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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 280x373, masseymoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9247294 No.9247294 [Reply] [Original]


This is a story how freelancing/working online for someone can fuck you up. Even if the person is a millionare and your "friend".

A guy (who I considered a friend), the same person who scammed me, who after all failed attempts to find a job offered me one to freelance for him (work on the website as "analyst/tester" and work on filling up the inventory with Excel. I accepted the job and did my absolute best to learn everything in which he generously aided me. It took me a couple of days to figure how everything about website csv inventory worked before I was assigned projects to complete. Once again, I did my absolute best in period of two weeks to complete all projects on time. I hadn't slept one period for a couple of days as I was rushing to help him release his website earlier than scheduled. Besides all other website testing and tips to improve it I gave him, the initial projects were about filling up the website inventory. I was promised 0.10$ per item. I finished several documents of 27k lines(items) (Means he had 27k items ready to be added to website) . This equals to a bit more than 2700 USD. Everything went smooth, he loved the work and which you'll see in screenshots, said everything was fine. Immediately me offered another document that's double the lines (this would mean another ~5000 USD) but I insisted that we settled the payment first. He suggested Paypal. After several weeks of reading his excuses (such as, his wife forgot to plug in the power in his office, his accountant does it on specific days of the month, "he forgot me", his Paypal is broken...and so on and on...) it came to a point where he ran out of excuses, so he's simply ignoring my messages. I haven't slept properly for a week now knowing my future changed in a blink.There is a lot more to it but I'll let you judge on this.


>> No.9247337

I don't understand why you are posting this

>> No.9247379

I couldn't finish the entire text in 4chan, but the reason is simple. He often hires freelancers (so he says) hence you should avoid him and not repeat the same mistake I did.

>> No.9247564

Small claims, if you have documentation it should be easy

>> No.9247600


>> No.9247610

Take this 2 Judge Judy

>> No.9247650

Wait a second, do we have to get the courts involved? Are the opinions of an anonymous Lithuanian spellcasting board not legally binding?

>> No.9247670

What a fat, ugly blob that guy is, you better kick his ass IRL
if not you are a total pussy

>> No.9247673

Fuck off code monkey your work is worth $50 max

>> No.9247677

Do you have access to his website or whatever it is?
My friend had a similar problem that his customer didn't pay for 3 months.
Then he put a blinking banner on the website saying "This guy doesn't pay his bills". He got the money on the same day.
I have another example where an automation company thought they were underpaid - they literally stopped heating a large building during winter and there were below 0C degrees inside causing permanent damage to piping etc.
tl;dr: since he's being a douche find a way to push his buttons without causing too much damage. He will say you're an asshole or whatever, but you really know what's up.

>> No.9247691

Small claims court. You don't need a lawyer, but he probably would. 10k, if you live in a different state, he's required to be present in that state you filed, maybe 10k more. If you have documentation that is solid, small claims court loves that, you can max out 10-20k depending on the state laws. Dyor but I've used it numerous times, with no lawyer. Won everything Everytime.

>> No.9247723


Doubtful, otherwise that is an incompatent facilities manager who can use Siemens bms right.

>> No.9247810

Looking at the images, it seems OP is Croatian,
I assume there's more documentation than the facebook images posted though

>> No.9247881

that would be a sweet gig going out and getting desperate fucks to do your work then not paying them. The only thing I'd ever be afraid of is one of them showing up and killing me in the middle of the night.

>> No.9248328 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 547x328, 1497961536408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP lives in Croatia, so it's possible:
>Travel to the states, cross a state line
>Buy a tazer
>Rent a car and stake out his house to establish the timing of some habits
>Walk up and taze him when he's opening his door and is likely to be alone
>Push into house, tie up, rob the house of any minor items like jewlery or other valuable objects that would fit in a bag, waterboard him in the bathtub to give up his codes and buy bitcoin with as much of his money as you can
>Cross back over state line
>Put bags of loot in car, repackage into various transportation boxes, and send it to a few cash pre-paid PO-boxes in Croatia/home country with premium DHL shipping
>Get on plane, go back home
>Retrieve loot, transfer bitcoin into various accounts, sell separately and deposit into your real money account
>Claim that it's bitcoin earnings, and tax for it

Alternatively, he could Boston brake his car (cut the brake lines) in the evening, follow him, wait until he slides into something because he can't stop, and then get out and blow his brains out to be sure the job's done. But then he doesn't get the satisfaction of robbing the guy back, and he's already probably too poor to travel like that without getting paid at the end of it.

