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9199505 No.9199505 [Reply] [Original]

Hello all,

I'm mid 20s single guy making 90k/year

Explain to me the benefits of a 401k versus just investing the money myself into stocks/bonds/cryptocoin/t-notes/etc.

Is a 401k for people too dumb or lazy to invest themselves?

>> No.9199525

because any 90k a year job will give you a match you fucking brainlet

>> No.9199528

You don't pay taxes on the gains.

>> No.9199540

with intelligence like yours i would not suggest trying to invest by yourself. a 401k reduces your taxable income while allowing you to invest in your retirement. as a young single guy making 90k/yr you're probably getting taxed out the ass right now

>> No.9199589

My ROI on personal investments last year is over 30%

Is 401k really worth it considering inflation is gonna eat up the matched 401k?

>> No.9199683

Do an in-plan rollover to a IRA in which you can invest in whatever you want.

>> No.9199705

well everybody's not as good as you young man. 401k gives convenience first and foremost

>> No.9199739

I know it was an unusually good year so I'm really open to the 401k idea because it sounds safer.

But I really am worried about inflation and the opportunity cost there of just investing myself and making more money in the long-run.

How much do you think is the actual ROI for a 401k when it eventually pays out?

>> No.9199786

It’s for the free money from your employer and tax free gains. Just do the math on paper yourself.

>> No.9199847

I figure 35-40 years from now, the value of the dollar will be about 40% of what it is today, so having an employer give 100% match is still actually losing money.

>> No.9199898

You can invest in stocks in a 401k you fucking retard.

>> No.9199899


Dollar for Dollar match plus tax-free is 120% guaranteed gains. If anything put it into a moneymarket and YOLO all the rest of your portfolio.

>> No.9199977

it’s not always gonna be 30% dipshit
you can pick what you want to invest in thru your 401k

>> No.9200277

Your young. Now is the time to be an agressive fag.

>> No.9200299
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i get match dollar-for-dollar up to $6k a year

so each year it's like the easiest guaranteed 2x of your life

>> No.9200322

Your an idiot to not take every penny you can from your employer. Just personally manage the fund instead of letting the firm your employer uses, then you don't pay them the maintenance fee.

>> No.9200325

I do both.

>> No.9200334

Investing your money into bitconnect would give you a better return than bonds.

>> No.9200351

Tax free, matched by company.
Free money.

>> No.9200416

Depends on the company. I made $150k at Publix last year. Motherfuckers only match up to $750 a year. And they paid me back like $5000 of what I contributed in 2017 because low income earners contributed too little compared to high income earners.

>> No.9200604
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401Ks are the biggest scam ever...

Ask yourself this... why would you be penalized 50% for taking out early? That's your money afterall right? 401k are a Ponzi scheme scam.

Stock market is just as bad... completely inflated by criminally suppressed 0% interest rates and cheap money. Once the drugs wear off the market will collapse.

As anti Jew this board is it's literally amazing to me that people keep their money in the Jew rigged stock market. And even if the market goes up.... it won't outpace cost of living. See Venezuela where their hey have record stock market highs and formerly middle class are eating their pets

The only TRUE retirement package is buying gold and silver AKA real money. Going to be lots of starving people soon when the market collapses.

>> No.9200644

All sheep contributing to a LOL 401K.

You dumbfucks are literally the definition of normies while coming on here and making fun of normies.

B-but Everton puts there money in 401K's durrrr so ebbberboddy is gonna be rich and have a nice retirement.

Stupid fucking idiots. Inflation is going to fuck you in the ass you think you are going to have a 401K in 30-40 years when we are 20 trillion in debt and andollar crisis ok the horizon?

The first thing the govt is going to do is seize your 401k's in a debt collapse/currency crisis

You need GOLD and SILVER

>> No.9200674

Where to buy gold and silver?

>> No.9200689

No it's not you stupid normie dumbfuck. There's no such thing as free money. They are baiting you into putting money into their Jew rigged stock market. It's all going to collapse. It's a fucking scam.

It's a bigger scam Than chemotherapy.

Hey goy gib us your monies... cuz it worked out brilliantly with SS, right goy?

You are all fucking normies. Deflationary collapse is coming... the dollar will be worth nothing. How did you dumbfucks get so brainwashed in public schools that you would willingly entrust govt sponsored 401k's with your retirement money.

Put it all in gold you dumbfucks

>> No.9200710


>> No.9200716

Local coin shop... just do it... don't even need much... 20 ounces of gold and you'll and 3-400 ounces of silver. Even less... and you'll be balling when the dollar collapses.

These fucking dumb niggers think the next 30 years are going to be like the last 30 when it comes to the market. Ask an actual nigger about the 20 trillion in debt... they don't care. Just like the brain dead normies on this board.

Fucking idiots. If not about being in the stock market... it's about knowing when to get the fuck out of the market.

>> No.9200738

You get free money if your company matches your investment

Pay up to the match level, invest the rest into whatever you think is best.

>> No.9200759

You are such an angry aspie. I like it!

>> No.9200765

No. You pick index funds and you gain 2-3% a year after inflation, on top of the match from your company.

>> No.9200789

The shemitah never happened. People got rich instead. I started making money when I stopped listening to /pol/ conspiracies and switched to biz. If society collapses, I have my guns

>> No.9200797

Your stupid. China and Russia are letting the dollar go soon. Inflation is going to fucking ravage us. That's what happening when you don't have a gold standard and the Jews confiscate all your wealth through inflation.

You fucking idiots don't have a fucking clue what's coming.

20 trillion in debt dumbfuck. Use your brain

>> No.9200812

I respect /pol/ but this. I have my beans bullets and bandages; I don't need much gold or silver because weapons, potable food and antibiotics will be much more valuable if we hit such a level of collapse. Index funds and crypto with an emergency cash fund at home is all I need. I'll buy property after the bubble bursts again.

>> No.9200831

20 trillion in debt numbnuts. Look to Venezuela as to what happens when you are bankrupt.

You think the chinks are producing at the rate that they do to provide goods to debt laden Americans until the end of time?

They are going to want to start consuming their own goods and raise their standard of living. And china has been stacking gold like there is no tomorrow to get out from under the dollars thumb.

You want to think it's conspiracy theories? Fine. But you are literally dumber than a nigger if you have any substantial wealth and don't have at LEAST 10 ounces of gold.

