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9123468 No.9123468 [Reply] [Original]

Could OMG possibly hit 1k USD in 2-3 years?

>> No.9123517


>> No.9123573

Teeka Tiwari's prediction for OMG in the long term is $713

>> No.9123951


This is a podcast with Christian Reitweissner, the creator of Solidity, talking about Plasma.

I don't have the time cite on hand but in this podcast he LITERALLY states "I don't know how Plasma is going to work because from the sound of it it doesn't look like validators get paid all that much"

You guys think $0.00001 is a meme.

Listen to the creator of the language of smart contracts.

>> No.9123998


He doesn't understand Plasma and probably is making the same retarded migger assumptions that plasma tx fees are validator fees.

Plasma is used to streamline tx from other sources. the tx fee associated with it is separate from the gas/gwei fee.

How fucking retarded are people? Omise is going to run a business with 1 x 10 ^ -5 rewards or .0001%?

>> No.9124008

when are they going to announce the apple partnership?

>> No.9124026

Omise makes money no matter what the fee is, they have 30% of the fucking coins.

The only question is are ordinary anons with their 4000 meme amounts actually going to get substantial passive income or is this $0.10 per year per token

>> No.9124082


Read the whitepaper again. You clearly don't understand anything you're invested in or feel the need to spread false information.

Sorry you were too broke to afford over 1,000 OMG. Maybe you'll get lucky investing in a low cap coin that pops. Otherwise have fun being forever mediocre financially.


>> No.9124098

ya read the whitepaper migger

>> No.9124103
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Not a chance.

It's already overpriced since it's only a White Paper project valued at 1 billion.

>> No.9124141

What the literal fuck.

Tell me where in the white paper it says "lol ur gonna be rich $1000 EOY". That's essentially what you're saying.

Why would the fee even be substantially higher than the gwei amount? They only need to incentivize enough validators (only 200 to start how quickly you think they're gonna expand it to millions? Can that even be possible with latency considerations?) to conduct the activity.

You're part of a project under mastermind Vitalik "Rent Extraction is Evil" Buterin.

You really think he's going to let you just become rich?

>> No.9124163


Im not saying its going to be 1000 eoy. Read the fucking whitepaper dipshit. You spread fake info all day.

Also Im going to start mass commenting on bitcoin bravado and cryptogats twitter exposing you as the migger you are. You think you're going to gain popularity being a whistleblower while behind the scenes spreading bullshit for legitimate projects?

You're not self righteous, you have fucking mental issues.

LOL when you have all these eyes on you now they will see that the man behind it is a migger.

>> No.9124441

How about telling me a single thing you have against my claims rather than "lol read the WP"

>> No.9124506


Your twitter reputation is fucked bruh

>> No.9124542

half of the people in omg threads are making shit up and the other half get so triggered by the lies that all conversation just ends. fuck all yall

>> No.9124561


Good luck with getting sued by people that have a lot more money than you. You think you can just go around calling out people without reprucussions.

Ill make sure they know your entire personal info too.

>> No.9124603

you're the latter

>> No.9124620
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Oh of course... the Migger

>> No.9124634


You do know that defamation cases are taken very seriously rigtht? Bitfinex is paying out of pocket lawyer fees against a miltibillion dollar operation.

Kek, have fun in court ya migger. Fucking dumb ass LOL

>> No.9124713



>> No.9124731

I am going to have to come to Anons dense here, We don't know what is going to be passive income wise, yet. It might not matter if the token is raising in value. Stakers will want to keep as much as possible to increase what ever pay out it is.

I am not going to predict the price don't care.
But i got into OMG cause it looked the most likely to go up in value, its a token with a real use, the team seem to be working on meaningful real world partnerships.

Best of luck Anons

>> No.9124758

you sound insecure as fuck about this 'investment'...some guy calls it out and the old 'migger' BS comes out and now you're threatening to get him sued hahahahahahahah the absolute state

>> No.9124803

Plasma fucking when?
Jun is tweeting incomprehensible shit and crypto-circlejerks all the time but there are barely any news about what really is currently happening with the project or if there is actually a userbase for it.

>> No.9124816


VPN migger.

Im not bragging about omg at all. I admitted its been slow but stable which i like for a long hold.

The only insecure person here is the midget black guy with 4-5 vpns crossposting. He got kicked out of 3 news publications because his writing sucks so he went crazy and defamed all of bitcoin bravado.

Kek, makes me wonder what your motive is with fudding omg so much. Jealousy, sold low and bought high? What could it be

>> No.9124823

ELEC airdrop is at the end of August, all the rest probably even further off.

>> No.9124838

i really doubt it

>> No.9124887

I couldn't care less about ELEC, it's a nice project but it's bound to bomb really hard with the market that they are trying to enter

>> No.9124919


Migger Ive pm'd your name, address, and aelias online to all parties involved that you are threatening to defame.