>> No.9248498
File: 109 KB, 960x540, 1523800457500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP lives in Croatia, so it's possible:
>Travel to the states, cross a state line
>Buy a tazer
>Rent a car and stake out his house to establish the timing of some habits
>Walk up and taze him when he's opening his door and is likely to be alone
>Push into house, tie up, rob the house of any minor items like jewlery or other valuable objects that would fit in a shipping box, waterboard him in the bathtub to give up his codes and buy bitcoin with as much of his money as you can
>Put bags of loot in car, repackage into various transportation boxes, and send it to a few cash pre-paid PO-boxes in Croatia/home country with premium DHL shipping
>Cross back over state line
>Get on plane, go back home
>Retrieve loot, transfer bitcoin into various accounts, sell separately and deposit into your real money account over a few months or more (depending on how much he's good for, if he's a millionarie obviously it seems suspicious if you lived in squalor and suddenly pulled out millions)
>Claim that it's bitcoin earnings, tax for it if needed

Alternatively, he could Boston brake his car (cut the brake lines) in the evening, follow him, wait until he slides into something because he can't stop, and then get out and blow his brains out to be sure the job's done. But then he doesn't get the satisfaction of robbing the guy back (since he has to flee immediately), and he's already probably too poor to travel like that without getting paid at the end of it. Also, it's kind of overkill just for some guy that stole from you.

>> No.9248577

This is a good way to waste someone's time or get them to fork up what they owe you to get out of having to go to court, but the court has no way to actually enforce the payment. The guy could simply continue to not pay and trust me, no one will come knocking on his door for it.

This generally works best with legitimate companies who wind up having to send a lawyer to court which inevitably is going to cost way more $ than just paying you, and so they typically will give you what you want to avoid all of that (though they'll try to weasel a "deal" first).

>> No.9249000

I think 10c a line is a what a tax paying citizen would be paid.... $25 a day max for a third worlder.

>> No.9249469


I had this happen on a couple of freelance gigs.

They drop a request for some work but want to see some progress up front, a demo, or a prototype

You do the work for free (along with who knows how many others) and then they disappear

Bottom line is never do anything for free. Zero.

That also goes for "contests"

>> No.9249491

>I don't understand why you are posting this


>> No.9249658

Hope he pays you OP. That's a shame that people conduct business this way.

>> No.9249877

Update: He blocked me from all his Facebook pages and took some of his advertisements down. I've also left a polite message for his wife explaining what her husband did, saying I wish his mom was alive to see what his son had become, and this is what she replied https://i.imgur.com/JVETIBz.png

>> No.9249957


>> No.9250013

You fucking retard, you didn't got a contract?

>> No.9250023
File: 10 KB, 647x370, info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've attached his information to this update post.

>> No.9250042

Work under contract. You both being in 2 different countries makes a contract mean less, but:
Get money first. Or at least SOME money, call it a deposit.

>> No.9250046

And no, I didn't get a contract. I considered him a friend and I still live in a world where man's word means shit.

>> No.9250058


this is why we need smart contracts


>> No.9250069

>I still live in a world where man's word means shit.

You deserve to get burned, learn a lesson.

>> No.9250105

Nice blog, faggot.

>> No.9250156

Pussy. Find him and beat it out of him. It’s simple. Or get revenge and find a way to scam him.

>> No.9250179


Serves you right

Now go back to India or reddit

>> No.9250196

Not your personal army. Take him to court if you think you have a case. Handshake agreements can actually be binding depending on the situation. If anything you learn a lesson. Also, contacting his wife is fucking retarded and any further communication could be perceived as a threat.

>> No.9250209

what's his gmail?

>> No.9250237

Be happy you learned your lesson on something as little as $2.7k

Now do your best to make him pay, e.g. put up his name on the internet with all his personal details so that anyone who searches his name, it will come up on Google. Show the world he's a scammer. Utilize sites like pastebin ..etc.

