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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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910152 No.910152 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you selling marketing services to high average sale businesses?

Recently closed a 17k/month (USD) deal with an office furniture manufacturer in less than 2 days with only email, and phone.

1 year contract, I don't even live in the US.

There is limitless opportunity out there guys, just learn some social skills and learn how to sell.

>> No.910160

more detail. your post is vague. why would they trust you?

>> No.910162

Yes more details
What kinda marketing services are we talking about?

>> No.910172
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Basically setting up a sales funnel (email) to engage prospects using the existing traffic on the business's site.

The key is to find an industry with high average sales. IE HVAC >avg sale ranges from $6k-$12kusd

<<my new whip

>> No.910174

Do you do social media marketing for them or what? Create websites? Write reviews?


Nice ride! You're from Ontario?

>> No.910177
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Yeah Im from Tdot

Nope, just setting up sales funnels on their website and converting existing traffic into revenue/sales for these guys.

>2 most useful skills I taught myself:
1. Sales/Marketing
2. Copywriting

It's all about learning to craft great offers that benefit you and your client.

Just read the Boron Letters by Gary Halbert and Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff and 80/20 sales and marketing by Perry Marshall

>> No.910178


So what do you mean by sales funnels, like putting up ads for their current visitors?

>> No.910182

Just capturing emails in exchange for a report.

Using existing traffic that goes to their existing site,
running them through an e-mail marketing campaign to engage and build relationship with prospect,
and making the prospects an easy sell to the brick and mortar business.

Charge $17k monthly for the system.

>> No.910184


And companies are willing to pay you this amount of cash? (varies obviously) for basically generating leads for them?

>> No.910190
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Yeah here's my value prop:
If a custom jeweler's average sale ranges from $15k - $30k per customer, I only need to get them a SINGLE customer per month for them to make their money back, and then some.

And I end up getting them more than 1 customer obviously, my sales funnels are the shit.

See how it's an easy sell? Me and the Business owner profit!

You from Toronto too?

>> No.910192


Nah, Hamilton, but there are tonnes of new little businesses popping up in downtown Hamilton + lots of tdot people coming to live in Hamilton, so this looks like it could be worthwhile for you to pursue in Hamilton as well

>> No.910197

I do US business only, cause US dollar is way higher

>> No.910201

Do you actually design the email campaigns on mailchimp or some automation process and set up the webhooks to grab their information?

Or do you have a 3rd party api that they just plug into their website and you are an implementation person that sets it up for them while running analytics.

I have never seen a business in the US that doesn't have any grasp on how this type of direct marketing works.

>> No.910206

>losing that percentage on each transaction
>not just wiring the money like a real person

Fag spotted.

>> No.910210


You don't lose a lot of money...

>> No.910214

Why lose any?

This is why you're bush-league.

>> No.910215

>gets caught up in meaningless fees

fag spotted

You think I care about losing a percent of the thousands of dollars I make per month?

>> No.910217


He's not yet situated, by using Paypal he is telling both parties that their money is safe.

>> No.910224
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You do realize that at anytime, one of those "high average sale businesses" can try to claim their money back.

Imagine the losses...

These guys have lawyers at their disposal, what do you have?

>> No.910227

>the thousands of dollars I make per month?
Bush league!

I wouldn't do any kind of business contract through Paypal. Adults use wire transfers.

>> No.910229


After a certain amount of time, you can't "chargeback" on PayPal, so don't worry.

Also, it would be up to PayPal to decide, not him.

Also, he obviously takes all the money out of his PayPal as soon as its released to him to withdraw, which is why you don't see TONNES of cash in his PayPal.

>> No.910233


>> No.910236
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>On /biz/


True true, heads up that Paypal does cancel transfers midway through if a case is opened.

>> No.910237

Never had that problem before, been doing it for a while. If they dont pay, I tell their customers not to buy from them.

But good point guys, I will make the switch to wires soon.

I build proper relationships with my clients.

>> No.910240
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I use aweber for the e-mail campaigns. The value is in the copy I write in the e-mails.

I just install that one line of code into their site, capture leads, run em through my campaign.

You'd be surprised, 90% of brick and mortars are tech retarded. Thats where the opportunity is.