>> No.9200835

It's free money you fucking brainlett. Free money that won't be taxed if you go with ROTH contrbutions. What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

>> No.9200882

Gold? You mean the elemental Jew? Nice try, Eisenberg

>> No.9200888

im making slightly more than 70k, if my employer doesnt match, it it still worth it to put money in my 401k?

>> No.9200901

You dumbass. The Jews banker propaganda as throughly brainwashed you.

What are you going to do? Put your entire net worth in fucking bandaids? Literally every person who has ever lived the last 4000 years is rolling over in their grave at your comment... you don't "need gold and silver."

This is why I'm getting angry because it's you brainwashed normies who fucked it up for the rest of us.

Gold is money you dumbfuck. What? You think if society collapses we are going to live in some sort of closed loop barter system exchanging toilet paper for blowjobs until the end of time?

There will probably be a new currency and if you don't have real money to exchange for it you'll be living like a nigger on the south side of Chicago.

Russia and china stacking gold like crazy yet they are also embracing cryptos so it'll probably be a gold backed crypto standard. We aren't going to go back to living like cavemen you moron

>> No.9200910


Holy fuck.......there is no "real money". There's not some magical force called "value" Gold has that other metals don't. All markets are a ponzi. You hold Gold etc as a hedge, not because it's "real money". It's a meme like everything else.

>> No.9200933


Kek, right for all the wrong reasons. Holy fuck you Gold worshippers are terrible.

>> No.9200958

Would it be wise to focus only on gold and ignore silver?

>> No.9200967

Before JP Morgan died...

"Gold is money - everything else is credit." (1912)

Gold has been money for THOUSANDS of years you braindead nigger self important millenniaL. Life existed before your whore mother had you. You realie this right?

>> No.9200972

Did Nazi Germany need gold and silver to recoup? Nope, they issues debt-free money backed by work. Stop being a fucking brainlet, my pittance worth of gold and silver would be highly manipulated by the same people that own the overwhelming majority of it.

>> No.9200977

Depends on whether you value the safety of tax-free stock market growth. The opportunity cost of investing that capital elsewhere is high if you're young though. I'm in a similar situation - I'm young and make over $100k/yr but my employer has no matching plan. Hence, I invest what I would normally put into a 401k into crypto.
YMMV of course, but definitely invest money somewhere though. Horrible idea to not save for the future.

>> No.9201031

No. Silver is the most undervalued asset in the world.

Go to usdebtclock.org and go to the bottom right hand corner and look to see what silver and gold should be at.

The gold to silver ratio will revert back to 16 to 1 soon enough. Currently an outrageous 80 to 1. But still good to have gold anyway because gold is the monetary standard.

I think it will end up being a clean reset. Comex has been suppressing gold so the chinks can get it cheap. And I think in return the United States has been able to accumulate silver. JP Morgan had a big 500 million ounce stash.

So the chinks get the gold for cheap since we can't pay the debt. We stack silver....with the agreement that after the currency reset the gold tonsilver ratio reverts back to its mean of 16-1

Which is the ratio that gold and silver come out of the earths crust

>> No.9201048

How is gold and silver manipulated? A gold ounce 900 years ago is still a gold ounce today, right?

If the dollar crashed tomorrow and couldn't buy you anything. Guess what? My gold is completely unaffected.

This is why you are a brainlet and why most Americans are brainlets. You think gold derives its value from the USD existing.

Guess what? Gold didn't all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created, right?

>> No.9201057

The US government will raid 401ks eventually to pay for federal pensions and social security shortfalls.

The guise will be saying that they need to act as custodians for people's retirement and wealth. We tried it the privatized way and it isn't working because here are old people eating dog food because their 401ks got devastated by the coming financial crisis, like they were in 07-08.

And the jealous, poor masses will say "yeah! take his 401k! why should he have all that wealth!" and the democrats will say "did you know that only 13% of blacks have 401ks but 70% of whites do? racism!".

They will change the laws to make it less attractive for employers to match, for employees to contribute, and also tinker with tax rates to make it unattractive to withdraw from down the road, lessening the penalty for early withdrawal to make it more enticing to do, deadlines, etc. why think about the future goyim, in the long run we're all dead?

it is a giant pot of gold, and they want it.

>> No.9201058


>> No.9201064

You people lack simple basic fundamental logic. If the dollar disappears tomorrow my gold is completely unaffecred. Only niggers can't figure this basic common sense out.

>> No.9201084

And read my response. Happy for your reply.

In Weimar Republic Germany hyperinflation a hotel bellcap had 25 ounces of gold saved up and bought a city block after hyperinflation.

What you fuckheads don't understand is that GOLD is SAVINGS.

Now what would you rather have? Your wealth and savings in a cheap money fueled stock market that will collapse soon? Or would you rather have your savings in gold? Which is real actual savings.

>> No.9201098

Beautiful. Brilliant. Someone who can critically think. The rest of you have the IQ of a pajeet

>> No.9201111

What is the best course of action in your view?

>> No.9201120

>In Weimar Republic Germany hyperinflation a hotel bellcap had 25 ounces of gold saved up and bought a city block after hyperinflation.
He could have done that with any commodity, not just gold

>> No.9201157

This fag is shilling fear porn. The best course of action though is to move to a white state that votes Republican

>> No.9201164

Haven't you been reading? I've only made 19 replies brainlet. You buy gold and silver which is real actual savings.

Fiat currencies are failing worldwide. Do you want fake digits ok a bank screen or do you want real tangible wealth... gold and silver. Which is liquid everywhere on planet earth.

The Chinese citizens collectively own 6k tons worth of gold. And tons of silver.

Meanwhile in America Americans think silver is a color and would rather have a free Hershey bar instead of a 10 ounce bar of silver if you watch any mark dice videos


Here is the video of multiple morons accepting a free Hershey bar over a 10 ounce bar of silver. Most of you 4channers in this thread would do this also

>> No.9201177

Your proposal works just fine with virtually any valuable commodity as I said. That bellhop could have done the same shit with anything that held its value against foreign currency. Hell, he could have literally held USD.

>> No.9201178

Gold isn't a commodity dumbass. Food is a commodity. You can't buy a fuckinf city block with gold you stupid ass Jew nigger.

Gold is money... not a commodity

Wtf would he have done? Bought 10 tons of Frosted Flakes and exchange that for a city block?

How fucking stupid are you people. You hate the Jews yet they have throughly brainwashed you and you don't even recognize it

>> No.9201196

Gold isn't a commodity brainlet. It doesn't erode or spoil or get destroyed.

Gold is money.