I do have one other piece of advice, if you want some real revenge...

When he starts to accept paypal payments on his site, get a credit card that you wouldn't mind being blacklisted (e.g. from a new bank, or your friends credit card), use it to make as many $1 payments as you can. And then go to your bank and say you didn't make these payments. PayPal will hit him with a $25 chargeback fee PER TRANSACTION. So if you do 100x$1, then that's $2500. You'll also get your 100x$1 back.

>> No.9250242

Also delete this, you're just asking for them to come after you for harassment. You're an idiot.

>> No.9250294


Our countries are far, far away. He's from USA, Alabama, Madison and I'm from Croatia. There is no option that I actually take him to court but I've reported him to local authorities.

>> No.9250303

Don't listen to these vagina's.

>> No.9250348

Why are you posting this on an Eastern Caribean Basketweaving board?

>> No.9250367

You fucking idiot you can now be held liable for the actions of any vigilante anons.

>> No.9250377
File: 741 KB, 1125x807, 61065C50-97F3-470F-9213-022775D3D9B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously he’s a scammer... look at his stupid fucking face. He’s even bragging he had a 129 facebook Iq test.

>> No.9250410

>getting scamed
>feeling a board where scamming is 99% of threads is his home
Sounds about right. Still feel sorry for OP.

>> No.9250418

This seems like a worthy cause for the weaponized autism of 4chan. Where is anonymous to defend the poor Croatian anon from this rich bully?

>> No.9250480


>> No.9250518


>> No.9250561
File: 838 KB, 960x1024, BCF47B30-3E27-45C0-BB1A-ACE77D982D96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El ogro

>> No.9250569

Lithuanian poems isn't a thing you should make fun of

>> No.9250596

I would never trust a person that looks like this and takes such pictures kek

>> No.9250597

hahahahaha nasjeo si na prevaru i sad plačeš
takvi poput tebe i trebaju završit u Irskoj na nekom smetlištu

>> No.9250601

Post pics of this guys wife. I have a plan

>> No.9250624

Fuck up his website like the other anon said

>> No.9250671
File: 41 KB, 434x256, 1FD9CD1D-F9BA-445D-9F21-09EA0DE8B760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small claims collections after winning are always easypeezy....r-r-right?

>> No.9250721

You're doing the most basic of data entry. Your skills are worth $0.05/hour in the global market.

>> No.9250756

He either pays the settlement or gets ordered to pay more, this will continue until he either pays, kills himself or loses everything.

A grand show either way.

>> No.9250825
File: 548 KB, 1125x1112, FEC57C92-D23D-4B9D-B2DA-65F4B19A2797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picture of Fiona

>> No.9250879

An image doesn't help anon. If your goal is to trash him then copy paste his name + info here as text so shows up on Google

>> No.9250906
File: 24 KB, 479x479, massey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold this pig-nosed hambeast

>> No.9250918

>what are bailiffs

>> No.9250936
File: 27 KB, 207x243, A4C73A5A-3B6F-424E-A24A-FEC1BCDF387F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes are real

>> No.9251022

My favorite post in this thread

>> No.9251196

I think you will find he is a professional scam artist with at least 15 years experience. One of his profiles list him as being Cherokee yet his supposed degree is from Jaipur...
He claims to have been at High School in Alabama. If you are 25% Cherokee there are all sorts of college scholarships for Native Americans you are eligible for. You get a free American college degree, he is claiming an indian college degree.

>> No.9251257

Sorry op. you fucked up by making this thread. The best you can do now is wait, let everything cool off for a year or so, Than burn down his house but make it look like insurance fraud so he gets nailed. Or something similure. Getting a proper sociopath worthy revenge takes patience. Take him to court first, though, if you can.

>> No.9251449

>OP is a poor AF croatian

When I first saw the thread I thought you were retarded for trusting a 'multi millionaire' but because your poor brainlet I feel bad for you anon.
I'll give him a call once a while, although I think he's disconnected his phone number already, his FB and LinkedIn pages are gone.