There is enough opportunities to go around for everyone in this thread if they chose to do it, and then some.

>> No.910241


The thing is, after 1 or 2 successful transactions no matter the dollar value, PayPal doesn't place the 21 day hold, so that's why he could receive $17,000 today, and withdraw it, TODAY.

So again, after its withdrawn, there's nothing left, so if they do try to dispute it, he doesn't really "have to" do much or anything for that matter.

But after 1 or 2 successful $30,000 total transactions, PayPal is obviously going to trust him, and again, no lawyers can be involved until you've exhausted all forms of PayPal dispute also, (in their ToS).

I've been using PayPal to buy/sell things in games online, and I always get my customers to send it through "friends/family" so they don't even have the option of charging back, but I don't scam them and none of them are ever unhappy, so yeah, but I only make $500 or so a month from it, so that's why the fees would bother me, this way they pay a smaller fee for me.

When I deal with people I don't trust I tell them to send it through goods/services because then I can have proof that I provided the item (always record everything) and PayPal never sides with the buyer for virtual goods, always the seller.

>> No.910248


With all these Paypal freezes, he better hope his money doesn't get held for 90+ days while they "investigate" where he's getting it from.

>> No.910249

I see, so you design a remarketing campaign for each site.
However, I don't follow the valueable part. How do you get their emails? Does the business already have a mailing list and no idea what to do with it?

I would love to get involved in managing some direct email campaign but usually it seems like the company has to have subscribers for a newsletter already.

>> No.910252


True, I've only went through that once though, in my 3 years on PayPal. I've done probably around $40,000 USD worth of sales through them though so far, not as much as this anon, but still a significant amount.

>> No.910256
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Just a lead capture box with appsumo or picreel
If they have a mailing list we use it.

Basically using stuff I learned from digital marketer (ryan deiss)

>> No.910260
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>> No.910261


This is all in Canadian $ right? Not US now since its your bank account?

>> No.910263



Why would you think this was his?

>> No.910264

OP here
he stole this from my thread in b
and yes thats in CAD

>> No.910271


I have a feeling I know who you are

>> No.910272


Ah, I see, oops, didn't pay attention haha

Anyways, nice, that's really cool, learned something new I could try this year!

So did you register this business, or is it just a side thing?

>> No.910273
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>> No.910274
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Who am I? What's my name?
I'm from T.O.

Do I know you?

>> No.910278
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Yeah, it's actually a lot of fun to do this stuff. Feel like Im doing something fun with my life.

I just declare myself as a sole proprieter/self-employed and do the taxes with my tax lady.

>> No.910281


Are you part of MB True North? You should join it on Facebook! we got this great little car club, you probs haven't heard of it, not many members right now

BMW True North is what I'm in officially, (got an M5) but we always get together (both groups) and do lots of cruises to Wasaga and so on

>> No.910286
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Nah but that sounds pretty cool. Ill check it out.

I spend most of my free time clubbing and fucking bitches.

>mfw I got bitches before I was rich

>> No.910287


hey how old are you fam? how long did it take you to learn the skills required?

>> No.910288

teach a poor retard how to get rich

>> No.910292
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Took me one year, didn't go to university, spent 1 year straight using internet to teach myself biz

read the whole thread you lazy ass

>> No.910294
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Buy high sell low

>> No.910301

Mate none of it makes sense to me, It's all business talk. I'm gonna be poor for life...

>> No.910302

We should meet for lunch someday when it gets warm again, maybe go for a cruise to Wasaga with some people

How do you approach these businesses in the US?

>> No.910304

so youre like 19-20 thats cool man a lot of time to accumulate wealth

>> No.910307
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Lemme dumb it down for you

>If a custom jeweler's average sale ranges from $15k - $30k per customer, I only need to get them a SINGLE customer per month for them to make their money back, and then some.


>> No.910309

So he tells businesses that he can get them customers for a price?

>> No.910310



He tells them he can get them MORE customers, for the price of 1 or 2.

>> No.910311
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God dammit man, why don't you ever invite me to your yacht club?

>> No.910313


kek I'm not rich at all, not this guy rich, but i do pretty well for myself (19 and a half right now)

I'm gonna do well though, I'm just waiting to get to uni and then start a consulting business in social media marketing for businesses in Hamilton

>> No.910315

So you somehow get their email just from them visiting the site?