Wheat is not money

>> No.9201197

He would obviously have sold his commodity for currency and then exchanged it for real estate just as he did with the gold you stupid cunt

>> No.9201212

Calm down, Alex Jones. I see you post these schizo-retard rants on the daily. Have fun stockpiling your shiny metal you nigger.

>> No.9201215

>How is gold and silver manipulated?
>what are exchange traded notes
>what is hoarding it all so you control the economy

Regardless, your window of collapse that you're betting on is narrow, you assume the dollar will be obliterated but all the infrastructure of society will remain intact, thus trading in gold will be valuable. Well in that case then crypto is just as valuable because there is a finite amount and more cannot be created. In your scenario crypto AND metals would go up in value until a new dollar is made. On the flip side, in a collapse where infrastructure is gone, if you think you'll be wheeling and dealing gold blocks for some deer meat you're delusional. Bullets, water, food, shelter, fire and medicine will reign supreme in that scenario. I've hedged my bets.

>> No.9201218
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That's funny because German stocks gave great returns during hyperinflation.

>> No.9201224

If gold disappears tomorrow, my dollar is completely unaffected

>> No.9201238
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Do you recommend buying gold bars could etc and keeping them in a safe deposit box?

>> No.9201239

You’ll never get through to him, he can’t handle the fact that crypto has replaced gold as the new, true money

>> No.9201256

Yes! Sell it for currency! Gold is currency AND money!

Why are there dollars? Cuz it's easier to transact than transacting with gold and silver. But you still need money backing the currency otherwise we end up in a situation like now where the Jews print fake money and devalue our savings. Then the retards scream income inequality just like the Jews want them to do so then they can take even more money from the producers.

Gold doesn't get devalued tho right? 100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$ and that equaled an ounce of gold. Had you put that 20 bucks in your pocket for 100 years it now barely buys you lunch at a bar. But that ounce of gold is worth $1350 which is still a good weekly salary. Just like 100 years ago when it was worth 20$

>> No.9201258

i buy gold and silver etfs thru my 401k

>> No.9201314

100 years ago the S&P 500 was $7. Now it's $2700. 6x the return on gold, not even including dividends. At 2% dividends per year, that's another 7x increase. If you put $20 in stocks in 1918 you would have almost $30,000 today.

>> No.9201342

Reeeee muh hyperinflation

>> No.9201367

Roth IRA if you're eligible. No tax benefits for contributions but you'll be able to pull out any and all contributions once the account is 5 years old. So if they try to change things and say that the distribution of the earnings are no longer 100% tax free (as they are now, after 59 and 1/2), then you're really no worse off than the 401kers who got kiked too ... but you got your contributions back. Since those are all post tax it would be nigh impossible for them to grab those.

So it is a hedge in case the system doesn't go crazy. You will still eat the opportunity cost of having tied up that money and having no earnings while inflation chips away at it (if uncle sam gobbles up the earnings) but alternative investments like gold and crypto may offset that.

you could also always take the money out before 59 1/2 and get hit with the penalty but then flee to a different country.

conceptually we're really fucked because there are no defined benefit pensions for people outside of the public sector anymore, and those public sector benefits will strangle the entire economy. you'll work til you're dead to pay for the teacher to retire after 25 years.

>> No.9201380

You are comparing apples to oranges. Stock market is investing... gold is money.

You compare gold to the dollar... which are both money. And gold destroys the dollar as far as a store of value you goes just by seeing my example.

Why should I work today and make 100 bucks and be forced to put that money into the Jew rig low interest rate scam stock market in hope that I beat inflation?

Why can't I just earn 100 bucks and have it by me the same basket of goods today as 30 years from now???

Why is the currency I earn losing value? You aren't concerenes with this at all????

Why am I forced to invest in the stock market? Why can't I just save my dollars without Jews stealing my wealth????

>> No.9201394

You're going to have a difficult life

>> No.9201396

And the sick thing is... you subconsciously understand what I just stated above... since you probably invest in cryptos right? Well why are you invested in cryptos? Because the dollar is dying.

>> No.9201401

they will hunt us down like dogs. moving to a white state that votes republican wont change what the democrats will do to the tax code via FEDERAL law. unless you're going to be part of dixie 2.0, the state you're in wont matter. they'll just freeze your accounts if it comes to that. your wealth is all just 0s and 1s on a computer somewhere.

im not even trying to fear monger. we dont get to own things anymore. we're just allowed to use things if we pay a tax.

>> No.9201425

Roth IRA doesn't protect you from a dollar implosion. You wrote such a beautiful post above... yet you still give advice for people to put their dollars into a govt sponsored scam.

You people are so throughly brainwashed you don't even recnognize you are 100% safe in the simplest thing ever that has been money since before Christ. Gold

>> No.9201428

You can't walk up to the checkout lane of a local grocery store and pay with gold. You can't buy stuff off Amazon from gold. Gold has low liquidity. It is not money. It's an investment subject to market whims just like stocks, except it performs particularly poorly.

>> No.9201450

100 years ago when Americans were educated....... "gold is money" every American understood gold was money and everyone going back thousands of years understood this.

Jew brainwashed Americans today "but I can't eat muh gold"

>> No.9201479

I'm not saying go back go transacting in gold. Gold is MONEY and can also be a currency is needed like for the past thousands of years.

You NEED money to BACK the currency otherwise Jews print fake money out of thin air and devalue our savings.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -Thomas Jefferson

>> No.9201493

Gold is literally a shiny rock, a natural resource that autists consider money

>> No.9201501

Gold is not backed by anything. Anyone can mine more gold. The cost of mining new gold is lower than its current value. If newer technologies are developed that significantly lower the cost of gold, say goodbye to your "money".

>> No.9201504


nigga I said buy gold and crypto too. He's asking what he should do short of building a bunker and stockpiling 223.

>> No.9201507

We're not brainwashed, you're just a gold maximalist idiot.

Let me give a general break down for everyone young or in a position to do this.

Only put as much into your 401k as your company matches, see what options are available for index funds. Next personally invest in stocks of your choice as well as crypto as a hedge in case of stock market collapse. Have an emergency cash and gold/silver fund stuffed under your mattress at home for whatever life throws at you. As your last hedge, store long-term potable food and water, antibiotics, fuel and weapons and ammo for a real SHTF scenario. Congratulations, you're prepared for any situation; where the outcome will either make you well off, or very well prepared when everything goes sour, looking from both ends of the societal spectrum.

>> No.9201512

What do you mean? I'm trying to help. But you are clearly brainwashed and have zero rebuttal. So you go ad hominem.

