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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9188498 No.9188498 [Reply] [Original]

This must be the most legit crypto project out there. Can't fucking believe it.

>> No.9188540

Yeah but it's price will never take off, even if replaces paypall.

>> No.9188542

>a cryptocurrency that facilitates payment for... cryptocurrencies

Wow genius idea

>> No.9188666

it's going to be currency agnostic in the future. also, let's not forget about the whole accounting backend they are working on.

>> No.9188696

Inb4 whales.
Fuck price suppressing whales !
Req $30 eoy !

>> No.9188788

We're not talking about REQ as a currency, you absolute brainlet. We're talking about the whole project. Why don't you DYOR before you spit shit in every REQ thread?

>> No.9188822

full house chequed

>> No.9188835

Wow double checked

>> No.9188872


.05 by summer.

I warned you faggots.

>> No.9188908


Full house checked

>> No.9188977

Sell your bags to me!

>> No.9188981

The "whale" larper got btfo yesterday when request went and stayed over the price he said he would keep it for years that was kind of funny.

>> No.9189008

Rlc is legit too. (Req & Rlc are partners.)

>> No.9189075

The token is fucking worthless though. It is not needed and it's only there to create artificial value by way of being finite. Such a fucking scam, and Coinbase Commerce is already out there and no doubt there will be more bigger and better alternatives soon to this creepy ass shittoken.
>but muh decentralization
No one gives a fuck about that, faggot.

>> No.9189086

>a project that facilitates payment for... cryptocurrencies

Wow genius idea

>> No.9189161
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Reminder that REQ will stay below $0.30 for at least 2 more years due to whale suppressing the prices for a better long-term return on investment.

>> No.9189207

You guys are all Req holders fudding your own coin. It’s funny

>> No.9189260
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He said it would stay under $0.30 and that actually happened.

>> No.9189265

It’s been a boring couple of months

>> No.9189282


In the beginning he said 20 cent lmao. Kind of funny that a Ranjeet makes people dump so effortless.

>> No.9189301


Why do people invest in this? Sure the project is pretty cool and all but almost everyone agrees that even if it takes off the price isn't going to go crazy. So what's the point?

>> No.9189314

They’re trying to set up a REQ posting culture that ensures new anons and people coming to /biz/ for the next bull run miss out on this coin. This will probably result in tons of people fomoing in after the first exponential shift, leading to another parabolic run followed by another.

It’s bad behavior, but I’ve grown agnostic to the monkey shines. That’s on their character, not mine.

>> No.9189341

He said it would never rise above $0.2

Which it didn't. Saying it stays under $0.30 and it will never go above $0.2 is the exact same thing.

He also said this when it was $0.27 so it would be retarded to actually mean 20 cents.

But you'll see as REQ bounces off from $0.29 time and time and time again until late 2020.

>> No.9189348

Not exactly sure what the REQ token is needed for. Why wouldn't a place like Amazon just take Eth or BTC directly? Or just send Eth or BTC to another person directly?

>> No.9189392

Divisible by 18 decimals. Theoretically (supply and demand aside) could reach quadrillion+ dollar value for 1 REQ and still be far from capping out in terms of real world usage availability. You are either just here to be a scumbag fudder or you don’t have the brains for crypto. Either way, fuck off.

>> No.9189407

This went up a little yesterday. Kinda creepy...

>> No.9189424


Ever seen those cringeworthy shops that have 100 different cryptocurrency stickers on the front of their premises to indicate they take certain cryptos - well in the future there will only be one sticker and that will be the request network sign.

>> No.9189465

For anyone in this thread who is confused by the brainlets spreading lies about “whale suppression” (not a thing as clearly proven yesterday when a larp said he would keep it under a certain BTC amount for years which it is now healthily over and stable), or about REQ being similar to coinbase commerce, or about the price not being able to go high even if they take over PayPal (idiotic for multiple reasons), I say this to you: take 30 minutes to one hour to do your own research, and you will easily find the answers you’re looking for. REQ is a top 5 crypto project right now in terms of scope and actual achievements. If it continues on its current trajectory, it will be a $70+ token within 1-2 years.

>> No.9189514

That guy was a fucking larper the original real whale didn't say anything about satoshis he even specifically said he only measures value in $ amount.


Read the original thread. He even said he would post proof if he ever posts again which the fake whale from yesterday didn't.

>> No.9189536

The whale also proved itself to be real by announcing to cause a bart pattern before REQ started to bart really hard.

