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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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No.9160212 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does EOS have 5 billion in volume? I refuse to believe this is legit. I know wash trading is the norm in crypto but this is ridiculous. exaggerated beyond belief. Not even Eth or XRP has anywhere near that volume since early January. (and back then they both had almsot 200 billion market cap with only a about 8billion volume at peak. Bitcoin hasnt even averaged this much volume before the past 2 weeks.

Not telling anyone what to do with their EOS, but be fucking careful about your entry and exit right now. this is not legit at all.

>> No.9160221

>still in disbelief about the eth killer

>> No.9160226

Bitfinex is wash trading it to impress EOS.io so they can become a block producer. Duh.

>> No.9160240

God people are so easy to manipulate in crypto. You overdosed on blue pills anon.

>> No.9160249

me2 thanks

>> No.9160265

If this EOS bubble bursts what does it fall to?

>> No.9160277

probably ETH and NEO

>> No.9160289


what the fuck you talking about? this shit is obviously not real. the entire market is fake. but even then we have established norms, and EOS is currently blowing them out the water.

>An ECRO20 token, highly manipulated and going through a massive coordinated shill campaign for mainnet is goign to overthrow ETH (lol).
>More volume by more than twice over the network the token is based on.
>no fucking mainnet. ADA is accused of vapor wear yet EOS is getting a free pass
>people putting 100% faith into the team in crypto market of all places(retarded move, all coins are shitcoins).
>EOS has ridiculous number of ETH ETH from ICO, absolutley deluded if you believe they arent spenidng it on massive shilling and organised wash trading.

>> No.9160300

It is the most important project out currently.

Idk why faggots think that user fees are going to be the norm or that networks that can do 2-3 TPS are going to be acceptable.

>> No.9160333

It will burst but its going to burst in the form of the dapp bubble popping. EOS represents the bubble that will begin the dapp bubble.

The dapp bubble is current in stealth phase right now. The first bear trap will probably be after mainnet goes live or after the first dapp gets an unusual amount of attention.

Some idiot is going to make a fart dapp that lets you make money from farting. Boom bear trap. we go back into silence then the next facebook fucking emerges.

The dapp bubble will be identical to the dot com bubble. Anyone and everyone with a half assed dap vaporware idea will profit millions. It will get so fucking insane we will be god damn SICK of dapp ideas and shitty implementation.

We will probably also see someones shitty dapp software literally cause problems for the entire eos network / platform.

/biz/ will be right in the middle of this entire fiasco and its going to be glorious right up until the bubble pop.

>> No.9160349


and that suddenly makes all this shady shit okay?

FTW most people buying it have no fucking idea how blockchains work, and have absolutely no context on what EOS is or plans to do, and why its doing waht its going to do.

and they buy it.

Its so vastly overhyped i don't even know where to begin. Yes its tackling a problem, but its not like other projects arent doing this too (in fact there i one in particular that's already beaten EOS to this goal post already, and even has daaps, but its not a shillcoin (wont name it because im not shilling).

The side chain solution isn't unique to EOS, and the TPS problem has many solutions, especially ones that don't need to be centralized af. to even call EOS an operating system is just plain wrong anyway, i read the white paper, and its not an OS in the traditional use at all. no fucking way. What kind of Kernels is it even fucking using?

The year long ICO and the amount of hype along with the excessive wash trading is a bad sign. This could be really fucking bad for crypto if the project leaders start to cash out soon, imagin if something like 1 billion USD left the market through EOS in cash, thats probably about 25% of the entire real liquidity i nthe entire fucking market.

>> No.9160359

or dapps take over the world and you stay poor poorfag

Look at steem and apps like utopian.io. They're so succesful just because the dapp concept works so well for them it's not even funny.

>> No.9160367

Trips of truth, capped.

>> No.9160404

I'd guess like ~13$

>> No.9160435

>new paradigm!!!!!!
classic bubble

>> No.9160860

Thanks for agreeing with me, I guess? Learn to read

>> No.9162321

they're buying their own coin with the eth proceeds they're receiving. It's the biggest scam to ever exist in crypto, shits gonna crash hard af

>> No.9162399

We haven't had a real good hack / scandal in awhile. My money is EOS will be the next one.

>> No.9162403

>It's the biggest scam to ever exist in crypto, shits gonna crash hard af
faggot fudders like u are what made me miss out on ETH. not this time, kike

>> No.9162508

Shut up faggot, make money and if u can't who gives a fuck if it's manipulated.

>> No.9162558
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has been confirmed that EOS has been artificially pumping their own coin.

Fuck the autistics on here denying that, the crypto market is a scam. Learn how these chinks do the dirty work and make money off them

>> No.9162562

The point is not to go against the wave but to ride it. Who complained when Did you also complain when Ripple went from $0.02 to $4?
Of course it is highly manipulated, of course it will dump hard before the mainnet releases. Did I make an easy $5k riding this bitch from $5 to $20? Fuck yeah. Can it still go to $30? Sure it can.

>> No.9162572
File: 240 KB, 1683x762, Aaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9162602

Wait anon. Don't panic

>> No.9162728

Well I see what you're saying anon but BTC hit ~24 billion and ETH ~10.. If we look at 25% market cap EOS vol though you are right it is extraordinarily high, BTC right now sits at a more standard 5%

>> No.9162751

There is a shitload of VC money fomoing in. They know something we don't, I think the sponsored dapp demos are going super fucking good.

>> No.9162754




>> No.9162766 [DELETED] 

EOS is the NEO/ETH/XRP of this run

>> No.9162770


>> No.9162782


>> No.9162786


koreans LOVE eos. I dont know why, but korean exchanges are a huge part of that volume, more so than most others. Even before this pump the vast majority of volume came from them.

No on pumps a coin like koreans.

>> No.9162879


>> No.9162903

after ETH got up around these prices it spent the rest of the year bleeding, I was like you goys and left a sizable emotionally attached stack on it, it finally got up again but has never actually fully recovered which not only cost me ~50% in the sats but far more in the multiple moon missions i'd only had smaller amounts on.

you have not missed out on anything, you have already won but are holding out for a long shot extra 50% instead of looking for the next 5 - 10x, you just don't have time for this shit anon

>> No.9162924

koreans pumped eth last year. doesnt mean jack shit. they will pump something else soon enough once they get tired of these eos bags.

>> No.9162937


we are 4 weeks out from mainnet launch, once the promotion of launch really begins we will see another push, possibly towards number 3 market cap before an epic dump.

I will be selling 1-2 weeks before the token swap, then rebuying after mainnet launch to take advantage of all the free airdrops and hold eos for at least a year.

>> No.9162959


>> No.9162972

Most of the OKEX and HUOBI volume is fake so you can count out that the equation.

>> No.9162981


>> No.9162986

good to see you are sticking to a strategy anon, godspeed

>> No.9163007
File: 177 KB, 808x805, 1498244681642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rofl a whale dumps eos and dumps his btc 5 minutes later and the whole market bleeds

>> No.9163042

that's how it goes friendo

>> No.9163691
File: 12 KB, 446x327, eos logo pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight sweet prince