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9104978 No.9104978 [Reply] [Original]

Living with your parents until they die and inheriting their house is the best choice financially, emotionally, practically, in every way.

Except maybe if you're white and your parents hate you. I have over $500k in my bank account from crypto and I still see no reason to move out.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.9105003

how about you start living an adult life and enjoying freedom you fucking man child. you're pathetic.

>> No.9105008

Whatever you do op, just remember to enjoy life while it lasts.

>> No.9105021

>Parents die at 80
>get free house when i'm 61.
just get your own fucking house and stop mooching, idiot

>> No.9105022

I'm already enjoying the maximum amount of freedom I can. Having to pay for a house or waste money on rent is less free, not more.

>> No.9105028

where can i get a chair like this

>> No.9105139


>Being your parent's pet is the apex of life

I feel sorry for people like you. Losers have to do mental gymnastics in order to feel good about themselves.

>> No.9105148

If you do homebuying right, you profit. With $500k in the bank, it would be hard not to. You can secure the best loans, buy a place that needs $20k of work that most people can't afford to do after a downpayment, pay someone to fix it, sell it for way more in a few years and repeat. Yes it's more work than passive income but you're living with your parents. No excuse.

>> No.9105161
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>inheriting their house
Why wouldn't your siblings inherit it?

>> No.9105168

Dinner's ready! And did you clean your room today?

>> No.9105185

>mommy, daddy, can my boyfriend stay over this weekend?

>> No.9105249

>"Shhhh" don't make too much noise, my parents are sleeping

Enjoy not getting to hit it all night at full volume.

>> No.9105281

Fucking bitches is the only reason i came up with.

I can afford to live in 5 places..but still live with my mom..see no reason to move out..unless i had bitches over and i don't.

>> No.9105410

What a motel/hotel/abnb is for tardo.

>> No.9105429

Being able to spend 16 hours a day when I'm not sleeping doing what. ever. the. fuck. I want is worth being called a loser by the socially conditioned.

>> No.9105465

>wow this is a really impressive motel room you got anon.

goodluck not picking up absolute fucking skanks anon

>> No.9105471


Long reply says otherwise.


>> No.9105518

If that's what you want and your parents are fine with it then enjoy m8. I would share some crypto $ with them.

I don't get why so many come into these threads and seem annoyed at someone living with their parents.

>> No.9105582

LOL wait you literally use a motel room. Man come on....

>> No.9105585

When your parents are dead you'll probably regret spending so little time with them.

In southern European countries it's not uncommon for kids to live with their parents into their 40s. There's no shame in it.

I don't personally do it but I wouldn't make fun of someone for doing it either.

>> No.9105610


>leeching off of your parents is the same as spending quality time with them.

>Shitposting this hard.

>> No.9105617

Nah, you're good OP.
I'm not going to move out and start paying for all of that crap that living alone requires, just so I could bring home bitches and fuck them in the living room whenever I want.
That's not incentive enough for me to go and pay a ton of money for the "luxury" of living alone.
I'd rather stay here until I have achieved total financial independence at least.
If more people did this, we'd have less poor and debt ridden young people running around.
The very concept that kids need to be kicked out before they turn 20 is beyond retarded.

>> No.9105703

"anon, please take out the trash"
>gets liquidated while tying trash bag

>> No.9105726

I see my family every few weeks now. as moved out of the city.
we shoot the shit and I don't need to feel like a leech.
I agree that families can and do live together but most people don't live in mansions either.
we all need our own space anon.
give it a try. it's not that bad tbqhfam

t. moved out when I was 19 now 36

>> No.9105733

You might be so shitty to be around that you living in close proximity to your parents reduces their quality of life and therefore can be considered "leeching".

But if I moved out there would be no net benefit to their lives.

>> No.9105760


>Rationalizing this hard


>> No.9105769

If your parents are old and you help them with housework, chores, etc... it's not really leeching. You can even pay them rent.

Not everyone is some overweight NEET who stays locked in his room shitposting and masturbating all day.

I'm 32 and I don't live with my parents. I don't see anything wrong with doing that though. From a financial standpoint it's very smart.

>> No.9105789

>I would share some crypto $ with them.
Not doing this would be pretty unforgivable trash level.

>> No.9105841


99% are. OP said himself that he does what he wants all day. Doesn't sound like much of a contribution to society to me.

Loser is as loser does.

>> No.9105859

Yeah I know that's your only go-to argument.

They have their own crypto gains believe it or not, I helped them invest in early 2017.

