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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1319, 20180507_175858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9300987 No.9300987 [Reply] [Original]


whoever sold the top like me: congrats

whoever bought +200 vits enjoy eternal bags.

>> No.9301003

bruh if you neets can't handle the final form body of an alpha lion, you deserve to stay poor

>> No.9301015

haha good one

>> No.9301032

>a-atleast he w....white!

>> No.9301055

You would rather buy something from 90 iq chad then 150 iq ugly fuck?

>biz logic

>> No.9301079
File: 74 KB, 1533x496, eth fud hahahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9301087

I bet you sold your Etherium at $1 when you saw Vitalik.

>> No.9301088
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his audience.

>> No.9301091

This is worse than when Adex uploaded their introduction video

>> No.9301100

That’s no lion. He’s got bear feet.

>> No.9301104

are any of these dudes genius autties though?

>> No.9301105


this is perfect, everyone knows the best programmers are autistic freaks (gates, viltalik, woz, etc)

>> No.9301111

well guy, he's an animal for sure, exactly what kind of animal i guess is up in the air atm

>> No.9301126

well they all have their shoes off indicating some form of autism and just look like cringey autists

>> No.9301139

He is a bull

>> No.9301142

this nigger is a fat bigmac addicted faggot like sergey. u wanna be going sideways on yo shit for +6 months like these poor souls?

skelly atleast is on meth 24/7 to make shit happen.

>> No.9301143
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>> No.9301147
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>alpha lion
He looks like a fucking wombat

>> No.9301158

Goddamit its a boomer shed. I got my Holo in the ico and it still feels heavy rn

>> No.9301170

>investing in feminist boomer cucksheds


>> No.9301173
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>> No.9301176

Holy flipping yum

>> No.9301181

Checked right back. Though his feet are bare, perhaps he is a goat.

>> No.9301194

Post the one of yoga class with the fat whale

>> No.9301198
File: 9 KB, 175x171, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not buying coins made by someone who looks and acts like richard stallman

youre a complete fucking moron

>> No.9301211


>> No.9301228

It's almost as if the holo crew is having a business meeting at location on of them already own, thus reducing overhead.
Jesus this board has gone to shit. Am I on /biz/ or /b/ hard to tell sometimes, more like /b/iz/

>> No.9301234

The nose knows.

>> No.9301236

>feminist t-shirt

>> No.9301536


He looks like he is going to start shilling GOMAD any moment

>> No.9301578

Exactly. All successful start ups are made by fat old shoeless hippies in sheds. Simple investing 101.

>> No.9301593

he looks like vitalik, larry page, mark zuckburg...oo my god , bought another 5 mill.

>> No.9301604

So here’s a question, if these are the photos they are choosing to share what do they look like in their “off” time?

>> No.9301616

>defining the success of a startup based on where you think they should meet
KYS idiot

>> No.9301705

Yeah fuck him, I just invested in a startup in the alley down the street. There were 3 homeless guys one of them with a broken bottle, told me to invest in their ico or else, so naturally I handed over my whole stack. Their “staying addicted to crack” startup is going to be huge this time next year, just wait.

>> No.9301719


>> No.9301724


just sold 100k

>> No.9302470

This is the body of someone who has spent 10+ hours a day in front of a computer screen for the past 20 years. I'm not looking for a date here. I'm looking for some out-of-shape, pasty white, unkempt loner to sit his fatass in front of a computer and put out a valuable, working tech product.

This is the body you should want to see behind your crypto product. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.9302491

FUD ITT is shit-tier

>> No.9302510

FUD ITT is absolute shit-tier

>> No.9302618

They don't even have any fucking computers

>> No.9302664
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He looks like he'll croak before they'll finish the product : 'D

>> No.9302702 [DELETED] 


unironically just sold 250k, fuck this shit

>> No.9302721


unironically just sold 250k, fuck this shit

>> No.9302748
File: 125 KB, 219x395, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can already smell the diversity hires when they start to liquidate their holdings on the market.

>> No.9302771

fuck you biz the hell did you make me invest into, it's fucking SJW crypto this is worse than IOTA+Stellar fusioned, FUCK YOU BIZ.

>> No.9302773

Not a cent in Holo, but that's the Robinhood team, screen was posted earlier on the board, and they indeed looks like pajeets.

>> No.9302805

The fact that he looks like a filthy ass fucking oldschool nerd, the kind that used to eat pizzas at LANs but still managed to pick up a useful skill actually makes me regret not buying that shitty fucking token when it was being spammed on /biz/ for the days before its retarded fucking pump.

>> No.9302808

Such a heavy 10x ow poor baby

>> No.9303001


lower faggot

>> No.9303107

I guarantee you they all drop acid or take mushrooms once a week. They all do yoga and meditate.

>> No.9303449

what the price now this shitcoin from hell.

>> No.9303571

I dont know anything about Holochain, but desu he looks pretty woke

>> No.9303607

This is easy to make fun of, but you see the chad in the blue joins. Probably the stallion of the crowd. Easy buy.

>> No.9303630
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some homo ass shit

>> No.9303652

This is exactly why this coin is going to go apeshit, haha. Every other one is 100% mainstream corporate types who have taken over everything to do with it. They make money, they know business, and crypto is an incredibly opportunity for them to "do business" with almost no regulartions.