>> No.910317

But what's a mystery to me is how he persuades the businesses to give him the money upfront and how he actually gains these customers for them.

>> No.910318

>tfw working in high margin industry as marketing manager and piss away cash on small potatoes like OP all the time

It really is easy. However I like making 6 figures and fucking around at work so I will pass on owning the business.

>> No.910319
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skip school.
Avoid all social pressure. Its a waste of time and money, and you can learn everyhting you need to know online/from books

>> No.910320

I make 6 figures lol.

>> No.910321


I'm not going to school for learning, I'm going to university of waterloo in January for their Velocity entrepreneurship incubator, going to start a company with them, and use them to get a team of people with me from Velocity

ill just go and get the passing grades, not really there to do school, instead use their facilities

>> No.910323
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Ikr, 20 1/2 here.

This thread has made me bring down the biz-in-a-box I sorta gave up on months ago...

let's do see if this thing finally works...

>> No.910325

I believe you. Making 6 figures isn't hard. I would rather do it the easy way with no risk on my end. Good on you though. Marketing services are a pretty simple industry. I'm in a 50 million dollar business in the GTA and we spend about a million on marketing a year.

>> No.910331

You should come to TechTO, that place is awesome. $10 all you can drink beer and pizza

Are you in the tech industry?

Yeah remember, taking action is the vital component. Believe in yourself.

>> No.910332

so you just do the standard lead generation stuff every internet marketing person does, but you set it up for clients (obviously implementing this well, which i assume you do, is nontrivial and takes significant work and skill, but you know what i mean)? or do you more complicated stuff too? either way badass

>> No.910337

Nope though I'm an engineer by trade we are a niche resource industry. We manufacture and sell lead products to the nuclear, medical and construction industries.

>> No.910339
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The important thing to remember is that EVERYTHING IS OUTSOURABLE.

And I do outsource. I just happened to know copy and sales at the start and that shit really helped.

>> No.910341

so what did you do before you became a marketing manager? like kind of engineering i guess

>> No.910346

I worked in sales engineering dealing with medical equipment for physicists and doctors at GE's healthcare division

>> No.910350

are you a runescape bot?

>> No.910352
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>> No.910353

Hey OP any interesting reads on business/marketing?

>> No.910355


>Boron Letters by Gary Halbert
>Books by David Ogilvy
>80/20 sales and marketing by perry marshall
>pitch anything by oren klaff
>Stealth Marketing by Jay Abraham

>Go watch "The century of the self"

Copy sales letters from claude hopkins, the halberts, dan kennedy, DAILY.

>> No.910358

Thanks m8! You da man

>> No.910360
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No worries man.

I wish biz would realize, there is opportunity out there, ABUNDANT opportunity. I just wanna share the awesome lifestyle I have the privilege of living.

Dont forget to actually take action. Its a long process to get yourself in the right mindset, dont get discouraged.

>> No.910366

Hey man i'm from Toronto too and am super interested in the business setup you have going. I have previously worked as a marketing manager for a small software startup. Do you want to meet up so i can pick you brain?

>> No.910367

what is this that you speak of? Can anyone attend any events or is there like a membership involved there, and more importantly is it worth it besides the free food?

>> No.910394

this, please

>> No.910397

where can I start teaching myself business? links? suggested resources?

>> No.910398

I bought an industry association email list, checked the emails with bulk email checker, and ran an email campaign to acquire customers.

This was probably the most time consuming and challenging part.

>> No.910401

yes but with 0 references how did you get up front payment from customers

>> No.910407

I pitched it as a beta product/system and that Im working exclusively with only 1 jeweler per city.

>> No.910410

Generally confused how you got your client's customers to even listen to you solely through phone or email without instantly being disregarded as bs or spam

>> No.910415

and they were willing to pay up front for a beta? fishy/ stupid.

>> No.910416

>TFW ur a Tdot degenerate who never graduated hs, became NEET for a couple years and did nothing in that time
>TFW still haven't graduated and only about $6k from selling shit and working once in a rare while
>TFW desperately want to move out so that it motivates me to work harder but no means to
>TFW have considered suicide occasionally but no balls to do it

Fuck it fam ;-; maybe it will all turn around if I keep working at it... R-right? Rn trying to finish hs and maybe get into a uni(if they accept fags who were neet and graduated several years late).

