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9214584 No.9214584 [Reply] [Original]

are women a good investment?

>> No.9214589


>> No.9214591


>> No.9214597
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>> No.9214602
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>> No.9214604

brip brap :3

>> No.9214607

Better question OP. Are you?

>> No.9214612

they depreciate like a gallon of milk in the sun.

>> No.9214630

Depends on the level on conciousness you're in. You will attract the same stupid cunts if you're a stupid cunt aswell. Bad thing is it will take you some time to realize it was all about you, and you were the only cunt in the learning process.

>> No.9214675

Pump & dump only

>> No.9214715

They're good if you're good. Women need men to lead them, as in they don't want you to ask what to do that day or ask what they want, they want you to tell and they want what you say to be something good they hadn't thought of yet. They're a reflection and sometimes it doesn't match, so then you need a different mirror to reflect in.

>> No.9214768

I think under a very specific set of conditions, you can get an emotional fulfillment with a woman money can’t buy.

>> No.9214839

Minus legal issues with divorce and what not this is pretty much it.


>> No.9214886

If you want children
Then pick the best mom
Besides that no not good investment

>> No.9214917

no, but a required one

>> No.9214984

She get so wet gymnasticsing in front of people

>> No.9215029

If you like fomoing at ath

>> No.9215064


>> No.9215099

And when these conditions have no reason to be anymore, it means one or both (in opposite or non-complimentary direction) have evolved or stood still in some life context, which results in a compatibility extinction. There is no more emotional or spiritual reciprocity or growth, and the relationship ends. Simple, and the rest are mere social constructs

>> No.9215112

Didn't notice that, fucking hot

>> No.9215117


>> No.9215129

>swamp ass is hot

>> No.9215150

>he doesn't want to inhale the sweet aroma of swamp ass
bad news, you're gay

>> No.9215190
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>> No.9215247
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shill me ideas how can I make some sweet $$$ off the pussy? i.e. pimping them, what else?

>> No.9215386


>> No.9215497
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>> No.9215636

Boats are cheaper.
Hookers are cheaper still.

>> No.9215788

No. Every autist who wants to get laid so desperately is LITERALLY FOMOing in at the top

>> No.9215846

Everyone that replies no has never met any actual mariage-material woman, or doesn't have the physical attributes or the social skills to get one.

Finding love is the most wonderful thing there is OP, and worth dedicating your life to. It's the only thing that'll actually fulfill the void that you feel, because that's our purpose: to find a mate.
If you feel like you enjoy being with your girlfriend, but that there are better or moreninteresting things to do, then dump her and find another one.

>> No.9215919

this is true before you marry them. Then after they are hitched they want payback and expect to lead you around by your nut sack the rest of your life.

>> No.9215993


>> No.9216013

and age like bread

>> No.9216028

you get "wet" climbing two flights of stairs

so what

>> No.9216053

I mean you talk like someone trying to sell something, maybe to yourself.

But even if your first statement is remotely right, maybe it's best to let people who aren't skillful at something not worry about attaining or achieving at it.

>> No.9216163

Of course there are some women who are marriage material
problem is that 99% of women have been corrupted by feminism, and will divorce rape you
therefore its not even worth the time looking for the fabled 1%

>> No.9216208

This. Problem is you fags can't do this and instead blame women for being useless or whatever. Man up

>> No.9216216

Finding a girl I like is what made me start investing in the first place. Also started taking care of myself.

>> No.9216432

I'm the kind of guy that think that you attract what you deserve (and science agrees, humans are more sexually attracted by others in the same IQ range).
Also you over-estimate the corruption on women (unless you live in a big US city, then yeah, you'll have a lot of trouble finding a decent woman).

>> No.9216484

You gotta fuck. You gotta make babies.

You need women for that.

>> No.9216989
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>> No.9217018

vagina is always worth it. its the meaning of life my vergin friend

>> No.9217064

nah. have her pay her own shit, always. never tell her you got crypto moneyz.

you're being delusional if you believe in love

>> No.9217086

Yes. Find a woman who cares about her career and is successful, and you can be the stay at home, or work whatever job you want. It's a top tier investment, for the time to happiness ratio.

>> No.9217105

aw, pudding pop. you'll find love one day.

>> No.9217183

Women are useless in everyway possible

>> No.9217655
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>> No.9217853

I never need to know a source so bad.

>> No.9218010


Being a womans full time activity coordinator/entertainment monkey for life sounds pretty miserable 2bh.

>> No.9218406

>a second meme pump to 4500%

>> No.9219082

boys > girls

>> No.9219127
