea in the north

>> No.9318785
File: 92 KB, 485x576, 1518880553881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone fomo/fud me Hungary?

>> No.9318859

Czech Rep is comfy for taxes, as long as you
made money somewhere else.
Low taxes+low wages, crypto magnate can truly live like a king, with the exception of Prague.
But if anything, I would move to Belarus, salaries are close to Eastern EU, better for some professions. Yet it is less cucked by politics.
Qt conservative chicks too.

>> No.9318947

Absolute fomo
Why didnt you move to Hungary yet , Anon?kek..now seriously
> Conservative
> Flat income tax rate 15%
> cheap real estate , for 300k you get yourself a mansion in the medium city
> PM openly anti soros, anti immigration, anti marxism
> chicks are kind of difficult and not so nordic /slavic white, rather mongolian admixture (black hair, somewhat white)

strong fomo regardless if you are not liberal. Then fuck off

>> No.9319023
File: 71 KB, 1835x516, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done some research.

>> No.9319062

idk about finlands crypto taxation but its objectively the best fucking place to live in

>> No.9319079
File: 38 KB, 413x395, 1502834960999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US

>> No.9319081

30% to 33%, pretty fucked up + they actively go after wallets and pursue to gain tax from people that don't report it.

>> No.9319091

>its always cold and dark, russia is your neighbour, going north the population density fastly drops to 0
why would it be the best place to live in?

>> No.9319151

Source on no cap gains tax on individuals in Taiwan?

Why exactly do you think that?
t. finn who moved away

>> No.9319191

beautiful as shit

>> No.9319194

Wikipedia + I double checked on many other google sources. I don't have browser history sorry.... It deletes after tab closing.

>> No.9319198

but cold and dark
who the fuck likes that

>> No.9319224

Belarus is riven with organized crime and an unconnected foreigner with lots of money is going to be a fat target. They don’t play well with Interpol and they’re not going to give a shit if something happens to you. You could probably get in if you were establishing a large business and connected the with pols before moving in.

>> No.9319232

Hmm I remember checking it but not seeing any confiremd sources for no taxes. Will have to do further research.

>> No.9319248

I'm genuinely considering Taiwan - they're genuine democracy heroes and if the tax part is true - hell man that's making it 100x times more attractive.

>> No.9319266

Just don't reveal your power level and don't trust women. Owning a mortgage free house is more than enough to get a qt gold digger

>> No.9319273

> Belarus
if you want hot white chicks throwing themselves at you because you're a foreigner and they think you're their ticket out of there, then you should go there

on the other hand, it's a country full of people desperate to get out of there, so there's that

>> No.9319324

Yeah I've heard many good things about the place. I'm currently living in a low tax country but if it is true then I could consider moving. (Of course visa is another problem, you might not be able to stay there)

>> No.9319395
File: 68 KB, 1883x491, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated it, made colors guide you better.

>> No.9319431

It dosen't have the surveillance problem either, digital threat level was among top priorities in my selection.

>> No.9319530

There is the slight risk that shifting international relationships make the US drop its protection and china steamrolls across the straits and subdues the entire country in a weekend.

>> No.9319552

solid point, I will remove it from the list.

I'll roll a dice with the remaining ones - and move to that one.

>> No.9319598

Since you have romania on the list might as well add bulgaria, 10% flat tax

>> No.9319618

Removed it because - the extra 6% is a small trade-off compared to benefits of living in Romania compared to Bulgaria, had it on the list.

>> No.9319907

amazing, thanks a lot for the info

>> No.9319926


Stop shilling my country, we're full!

>> No.9320036

>made money somewhere else.
somewhere else can be another EU country?

>> No.9320068

if youre from anywhere except switzerland, then you are a hypocrite

>> No.9320083
File: 195 KB, 900x675, 2ac0a59c3d16f9ec5f9dde00ed4dfb50_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to romania anon, we're waiting

>> No.9320147

Taiwan won't just give you a visa you know

>> No.9320179

Where is the source ? post link

>> No.9320203

Started from wikipedia then where I couldn't believe it went on google and checked 10 + internet pages based on Alexa ranking / SEMRush ranking and relevancy to the subject.

>> No.9320234

OP's pic is the lotus temple. I have actually been there.

>> No.9320259

Is it hard to tax your money in Belarus and transfer it to a EU country?

>> No.9320382

IRS is logging IPs in this thread.