These hippies will get their 10x yet, just you wait and see. They are a very necessary part of this Wild West crypto story.

>> No.9303725

Better put your money in some random yu shin juan 10 years engineer google china hustle xd

>> No.9303808

this is a clear indication to load the truck up.

>> No.9303824

>the kind that used to eat pizzas at LANs
nostalgia so hard... fuck, the world is so gay now

>> No.9303874
File: 116 KB, 900x600, 1511308267677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ou're right, the world is ultra gay. I want my LAN parties back, my old friends and the evenings at the cinema. They are all gone. Let me give you a hug, fag

>> No.9303944

fuck i'd exchange my white collar dev job for a startup that has chilled out barefoot meetings in the cuckshed. honestly take a look at the rest of Ceptr flickr, it's a bunch of chilled out nerds having a well deserved break outdoors, after going public with their decade long project

>> No.9303981

true, just wait till they fill out their quota for female, gay and trans developers...this is gonna moon
just lmao

>> No.9304011

Jesus fuck.. Just sold 1,000,000k

>> No.9304038

>vaginal leg cross
>sitting in a fucking wheelchair

jesus h. christ

>> No.9304066


>> No.9304114
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>sits in wheelchair
Gee I wonder what disability he suffers from.

>> No.9304117

I buy another mil everytime I see one of these discord posts...

">" Didn't sell at the top!
">" Just sold 250k etc

>> No.9304195

So you want to get in on the ground floor of something or not anon? Because by the time they are wearing shoes and posted up in an over priced co-op, HOT will be 20x from here. Stay poor though.

>> No.9304216

>got fudded to hell and back and went 10x
>is getting fudded to hell and back again

>> No.9304239

Still a cuckshed not a chadshed.

>> No.9304262

When idex back this shit will fall like a 10TON rock

enjoy your forever bags idiots, hahahhaahaah

>> No.9304301

mfw. the best fud they can do is the appearance of the devs. we are goign to make it hologang

>> No.9304310

Unironically just sold my entire position. I don't even care about potential financial gain, I'm not supporting this bullshit.

>> No.9304337

He's a big guy.

>> No.9304359

95% of startups fail and you never get paid anything

>> No.9304362
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>> No.9304390

4 u

>> No.9304759

Why is no one wearing shoes

>> No.9304842

Top lol

>> No.9305012

is he planning to buy shoes?

>> No.9305140
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>> No.9305167
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>> No.9305198
File: 30 KB, 640x640, SYNTHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whoever bought +200 vits enjoy eternal bags.



>> No.9305390

New pasta.

>> No.9305449
File: 76 KB, 785x562, 1525508417407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i only invest if the founders of the coin have a nice body and are attractive like chad ;)
is the ultimate sign of a 100-IQ normie?

>> No.9305478

It's like they took this picture for /biz on purpose. Genius.

>> No.9305510
File: 226 KB, 644x408, 1520572157476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought bags off a literal male feminist in a wheelchair

>> No.9305738

I'm so happy this is the new fat guy. You faggots will leave Sergey alone to focus on work now.

>> No.9305861

>the truth is that feminism and obesity is a sign of low IQ, and low IQ is the #1 indicator of failure in life.

I'm out.

>> No.9305871

Just sold everything also where the fuck are they in an Antarctica nuclear bomb shelter. I'm out.

>> No.9305972

A team can consist entirely of hippy basedboi turboleftist SJW transgenders that as long as they are making me profit off their product I couldn't give less of a fuck.

For a board that recommends so much to "not be emotional when trading" you guys sure don't follow that tip too well.

>> No.9305998
File: 3.73 MB, 470x200, 1517449417969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Idex comes back and you faggots FOMO back in at 400 GWEI

>> No.9306008
File: 2.79 MB, 1305x1347, 1522780850489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the body you should want to see behind your crypto product. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like


>> No.9306014


>> No.9306024

money belly

>> No.9306055

>mfw you really believe this and are about to lose the easiest 10x of your life while we watch this giant turd sink into nothingness and never get mentioned on biz again.

>> No.9306058

You didnt have anything to begin with you little rat liar

>> No.9306289
File: 43 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW If you're right I won't give a shit because my portfolio <1% HOT and still worth over six figures in the current bear market

>> No.9306330

Not even vitalik is this bad, atleast vitalik tries to look strange, this guy just walls barefoot in cargo shorts.

>> No.9306355

All these guys atleast try

>> No.9306370

Why'd he take his shoes off? He's in a wheelchair ffs. This makes no sense

>> No.9306373

>Mfw the 10x was easy because it has so much further to run, possibly another 50x
>Mfw people keep making threads about holo despite it being a ‘boomer pnd coin’
>Mfw this is happening multiple times a day and the price isn’t moving at all, a lot of accumulation
>Mfw putting two and two together means this is the best possible buy anyone could be making right now

>> No.9306390

> saw the shill threads when they first started creeping up
> read up on the project, looked neat so I bought some
> tfw still up 2x
> tfw even a colossal dump will still keep me in the green

>> No.9306405

>except your stupid exchange exit scammed so you actually have nothing