Feels bad tbh

>> No.910429


reverse image search is built into the post ffs

OP cut the watermark off. Picture is from 2012. just some shit poster trying to make you all jealous.

automotofoto dot net/tag/sl65/

>> No.910431

It has a timestamp and PayPal interface looked different in 2012( I believe, pretty sure fairly new change).

>> No.910434

the car pic is fake, which calls the rest into question.

>> No.910436

fair enough but paypal is easy enough to fake

anyways if OP is legit good on him for answering a lot of questions.

but don't go sucking his dick or feeling like a failure unless you get some bread on the hood.

>> No.910439

I dont have a picture of my actual car, I just got one off google, the same model and year and colour. It's used thats how I got it for cheap.

Nope you do a trial period of only $200 for the first month or their money back. Then its whatever price you decide based on their average sale.

>> No.910440

that's cool - one of my fav non super cars.

I can't say I fully understand how you get some of these biz's to trust you but good on you for answering peeps on here.

enjoi your $$

>> No.910447

>TFW no one would even care if you killed yourself

Does not feel good ;-;

What do I have to do to become successful? I am working on getting into some sort of university, but if they don't accept me I am absolutely fucked.

>> No.910448
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Yeah its fast for a 4 door. I love that I can carry friends and girls in it. Most of all I love smoking those little hondas that think they're hot shit.

The secret is in the way I offer it to them. Study copywriting and you'll learn how to craft offers well. I didn't copy 2 notesbooks of sales letters and offers for nothing.

You pitch it like this:

How would you like to generate sales on autopilot while you sleep and increase revenue?

You have to anchor the price when you close the sale on the phone. And clearly state the financial benefits that using this system has.

Tell them they can have their 200 bucks if they don't see any results within the first month. Then you charge them relative to the VALUE of their sale.

Value is the most important thing to remember in business.

>It's almost like energy extraction, you have to spend 1 barrel of oil to extract 10.

They have to spend a little to get themselves a big pie (the customers) at the cost of paying me a piece of the pie (why I can charge over 10 grand a month)

>> No.910457

Just remember guys, you're owed nothing for going to school.

Want to end up like the 99%? Keep acting like the 99%. What does EVERYONE do? Go to school. It doesn't work like it used to in the last generation.

You wanna make it big? Start with why. Why do you wanna make it big? Then realize you're going to need to nut up and figure it out on your own.

Learn how to sell yourself to an employer if you want a job for some quick cash, then start investing that cash into businesses that SOLVE PROBLEMS. That's it, thats how you make money. Help people out and do fair and honest things and you'll make money.

>> No.910464

But if everyone has a degree it will make you stand out... In a very bad way.

Businesses usually don't work out, but with a degree in a good field(STEM or business) you're pretty much guaranteed 80k salary with a few years exp. Which even by itself is quite decent to live comfortably. And it's not like you can't start a business later or on the side.

>> No.910492

>Want to end up like the 99%? Keep acting like the 99%. What does EVERYONE do? Go to school.
implying 99% of people have bachelors degrees

>> No.910500

sounds interesting

basically you put some shit on their website to get people to give your their emails, then you send them deals/offers? is that it?

how do you get access to change their website? most web dev companies in australia also do marketing, so they'd prolly just tell the client they can do the same thing for cheaper.

>> No.910502

No, he said that people go to school. Not get degrees. Most people drop out, but nearly everybody goes to college.

>> No.910518

Read through the entire thread. Grade A stuff, OP, glad I stopped by. Even if I just got a few titles of quality reading out of this, thanks for sharing.

>> No.910526

Where do you live OP?

>> No.910528


Read the thread you dumb fuck

>> No.910535

But for all the businesses with large value per sale, who buys that online? Like jewelry or HVAC. So how can they tell which leads came from you when they buy the jewelry in person. Surely the HVAC company isn't gonna do an exit survey for every customer.

>> No.910536

Also curious about this. If the business only makes one or two extra sales, how do you trace that back to you?

>> No.910539

I don't understand what OP is doing or talking about

Can someone explain it to me like I'm five years old?