>> No.9320413

Panama is great, it has territorial taxation meaning you pay no taxes on income generated outside the national jurisdiction.

>> No.9320532

Croatia 12% tax but beautiful af

>> No.9320534

Has crazy high crime rate though

>> No.9320573

fucking gypsystan . no thank you .
But you have some nice mountains and forests

>> No.9320647

yeah NK its quite comfy too if you have an imported meal that is brought to your palace by a private jet ,Belarus not even once, what a shithole and the women arent even that hot ,, most of eastern europeans are way more beautifull than them.

>> No.9320764


Found out anything about Malta yet? Was searching, but can't find anything.


What do you think about Portugal/Malta as some people have mentioned that there are 0% taxes.

What about Dubai, no income tax, no capital gains taxes and not too difficult to get a visa, if you open your own company or buy a property.

What other countries are there with 0% for professional traders?

>> No.9320884

Latest homicide figures put it at 10 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the whole hemisphere. You wont experience any of it unless you leave in the poorer ghetto areas.

>> No.9321026

Yeah. The point is you can bring money in.
But you will never make any serious shekels from the local economy.

>> No.9321047


>> No.9321154
File: 55 KB, 900x506, IMG_9589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, go for Slovenia, I'm serious.
Our crypto laws are very scarce, there is a reason why Slovenia is always mentioned as one of the best places to live if you have a lot of cryptos. Something like 85% of Slovenia is forests, so the air here is amazing, even better than Switzerland. Everything is much cheaper than say Germany or even Portugal, because we're a former communist country, with a steady 4% GDP increase.
I believe that something like 80% of Slovenians are fluent in english and most of us in german too. In Ljubljana that number is probably close to 95%. Everybody understands english, and I mean this.
The picture attached is our capital, Ljubljana, it is truly something that resembles Prague with very few tourists. Ljubljana is also one of the greenest capitals of the world, and looks a lot like Swiss capital Bern (google it), with 1/10 the prices. All across Ljubljana you can find groceries with insanely low prices such as Hofer or Lidl. 1000€ a month covers all expenses of living in Ljubljana, including food etc. We also have a very low % of muslims if that's your thing, not to mention crime is zero to none, a shooting happened last year with one death and it is still sometimes written about. Nightlife is fantastic as well. It's a slavic country and our girls are very beautiful. Becoming a citizen of Slovenia is also easy, but I won't get into too much detail. Slovenia is also the home of BitStamp, one of the biggest crypto exchanges and cryptos are talked about daily here. We also have a bitcoin statue dedicated in Kranj (google: Bitcoin roundabout Kranj)
We're in the meditiranian, so the weather is fantastic, we get rain probs 3x a month and the rest is sunny.
There is no tax for traders or capital gains on cryptos. The only thing taxed is if you were to sell something in crypto, say if tour store accepted cryptos. Other than that, nothing is taxed, I've withdrew $10k from coinbase before to my credit card, without a problem.

>> No.9321652

Sounds like a great country. What are the downsides if you have to be brutally honest.

>> No.9321687

Hungary is a good option as well. I really only see some Asian countries as an option. Forward thinking and high tech cities. American cities are ugly and un aesthetic to look at. Plus low niggers numbers in asia. I'm going to visit a bunch once I make it and set up a crypto venture fund. I can't stand the niggers anymore in america.

>> No.9321792

Could you write to me more about Slovenia residency please. I'm from EU as well casiopeya@protonmail.com

>> No.9321936

americans are totally fucked because they have to pay tax on income, regardless of where in the world its earned lmao.

if your not american, but can get a british passport as a secondary passport(im aus/brit dual national) it opens up all sorts of opportunities for you, making you a non dom resident meaning you dont have to pay tax on foreign income.

i really suggest looking into flag theory and perpetual traveller theory

>> No.9322098

>There is no tax for traders or capital gains on cryptos.
This is a lie.
You are taxes if you trade full time.