>> No.9105860

fair enough
I couldn't fucking wait to leave the roost and our relationships got healthier from my doing so
I just can't stand this recent epidemic of arrested development basedboys justifying their lack of ambition in moving forwards in life because of muh finances.
it's fucking lazy

>> No.9105865

>contribution to society
Stop pretending to give a fuck about "society". People work to earn money not to "contribute to society".

>> No.9105866



>> No.9105902

>I couldn't fucking wait to leave the roost and our relationships got healthier from my doing so
Same here. It's worth doing if you can afford it.

Not everyone can afford it though. I could never have afforded it if my parents hadn't paid my rent while I was studying and until I got a decent job. If you're from a poor family you're basically fucked.

>> No.9105938

you can actually do both
many people do
hf in your basement with your twisted angsty worldview

>> No.9105975

Being truthful is angsty now? Most people wouldn't even pay taxes if they didn't have to. We only contribute because we're forced to.

>> No.9105980


>Be me
>Work as a vocational instructor for troubled youth
>Literally could run my own business full time for as much or more than the peanuts I currently make
>Like making a difference in society

You have no idea who you are talking to Jr.

>> No.9105993

Okay well you might be an exception. But let's be honest here, most people are out to make money first and foremost.

>> No.9106000

sure, keep telling yourself that cuck. You're stuck in a shithole because you don't have the balls and will never amount to anything you fucking pedo

>> No.9106009

op is a virgin
his parents are virgins too.

>> No.9106015

sounds like OP to me

>> No.9106027
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>he lives at his parents house

yeah no thanks I'd rather get laid. And no paying whores doesn't count because it's somehow even more pathetic then being an incel

>> No.9106029


Projection at it's finest.


Continue being a loser. Loser.

>> No.9106036

you're the one projecting, pedo loser

>> No.9106043

Yeah because you grew up a basedridden manbaby who thinks he deserve to pay nothing because you have no country or no home except for your internet bits bytes wankery.

Hoping everyday some Boomer is dumb enough to pick up your coin bags so you can use real money rather than useless monopoly bux that can't be used in any real world scenario. What a joke.

The least you can do for enabling the largest waste of time money and resources ever is to give something back to the people doing everything for you so that you can sit in a reclining trading chair with your pornhub and anime sex pillows for company.

>> No.9106053


>Literally no u.


>> No.9106056

He's Jesus?


This is the biggest drawback if you live with your parents. You're basically forfeiting your sex life.

>> No.9106066

seems like the anon has actually fullfilling work, which is actually one of the best things that can happen in life
and you fucktard? gambling with shitcoins to get enough money to make your life less miserable?
i have bad news for you

>> No.9106091

>Yeah because you grew up a basedridden manbaby who thinks he deserve to pay nothing because you have no country or no home except for your internet bits bytes wankery.
Whoa whoa slow down there. I'm not against paying taxes sweetie.

> the people doing everything for you
I work and pay taxes. Who exactly is "doing everything for me?"

>> No.9106100

lol @ you thinking society cares about itself. have you seen the world lately? I can picture you doing the math in your head right now for how much money you'd have saved if you didn't care so hard about what other people thought about you living with family, and trying desperately to cope with it.

>> No.9106183


just lmao

pls tell me that you are underage

>> No.9106209

think your the one coping with the fact that you are an insecure child who is in fear of the outside world

>> No.9106213

Let's solve it right now. Do they have LINK or not? If they have LINK you're the best son in this thread.

>> No.9106232

Wait WTF, where did OP say he paid no rent at all? Everyone I know who lives with their parents gets charged rent, and as someone who's gone out and done the 'my own house/apartment' bit it's better that way. I gotta pay rent, electricity, cable, gas, food, all of that while they pay 100-300 a month total. In this economy if you've got a typical 10-15k a year wagecuck job you can't even make it on your own and living with roommates is worse than living with parents in my experience.

>> No.9106296

No need to seek validation on biz anon. If you and your parents are happy with your arrangement, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day the only 2 things that matter are (1) you are happy and (2) you do not cause hardships for others

>> No.9106362

I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.

What does my decision to move out of my parents house or not have to do with contributing to society anyway? How does you taking up more space contribute to society? Economies of scale makes it more efficient for people to live under the same roof.

>> No.9106486

He fell for the "muh independence" meme anon. Just part of the hivemind. I unironically wish I lived with my parents atm

>> No.9106555

>I wish I was a child again because life's too painful
man up, pussy

>> No.9106618

Not even what I said, life is great anon. I just wish I could see them more often. You sound angry, must have bought omg at the top of the pump kek

>> No.9106818

What brings you to biz if you're happy making peanuts helping nigglets?