If you make threads once every few days with whatever updated contact information you can find I will pester him untill he pays you what he promised.

t. Eurobro

>> No.9251476

lmao, retard probably googled "Indian college" to supplement his Cherokee story

>> No.9251482

you (youed) the the wrong guy. I still say he should find somone to burn his house down. Hes in croatia so no biggy.

>> No.9251669

So his wife wrote a reply on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/8gzlmq/scammed_by_a_multimillionare_freelance_employer/

>> No.9251906

>have multimillions
>the best he could do was >>9250825

Oh haha, OP just think of the bright side, at least you don't have a wife like that.

>> No.9251949

dear lord, his wife sounds like as big an asshole as he is, they seem good for each other

>> No.9251965

kill his wife to free up his cashflow

>> No.9252061

serious answer if you have managed to trawl any of his personal information just from his business stubs and receipts you can always put it on the darkweb and get his identify stolen

>> No.9252127

Kill yourself

>> No.9252132

Kek I forget how useful a taser is. That mixed with waterboarding, damn. Yeah

>> No.9252173

Rofl what a fucking cunt man.

>> No.9252174

>spend 2000$ trying to get 2700$ with a big risk of failure, law enforcment problems.

>> No.9252203

well how do you think he became a millionaire in the first place? hint, it wasnt by paying people.

>> No.9252288

Do you have a contract with him ? Any sort of proof where he agreed to pay you?

>> No.9252303

Same. Geez, OP. This guy is taking myspace angled selfies wearing sunglasses inside. This isnt the type of person anyone should trust.

Even look at his facebook page. He was begging for people to give him $5k so he can run a 'camp for nerds'. Despite that, he doesnt really look like he as millions. His site doesnt even have any traffic at all. Like literally no traffic, no one goes to it.

OP, answer this question honestly. Did you actually do the work, or did you automate it?

>> No.9252347

La creatura........

>> No.9252366

answer this op

wrong way. you need to write these out in the forum posts so that they are SEO-friendly and google can pick up the keywords

op in croatia and the fat pig in us. nothing will ever happen because of it.

>> No.9252386

lool if you answer this OP you'll get your own personal army

>> No.9252399


u are a little bitch.

i read ur stupid text and ur "friend" ian is a fat slob.

u could just drive to his home and talk to him.. but instead u create retarded posts on an image board and reddit because of !!!2600!!! dollars.

grow up u retarded pos. people did much much worse things to me.

>> No.9252477


I did everything by hand. From inventory to website testing. I still have documents of that work of how I wrote everything in tags in a txt document. Which is why I am emotionally attached to all of it seeing my hard work and mental health going shit.

>> No.9252484

he lives overseas. calm down faggot

>> No.9252563


op how do you know hes rich? i highly doubt it. looks like lowest tier of society

>> No.9252612

ugly fucking idiot

>> No.9253070

Disgusting excuse for a human being

>> No.9253131


DOX him and the cunt so we can fuck with them

>> No.9253149

If you get scammed you deserve it

>> No.9253309

Holy shit that's actually genius. And you can easily do it more than once with no repercussions.

>> No.9253419

Sorry OP but this shit is rife in freelancing markets. I know a bunch of people that have had similar types of experiences. Always try and get a milestone payment after a certain amount of work the first time you work for someone.

>> No.9253562

Go to 8ch's /baphomet/.They will gladly help especially since you were sinsere and wasn't wrong in any way.

>> No.9253587

>on a test that boosts your results
Obviously not 129.

>> No.9253921


>Claims to have millions of dollars
>can't afford hair plugs

Lmao this dude literally doesn't have your money, OP.

not your personal army etc etc.

Freelancing is choosing the person who pays you, so choose wisely folks.

>> No.9253972

I've done some freelance work, OP. My advice to you is only work for westerners. Preferably Americans. Brits, Germans, the French. Be very cautious around Eastern Europeans and Mediterraneans. And never ever work with chinks. Funny thing is, same applies to crypto. Never ever buy chink coins ever.

>> No.9254060

ITT linking to imgur on an image board

>> No.9254122

Not your personal army, faggot.

