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9183941 No.9183941 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you actually believe in the meme LINK 1k EOY?

>t. 40k link holder

>> No.9183964

more like BTC 1K EOY

>> No.9183975

I will unironically dump these bags if it ever hits $2

>> No.9183981

You're asking the wrong question my fellow Marine.
Do you believe in Kek?
Do you believe in the Memes?
Do you believe in the Digits?
Do you believe in your fellow marines?
If so, fren, you're going to make it. And that is the only answer that matters. Just hold on to your Linkies as we approach singularity

>> No.9183996

You'll feel like a retard when its 10 dollars EOY

>> No.9184015

I like your spirit, link is just a pretty small part of my porfolio, I bought it for teh kekz because I am an oldfag here. I am just asking because I am curious how many actually believe this

>> No.9184046

Not really, I think $100 eoy is very possible.

>> No.9184056

LINK 50 cent EOY check these digits

>> No.9184061

1000 is impossible.
10% chance we get $100
20% chance we get $50
40% chance we get $20
just my opinion though

>> No.9184099
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Who cares, enjoy the ride

>> No.9184121
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Last 3 digits of this get is number of cents eoy

>> No.9184124

The world economic forum leaked information that peads ne to believe crypto will reach just under 12 trillion market capital likely by 2027. If 12 trillion really does happen and industry is using link and the rumors about swift really are true 1k is definitely a possibility. This will not happen by the end of this year if it does eventually happen. Likely assblasters prediction of $150-$200 per link will come to fruition. I believe $300 will come. 1k is a stretch though.

>> No.9184149

I missed last AB thread got any caps? Plez post if you do

>> No.9184156
File: 59 KB, 457x500, A1840E3E-ADA0-40BD-9060-9F58D9E25AF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fud nigga.
Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.9184189

whats your eoy prediction?

>> No.9184196

The thing you have to understand is that most link will end up being stacked in nodes. The circulating supply will slowly go to 0 as everyone will want a part of the goldmine and the demand will rise. It will only happen when all the big speculators will be out tho.

>> No.9184206

$1000 nah but $1 for sure considering even $1 is overpriced for that shite you are in a good spot

>> No.9184256

Crypto isn't doing anything for a long while imo. We can slow bleed from here all the way back to 15 cents depending on what bitcoin does. Bitcoin itself is currently losing daily transactions and partners left and right. We are following the same pattern as the last time the crypto bubble popped. Hard forks are not healthy behavior for a chain. End of this year i believe link will be around where we are right now but no higher than 3 dollars. Until bitcoin breaks itself free from following the exact movements as the last bubble and the exact movements my personal chart tells me i can only assume we are headed for a 2 year bear market.

>> No.9184306

Stop wanking off to Tone Vayes man

>> No.9184331

Literally who?

>> No.9184897

i do i will hodl to 0 if need be

>> No.9184921

I habeeb. Believing in menes has never failed me yet.

>> No.9184962
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>1 billion MCAP
>750 million available to buyers
>butcoin only has 22 million
>i link even reaches $100 it will surpass Bitcoin

>> No.9185047

>How many of you actually believe in the meme LINK 1k EOY?

Faith and believe is the one thing that we will need to be able to change the world, and right now I believe in 1k EOY LINK, we have the seed that’s gonna germinate and is going to explode into an amazing opportunity for us to change this entire world.

>> No.9185049

>800million dollar marketcap
>lower marketcap than bitcoin private

>> No.9185065

$6 eoy is ok in my book.
Will hodl longterm.
Then it might reach $1k. After all week hands sell on the way.

>> No.9185130
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Hold for 2-3 years, laugh at memes and fud in the meantime.

Thats the plan, you arent in it?

What the fuck are you even doing