Notice how you don't have a substantive rebuttal... and instead of thinking about what I'm saying which is actually free advice... you go straight to ad hominems. That means you are brainwashed.

>> No.9201526

Is it harder to mind gold? Or is it harder to print a trillion dollars at the fed?

Why doesn't the fed just print gold or mine it faster than they can print dollars.

I'm trying to help dude. But you peoplenare so brainwashed you are incapable of thinking. Jews have control of your mind while you come on this board and shitpost about Jews.

It's actually brilliant. Gotta respect the Jews for getting people to hate them yet do exactly what they want and not realize it

>> No.9201532

Basically this.

Assume the world both will and won't go to shit.

>> No.9201538

Ok I apologize. Didn't see that you said buy gold too. My bad. But buying gold doesn't mean that you have to default go bunker style too.

>> No.9201544

>"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -Thomas Jefferson
That quote doesn't have anything to do with gold, it's about not letting global bankers loan you a debt-based cotton bill that you have to pay them back on with interest (aka assets since there isn't anymore fiat to pay them back with unless they issue more, which creates the inflationary debt spiral in the first place).

>> No.9201550

Didn't see his post. But... if the world doesn't go to shit... there is still nothing wrong with 100% gold.

Because inflation is going to ravage us...whether we go mad max or not.

There is no way in hell that the market or some Jew mutual fund is going to outperform inflation. It's impossible going forward.

>> No.9201555

Why do you keep comparing gold to fiat money? Fiat money is not an investment, it's something you use to pay for goods.

>> No.9201560

The point I think you miss is that you can recognize that we have massive inflation and are in the midst of a huge bubble, etc. AND still take advantage of it.

If you (not you you) had money on 08, you'd dump money in stocks at the near bottom if you had a modicum of intelligence and funds EVEN if you knew that QE was going to make us fall from even greater heights down the road.

And if you had a modicum of intelligence too, you would take profits during this feeding frenzy and invest in alternatives like you suggested because this shit will pop eventually.

You can take advantage of a system even if you recognize it is flawed and doomed to fail.

>> No.9201561

This guy is right.

I needed to do hardship withdrawl from my 401K.
I have to pay like 52% Tax+Penalty.
401k is a Govt. scam.
It seems that you will get free money from the employer match and tax benefits at first but you will be penalized on your own money and taxed( at the rate of the time of withdrawal).

60+ Age retirement is a meme created in 1940s
It is not applicable in this modern age.

Take responsible of your own money and create your own retirement yourself. Dont let Government dictate what your retirement age should be.

>> No.9201562

You're literally going all-in on gold as your only safety net, diversify for any situation.

>> No.9201563

401k's... Save as much money as possible so you can retire at the age of 62 and live until you hit 65-70. Make your last years be the best years of your life! Because when you're old you can do all the stuff you can now while you're young.

>> No.9201572

You are literally retarded. Stocks have outperformed gold by 30x during the past 100 years. Even during the hyperinflation of Germany stocks STILL eventually outperformed gold.

>> No.9201577

Of course it has to do with gold and silver! Congress is suppose to coin money!

Our founders put us on a gold standard. Why do you think America became so great? It wasn't because we had a Jew central bank issuing debt notes not redeemable in gold.

Coins used to be in silver. What's more valuable? A 1942 silver dime or a dime made in 2010?

>> No.9201586


in one ear out the other.

20s but it's all for waste moron

>> No.9201591


Firearms enable free nations.
Invest in cased and primed lead.

>> No.9201597


If you bought gold in 08 and I bought into an index, who would be richer now?

And conversely if I hold stock for the next 10 years and you hold gold, who will be richer?

The answers will be different.

Use the system to make money to buy things that are safe from the system. That is literally what biz is about.

Wage cuck to buy crypto so you don't have to wage cuck. Trade stocks so you can sell the stocks to buy gold, and so on.

>> No.9201610

You don't need to hoard metals. Crypto is easier to store, carry and trade and fulfills the exact same purpose. I'm not saying do not buy any, but placing all your bets on gold and silver is asinine.

Your gold no longer has value if no one gave a shit about it, remember that. Inherent value is a meme.

>> No.9201615

In his defense, those are the old rules.

Look at what happened to GM stockholders.
Look at what they did to AIG.

We're in a post-legal economy in some respects in regards to investor rights during a crisis.

>> No.9201617


This is one of the ways the government controls your financial status retard. You and the company are incentived to pursue this option. When in reality they don’t want you going off and turning that money into anything larger with riskier/smarter invests.

>> No.9201623

Already priced in.

>> No.9201638

Because 20$ used to be equal to a gold ounce 100 and 200 years ago. You go to a bank with 20$ and you could get an ounce of gold. Or you could take an ounce of gold to a bank and get 20$ back in the day.

Gold was tires to the dollar. Isn't there a saying "the dollar is worth its weight in gold?"

Well that obviously isn't true today.

I'm comparing them because 20$ used to equal a gold ounce in 1916. So they are both money. Then we went off a gold standard and just printed money backed by nothing. How do you think we are able to fund our war machine? Cuz we can print money out of thin air.

If we actually had to pay for the wars we fight then the only wars we would fight would be those of a defensive nature... as it should be.

But back to your question. 20$ when it was tied to gold used to be a good week salary. Today that 20 dollars barely buys you lunch at a pub. But that gold ounce still held its value 100 years later cuz if you take it to a coin shop you'll get $1360 for it... which is still a good weekly salary just like it was 100 years ago when that gold ounce equaled 20$ when that 20$ was a good weekly salary.

I don't understand how most of you can't process something so simple to understand.

>> No.9201653

15 percent is the magic number for 401k's. I switched my 401k to highly aggressive all stock based....so far they've yielded 30 percent...I'm young I can afford to lose money in my 401k

>> No.9201666


I mean the 09 deal. The federal government screwing over bondholders is priced in?

>> No.9201682

Shut the fuck up already. If I spent $20 in 1916 on stocks I would have $30,000 right now, over 20x the performance of gold. The choice isn't investing in gold or investing in USD. USD is not an investment. It's foolish to keep wealth in USD and expect it to hold its value. When you compare gold to either stocks or real estate, it's no comparison at all. Gold is objectively a bad investment, and you must be some sort of shill to continue harping on it.

>> No.9201687

You don't understand after all that I've written that GOLD is the ONLY safety net.

Diversify is absolutely fine when you have sound money, market set interest rates, and a govt that isn't absolutely out of control with its spending.