>> No.9254126

Die annoying fake retard namefag

>> No.9254163

Sorry but that face and facial hair don’t look one bit trustworthy lmao

>> No.9254234


>> No.9254274

>You don't me.
LOL, you can feel the frustration from here. she meant to say you don't know me.

>> No.9254994

Please post updates, curious how this plays out.

>> No.9255082

Dumb fat slut. They fucked up and will now learn what happens when you mess with autism.

>> No.9256053

Honestly, most wives dont really give a shit what their husband is doing as long as he continues to make money.

Also, I wonder what the millionaire's wife does at work.

>> No.9256413

Shit happens man, if you think about it it's only 3 days of work. The thing is you got disillusioned about the amount of money he was never going to pay you in the first place.

When freelancing always work under a contract or use a platform that secures your payment such as upwork.

>> No.9256480

Update: My reddit post has been reported by Ian Massey and my Reddit account has been permanently suspended for "violating" their policy as I had his name included in screenshots.

What I received from a Reddit mod:

I have received an angry PM from omousa007 about your post. Unfortunately, the information you posted cannot be posted on reddit. I suggest taking it to sites like Yelp, BBB, and possibly a blog or something like that. If you want the post to stay up on reddit, you need to remove the personal information in the imgur album and in the comments."

>> No.9256509

Literally this

>> No.9256573

Freelance work is the pits, but the amount of scammers in the cryptosphere is significantly higher than any other industry. Have you ever done bounties? Notable mentions of tomfuckery to stay away from: EOS, GNT, ARK

>> No.9256581

Geez, the comments by the wife.
>i said my advice to you is to get a real job
>And Massey merchandise llc that was on castle drive well guess what wifey-poo made him move locations to occamadate her work location.
>If i had a family to take care of I would not rely on people to support my family I would rely on an actual job but that's just me.

These are definitely opportunist scam artists. Theres a lot of them, especially in the US. I rented a condo out to a couple where the husband owned a 'successful tiling business'. They skipped out on rent and squatted until I evicted them and they dragged that out, got the court to give them more time with a payment plan and made no payments, had to go to court again to finally get them out.

>> No.9256586

jebem ti te popisane kurve kako taj peder nece da placa za izpravan posao
puno uspjeha i srece, op

>> No.9256629
File: 77 KB, 740x740, 27972120_10215596771571150_2100355477704634544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit OP. You got told off by this.

>> No.9256633

btw you can't delete this, archived forever on the googles. you're liable for anything that happens now.

>> No.9256652
File: 75 KB, 960x640, 27972033_10215596825532499_4377744408294785310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbqh they look like pig people

>> No.9256673

>2 tjedna posla

Što je, je. Nasjeo si. Netko tko ima milijune će jednostavno zaposliti nekog svog za tako jednostavan posao. I bilo kakav legitiman posao bi zaštitio ugovorom koji bi pokrivao obje strane.

Pretpostavljam da si još mlad tako da iskoristi ovo kao dobru lekciju. Nikad ne ulazi u posao bez ugovora i nikad ne predaj posao bez da si osiguran da ćeš biti plaćen.

U ovom slučaju si mogao odraditi sve kod sebe i njemu dati rezultat tek kad bi dobio isplatu.

S novcem se pozdravi i nemoj nikad više gubiti san zato da bi netko "unaprijed" lansirao neki proizvod.

>> No.9256687

la creatura

>> No.9256779

lmfao its the wife's birthday today

>> No.9256801


>> No.9256896

This is why we need Smartcontracts! EOY 1000

>> No.9256898

Hope she chokes on her cake.

>> No.9257099

Has millions of dollars but his two hundred dollar couch is pushed up against his fifty dollar dining table with a one dollar bin in the corner. OK.

>> No.9257200

usually when faggots write like this it means they are retarded autists and probably shit at their job

>> No.9257223

This kek

>> No.9257290

What a stupid fat cunt. " i don't me "

>> No.9257423


This dude looks like he gonna sell you some coke that's actually sugar and drive up in a rental saying its his newest lease.

These kind of people need to be met with reality on coning people. Their reality is skewed if they believe they're not in the wrong and should consider getting help.

I know for a fact his wife needs a gym membership for sure though. That might prevent her from having such a noticeable chemical imbalance.