>> No.910551

How did you get your first customer with NO prior experience?

>> No.910555

He tells a business, "hey if you pay me I'll get you customers." Business says ok.

He gets business customers. Business gives him money.

>> No.910558 [DELETED] 

this is the funniest shit ever. you made 300k and 66% of it is in a SAVINGS ACCOUNT


>> No.910561

"Hi I came about the email offer?" Duh

>> No.910587

Congrats on your success OP.

This is motivating.

>> No.910754

And This.

OP you see like a cool guy.

But a few anons were mentioning risk on your end, and possible paypal freezes.

Have you experienced either of these things?

You mentioned the whole $200 trial period. Are you saying that essentially alleviates risk. How does it work if they keep using your services but eventually it stops generating customers?

total noob here btw.

>> No.910817

>be jewler
>pay 25k for diamond
>sell for 30k
>my asshole marketing guy claims I just made 30k in profit

>> No.910890

He doesn't know diamonds are damn near worthless

You know maximum they pay for those rocks is like, 2-5K, then they turn it into 30k. It's literally the biggest scam in modern day society but we keep doing it because muh manhood

>> No.910901


OP hasn't had any success yet. He now has a year of shilling and ass-kissing for a measly 17k/month. I don't envy OP.

>> No.910917

So how are you going to market their services? Or are you just going to put up a few token google ads and keep the rest of the money.

>> No.910928

Threads like this are why I never believe the salary poll threads here. Look at all the retards clamoring for OP to help them despite OP being 100% full of shit. You are all straight up hopeless.


>> No.910929

Why would any one firm pay 17k a month just for marketing services from you and not spend that money and a well established marketing firm that would give more bang for their buck? How do you compete with established marketing corporations? Tell me more about what forms of marketing you are using to get business for the company? Why use you when I could just go to constant contact and utilize their award winning platform? I'm curious as to how any company would negligently throw 17k out the window for very basic marketing services.

>> No.910933

Read the thread faggots

>> No.910935

17k is small change when you are making that in profit daily. I'm in a business where we spend over $1 million in marketing. Some services that our marketing department knows nothing about.

Also the reason you go to the little guy is that he will spend a month of his time doing everything possible to service your account. The big players don't give a shit about a little 17k account and may meet up with you once a year to get you to renew.

>> No.910948

This all sounds really suspect.

You're doing email marketing, which is nothing new.

1. You say you offer a 1 month trial to prove yourself. How do you manage to build up a viable list in that short amount of time?

2. The companies you sign must be relativly large businesses, based on the site traffic you would need to build up a big enough list. In 5 years of being a business development manager for a large full service agency, I've never once seen a prospect forego the usual tender and pitch process and make a decision like this based on a cold email campaign and a phone pitch. Especially for the monthly fees you are claiming to charge.

3. If the basis of your business is essentially improving conversion on email campaigns then you would be one of the top earners for direct response copywriters. I know this for a fact because my agency shares clients with the likes of Bob Bly, Drayton Bird etc.

To be honest, this sounds like you've read about direct response copywriting and are now bullshitting to a bunch of people who don't have the industry knowledge to realise it.

>> No.910967

call me stupid, but taking an email list and make an automessage is not the same as spam?
who pay you 17k for spam?

>> No.910968

Ok, OP, I choose to believe. I'm practically in the same position that you were at 6 months ago. My friend works at a start up jewelry company and I've just started learning data mining/database. He asked me if I could be of any help. Please be my mentor, because I want to secure that job so bad. Can I contact you through your throwaway email?
My throwaway email: lostassassin123@yahoo.com

>> No.910977


Are you old enough to be on this site?

>> No.910978

Man, I've read this whole thread and I still don't understand exactly what it is that you're doing.

Like how do you get more customers for your client.

Not sure if it's cause English is my second language or if I'm just retarded.

>> No.910979
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>> No.910981


>throwaway email

>> No.910989

You could have picked anything else, burnermail123, tempadd123. But no, you picked lostassassin123.

Well played...

>> No.910991
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Its not a matter of building up a big list. We are simply running their traffic through a funnel. The value is clearly here which is why we can afford to charge so much.

And it's not like we have to kiss the ass of our clients. It's a 1 time set up. You set up the direct response funnel with segmentation and engagement, and just leave it to do the work.

