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9142290 No.9142290 [Reply] [Original]

What's your alternative plan if you don't make it with crypto? Will you submit to the wage jew? Or keep the little dignity you have left and kys?

>> No.9142318

based tkmizposter

become a hitman desu

>> No.9142349

>becoming a police officer in burgerland
>start to shoot the right people again (jews)

>> No.9142385
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I considered that as well, but it's probably pointless if you don't have connections. Like, how do you even track down your victim? I'd like to be a PMC, but my country's military is shit and burgerland is already full, apparently.

>> No.9142460
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Die :3

>> No.9142486
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Dumb namefag.

>> No.9142516

then get your foot in the door of the black market and make connections. its not that hard, much harder to get out than in. also tracking people down has never been easier.

>> No.9142568
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Maybe I'll consider offering my hitman services on blockchain once Chainlink is up and running desu.

>> No.9143078

Not making it with crypto is not an option. It has to absolutely happen because there's no way I'm killing myself but there's also no way I will keep attending uni and wagecuck after graduation until 65

>> No.9143441
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Pretty much. Can't kys, because that would be shitty towards my family and then I'm also unironically concerned about quantum immortality. But no way in hell I'm going to wagecuck. I'd rather try to kys.

>> No.9144201

Military Career or Prison
I'm not going to become a crypto Millionaire but I need it to turn 1k into 10k and then build a safety net so I can become an entrepreneur/ rent-lord/ spice farmer

>> No.9144345
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$10k is not much. Are you a 3rd worlder? What do you plan to do with so little? I turned $800 from November into $20k ($47k ATH, feelsbadman) and haven't even thought about cashing out a penny. Need at least $250k to be able to neet for life at home.

>> No.9144445

Lol I expected you'd say that. I'm just using the numbers as an example of the power of crypto. I plan on wagecucking after graduation without any debts and living at home.

Impressive gains! Was that just from Bitcoin or did you speculate? Also how did you find that 250k number? I'm american, invested 200 in October but I made a lot of stupid mistakes and only have 100 left from the 500 or so I invested.

>> No.9144574
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Was trading 20 hours a day in November, one day I glitched a LINK/ETH bot on binance and made $1200 that evening, bought REQ at $0.04 (regret not selling the top) and LINK and $0.15 (regret buying in the first place), did some more trading, even more trading and more trading still. Held through the crash all the way to $10k. Still losing my hair from that stress.

I'm a 2nd worlder, so $10k/year passive income is more than enough for a NEET lifestyle, while living at home. But I want to really make it, so not cashing til $1M.

>> No.9144853

GL, and dont worry about you lost. You're still up 1000 percent, still blessed. Parts of the US are second world, so we can get by on very little. I also trade stocks and can make crypto-like gains every quarter or so. I hope my parents will teach me how to run a house, what bills are like, etc, instead of forcing me to get a normie job. I'm still making money, after all.
What was it like glitching the ETH bot? Feels amazing, right?

>> No.9144900
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Thanks, good luck to you as well, fren. It felt amazing, at the time I more than doubled my portfolio in an evening. Just wish they wouldn't notice and let me do it through the whole night.

>> No.9145921

an hero