>> No.9189541

There are only a handful of cryptoCURRENCIES. BTC, BCH, nano, those fucking nonserious beantokens and dogecoins, and privacy coins

Only reason they all those different choices exist is because of blockstreams incompetency/intentional sabotage. There is really no reason to accept anything else than BCH because it works best as a currency, and maybe privacy coins if youre selling illegal shit.

>> No.9189563


>Buy tokens
>They all get burnt

??? Nice coin sweety

>> No.9189603


>> No.9189877

lol it's him again

>> No.9189951

The binance whale group has kept the price below .30 so far
Yet people claim it's all a LARP

>> No.9190362


Are you retarded? What the actual fuck.

>> No.9190458
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Guys, I'm aiming for 30 cents by 2025.

Am I being too optimistic?

>> No.9190528

Between $5 and $10 EOY

>> No.9190609

$15-25 IMO the team moves quickly and will probably drop some big names in Q3 - Q4 to secure the market and brand.

Sad that there are noobs on biz reading the fud that ignore this coin

>> No.9190662

Every day it’s a new FUD with this fucking coin, there have been so many and they come and go so quickly that you guys don’t even remember what they are.

>> No.9190692

Prime minister of France said they wanted to restrict payment services in the crypto space until there is better regulation.

Could be a threat for Request Network.

>> No.9190801

In chronological order, here's all the ones I can remember:

>Stacey/creepy posting
>Need the token to use the network
>What if the tokens run out and nobody can use the network anymore?
>REQ will have KYC
>Your tokens will get burnt
>the guy who kept saying "remember, 2 cents by september"
>the spreadsheet that was spammed all over
>the supposed "whale" who is going to suppress the price

And now this. I'm sure I missed a lot of them too.

>> No.9190940

Whoa fuck head, it's .01 by September. Respect the FUD.

>> No.9191137

>the REQ team posted in slack that after the successful ICO they deserve a vacation
>main dev got fired for creative differences so they're outsourcing all work to India
>Robinson Property logo lawsuit

>> No.9191147


You forgot "Outsourced to literal pajeets" after the Request Fund announcement.

>> No.9191148

Did Robinson come before or after Stacey? I feel like before.

>> No.9191154

>Robinson Property logo lawsuit

This one actually fucking tanked the price from $0.10 to $0.04

>> No.9191167


Yeah, before. Was very early.

>> No.9191169

Not buying your bags pajeet.
Kek at this shitcoin that is still below 25% from the ath while all other coins are already recovering.

>> No.9191878
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Bean Cash is the most true to satoshi's vision GTFO

>> No.9191918

please tell me why they didnt register as a security and offer dividends to token holders. Instead, they implemented some dumbass burn mechanism thats supposed to artificially create value for the token. Why not go legit?

>> No.9191968
File: 148 KB, 434x394, justthetip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true, beans are the peer to peer electronic cash he dreamed of

>> No.9191999

Gimme dat 20mb block size homie, aww yiss, almost instantly verified transactions dass it mane.

>> No.9192097

I'm actually a Req whale. I've flashed my sell wall before, you may have seen it. I'm not suppressing the price - I think that's stupid.
Half the fud here is from req holders. Req has the best FUD and the best gifs. FUD list:
-Req team on vacation after ico
-YC sponsors Moneytis not Req (false)
-Stacy, Chad, and creepy.
-Outsourcing to pajeets (this one actually did drop the price)
-PwC France is not PwC. Wiki France is not Wiki.
-Regulations will hamper Req fiat gateways.
-Your tokens will get burnt!
-"Whale cartel" suppressing the price. Haha good job keep the price below 3000 sats.
-Main dev left.
-Robinson logo.
-One cent before September.

I still can't believe the price dipped below ico. I bought so much then knowing it would have its day. I'm still not satisfied.

>> No.9192166

Except they said they'd keep it below .20 until 2020, so below .30 who gives a fuck, already LARPed out. And when it breaks .30 in exactly 3 days, what will their/your excuse be then? That your brains are soup?

>> No.9192187

No, they were obviously going to keep it under 40 cents then

>> No.9192196

you REQfags are just as deluded as linkies. you think its cool to FUD your own coin lmao. "look at me I'm so secure in my investment." Really tho its just a symptom of having severe stockholm syndrome. Fuckin cucks

>> No.9192339

We are as "deluded" as linkies because LINK and REQ are unironically the next millionaire makers on biz. If you're in either, you'll make it. If you're doing dumb shit like chasing EOS vaporware pumps, you will make a few thousand and be on biz whining about how the stinky linkies and reqfags are all rich for the rest of your life. Choose your destiny, primo.

