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9228458 No.9228458 [Reply] [Original]

I might be out of a job soon, what's the most profitable skill I can learn that's suitable for freelance?

>> No.9228495

unironically sucking penis

>> No.9228575

>implying ceos give a fuck about anything other then projects
>implying ceos personally know the wageys
>making a tweet to pretend she’s doing something

Why do people listen to this garbage, christ.

>> No.9228614

>tell big tech to solve its incel problem
>birth of waifu robotics

>> No.9228626

Maybe that's the point? She's demonstrating that they don't care and won't do anything.

Not like there's much they could do. It's not like they can hire a dating coach for every single guy without a gf at a tech companies.

>> No.9228664

You guys misunderstand. She wants them fired

>> No.9228699

>all virgins fired
>only chads and roasties remain
kek, was this their master plan all along?
I'm glad I was able to build up a crypto stack just in time

>> No.9228731

start a incel only company

>> No.9228766

How to eyeball a gram vs an eightball when you don't have a scale on you.

>> No.9228843

Start a hugging business, anon. You're basically a pimp except your customer is a lonely incel onions manlet who's too cucked to hire a hooker, and just wants a half hour of hugs from a basic 5 roastie in a hotel once a week

>> No.9228856
File: 2.39 MB, 460x259, EF957A47-6386-4369-842F-B1781D08829B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks incels are all on the brink of a rampage
>wants to take away their career and give them nothing to live for

>> No.9228973
File: 81 KB, 400x397, 1518039751991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Ellen Pao is responsible for getting my boss to bring in a train of high class escorts at the end of every month for a suck and fuck session!

>> No.9228984


the next social rights movement will be incels demanding the right to pussy

>> No.9229028

>ceo of software/internet business fires all incels
>no one writing anymore code
why is that a good idea again

>> No.9229043
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wtf is there to do about it? what does this have to do with the job?

>> No.9229107

you don't even need to go that far. just legalize prostitution and everyone wins.

>> No.9229108

Replace the word incel with anything else to realize how stupid that statement is.
Lets do rapist company checkups every month while we're at it, right after the racist checkups.

>> No.9229134

Came here to post this.

Just remember to play with the balls and soon you will be top shelf hooker.

>> No.9229182

What? Both of those do happen and are completely reasonable, rape is a crime, most companies don't want severe felons in their fold. Incel is involuntary by definition, it'd be more apt to compare it to a rape victim or someone of a certain race

>> No.9229185
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There reason eunuchs were a mandatory part of many governments until human rights.
Men without balls very very profitable and productive ! (Mass castration also fetish of mine)

Me have been say that there will be major "castration" movement in lifetime as men do everything possible for advantage competing against women in workplace

>> No.9229203

Hire more? Bet the incels are the most productive employees who don't demand special treatment therefore are almost never appreciated.

>> No.9229207

Kill yourself

>> No.9229227
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>> No.9229259

jokes on you it's already legal here

>> No.9229261

lmfao what a dumb cunt. giving women the right to vote was a mistake. anyone who listens to dumb cunts whining on twitter and demanding someone do something about a non-problem deserves their fate

>> No.9229291

PC break-fix parts changer
lawn maintenance

>> No.9229296

it's funny because muslims probably have worse views on women than a lot of incels

>> No.9229306

Coding. Corporate A/V production.

>> No.9229341
File: 579 KB, 500x369, YF2XFw3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still around? Holy shit

>> No.9229377
File: 596 KB, 1676x2196, Quran views on women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Muslims have them literally written down in their holy book, too.

>> No.9229386

They came for us, gentlemen gamers at last. We have to rise up

>> No.9229392

maybe she should shut the fuck up. her disgraced nigger husband ran a ponzi that stole from state pension funds. why does anyone listen to this cunt?

>> No.9229415

ball play does nothing for me :(
it just makes me feel at risk like one wrong move and they could fuck up my virility forever

>> No.9229442

>Hey John, how are you today. Look, we're doing this new test to check if you have any, you know, prejudice against women or something of the sort. Done in five minutes, tops. See you later for coffee.

>> No.9229505

You're in every thread and you're fucking annoying.

>> No.9229507

didnt the feminists slam a tech gathering with strippers recently?

theyre giving mixed signals here

>> No.9229521

try fiverr? See what's in demand and look for online courses based on it

>> No.9229530

But Islam is feminist!

>> No.9229564

so if i "hate women and can't get laid," then i'm an "incel." and if don't hate women, but simply have no interest, then i'm "sexually repressed." the totalitarian idiocracy is real. pure cancer.

>> No.9229613

You don't have to hate women to be involuntary celibate, retard

>> No.9229667

that's the newest novlang trick from usual suspects. they want to redefine incels as woman-hating

>> No.9229731

Pressure cleaning

>> No.9229850

Nothing wrong with this. That's pretty much alpha world view.

>> No.9229853

right but that's what the left is pushing right now, trying to make 'incel' synonymous with bigot & misogynist

its funny because the vast majority of "incels" are just men with confidence issues, who think they're unattractive or have social anxiety or some other issue preventing them from having the guts to go out and approach women, and after enough years they just accept that they aren't going to find a partner or even have sex and essentially give up.

If anything incels should be treated as victims with psychological issues rather than monstrous bigots. The whole narrative makes zero sense.