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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9292859 No.9292859 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9292995

major whale here x3 lelele still accumulating this le gem here haaha! much rich x3 pls dont tell any1 unironically delete this still accumulating le sir haha

>> No.9293046

I'm considering to end myself and I'm only down 10%, when I thought I bought the "dip".

I'm seriously sweating for this shit.

>> No.9293211

Why would you buy this shitcoin?

>> No.9293239

This is a complete shitcoin crazy to be holding this garbage

>> No.9293308

I don’t know if DRGN is pure crap or there is some coordinated FUD but fuck you I’m not going to sell you my DRGN cheap, no matter how low you’ll bring it

>> No.9294058
File: 256 KB, 1023x1090, 1521957472572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I pls have sum mr whale

>> No.9294151

I'm so glad I dumped. I always felt it never deserved its name.
>Muh Disney

>> No.9294733
File: 91 KB, 1456x688, J967hAlg8UOQBsMaCumHCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bought dragonchain...

>> No.9294779

I put my 8k all in on this shit @ 1.20 because i briefly looked over LOOM that i was contemplating on going all in on, and it 6 fucking timed, in a fustrated rage i put it on drgn because it looked down out of all other coins so i should go up 10% mabye, it then dropped to cunting .90 cents and might go to 50, i just read over the sec shit. I hate my life, i hate crypto and im done. Bye

>> No.9294903

All ICO's cancelled and the incubator has been dropped. That takes away the single value proposition of this coin.

>With the current state of regulations, it should be noted that we have decided to refocus our efforts on the core platform and marketplace whilst we consider alternatives for the development of the Incubator.

At the moment, with the ICOs gone, the only use for DRGN tokens is this:

>The Academy has a vision to use Dragons to facilitate training and certification for users around the world. It will not follow the typical training and certification racket that would shut out most of the world with high fees, but instead leverage blockchain and cryptocurrency to reward completion of coursework.


This token is now unironically a homework reward token for trainee developers. It has literally no other use. It is not going back up to the prices it reached when it was going to be running ICOs that Americans could access. That vision is over now and so is the value that came with it.

>> No.9294917

never invest in amerifats

>> No.9294990


its even better knowing they lied about moving to their own block chain in the ico. In a podcast they said there's no reason to move away from being an erc20 token

>> No.9295535

>all this fud

yeah im not selling bois
you wont get my precious dragons for cheap

>> No.9295779

What fud? Did you read their medium article? When the team says 'we are shutting down ICOs and suspending our incubator to focus on the platform' it's not fud to say that the core value proposition has gone. Or can you tell me where else the tokens will now derive their value from?

>> No.9295808

>we are shutting down ICOs and suspending our incubator to focus on the platform

i read the article. they never said that.
keep fudding tho I bet lots of morons are gonna fall for it.

>> No.9296001

Every planned ICO has now been cancelled. There are no more lined up. They say they are refocusing on the areas of the project other than the incubator. So where is the value in this project now? No ICOs, no incubator activity ... what is the point of the token? I'm sure you can answer since you say they are precious. Where does their value come from now?

>> No.9296016


kek nice fud anon
post sauce... oh wait you cant because everything you just said is made up

>> No.9296184

I posted the link to their Medium article above. The article starts with the words

>As you all know, last week, we suspended the Iagon presale and announced that all Ethereum received would be returned to the wallets from which it was received. Undoubtedly some questions and concerns regarding this turn of events have surfaced and we would like to update the Dragon community.

In response to the regulatory difficulties they state, in their words:

>With the current state of regulations, it should be noted that we have decided to refocus our efforts on the core platform and marketplace whilst we consider alternatives for the development of the Incubator.

So they say they are refocusing their efforts on the non-incubator elements and 'considering alternatives' for the incubator. If you don't read that as the incubator has been suspended and they have turned their attention to other parts of the project then I don't know what to tell you. It is literally what they say in their own words.

Immediately below those words they then outline their new roadmap, under the overall heading of 'Future'. Note that there is nothing at all in the new road map about the incubator or ICOs. Why would there be since the whole point of the post is their announcement that they are pivoting away from that and turning to platform development instead.

If you can find anything in the new roadmap about ICOs or the incubator then tell me - I may have missed something. If you know of any non-cancelled ICO then tell me, I may have missed one. If you know of any plans for incubator activity after the refocus, then tell me, I may have missed the information. But if you can't tell me about any of these three things and you don't know what the alternative source of value for the token is then you really have to ask yourself why you are continuing to hold. If all you can reply with is another 'kek nice fud' ...well, you can't say the devs didn't put it in black and white for you.

>> No.9296215


Look at their new graphic for what the tokens do. Note the complete absence of ICO access.

>> No.9296249

>"hodling" is built into the tokenomics


>> No.9296318

>blabla fud blub

they cancelled ONE ico and you turn that into the entire ico platform being scratched
kekus maximus
as I said youre not getting my coins for cheap so now shoo

>> No.9296392

Being this badly informed about your own investment ...

Iagon, life id and look lateral have all been cancelled. There are no more ICOs scheduled. The new dragon days of slumber info graphic released yesterday has removed ICO presale access as a benefit of holding the token. The team have explicitly laid out a new road map for their new focus with no ICOS on it (matching the new graphic). If you don't want to see something that is not just hunted at but explicitly stated by the devs then I really can't help you any more. I'll just have to watch sadly as a fellow anon goes down with the ship while mistakenly thinking it's a submarine.

>> No.9296432

So glad I sold 8000 of this shitcoin at $4 before the Great JUSTing

>> No.9296441

wish i hhad understood how stupid the market was going to be.
i was fudding this at 25 cents and never bought in

>> No.9296538

This is the next Dogecoin.