20 trillion dollars in debt and you want exposure to the govt sponsored investment vehicles????

Again reread that. Gold is the ONLY safety net. It's been moneyfor millennia for a reason. Because it can't be fucked with and maniplulated.

The only reason the Jews are able to get away with the raping of our society that they do is because Americans don't understand that you have to have real money backing the currency.

You guys are all anti Jew... yet it is very apparent by this thread that even the non normies on this board aren't immune to their propaganda.

The Jews get away with what they get away with because you are all uneducated and don't understand what real money is. That's the irony of all this.

>> No.9201718

Someone develops a particle accelerator that can cheaply create gold. What happens to the value of all the gold you hoarded now?

>> No.9201726
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Alright anon, we'll see who does better then. My crypto or your gold during a USD collapse, and my bullets and food or your hoard of gold during a societal collapse.

>> No.9201756

You aren't understanding the fundamental point im getting at. Investments are fine. But you aren't as far ahead as you think.. because cost of living is skyrocketing. What went further? 400k in the 80's or 400k today?

But the point I'm making is you can't lose with gold. Buying gold is not about getting back more worthless dollars. If I put 100 bucks into the stock market and 100$ into gold bullion im doing sonfor different reasons.

Gold is SAVINGS. Always has been always will be. If you kept your 400k in the bank that you earned in 1985 your savings was devalued and you can buy much less today than you could when you earned it.

In fact, I HOPE gold down to 300$ per ounce. Because that would mean that our govt is not out of control anymore and I wouldn't lose anyway in real
Terms because prices would drop.

You guys don't seem to realize a healthy economy equals low prices. Yet everything is skyrocketing for cost of living. And guess what? When prices were low you had a gold standard.

there are people out there that actually think rising prices are a good thing that's how brainwashed they are.

>> No.9201776

Wait? Nobody gives a shit about gold? Since when? I can take my gold ounce to any state or country in the world and exchange it for fiat.

Wtf are you even talking about nobody cares about gold?

Yeah nobody in Jew controlled America cares about gold... and that's precisely the reason the economy is fucked and exactly the reason you are fleeing to cryptos.

>> No.9201803

Gold lost half its value in a few years on multiple occasions. It has no better volatility than real estate or even stocks. It is NOT savings. If you were storing gold hoping to exchange it in the future to buy a house, what happens when it suddenly drops 50% in a year?

>> No.9201813

You didn't read what I wrote before. Why am I forced to put the money I earned into the Jew rigged stock market Tobeat inflation.

Why can't I earn a fucking dollar today and have it buy the same amount of shit today as it will buy 30 years from now?

You fucking bitch about Jews...and you don't even realize how the Jews are fucking you. Yet I just fucking explained it to you.

You are comparing apples to oranges. Stocks are investments. Gold is money. You compare the dollar to gold because they are both money and gold wins hands down.

And your points makes more sense a long time ago as far as investing in the market instead of gold.... when we had sound money and also weren't 21 fucking trillion in debt like we are now.

>> No.9201823

I can take my bitcoin anywhere in the world and exchange it for fiat. I can take my USD anywhere in the world and exchange it for fiat. I can take my shares of Apple anywhere in the world and exchange it for fiat. I can take my PS4 anywhere in the world and exchange it for fiat.

>> No.9201831

Don't waste my time. I'm fucking teaching you how to protect yourselves from the inevitable ass fucking that's coming. W

>> No.9201854

Gold is NOT money. It has high volatility and low liquidity. Its value can drop by 50% in 2 years, just as fast as the worst stock market crashes.
The stock market is not rigged by Jews. The value of a stock is backed by the underlying value of the company, their employees, their equipment, their customer base. Gold is the one that is rigged by Jews. Its value is constantly manipulated by large institutional investors and marketing. Only 20% of the gold that is mined is used for industrial purposes. The rest is hoarded and manipulated by Jews behind the scenes.

>> No.9201880

Gold didn't lose half its value. A gold ounce 900 years ago is still a gold ounce today.

How fucking stupid are you people? Gold does NOT DERIVE ITS VALUE from the USD. If the USD disappeared tomorrow from the face of the planet the gold you own is completely unaffected and just as valuable tomorrow as it was today or 900 years ago.

All the gold price of the dollar represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack ofnstore of value the dollar is.

If gold goes to 5k per ounce tomorrow you did not get richer... all that happened was the dollar collapsed.

And the only reason the dollar value ofngomd was cut in half the last 10 years is because they injected the system with QE and made the market believe everything is alright. When those drugs wear off tho dollar and all your dollar denominated investnments are FUCKED.

But you gold ounce won't be fucked

>> No.9201894

Problem is.... if you look around you.... ALL fiat currencies are failing all over the world. You need gold for the new currency.

Maybe bitcoin will go to a million bucks. Great... how much will that buy you? Not much.

>> No.9201933

again... you are valuing gold in terms of fiat. Gold does not derive its value from fiat. Gold lost 50% of its dollar value because of all the QE injected into the system which has had a sedative effect on the market.

Why do you think people buy gold in the first place? Because they understand that fiat is a scam... and they want money and wealth for when fiat fails. That's the entire FUCKING POINT.

Nobody is buying gold in hope that it goes up 100% so they can cash out in more dollars. That's a phantom profit.

People buy gold so they don't have their savings manipulated by Jews.

Stop valuing gold in terms of Jew dollars and you'll finally fucking get it.

>> No.9201964

>All the gold price of the dollar represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack ofnstore of value the dollar is.
I see, so when gold went from $1800 in $1000 in 2013, that was not because the value of gold changed, but that the value of the USD changed, along with the value of JPY, EUR, GBP, and every other currency in the world, as well as the value of every product purchased with those fiat currencies. Such a big coincidence is rare, but it must be true, because the value of gold can never change!

>Gold lost 50% of its dollar value because of all the QE injected into the system which has had a sedative effect on the market.
So injecting MORE fiat into the market causing inflation somehow causes the price of gold, which is supposed to combat inflation, to fall? How much of a certain good could you purchase with 1 ounce of gold in 2012? How much could you purchase with 1 ounce of gold in 2013? If it was less, does that mean that the good increased in value, or gold decreased in value?

>> No.9201981

In 2012, you could buy 500 Big Macs with 1 ounce of gold. Today, you can only buy 300 Big Macs with the same amount of gold. Did the value of gold change, or did the value of Big Macs change?

