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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9217235 No.9217235 [Reply] [Original]

>only 28
>top 90th percentile of incomes in my state
>walk around larping as a poor person
Who else he hiding their power level?

>> No.9217247

what state OP?

>> No.9217266
File: 172 KB, 750x1118, A612ECCD-F468-419C-9394-06B22F2B6F3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream of this day except I won’t leap enrirely as a poor gag just a middle class gag

I’m more interested in seeing how people change if I do make it. Fun times come friends pic related I’ll buy this with my gains

>> No.9217289

Rhode island

>> No.9217326

Georgia. Apparently the state median in 30k.

>> No.9217364

A suede tux? For what reason??

>> No.9217455

Cause it’s fresh

And it’s velvet

>> No.9217501

Nice I’m a Texas crypto fag

>> No.9218053

posting this pepe on /tv/ is an instaban btw

>> No.9218102



>> No.9218103

On /tv/ but why? They don't like Gatsby or something?

>> No.9218112


>> No.9218196

I dunno the mods are just on a warpath over there

>> No.9218216

Yeah, why ban the cute one?

>> No.9218460

The top 90%?

>> No.9218725

this is the way to be; better to feign worthlessness.
already alienated enough from my peers. revealing financial comfiness would only exacerbate suspicion and resentment.

>> No.9218852

I want to become rich to keep pretending to be poor.
The idea of carrying on with your life normally while being secretly millionaire is hilarious. I'd say ironic shit like "Oh I don't need a job because I'm millionaire, you know?" And then normies would giggle without knowing it actually true.

>> No.9218904
File: 172 KB, 1000x800, 1515012022708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not rich but I LARP as a semi-failure
>$17/hr job
>About 100K in crypto
>My family are fucking failures
>I don't tell them about my money because I don't want want them hitting me up for money
>Mom is a crazy cat lady / meth user
>Brother just had a baby

I don't talk to anybody in my family now and feels good man

>> No.9218936

Good anon

>> No.9219024

i have over 1.5 mil in crypto im waiting to cash out
still go to my shitty job everyday and get bossed around by retards and drive a shitty car from 90s that break down occasionally. no debt, 100k cash, stock options, 401k, 24 yo boomer. cant wait to walk out. it is fun larping as poor irl with wageslaves that live paycheck to paycheck tho

>> No.9219090

good shit.

>> No.9219132

Get off my board old fag you will be a boomer in just 2 years

>> No.9219146

I larp as a poor person in preparation for when crypto goes to zero.