Again, we are serving brick and mortar businesses.

You have to remember, it only takes 1 SINGLE conversion for the system to pay for itself every month, and that's where we collect our money.

It's just bartering. For the cost of the profits from one SALE, they get multiple new sales per month with us.

I get it, I used to be a skeptic too. Being skeptical of things is the very reason noone will ever start. Thats why I'm not afraid to show you the inner workings of what I do, because I know only 20% of you will try it, and of that 20%, only 4% will actually be successful because you stuck it out.

>> No.910995

It's safe to say that these "brick and mortar" businesses must have a very active Web presence, though. Correct?

>> No.910996

Also, the proprietary thing about this business is the code that determines which traffic "counts" (the funnel) right?

>> No.911001

ITT: OP sells his car on eBay and pretends that he's something he's not.

>> No.911002
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Nope you're not understanding.

Let me put it all out in high level for all of you, pay attention:

1. Traffic Source (Their Visitors) > E-mail Opt-in Form (On their site) [7 Things You Should Know Before Choosing A Custom Jeweler]
>E-mail is captured

2. Take their email, run it through a mail chimp e-mail campaign provide tons of free value in the form of useful information that will aid
them in making their purchase of the product.

3. Segment user based on how they behave within the sequence (if they open or not)

4. Send call to action to set up an appointment with our client (the custom jeweler) OR have the custom Jeweler treat the list that's been run through the campaign as hot leads and close the sale themselves via phone appointment setup.

The other thing we sometimes do depending on the industry is put a survey when we capture the e-mail asking WHAT they want
>Custom Necklaces
>Custom Rings
>Custom Bracelets

This segments the list based on what they are interested in, and we run them through a more personalized campaign that offers value based on WHAT THEY WANT.

Hope this clears shit up for you guys.

>> No.911004
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nigger if I had any understanding of 5% of what you've written here I'd sell my girlfriend to set something up similar.

>> No.911020

Hey Op, what are the best books you reccomend reading for your line of work? I would really enjoy getting to learn more about this.

>> No.911024

Refer to:

Another 3 books that really helped me:
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
The Power of Habit by Charles Dunigg
Start With Why by Simon Sinek

>> No.911041

This. I wish I was there to invent such an ingenious scam.

>> No.911045

excellent post op. im going to get on this asap. selling marketing services to local biz's is a great way to make consistent $$$. check out andre chaperon's autoresponder madness for an in depth email marketing program that generates crazy conversions from tiny targeted lists.

>> No.911049
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>tfw you have highlight "andre chaperon's" with the intention of googling

>> No.911378

I am trying to still comprehend that this person is in the industry and keeps using words like funnels to describe lead generation.

There are hundreds of companies out there offer Saas advertising software, SEO work, full stack digital marketing and none of them bill for $204k annually. (You can get salesforce pro for $400 and run a crm with a digital group for a few thousands monthly, especially for an email campaign)

Especially when making a great pipeline, the new strategy is a drip campaign that keeps users in the pipeline for months. This is all managed by automation of course and needs unique programming to mark different eCommerce touch points.

OP, it sounds like your campaign is just making an email list ambiguously from a "interested? Give us your email address" link for e-stores and then suggest running an automated email campaign that segments the opens to a second email.

There are so many working parts a new lead gen program that I just don't believe you get paid 17k a month for it.

I want to believe though that there are shops out there that would do this. Can you post a screenshot of a campaign's workflow or any analytics page? Many people here would love to see how to structure one of these bad boys from a professional in the field.

>> No.911399

>There is limitless opportunity out there guys, just learn some social skills and learn how to sell.
No shit there's limitless opportunities in sales. Most people hate doing sales but nearly every business needs them. A good salesperson is worth their weight in gold.

>> No.911410

I'm not OP but funnel is a legitimate industry term to describe what he's doing.

>> No.911460

Has anyone been in this position before and become successful, or at least somewhat?