>> No.9257505
File: 110 KB, 748x714, 1524932345196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't me
what did she mean by this?

>> No.9257614

I have no experience in this shit, OP.

But goddamn I know how you feel. It's the worst feeling that will stay with you for a long time, you won't try your best on any project after this just in case you do get burned again, you'll know you didn't 100% it.

>> No.9257792

I mean, other than comitting fraud, but nbd lol. I would be careful if you decide to do this more than once. Systems are in place to reconize patterns.

>> No.9257892

OP isn't in the US?

I disagree with this. Either get all the info and law he violated together and take it to a lawyer. Offer the lawyer a percentage of the payout. Small claims is often limited to like 3.5k or 5k depending on the state.

lawyers aren't allowed in small claims

>> No.9257916

Wouldn't it be easier to pay an indian 100 to ddos his website for a full month?

>> No.9257981
File: 30 KB, 275x333, pantsuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or your friends credit card

>> No.9258038

Well, looks he used to not be a complete fat-fuck.

Still had the creepy facial hair though. And he's clearly got at least 4 personal emails.


>> No.9258063
File: 1.34 MB, 902x902, 1522379020376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what that bitch is up to..

>> No.9258103
File: 6 KB, 398x131, levergerep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



top kek

>> No.9258201
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 2003354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freaks the fuck out two weeks after a job is completed.
LMAO It's super obvious you have absolutely no experience in the freelance world. This is pretty standard BS that you have to put up with from some clients. Getting paid 30 days after invoice submission is to be expected. It seems like the guy is super busy, as most millionares are, but will eventually pay you. But by all means keep fire bombing any hope of ever getting work from him again. Fucking autistic reeeeetard

>> No.9258294
File: 602 KB, 1024x580, childsupportmutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top kek, look he's got a divorce and child support folder.

>> No.9258689
File: 10 KB, 352x462, 15A16258-7C39-48DB-9B09-C9918B7FDCF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use his name and personal information and create fake accounts all over the mexican internet and insult various different drug cartels
>get burner phone and SWAT him
>photoshop his pictures on gay porn and post it all over his facecuck or his familys facecuck
>use mexican cartel strategy but insult hoodniggers in his neighbourhood

>> No.9258772

What is this?

>> No.9258798

stop polluting this board with your low iq nonesense. if you deal with gypsys what do you expect

>> No.9259215

Some people become wealthy due to extreme frugality.

>> No.9259893

He just forgot to pay you anon, look there's your paycheck, are you Daniel?

>> No.9260369

lol thats the user that "doesn't know these people personally."

>> No.9260476
File: 5 KB, 96x96, photo-ffadult-r30-s1-363336381_84300.95446083.1.square[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the cub is looking for cougar love

holy fuck

>> No.9260732
File: 631 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you ever talk to me or my three chins ever again!

>> No.9260797

so which freelance website is it?
Is it upwork or something

>> No.9260911

can we short her chin asap?

>> No.9261103

>When it's clearly still in accumulation

>> No.9261267

OP you fucked up. You should have taken all this info to small claims court and get your money PLUS damages recovered. Now, you just gave his lawyer the evidence to file on you for slander.

This will backfire on you greatly. Hopefully the result of this will be greater than the 2.7k to make it worth it.

Also next time, upfront payments. Don't do work without upfront payment. Give client half of the sheet after being done and demand the rest of the payment. Then give the rest. Don't you ever work for free. Ever. You cannot go to the supermarket, eat and then pay after finishing using all your groceries. So don't do manual labor for free either. They have to pay first.

>> No.9261282

OPs not in a country were any of that matters at all.

>> No.9261493

Google imaged his name and instantly came up with mugshots. He has a criminal history for dealing in stolen property. This screams red flag man

>> No.9261554


This is who you put your trust in fren

>> No.9261672

I've had similar circumstances in my life except I lost 2 years and suffered hearing loss, so shit happens

>> No.9261872
File: 2.12 MB, 1432x800, chaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek. She-whale will pump it

>> No.9261921


>shit website
>hambeast wife
>child support
>criminal charges
>tricks people into thinking he is rich

red flags everywhere

>> No.9262888

Televisa presenta.... Drz se brate