>> No.9201995

Not possible. gold can only come from the veins of old giants. what we see today as precious stones and metals had a more atheric feel and look about them in old times.

>> No.9202030

It's only a matter of time before technology evolves to the point that these methods become feasible.

>> No.9202060

Again, you aren't understanding the fundamental reason why people put their fiat into gold. They do so because fiat (which im sure you agree) is a scam.

I'm not buying gold in hope that it goes up to $2,000 so I can cash out and buy more stuff.... because first off I can't even buy more stuff because gold going from $1350 to $2000 just means the dollar got more worthless.

But again... people buy gold because they understand that the dollar is toast and they want money and wealth because they know the dollar is a scam. That is the ENTIRE point in buying gold my man.

Hell, even as little as 30 years ago it was sound investment advice to have 10% of your net worth in gold just in case. And that's when things were pretty stable.

Today? You don't hear any of that 10% in gold anymore. AND we are 21 trillion in fucking debt! I just had a conversation the other week at a bar with a financial advisor that was sitting next to me... and I'm like what you think for investments? And I'm like year I agree (to be nice) but then said I agree with you except I think at least 30% should be in gold given the state of the economy and debt. And he almost like got mad at me.

Absolute fucking delusion and brainwashing people are under. No time in world history going back thousands of years has anyone been as anti gold as Americans are.... Americans have become zombies.

Even HIV infected starving niggers in Africa with no formal education understand gold is money and are smarter than Americans

>> No.9202068


Why are some of you faggots say you don't pay tax on a 401K? I thought you are taxed when you withdraw? WTF you talking about then?

Everything in American is taxed

Do you mean that the income they put in is pretaxed? That's not the same as no taxes. Get your semantics correct.

>> No.9202076

The value of the dollar changed.

Short term price fluctuations in the dollar value of gold mean nothing. Because gold doesn't rely on the dollar for its value. It's been valuable forever.

Also gold has gone up in value in other currencies that aren't Jew controlled and the worlds reserve currency

>> No.9202088

Even though this anon sounds like a nutjob, I mean, he's not wrong.

I guess we'll just live in a society of extremely high inflation and the fed continuing to print money to prevent a collapse

>> No.9202100

Gold is not money. It's a huge ponzi scam propped up by Jews over thousands of years. It offers no advantages to stocks or real estate, which actually have inherent value.

Of course gold doesn't rely on the dollar for value. That doesn't mean the value of it can't suddenly plummet in relation to the cost of real goods. You keep comparing gold to fiat currency when that makes no sense. Gold cannot be used to make daily transactions. It is not a replacement for fiat money.

>> No.9202111

The more important question you should actually be asking yourself is.... why did gold ascend pretty quickly to almost $2,000 7 years ago.... and then all of a sudden come back down pretty quickly?

That gold ounce didn't change.... but the dollar did... and got
Manipulated via QE to buy us more time until the collapse. Which will now be worse than had we taken the pain before because all we did was inject ourselves with more heroin

>> No.9202149

I didn't mention anything about dollars. We're talking in terms of Big Macs. Please stop bringing up dollars. We all know it's a bad investment. Why did the price of gold in Big Macs drop so much? Why can't gold keep up with Big Macs?

>> No.9202152

Sure... it can't plummet short term in valuen of real goods when you are relying on the dollar to buy things because thenjews at the fed manipulate our currency.

But again, nobody is buying gold in hopes it goes up 100 bucks to cash out for more fiat. People buy gold BECAUSE fiat is a scam. And they want money and wealth for when fiat collapses.

I mean the irony here is most of you are fleeing to crypto exactly for the same reason that others flee to gold. Cuz the dollar is shit. And even more ironic is you market crypto as the "new gold" while at the same time.... being anti real actual gold.

It defies logic.

>> No.9202166

I can assure you gold has kept up with Big Macs... just like a silver dime bought you a gallon of gas in 1960.... that same silver dime buys you that exact same gallon of gas today... provided you go exchange it for fiat at a coin shop.

>> No.9202180

Retarded fucking boomers like you will always remain poorer than the Jews.

>> No.9202197

But here is something to keep in mind....

Some people flee to gold and others flee to crypto.... and they are doing so for the same reason. Protection. And the crypto people have made out better than gold people in theory because they have more fiat now.

But when the music stops and fiat fails... I can assure you you are going to wish you had some of your crypto gains or net worth in gold. Because I don't know how the hell you are going to value your crypto when fiat is crashing all over the world in real time right now.

The new currency will be gold backed. China hasn't been accumulating gold in record tonnage for fun

>> No.9202200

Answer this question. Why would anyone buy gold when they invest stocks? Stocks have outperformed gold by 30x over the past 100 years. Stocks keep up with inflation, even hyperinflation, as shown during Venezuela and the Weimar republic. Stocks are backed up by actual assets, the equipment of the company and the labor of the employees. Stocks are less volatile than gold, they continuously generate dividends and don't crash 50% in 1 year.

The same silver dime cashed out and invested in real estate during 1960 would buy you 5 gallons of gas today.

>> No.9202215

I'm not a boomer and I have more than enough money.

And it isn't about Jews having more money..... it's about not allowing the kikes to confiscate my wealth through inflation.

Most of my money is in gold and silver. And guess what? No fucking greedy big nosed Jew at any bank can destroy any of my wealth through inflation.

>> No.9202224

And how the hell are you going to value your gold when fiat is crashing all over the world? Are you going to scrape off some gold dust from your stockpile of gold bars and use it to pay for a loaf of bread?

>> No.9202286

I've already covered this a couple times above... bear with me....

Investments are MORE than fine but today we are 21 trillion in debt and have record low criminally suppressed 0% interest rates. Everything is being propped up by cheap money. Sure... the market is going up but in real terms you aren't making much cuz cost of living is skyrocketing. See Venezuela... people starving and eating their pets yet their stock market is at record highs too.

Now... in a sane decentralied economy like we used to have where a gold ounce equaled 20$ redeeamable at banks....I ain't going to be putting much of my fist in gold becaus A... its backed by gold....and B. I'd rather be investing knowing that there a sound banking system and economy when I invest.

So yes... if we went back in time to 1920... there's not much need to have any or much gold at all. I'm gonna be investing that 20$ in the stock market.

Today tho? No chance I'm investing in stock market or at least if I am in gonna have half my wealth in real money. Everything is fucked up nownajf goct controlled. That's not how this county was founded. Our founders knew that govt control would equal that we are fucked. Just like we are now and why you are investing in cryptocurrencies.

