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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9238835 No.9238835 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/, I have an idea.

>buy a bunch of land, maybe 1000 sq acres or so
>build self humble cottage thing to live in for the time being
>purchase lots of tools and food supplies
>rent cargo van
>go to downtown in the closest big city
>tell homeless people you have work for them in exchange for food
>they hop in
>drive them to your land
>give them axes, hoes, and other necessary tools
>instruct them what land to clear and make fields on
>give them seeds and other stuff to grow
>instruct them to make their own shelters with surrounding trees using the tools provided
>they built themselves sturdy cabins, much much better than living in the streets
>feed them with preserved food supply until crops are grown
>first harvest is large enough to feed everyone with leftovers to sell
>homeless people are now tenants who work the land in exchange for housing and food
>free to leave any time they want to because there are always more homeless people in the streets to pick up
>with profits made can expand on cottage and buy more stuff in general to further self
>buy more land, eventually have sprawling legal serf manor

This would work, and for what I can see it’s totally legal. You could have a contract so it’s more legitimate.

It teaches homeless people skills which they can use, gives them housing, if primitive, and makes sure they never go hungry.

What do you say, /biz/?

>> No.9238860

Homeless people dont want to work. They will probably just kill op

>> No.9238876

After they rape him a bunch

>> No.9238883

This could also be expanded to include animal husbandry, craftsmanship (metallurgy, carpentry, etc.) and other self-sustaining industries that can later become marketable.

>> No.9238886

>teaches homeless people skills
Most of them are there because they're lazy or disabled and broke without a license to get disability, that or mentally unstable. Good luck finding the minority that just need a job and to learn a trade.

>> No.9238913

For all of you saying they aren’t mentally capable of this type of labor:

These are the most mind-numbing tasks imaginable. It would be remarkably easy for even the most brain dead junkie to swing an axe or hoe.

>> No.9238923
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> sq acres

never gonna make it, breh

>> No.9238958

Even the small minority of “capable” homeless would be enough to staff a farm like this.

>> No.9238961

>Drug addicts working
>The state and lefties won't get booty blasted you made a homeless person work instead of giving them free things

>> No.9238992

I mean, homeless people do work a lot of the time. Most of them are more than willing to work for food, and I bet that even more would be willing to be a neoserf given their current condition.

>> No.9239027

>mfw all your tools get sold for scrap metal the first day so your junkie-friends can buy more smack

you're never gonna make it anon. there's a reason the industry adopted Mexicans.

>> No.9239073

>inb4 the hobos pull a soup kitchen on OP

>> No.9239085

You sound as a Jew...

>> No.9239092

homeless people usually have mental issues

>> No.9239211

Not usually. It’s about a third.

I’d of course do a procedure to determine who gets to stay and live there, but there would definitely be enough mentally-sound-but-unemployed homeless people to fill the niche.

>> No.9240051

it's not that the tasks are hard. It's that they are tasks. Homeless people don't do tasks.

>> No.9240063

Thanks, came to do exactly this

>> No.9240335

Put that bitch on the blockchain and I’ll buy some tokens!

>> No.9240434

Op this wont work. Reference wild country on netflix. They brought in homeless people to their commune and they just caused problems.

>> No.9240442

>Doesn't realize homeless people are either mentally ill, or drug addicts.

Good luck with your utopia anon. Don't forget to build a cantina stocked with heroin, crack and Meth.

>> No.9240479

Homeless people are homeless because they live where the drugs are sold.

Close to the source

Drugs are sold on the street
