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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9292647 No.9292647 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be from poor southern white u.s family
>work two jobs to pay for community college
>fiancee is polish, met her via relatives still living in poland
>have to save up money to visit here and pay for college and pay for most of my bills
>bring home 400$ a week roughly
>cell bill is 100$ a month, car payment is 200$, helping my parents with groceries is around 50-100$, college is 1000$ due every semester and 300$ for books
>i'm barely making it, and still being able to visit fiancee once a year
>maybe twitch can give me a little extra money
>scared tho, i'm a spreg so my personality is shit

any advice senpai ?

>> No.9292655

just trade shitcoins instead

>> No.9292665

dump your polish fiancee trump will deport her anyway

>> No.9292697

> Wanting to deport white christian people from america.

I thought we wanted to deport illegals with violent criminal histories?

>> No.9292699

Polish are the last white conservative women in the globe

>> No.9292717

if you're not 6'2, blonde, german, blue eyed, with a chiseled jaw then that's the same thing.

>> No.9292723

nah senpai, south u.s thots who love jebus but sleep with 30 guys a month are

>> No.9292737

Bro I only pay like $200 something a month for my Tracfone. I get 1500 minutes talk and text and 15 GB of data

>> No.9292751

Sorry, *$200 a year

>> No.9292756

she already lives in poland senpai, that's why it's expensive to be with her

>> No.9292759

You shouldn't start a Twitch for side cash. You will need some sort of cash in the first place to make the streams good (ex. a proper computer and internet speed). You will also need to spend time consistently being live to gain any sort of traction, and even then, you won't get donations unless you're actually interesting and entertaining viewers.

With that being said, though, if it is something you want to do, give it a try, and work hard. It's not impossible, just improbable with the amount of competition and standards you're up against.

>> No.9292824

I hate to be a jew but check out stream booster, you earn coins by watching other peoples stream and then people get rewarded for watching you or following.
Actually I lied, I love being a jew so here's my ref link so I can get some shekkels too

>> No.9292839

you won't make crap from twitch if you arent an asian girl or apart of the .001% of a big game.

>> No.9292852
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you can only make money on Twitch if you have a set of plump, juicy milkers. You can become a tranny for about $25,000 (tits and pussy), the investment should pay off in about 3 months if you can jiggle yourself just right

>> No.9292878
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>work two jobs to pay for community college

>> No.9292932

it's literally the only way to get out of the lower middle class from what i gather

>> No.9292965

>cell bill $100
dude I pay $17AUD (only need 2GB)
>paying for books
everything you need is free on the interwebs
What are you learning that you can't for free in your own time in a more effective and efficient way. Most college grad jobs will be replaced by AI. Up skill yourself in what's relevant and stay ahead of the curb.

>> No.9292990


>> No.9293028

Can you hook me up with a Polish fiance? I just caught my Western whore gf cheating last week. I am of Polish and Bohemian ancestry. Thanks.

>> No.9293036

thanks senpai, if you are a jew than you are my greatest ally fo realz

>> No.9293493

What are you studying? Most college degrees are a meme son.
I went to a very prestigious university, studying CS. I dropped out after one year because I realized what a waste of time it is. Also I wanted to be my own man and not mooch off my parent's money anymore.
I started my own landscaping business and after a couple of months of hard work, I was running a crew of 2 people and had solid, well paying customer base.
In the evening, instead of watching Netflix and playing video games, I studied programming, marketing and project management and now I'm running an outsourcing company in a very specific niche, which I won't mention. Needless to say, I make a very decent living.
Last time I told this story, /biz/ was laughing at me for suggesting running a landscaping business. But that's because they're a bunch of lazy, entitled millennials who have never worked with their hands in their entire life. Instead they spend their time bitching about boomers or (((them))), while hoping crypto will be their lottery ticket out of their misery.
In the history of mankind, it has never been easier to be an entrepreneur than it is now. We are far more privileged than the boomers. Yeah sure, they had access to cheap real estate and stable jobs (who wants to wagecuck for the same company for 30 years anyway?), but we have the entire world as an easily accessible customer base at our fingertips thanks to the internet.

>> No.9294383

for my autismo playthroughs of mostly fallout new vegas, check out my twitch slavofthesouth

>> No.9294401

This might sound odd, but where can I get a polish gf? Do I need to Poland?

>> No.9294407

radiology for now, want to eventually become a radiologist

>> No.9294444
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>> No.9294450

>fiancee is polish
irrelevant detail, bait

>> No.9294467

1. get rid of the cell phone bill. get on an alternative thing like Mint. if you buy another flagship piece of crap and keep whining, neck yourself
2. keep up with the car payment. do your best to minimize the risk of needing repair. budget for maintenance.
3. if you can, consider only paying interest on your college debt for now, it's tax deductible. if you're really strapped, pay that later - make sure to save the extra money for your trip and the long term
4. for groceries, make sure that whatever you buy always gets eaten. you can plan a better diet and tighter budget by making sure you eat all of your food.
5. if it doesn't work out with teh polish girl, get a local gf or enjoy being single
hope this helps. the best way to accumulate more money is to stop spending so much money.

>> No.9294560

>mfw I pay $5 for Internet. 3GB per day of 4G i.e 90GB per month. Unlimited calls and texts

>> No.9294581

I'd rather pay $50 a month for that instead of living in a shithole country.

>> No.9294585

yep, i met mine via her grandparents knowing mine, best bet is to talk to some online before visiting there

>> No.9294601


>> No.9294652

ehhhhh honestly polish gf is life, local sluts are below garbage level bad, would rather chop my cock off than mess with those roasties

>> No.9294783

das rite

>> No.9294810
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Pimp out your polish gf for big bucks. Blacks will pay a good buck for some scandinavian lay and you can make thousands a day.

>> No.9294816

He could always make his gf the streamer and pull the strings from the shadows.

>> No.9294824

fou nd the boomer

>> No.9294953

nah not a boomer

>> No.9294962

as to the other poster, i'm not a boomer who thinks their women means nothing

>> No.9294978

>cell $100
Nigger, it's called StraightTalk and it's cheap as fuck.
>college money
See how you can get on FAFSA. My brother makes $15/hr and got on it.
Stream something niché. All the biggest people are those who either got in early or do something nobody else or not many others are doing.

>> No.9295238

Are you a cute girl with big tits?
Get a real job, you fucking retard.
Even fast food would make more money than Twitch would.
Even putting signs out on the road and in the yellow pages for computer repair would make more money.

>> No.9295517

read my OP i do work two jobs you faggot

>> No.9295542
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>get a third job
nice advice you dumb fuckin idiot learn to read

>> No.9295671

Ok that is actually a solid degree. Disregard everything I said.
That being said, if you

>> No.9296093

I'm not familiar with the vidya scene but like anything online it's not as easy and simple as it seems. If you're personality is shit unless you've got a gimmick like the obscurity games you play or the costumes you wear or something you're not really gonna make much cash.

It may seem like a 'sidegig' but seriously this will probably eat up a lot of your time. With any /biz/ scheme always remember Hoffstader's law
>It takes more time than you think, even when you take into account Hoffstader's Law

Radiologist, fuck, grit your teeth and hang in being poor for now. And in 6 years when you're drowning in cash come back and laugh at us.

>> No.9296410