Id start looking for a lawyer ASAP if you dont have one James Edwards.

>> No.9124929
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I doubt everyone disagreeing with you is the migger ya brainlet

>> No.9124939

dude how

>> No.9124940

the plasma implementers videos say more than jun ever does


>> No.9124947

1M TPS=$.30hr

>> No.9125003


lawyer up jamesy.

Maybe youll be peddling for donations soon on your twitter like Bitfinex'd did.



you goin be some big black guys bitch in jail, a 5'0 man is basically a woman in a fully grown niggers eyes.

>> No.9125019

fuck you pussy. You wont do anything.

>> No.9125046

>lol if you disagree with OMG were gonna sue you

You're honestly fucking retarded

>> No.9125052


I wont but the dozens of people you defamed with millions of dollars will.

your $10k you made from tron in december will cover half of your lawyers fees. You can take care of the rest on probation and sucking off Jamal in prison for early release if you're lucky

>> No.9125084

How do you know they will? WHy would they go through the effort of suing an independent journalist fresh out of school? There's no money to be made from me.

>> No.9125088

No but XMR SKY LINK ELA and GVT will

>> No.9125114


HAHA. so you admit you are cryptomedicated.

To set an example, and also your family's money is up for grabs. Damn, what a shitty thing to do, risk your livelihood and your families for your 5 seconds of twitter fame.

>> No.9125137
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Le dead migger storage face

>> No.9125144

Can June actually skate, or is he just a poser? Fucking do a kick flip or something.

>> No.9125291

they wont you idiot, you'll see.

>> No.9125292

What the fuck is this thread.

>> No.9125380


Cryptomedicated the guy being sued for defamation against bitcoin bravado has been making these omg threads for months saying fake info about the team.

in this thread is him getting caught using vpns to spread lies

>> No.9125507

I just want to know if I should dump my 400 OMG for a lower cap coin, seems like $50 is a long way off

>> No.9125521

Just listened to this. Christian said it sounds like plasma token holders won't recieve much money incentive for validating on the network. Dumb ass Jeff doesn't even respond with a follow up question like what the fuck gives you that idea? The entire point of plasma is to incentivize validators monetarily. He literally said that people running nodes will have to do so without being paid. It would instantly fail if that were the case. Moronic

>> No.9125976

How sure are you that plasma would fail if ORDINARY FAGGOTS ON 4CHAN weren't incentivized enough to validate responsibly?

What if all you needed to do was incentivize 200 gargantuan whales to validate?

What if, as long as 200 people make like 200k a year off OMG, enough computing power and decentralization exists to make the network function?

What if this whole fucking thing is dPoS under a different name?

>> No.9126029

It could do that eoy if plasma was done and everything is moved to the blockchain. 2-3's is a bit much more like 8-14 months.

Once plasma, backend dex, fiat onramps are running btc's price won't effect it anymore. Dex is done already we're just waiting for a finalized method of staking on plasma and getting minimal viable plasma on cosmos in the mean time

>> No.9126081

MVP plasma will not "be on" cosmos? They're running their own network

>> No.9126151

You misunderstand. It has nothing to do with the quantity of tokens. He said that validators will make almost nothing. The value of their tokens would plummet to worthlessness. Bullshit FUD and that cuck jeff didnt even respond.

>> No.9126164

each network on the cosmos hub can integrate their own code, the only thing they are using cosmos for is a temporary "staking" solution while they work on finalizing their method. They clearly had their own method that works and is ready to go but then vitalik came up with plasma cash and it's apparently better and solves other issues so why not hold off a bit to implement the new/better

>> No.9126197

Almost nothing x 4000 = almost nothing
Almost nothing x 5,000,000 = "enough"

That's the argument.

>> No.9126235

Also can you please look up who the fuck is saying this? Christian is literally a core member of Ethereum, he is on the biweekly calls with Vitalik, he's completely integrated into their discussions.

When a guy like this is fucking saying this shit you faggots HAVE TO respond with something more than lol migger lol FUD.

This community seems so fucking retarded

>> No.9126299

Yeah and almost nobody has that much tokens except Omise themselves. It has to be profitable enough for the other validators as well.

>> No.9126305

Lads I've been holding OMG for a long time now, I have no idea what it does and I don't care to find out. All I want to know is, is it going to pay dividends and if so, what's the rate?

Thanks friends.

>> No.9126332

Ethereum depends on omisego because omisego is building plasma. Vitalik will do everything it takes to make this work, and it has to work but making the proof of stake profitable. 2018 it will probably crack 100+ when a few NDA's are released there's already enough info on partnerships to put omg into the top 5. In 2019 it will be 3 digits without a doubt in my mind.