I just want to be financially independent. ;-;

>> No.911488


everyone asks you for your email every day, I never give anyone my email, how do you talk people into signing up for you to spam them?

i find it hard to believe some pop up asking for an email works that well

>> No.911490

it's gonna take awhile to pull yourself up and get a basic level of decency. get to where you bathe/eat real food/sleep at decent time every day, then get /fit/, then start building goals

>> No.911522

>Fuck it fam ;-; maybe it will all turn around if I keep working at it... R-right? Rn trying to finish hs and maybe get into a uni(if they accept fags who were neet and graduated several years late).
dude what you posted is the exact story of the first 20 years of my life except i didn't have 6k. anyway now my life is together after about 4-5 years of working at it. if you keep working it will happen.

>> No.911526

i posted about this on here a few days ago. i dropped out of high school, spent two years playing video games and posting on 4chan. first job was at a walmart at age 21. i was completely socially retarded from isolation and couldn't hold a conversation on anything.

anyway, i just saved up my walmart money and went to community college. got a transfer scholarship to a state school. since i was an oldfag, i got pell grants and state grants that covered pretty much everything but food at the school (these kick in the year that you turn 24). i had one major lucky break (after three years of school and getting ~3.95 i ended up with an internship that i probably wouldn't have gotten if i hadn't known someone) but aside from that it was just working (and getting dem government tuition grants lol). i'll probably be a weird motherfucker for life or at a minimum until 40 or so but i really don't care. i got a cs degree so i had offers for 70k out of school.

aside from the luck the major aspect is just hard work. study hard, try to work as well, if you have campus career fairs etc. go to them. and so on. i'd just interview with companies i wasn't really interested in to help overcome my social retardation and it seemed helpful.

>> No.911533

I'm the dude who posted it originally, diff id though.

We are pretty much the same then. Except I worked a job when 16(friend hooked me up), a few between 17-19(none longer than a week) got fired from a couple the same day. And then one more but I quit within 2 months(treated me like shit, couldn't stand it).

I dropped out and planned on finishing hs by myself but just fucking played games for years...
Tried lifting, got re-injured from a previous injury.

Tried selling shit, made maybe $8k total and stopped(was ight tho).

Now just finishing hs slowly but surely. Trying to decide between compsci and business. Compsci seems cool but I don't like the extensive math aspect. Also set a goal to read 50 books this year.

>> No.911537

SOLID ADVICE BRO. No sarcasm, schedule is important and hygiene will improve self esteem

>> No.911538

>Tried lifting, got re-injured from a previous injury.
haha exact same thing happened to me.

dude you're not going to be in bad shape if you keep at it. reading is good too. compsci math generally isn't too bad but you need to learn at least single variable calculus, basic proofs (although many compsci majors manage to fail to do this), and elementary linear algebra before graduation. there's also stuff like accounting, or even degrees like MIS or IT & business analytics or whatever if you like computers but want less math.

>> No.911546

I kinda do this tho. I'm not that dysfunctional lol. I just struggle to stay focused on tasks and shit. I don't even play videogaymes/do drugs/etc anymore. Going to lift when my shit heals in half a year too.

Eh... I figured that I'd be better of with some business degree and self-studying programming.
It should theoretically get me a lot farther I think and open up more options for me in case I don't want to do just that for ever. I like programming but idk if I could do it as a fulltime job vs freelancing or a side business.

Also id changed again

>> No.911554

yeah you never know for sure. i changed majors 3 times (still graduated in 4 years) and a lot of interesting opportunities came about because i did that. you just have to work hard and follow your gut.

>> No.911580

we had this thread >>909036
about planning. maybe that'll help you

>> No.911594

Le posting there and pinned thread . Thanks.

>> No.911606

Wondering this too

>> No.911636

>So you somehow get their email just from them visiting the site?

he just asked them for it anon, then they bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of shit

why did nobody ever think of this before

>> No.911656
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What does OP think of instead of charging $17k/month for recurring services you charge a % of every completed sale. So your commission varies depending on how well the system performs that month. I think this may be an easier sell than having a business "lock in" to about $200k/year without knowing that they have a guaranteed return.

>> No.911669

I'm not even sure I understand what you do

>> No.911670


>find store
>store has website
>go to store website
>put in a popup and ask for email, probably mention sale or prize, such as here
>get email
>send ads to the email
>charge retailer $17,000 per month for what can be done for free

>> No.911671

bro its fake its all fake we are on 4chan

>> No.911672

but what's to stop the company from saying fuck off and just keeping the work he did anyway?