>> No.9322390


>> No.9322663

Czech bro here
What >>9318859 said is kinda true
>Low taxes + Low wages
>Very low living costs
>Crypto is pretty much ignored by our goverment still (kinda easy to evade tax from what I heard but idk)
>Living in a good village = theres zero blacks / romanian / chinks = unironically 0% crime rate in the village I live (2000 ppl)
>Bigger city always max 20 minutes away by car
>Decent food (our restaurants are fucking bad in general but our cuisine is pretty gud)
>Dirt cheap high quality beer if you like
>As far as girls go, I have no idea. im a shut-in who lives online and makes all of his money online, I always dated girls from other countries
>You can make it with literally $500k - thats enough to build yourself a big house, buy a decent car, buy up a few apartments in the city you will rent for passive income and still have bunch of money to reinvest back into crypto or diversify somewhere else

if qash does what I think it will do im literally retiring at 22 y/o

>> No.9322778

forgot to add quite comfy / mild weather
winters dont get too bad and summers are unbearable only for like 1 month in the summer season then it always calms down and its the perfect weather

>> No.9322783

Care to shill qash? Heard the Japs like it

>> No.9323410

How many speak English? Is Prague best to live for foreigners?

>> No.9323618

Japan is the best place since their infrastructure already supports crypto.
Hongkong and Macau for crypto gambling
Taiwan, an alternative to SG if you hate the heat

UAE unless you hate arabs/muslims
Israel, probably the only western civilization in there

Angola, the only safe haven in southern part of Africa

>> No.9323785

Netherlands: you pay only up to 5% wealth tax on your cryptos

>> No.9323832

Even if you trade actively?

>> No.9324126

hmm alright, not sure this is the right thread for it but at least the faggots from the daily qash threads I see around wont find us here
>They are approved by JFSA which is known to be an extremely strict regulatory body
>They started as either 40 or 80 man team, dont remember - currently at 230~ employees and want to have 500~ by 2019
>This term / sentence gets overused by pajeets shilling hot garbage (pun intended), however this is unironically the best team in crypto, the backround they have and experience in fintech is un fucking paralleled and just general absolutely fucking mindblowing
many of them come from executive positions at major institutions including:
Merrill Lynch
Goldman Sachs
SoftBank Group
Gungho Asia
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
UBS Investment Bank
Barclays Bank
Morgan Stanley
Price Waterhouse Coopers International
Mistletoe Inc.
Yahoo! Japan
JAFCO, Co. Ltd.
and more notable companies / banks

>> No.9324155

>as you can imagine this leads to strong ties with banks (speculation) and strong ties to jap goverment (confirmed)
>Their exchanges are government regulated and backed, and the Qash token is also government regulated and backed, as revealed by Mike previously. This means that in the same way Bitcoin was named legal tender in Japan, Qash will be too - the pump that occurs from this will be insane
>Their product, going live in 30 days tops, the liquid platform with full version of the worldbook, is solving an universal CRYPTO problem - liquidity. They are not solving a real world problem atm (huge deal to me personally otherwise theres a good chance it will fail e.g. REQ) which has value that relies on real world adoption. QASH is banking on the success of crypto in general
>Down 70%~ from ATH
>Very little active marketing has been done so far afaik, but very recently they released a formal blog post saying they will ramp up the marketing heavily since liquid launch is so close - right now the current price is still an excellent entry point imho
>Several japanese multibillionares are invested in this
>Partnership with SBI investment group is "speculated" (It was hinted at very obviously during a recent AMA with Mike), and they are already listed as partners or advisors or someshit on their web - SBI will have their own big exchange that will list QASH promptly
>The token economics are pretty good creating a natural demand for the token, read here: https://medium.com/@QUOINE/qash-and-the-qash-blockchain-b8fb922994a4

Theres more, the scale of this is fucking massive. Even if they only do half of what it looks like they are going to do now, its still massive. I laugh so hard at people buying most of the stuff thats shilled here

took me good 10 minutes to write this up / copy stuff - thats my good deed quota fullfilled for the rest of the month

>> No.9324241

Prague is the mother of all tourist traps, avoid it - overpriced af
its a nice city for a one time visit to go sightseeing
about english, most people have shitty english skills if you live in a village like I do, in a big city is a bit better but not by much
thing is people here in general dont get attitude with you if you cant speak czech, they will attempt to communicate with you in eng and be polite with you regardless

>> No.9324305

Good question, still have to figure that out myself. I found a lot of contradictory opinions.