>> No.9126340

Making 50k a year on staking if you currently own $90m worth of OMG is a dog shit investment

>> No.9126344

How much is enough to make it biz ?
I have only 2K of this shitcoin. Will I make enough passive income ?

>> No.9126358

He admitted he's not directly involved with plasma. Faggot

>> No.9126368

Does OMG use chainlink?

>> No.9126369
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who ELEC here?

>> No.9126379

>almost nobody
Right, the number is 200.

Check the newest town hall. 200 validator maximum.

This is effectively dPoS. Nobody with their meme 4000 coins will make anything worthwhile.

>> No.9126400

No, go buy IOT related tokens. The grown ups are talking buckwheat

>> No.9126404

>implying "almost nothing" can't be %1
>implying jun hasn't stated that high volume/rewards for validators are a priority from launch..aka that multinational conglomerate that's coming
>implying fee % even matters when billions will be processed on the network
>implying day 1 staking rates would ever stop the flood of normies and new holders who will never stake anything in the first place and just hodl for token gains to come during the next bull run with all the news and announcements coming
>implying the network won't grow exponentially because why pay %2.5 - 5% for processing payments when you can go %1 or lower on a network already handling 8k merchants, multiple banks, conglomerate, financial institutions.
No matter how you try to argue this you're still stupid as fuck. Req holding fags in every omg thread showing how shook they are

>> No.9126434
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Every one of you that owns 4 digits of OMG, and is worried, can go fuck themselves

t. 46 OMG

>> No.9126469

Lol the top 200 dont have close to that amount

>> No.9126490

Meant for >>9126379

>> No.9126522
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This. Also price eoy?

>> No.9126524

Wait wait hang on. Are you guys saying that guy who has been posting fake news and fud on OMG every day here on /biz/ is literally that midget nigger faggot?

>> No.9126535

can some nigga here answer this question: how much will I make per OMG?

>> No.9126566

heavy bags here

I think I should've just got TOMO

>> No.9126603

>only a white paper project
god the OMG FUD is at new lows, at least question the staking gains

>> No.9126650

It seems like this is the case

>> No.9126658

bruh ELEC was up 150% this week, this is only a 15% drop

>> No.9126687

if anyone knew, either everyone would have already bought OMG or it'd be a dead project right now

>> No.9126697


yes. He literally has nothing better to do than go on fud campaigns. Hes been kicked out of BTC Manager, BTC bravado, and has had the former CPO of OmiseGo threaten to sue him for defamation.

Not even joking when I say this dude is mentally ill. Delusions of Grandeur and psychopathy

>> No.9126721

biz only buys the very tops

>> No.9126850

Confirmed still up 140% as of now on elec in at .06

>> No.9126937

Damn. How has this migger not killed himself yet? I mean... It's one thing to be a nigger. But a midget nigger? A migger who goes to the gym to compensate for being so tiny? I see his threads multiple times every single day. I just can't believe how anyone can have such a sad life, honestly. I can't imagine what it takes to do nothing but shitpost your whole damn life.

I imagine he wakes up, stands in front of his little mirror, and he tells himself "i might be a midget niglet, but look at these muscles!" Then while he swallows his raw eggs for breakfast, he begins to scroll through his list of shitposts. Copy-pastes it and clicks the refresh button continually for the next 5 hours. Then he hits the gym and drinks half a gallon of cock-flavored onions milk.

The most hilarious part is that it turns out it REALLY is that migger. The memes were simply dead on. Wtf?

Has he been doxed yet?

>> No.9126939

Not even LINK faggots are deluded enough to honestly believe every single FUD against LINK is made by one person.

Grow up.

>> No.9126977

He appears to be posting right here in this very thread. And in every shitpost he makes he had the same style of writing.

>> No.9126986


dude we know its you. nobody else goes this much out of their way with the same reposts of fake information.

Whats going on in your life that you keep doing this? Is this a coping mechanism to get away from the reality of being embarrassed to go out in public with your body type?

serious question. it must take a lot of guts to even go out in public being a grown man in his 20s while being 5'0 and black. do you shop at the kids section at kohls? do you need to plan in advance for certain line patterns on your clothes to make you look less short?

Lifts may help you if you wear boots to sneak them in. but really your options are limited

>> No.9127013

>Options are limited.
I would like to point him to the most obvious option. But i think he knows damn well what that option is.

>> No.9127122
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>says the self admitted req holding fag who thinks fudding literally every omg thread on /biz/ everyday with similar trash and wording structure doesn't get obvious as fuck that it's the same person.
On top of that you make 0 impact and even if you did you're still too dumb to realize that /biz/ has no effect on the market. Even at peak this board only gets a minuscule amount of unique visitors daily. Enjoy that emotional investing and coping into oblivion while simultaneously wasting hours of your life accomplishing nothing.

>> No.9127123

he was an element team rider look it up on youtbe