But also... fundamentally... investing in stocks is juSt investing.
Govts use gold to invest. So gold is not an investment it's money. So you compare that gold ounce to the 20$ bill it used to equal and then look at the difference today between the two and cost of things 100 years later.

>> No.9202294

They don't need to destroy it through inflation. Gold shitters like you don't understand that once fiat collapses, things like Food, water, guns, and gasoline will become FAR more valuable than bars of metal.

>> No.9202353

>Sure... the market is going up but in real terms you aren't making much cuz cost of living is skyrocketing.
So what does that mean for gold which is doing worse? Is gold going to suddenly somehow magically overcome 100 years of history of bad performance? Venezuela faced 800% inflation but stocks increased by 1000%, definitely better than what gold is doing.

>> No.9202363

Lol to other real assets? Like you should be doing right now?

How do you think people or rather govts are going to value things when fiat goes to zero? They are going to revalue things in terms of gold. So ALL prices will be gold prices in essense.

The historical dow to gold ratio is 4 to 1

Today? It's like 23 to 1. So that means the market is way overvalued and gold isnway undervalued. You buy gold. Wait for market to collapse where the downto gold ratio is 1 to 1 and then invest in the market and get a shitload of shares.

Same with real estate. You don't invest in real estate now after it's been inflated by cheap money. You wait for the deflationary collapse... a median priced home is then worth 40k. Gold gets revalued to 20k per ounce. Exchange two ounces for the new currency and bam.... 2 ounces of gold now buy you a home without a mortgage. Or something in that ballpark. So those 2 ounces of gold which cost you 2,500 to get in the fiat paradigm now buy you a home in the new paradigm.

THATS why people buy gold. For the transfer of wealth after fiat dies. When the dollar goes to zero. That wealth doesn't just disappear. It gets transferred to those who own real money.

Why you think the chinks have been accumulating record tonnage of gold for over a decade now?

>> No.9202380

It doesn't mean anything for gold right now because that isn't why you are buying gold in the first place. You are buying gold because you want money and wealth for when the dollar collapses and is worth zero.

Read what I wrote above. When the dollar goes to zero.... wealth doesn't just dissapear it gets transferred. Which is why the chinks, Russian, and pajeet countries like India have been accumulating gold like crazy for a decade now. BecUse they know the dollar is toast and want out from underneath it

>> No.9202406

You can buy a home in Venezuela for 1 ounce of gold. 1 ounce of silver gets you 4 months worth of food on the black market

>> No.9202419

>They are going to revalue things in terms of gold.
You're fucking retarded. During hyperinflation things are revalued in foreign currency. Zimbabwe switched to the USD, not gold. If the USD collapses, maybe people will switch to EUR, or CND.

>Wait for market to collapse where the downto gold ratio is 1 to 1 and then invest in the market and get a shitload of shares.
When is that going to happen? How many years are you going to wait? How many years are you going to give up on 10% average yearly returns? Keep in mind that during the 2000 crash gold also fell as well. Let's say you bought $1000 gold in 1980 and sold for stocks at the absolute lowest ratio right during 2008. You're still 3x behind compared to just holding stocks in the first place, and that's with perfect market timing.

>> No.9202433

Absolutely those things will be valuable... and how the fuck you think people are going to buy things they need? With MONEY which equals gold.

What? You think we are going to end up in some closed loop barter system for centuries where people are exchanging toilet paper for blowjobs? There is going to have to be a value base for exchanging. Whether it's gold or Anne currency backed by gold

>> No.9202451

if the USD collapses, there will be a global financial crisis

>> No.9202484

You mean like the one in 2008? Or even maybe the one in 1929? The economy recovered in under 5 years in both cases. How much gains are you giving up hoarding gold waiting for the next crisis? Peter Schiff has been repeating his broken clock since 2011.

>> No.9202529

How the fuck did you make $150k off Publix? Do you own one of the stores? That's nuts give me a job

>> No.9202542

There is no reason to do 401k. They don't let you have access to all assets you want and there are limits. You will make a few extra thousand when you retire and that's barely worth it.

>> No.9202565

Yeah a nigger country like zimbabwe with a total GDP of maybe 8$ can be revalued in us currency.

But the issue is the dollar! It's the world reserve currency and its dying. What are we going to do then? Revalue our currency in the bulagarian currency when everything in the world currently relies on the dollar?

No... things will be revalued in gold. Why you think china has been loading up? They have a petroyuan backed by gold. They'll be fine we will be fucked.

Trump early last year even got a question from a Chinese reporter about Currencies that nobody reported cuz nobody understands. But even trump said in response that we will all be on an equal playing field "sooner than you think." Which means GOLD prices.

Here's the YouTube video of trump being interviewed where he said it. Trump even has a portrait of Andrew Jackson hanging on his wall hoodwinking his plans with gold since Jackson was a gold standard guy.


>> No.9202600

The economy didn't recover LOL.

Cost of living is still skyrocketing. Do you nigger pajeets understand that a recovering healthy economy means prices go down? Or are you fucking retarded?

All that happened after 2008 is they flooded the system with QE... and we are 21 trillion dollars in debt and on the verge of a systematic meltdown.

Recovering economy...lol... you people are so fucking deluded and brainwashed its actually frightening

>> No.9202633

Holy shit you totally fucking missed his point. Before the dollar was the world's reserve the currency the British pound functioned to the same effect. Once the dollar collapses, another currency will take up the mantle of the world's reserve currency. And it won't be a gold backed currency because there is NO incentive for a reserve currency to be backed by gold.

You're right - the dollar does need to be destroyed so a better currency can arise. But only delusional boomers think that it's going to be gold that replaces it.

>> No.9202636

Peter schiff is 100% fundamentally correct. The only question is how long can they keep the cards from collapsing.

2011 was 7 years ago. That's less than two college cycles. That's a nothing time frame in the grand scheme of things. Unless of course you are sonself important and think that 7 years is a long time.

>> No.9202659

Not true. I have a 120k/yr job in a NYC Union, no match. I invest nothing into my 401k. They are for the 99.9% of american dumbasses too incapable to invest for themselves.

>> No.9202662

>Because it can't be fucked with and maniplulated.
False my dude. Gold was often diluted without people's knowledge and can be manipulated by gold miners and hoarders.

>> No.9202675

Yes you do.

>> No.9202728

And when the dollar took the baton from the British pound wasn't the dollar backed by gold? Hmmmmmmm oh yeah it was!