>> No.9192416

EOS is complete trash but LINK & REQ arent' much better. No one answered my question above. Why didnt REQ register as a security? The token has no utility, people will only buy it to speculate. and dont even get me started on LINK. Tell me, if LINK has all these secret partnerships and NDAs with big enterprises like everyone claims, how come they didnt just have a private sale like OMG?

>> No.9192569

They're based in France, they don't need to adhere to US securities laws. The token has a ton of utility, it's required to run an app on the network. Re: LINK I wouldn't buy into any of the conspiracies, but decentralized oracles make a lot of sense. Even if they're one of many, they have first mover's advantage. Both REQ and LINK are potentially world-changing tokens. REQ does have the advantage of public partnerships/adoption already in play for sure. LINK has been purposefully secretive, which could go either way. If it goes the right way, it'll 1000x with ease. Looking at the markets and mcap of many other tokens/coins, there's not even a possibility to do this for most of them. REQ & LINK have the most favorable odds to make you rich, that is all. If you're buying crypto for any other reason, then why are you on a board predominantly concerned with price?

>> No.9192678

its not about adhering to security laws, it's about coming up with a token model that actually makes sense. The way it stands now, the whole 'token burn' is an entirely unnecessary layer to the functioning of the network. Token holders aren't entitled to any share of profits and theres 0 utility. The burn was implemented to justify a token sale, that's it. you guys got fucking played. And I agree that decentralized oracles are a big thing, the problem is Sergey & Steve have about a 1% chance of actually pulling it off and they know it.

>> No.9192742
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$5 EOY

>> No.9192778
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This was the first FUD I remember seeing. The whole team took a month off to do to Ibiza and do coke

>> No.9192813

The token burn's purpose is to verify the transaction in the ledger when used via API Gateways. The burn will both create a short term stabilization effect (removing volatility from the network) while ensuring a long term value increase for token holders. I can't tell if you're being serious... are people on this board actually this stupid that they can't be bothered to spend ten minutes reading? So done with you trolling this thread, illiterate child. Please don't put any money into REQ or LINK. People like you deserve a lifetime of poverty.

>> No.9192872

>People like you deserve a lifetime of poverty
600k BAT and 30 NEX ICO accounts. Stay poor faggot.

Also fwiw REQ would be great if the token was structured identically to NEX (who actually registered as a security like a legit company)

>> No.9192942

Because they can no claim to be a non-profit organization which they wouldn't be able to if they registered it as a security.

>> No.9193001

thats a somewhat valid reason I'll give you that. But at the same time I still have difficulty seeing why the token should appreciate in value when it isn't a security. Like, it's basically structured as if it were a security (with a token burn replacing dividends) but offers none of the same benefits. See what Im saying?

>> No.9193018

>there are people out there who don't hold coins with burn mechanics
Lol, your future slum dwellers everyone

>> No.9193115

How is this something you're concerned with, and then you're investing in a REQ copycat on NEO which is EXACTLY a security not registered as a security, and that you feel comfortable with? What the fuck benefit does registering as a security have? Plenty of things which aren't securities appreciate in value. See: Magic the gathering cards, houses, antiques. You're on some lunatics securities rant with ZERO basis in logic and then totally irrationally brag about investing in an ICO which can only exist thanks to a security not registered as a security. See what I'm saying? You sound bittter as fuck, just buy in already if you're so angry about missing sub .20 REQ. It's still low.

>> No.9193175

The token model is crystal clear and makes perfect sense.
To use the network you have to pay a small fee, that fee is paid in reqs, and those reqs are burned so that the foundation can be non profit but still economically feasible in the long run.
Just because you do not get it it does not mean that it does not make sense.
The whole securities thing is a non issue, because users do not have to buy req tokens, they are bought by the contract automatically, so anyone can use the network.
The appreciation is insured by the fact that the reqs are bought by the contract bot at market price, so there is a constant buying pressure and a constant erosion of the supply. If the volume ramps up there is absolutely no way for reqs not to go up in price constantly.
Of course this will happen only if the platform is used and gain traction, but that is a common risk on any type of investment.

>> No.9193210

Hey tron fag. Thought u were taking a break

>> No.9193395

token economics will change when they move to plasma
plus tokens will give you voting rights in the future

>> No.9193458

someone post the crypto project code rankings