>> No.9324413

nice shill but sounds too good to be true
what are the downsides? there are always downsides

>> No.9324434

czech republic is nice but they just raised income tax,the people are some of the most miserable cunts Ive ever met and the language is impossible to learn

>> No.9324466

>at least the faggots from the daily qash threads I see around wont find us here

you cant hide faggot, I see you

>> No.9324713

all are true
but im not a wageslave and I dont go outside, im a neet making my bucks online so this country is strategically speaking perfect for me
desu I didnt even know there was a raise on our income tax
>miserable cunts
hmm you could make that argument for almost any nation in one way or another, but I do admit Czech people have envy in their fucking mentality
maybe because we are sort of a poor country surrounded by much richer countries (austria, germany)
definitely employing the stealth wealth meme when I make it in a couple years so some envious wageslave doesnt report me to our version of the irs

>> No.9324746

nah, I rarely engage in those threads as I think they are pointless and chance that theres enough money on biz to make a coin the size of qash pump is 0.001%

>> No.9324781

>benefits of living in Romania compared to Bulgaria
like what?

>> No.9324790

>thing is people here in general dont get attitude with you if you cant speak czech, they will attempt to communicate with you in eng and be polite with you regardless
Sounds great.
Is there a city you'd recommend for a foreigner to try to live a few weeks? Brno? I don't like village life, but I also want to avoid tourist traps.

>> No.9324809

Downside is probably that the biggest "city" of Slovenia has 200k people. Doesn't even qualify as a city.

>> No.9324818

>Portugal/Malta as some people have mentioned that there are 0% taxes.
Malta - not true
Portugal - taxes if "due to its habituality constitutes professional activity" or something like this whatever the fuck that means

>> No.9324894

>What about Dubai, no income tax, no capital gains taxes and not too difficult to get a visa, if you open your own company or buy a property.
Dubai/UAE seems to be the best option so far. You don't even have to live there, just visit every 6 months.

>> No.9324905

Your bank will report you, if you use this way to cashing out. Better to pay 15% tax to have good sleep. And if you start buying apartments to rent, you will going to get targeted no matter what

>> No.9324975

Also, Dubai sells apartment for Bitcoin.
I am starting to like Islam to be quite honest, family.

>> No.9324981

>What's a good country in EU or somewhere else in the world where it's good to live as a crypto dude?
Crypto is in a VERY early state of regulation because government doesn't know how to approach its existence. Basically all you do is declare "I invested X money and cashed out Y money". You pay between 19% and 23% depending on what you declared as a profit. And that is assuming you cash out to begin with because as long as it is in your wallet you don't have to declare or pay for it.
On top of that the country is cheap as shit to live in while not being utter shit so you are getting even more value out of your crypto.

>> No.9325016

Valencia is a good choice?

>> No.9325034

Yeah Brno. Big city (by Czech standards) but far from a tourist trap.
get an apartment on the outskirts of Brno but not too far, defo not in the centre, cheaper obviously and probably more genuine experience
you can ride a tram to the centre, only takes like 15 min or a bus

>> No.9325094

Yeah im aware of that...idk where you are from but in Czech things are quite easy to circumvent, the country is corrupt as shit
spoke to some bank employees, they basically have algos that redflag accounts with suspicious amounts, I know approx what amounts I can cash out without being flagged (the kind of info one expensive bottle of wine can get you), I also have a bunch of friends with connections etc. or rather one friend who has all the other connections
all that depends on risk / reward ratio e.g. how much that 15% is in actual money

>> No.9325109

I'm living in Valencia so I'm kind of biased I guess but yes Valencia is a good choice.

>> No.9325145

I was actually considering it... is it safe for girls? I heard Spanish men can be very "macho culture" and pushy to girls, or is it just a meme?

>> No.9325235

pssst france

>> No.9325257

literally what
>terrorist attacks
>ppl nose up about speaking english
>expensive as shit
do i have to continue?

>> No.9325283

Just a meme.
If you go out partying you may get approached by guys but they'll probably desist when they notice you can't speak Spanish (since the chances of them speaking proper conversational English are small). Chances of getting approached outside that context are very slim.
As with any other place there are a couple rotten apples in the basket but that's not the norm and if you ever cross paths with a "pushy guy" you can just cause ruckus and he will leave you alone quickly.

>> No.9325807

Singapore would be so fucking ideal if it wasn't for their draconian drug laws. I'd prefer to not be beheaded because some hippie was smoking weed next to me at a concert and I failed a hair follicle test

>> No.9325941

Me, I like that

>> No.9326023

And if it wasn't so damn expensive.

>> No.9326214

I suppose it's a bit on the hot side, too. Still it seems like such a dope place if you have a lot of money and like wandering around