Then we went off the gold standard 30 years or so after that.... and shit has been downhill ever since... and now the dollar is almost finished. So obviously if you use logic... the dollar is fucked cuz it isn't backed by gold anymore! Duhhhh

Moreover... which country do you think is most likely to get he baton passed to them? China obviously... oh wait.... china has been stacking gold for over a decade now and just launched a futures contract petroyuan backed by gold.

It's like you think that when the dollar became the worlds reserved currency it wasn't backed by gold. That's the fuckinng reason it became the reserve currency dumbass. And since we've gone off the gold standard we have countless wars and military bases forcing other countries to keep using it who don't want to use it anymore because their debt has been fucking devalued because we print money out of thin air.

You people have absolutely zero logic in your brains

>> No.9202754

Yeah maybe a little bit but not like the dollar has been manipulated. A gold ounce buys you a nice suit today just like it did 100 years ago when it equaled 20$. Today 20$ doesn't even buy you dinner for 3 at Taco Bell

>> No.9202794

Well you are a communist but you are at least smart

>> No.9202823

You like that 100 year quote. You have said it several times. 100 years is more than most people live so it's a pointless investment horizon.

That said what happens when the government bans gold hoarding and use of gold? What will you do with your gold in your post crash society?

>> No.9202851

WW3 is literally being fought over eastern countries not wanting to use the Jew dollar anymore. And our Jew masters not wanting to let go of the power. Why you think we are always in so many wars?

As soon as we went off the gold standard the the Jews who control our govt have been fucking the world. We used to make things under a gold standard. Since we went off it all we have made is war.

Our founders never intended for us to be a country of war and policemen of the world.

>> No.9202877
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>what happens when the government bans gold hoarding and use of gold?

>> No.9202930


>> No.9202944

He's not wrong, FDR banned gold hoarding and seized all gold that was recorded publicly. Thats why the rules of gold and guns are the same: Never tell anyone

>> No.9202967

I keep using the 100 year example because it's literally the most easy logical thing to understand yet most in this thread with their Jew infected brains can't grasp it. What I'm explaining there is literally as easy as understanding 2+2=4 yet they can't assimilate it into their Jew propaganda infected brains. It's actually scary.

20$ equaled a gold ounce 100 years ago and both equaled a good weekly salary. Today 20$ barely buys you lunch yet that gold ounce equals 1350$ and is still a weeks salary. What's changed? And they can't fucking figure it out that the kikes have destroyed their wealth through inflation.... yet they come here to this board saying they hate Jews... but then hate gold. The one thing that would fuck the Jews. It's mind boggling.

Also... you actually made a better argument than I have in this entire thread. The fact that the govt would want to ban it or confiscate obviously means its valuable and you want to hang into it.

What will I do? How they gonna find it? The people in 1933 gold confiscation were told to turn it in. Most people didn't turn it in. People turning it into muh govt are faggots. And if they actually came after to take it from you that's what guns are for and the 2nd amendment.

If they literally try and confiscate the gold that means you are probably going to a FEMA camp of sorts soon enough anyway. or you'll be so poor you'll be fucked anyway

>> No.9202985

for dunning-kruger types, a 401k is how you still have savings after one of your bets inevitably go wrong

>> No.9202997

Except hiding the gold then makes it useless as a currency or any kind of value. How can you buy food with it when you cant use it. Black market aside.

>> No.9203081

What happens is.... a black market develops that the govt and politicians are against, but people ignore their rules and the the politicians and govt start using it too.

But it won't get this bad. What will probably happen is there will be a currency reset. And people who own gold will have to be very well compensated for their gold to exchange it for the new currency...otherwise they'll just keep it. Albeit they and I will keep some anyway. But if 2 ounces of gold buys me a new house in the new currency and I have 50 ounces I won't care if I part with half my stack.

But that's what they do... they get the gold from the people and then revalue the currency and the scam continues.... the reason they'll need the gold is because our govt gold is gone. So they'll need to raise the funds in gold to start the scam all over again

>> No.9203127
File: 130 KB, 1080x720, compound-interest-scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compound interest is a scam, unless you already have the millions to leverage decent interest payments.

You yourself already said it when replying to another anon, compound interest doesn't deliver because there also is compound inflation. You may actually get to have millions when you're 65 years old, but by then a loaf of bread may cost one hundred dollars and then you'll realize you've been scammed for more than a half of your life and you can't get neither your money nor your time back.

>> No.9203199

You're the brainwashed one by a bunch of low iq incels. Your life is going to be really fucking difficult

>> No.9203213

Think of it as a way to save on taxes, you can squirrel a bunch of your income away in a 401(k) and get your employer to match it, it is worth it in that sense. The bad part is the funds usually suck, they are high cost to manage, and you the money is not very liquid.

>> No.9203516


Yeah subtract about 3% from all interest returns, and you're looking at barely staying afloat on the best bank interest.

>> No.9203812

Notice how you didn't respond with anything substantial? And basically just said what amounts to an ad hominem. My life isn't difficult and do well for myself.

How does pointing out real economics and the reason we are getting fucked economically have to do with my life?

You have no legitimate response because you are brainwashed.
I'm literally telling you and teaching you why and how things are as bad as they are and you reject it for no reason.

It's your life that's going to be difficult because you don't know how to think.

>> No.9204557


This is one of the most uneducated posts I've read on /biz/ and is extremely dangeous to he new fags out there.

A friendly reminder that for each $100,000 in a 401k S&P 500 Index fund before 30 will be $1,000,000 at 65. For each $100,000 before 34, it will be $1,000,000 at 70.

Getting $100,000 in there before 34 is extremely doable and should be everyone's investment fall back plan.

t. someone who works in the real world economy in finance

>> No.9204612


>the S&P 500 will perform the same over the next 40 years as it has in the past 100 years.

The next 40 years is a 40% timescale, that’s so long there’s no way to know what will happen.

>> No.9204857


Same could be said about the last 5 years' S&P 500 return of 100%+.

Stop over thinking it. Use financial models that prove things mathematically.

Being stuck in a world of "what if" with your money is almost always pleb/reddit tier.

>> No.9205516

You're doing god's work anon, and I'm not saying this ironically. Already knew 90% of the things you said and I agree with you 100%. Not sure how successful you'll be in changing peoples' minds since, as you pointed out, the brainwashing is all too real, but keep doing it.

>> No.9205615

im not saying some of you are wasting your time truth bombing the sheep but they must work it out for themselves. try not to get frustrated if we were all the same the world would be a boring place.