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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9221527 No.9221527 [Reply] [Original]

Dipshits on this site: "I'm going to get rich by investing in a meme. One that already has reached $200,000,000 market cap." These folks are known as LINKIES. Still, I wish them the best.

Smart faggots on this site: "Im going to get rich by investing in an extremely undervalued project that is still able to go 100x." These folks invest in younger coins like Origami and Payfair.

You see, for LINK to make you rich, you'll need to go literally all in (let's face it 99% of you faggots are wagecucks who are still poor as hell), and even then it will have to go 100x or so in order for you to actually make it. All PFR and ORI need to make you rich is a little time and exposure. Time and exposure can and will very well 100x these lesser known yet well developed enterprises.

So what's it gonna be /biz/tards? A coin that is quite possibly overhyped and known by literally the entire community? Or the younger projects that still have room to realistically and unironically get you your first 100k? This decision will affect your family.

>> No.9221579

Origami? Pay fair? What kind of a fucking low iq faggot are you

>> No.9221592
File: 20 KB, 600x400, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part about Linkers is that some of them unironically believe that it will actually reach anywhere near $1000. In order for this to be the case the market cap will have to reach $350 Billion. The entire crypto market was lower than that last month. Holy fucking kek of all keks I love stinky linkies.

>> No.9221604


>> No.9221617


I like how you used information to support your position

>> No.9221618

if these cultists just bought HOT they’d have made more in two days than six months of memeing link to death

>> No.9221627


>> No.9221683

>implying that link holders don't also trade biz pumps to increase holdings

the world is not black and white anon

>> No.9221699


If you actually think OP is wrong in any meaningful way then let's hash it out. Only way to get rich off LINK is to put at least 50k into it or have been invested since its infancy. It will never reach $1000 and the only reason you believe it is because you have been shilled by the very gentlemen who DID invest in a coin in its infancy. Ergo OP's entire point. Suck the dick please.

HOT literally has no plans to make it to other exchanges. I know you're proud of learning how to use idex but this isn't the one bud. Also its market cap is already past 100 million so..

>> No.9221736


kek, so defensive about their little meme coin and baby gains. stay poor.

>> No.9221771

boy will we laugh at you, but don't worry, we will pretend that you saw it coming from the beginning just had "other promising investments" going

>> No.9221894


The discourse skillsets of middle schoolers

>> No.9221964

> Invest based on Mcap, fuck fundamentals.

The thread.
i'll take the warren buffet route, and actually work on my life in the meantime. 300k since infancy.

lets compare in 5 years who spent his time better.

>> No.9221986


You do know that Origami is going to be the first major Chainlink Dapp right? So any good Linkie is in Ori, and anyone in Ori is probably a Linkie?

>> No.9222026

You might be right to some extent. I'm in the fortunate position of having 110k LINK bought at 1000 sats so whatever happens, I'll always be in the green. I don't believe in the retarded memes 1000$ EOY but it's inevitable for this to reach 10$ and eventually 20/30$. That's still one hell of a pump, for me at least. I'm in no rush though and will never sell before 20$

>> No.9222111


Not even FUDing you guys. This is intended for the poor fags who are interested in getting into a good project in its infancy the same way you claim to have done. Never said fuck fundamentals. PFR and ORI are looking promising all things considered.

Yeah and that's great. Like I said, I wish Linkies the best. Its just not going to make poor fags rich who's entry point is May 2018 and only have $400 to invest.

>> No.9222139
File: 893 KB, 1427x766, bitconnect-carlos-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know which other amazing crypto project was going to use chainlink? confido....

>> No.9222146

Totally agree with you. I also like PFR but don't know much about ORI though. ORI has been shilled way too strong and some people bought at the top and it dumped hard. I have around 30 ETH lying around to dump on some other coin and was thinking PFR, REQ or ZIL. Good luck anon.

>> No.9222174

Your average Linker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hR4rDbJPM4

>> No.9222186

I've heard about payfair, but shill me origami. What are good entry prices form both. I agree that 1000 is an outlandish prediction, but I think your underestimating the potential here. I could see it hitting triple figures if the team manages to successfully tie the derivative market into crypto.

>> No.9222234


This video shilled me into it

>> No.9222240

Forgot the link there bud.

>> No.9222246


the fucking video


>> No.9222256

> a coin which changes the landscape of crypto adoption and is openly endorsed by the CEO of Docusign and whose parent company was namedropped for smartcontract development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and how it could change how fintech works has a scope which cannot go beyond my retarded and poorly educated perception regarding coin market caps
Yeah. It is us who are the retards here for sure.

>> No.9222288


Thank you for actually giving us something to look into. All your friends here are 4th graders. Still though, the apparent FUD was just for attention. The point of this is to alert poorfags that they will have better odds finding younger projects just as seemingly promising.

>> No.9222304

chainlink is bluechip

>> No.9222377

I don't entirely disagree with investing in younger coins, but link always seems to be in proximity with some of the biggest potential partners that you will see floating around on this board and never says anything about it, while your average shitcoin would tweet for an entire week about being within 50kms of a microsoft executive. That being said, the small portion I do have which isn't link is ipsx, bbn, uuu, just in case they get a huge pump and let me get more linkies.

>> No.9222392

The daily Link thread where OP pretends to be a scpetic, but anons change his mind with the same rehashed replies, while OP agrees to suck their dicks as a an eternal gratitude.

>> No.9222416

Anyone have that apu squinting his eyes and holding a coin up?
I have 50k in it and I also believe in 1000EOY. Not selling for any less.

>> No.9222442

Nice FUD, come at us bro !

> meanwhile there are thousands buying billions marketcap coins like EOS and TRX

>> No.9222453

nolinker cope

>> No.9222454

Nicely hidden shill I LIKE IT !

>> No.9222459

>>200mm market cap
Y'all even try anymore?