>> No.911675
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Just Bee-leive it's real

After staring at my biz-o-box for a few hours, >>910323
I finally realized I should've started this thing a while ago on a different approach.

>> No.911678



but as he pointed out; most existing companies are retarded when it comes to technology

>> No.911680

>but what's to stop the company from saying fuck off and just keeping the work he did anyway?

re-read your post; they would have to go and do it themselves, anyone doing what OP is doing would have service taking in the emails go to him, not directly to the original company, if they tell him to fuck off they have to recreate what he did code/service wise and have it go to them

>> No.911694

>learn social skills
>talk to everyone in email


>> No.911696

I know at the end of this thread you're going to sell us a book where you'll teach us the step by step on how you did it.

So, how much is the book I'll buy it.

>> No.911702

I'm 26 OP, and you've given me a new goal and perspective in life. Thanks so much. It took me a little while to understand what you were writing, but as I read more and more I finally get it. I'm seriously broke right now, do you need any money to start this?

>> No.911707


no just email businesses, ask them to let you modify the code on their live website so you can ask their users for their email addresses and email those people on behalf of the company that owns the website

People will jump at the chance to have you modify their website and hold emails from their loyal customers then contact those people and keep the list for yourself

oh and charge them tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege

no experience needed

also you don't have to know how to code or modify websites

enjoy ur new career!

>> No.911726


Do these have to be big businesses? I can't imagine emailing a small business and asking for that much.

>> No.911730

>Do these have to be big businesses? I can't imagine emailing a small business and asking for that much.

do you have any experience in marketing or programming or sales?

>> No.911731


I'm experienced with programming, but not so much in sales or marketing.

>> No.911732


have you ever made any business deals?

think about this post again and


tell me if it is a realistic proposition

>> No.911733


Well, I did have an online business for awhile. I'd just like to try online marketing again.

So yes, I have made business deals with clients before.

>> No.911738


you can make money doing marketing for people, but nobody is going to pay you $17,000 per month just to harvest emails off their existing website (which they are paying for) bro

>> No.911744


Well, obviously. OP's post just motivated me to start up my marketing business again. I thought what he was saying was interesting, since I do know that funneling is a real business. I do think a lot of his claims are bullshit, but it just gave me some ideas.

>> No.911746

You don't need any programing knowledge? I have no idea when it comes to websites man.. It takes me a year and 1/4 to make 17k .... That's working full time

>> No.911748

First off never under estimate the stupidity of local run business.

Ive seen some real shit that made my eyes pop out. Some men just want to own a business but know fuck all about running them.

Op is a smooth talker, hes born for the sales life. If anything read up on building social skills before doing any of this lads.

>> No.911751

I wish to be in the %4 ... If u have any more tips please email here rtm771993@gmail.com
I'm getting the books tomorrow as well
And I will see if I can make more than currently $12k or so a year !

>> No.911797

what company is able to pay $17k/month on advertising to some unknown guy for unknown results? sounds bullshit to me

>> No.911841

It was posted in the thread, that there's a $200 1 month trial. And they can take the $200 back if no results, then they negotiate price I guess for the next month. Relative to the price of a high ticket item...

>> No.911958
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What is the code that you put in their website?
And what's your pitch? Do you contact with mail/phone first?

And what person in the company is best to contact?

I know nothing about programming and I'm socially retarded on top of that, so this prob won't work for me.

But whatever, might give it a try.

>> No.911970

How do you convince the first business to work with you? A lot of businesses would ask for references of previous campaigns, right?

>> No.911976

When is OP going to come back and answer the important questions?

>> No.912428
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Hey op, can you shoot me a mail?
I have some ideas I want to run by you, if you'd be willing to guide a n00b onto the right path.


>> No.912847

>post email address on 4chan let alone the internet
>expect it to be useful afterwards

plz stop

>> No.913069

this tbh lads

>> No.913119

OP help a fellow Biz bro out
I have a revolutionary product that will change the world of appliances
I just need someone with the marketing know how to open doors for me.
Email me: rileysticka@gmail.com

>> No.913123

17k a month? holy cow op pleasee sign me up, how do I do something like that lol

>> No.913125

No one gives a fuck about your tortilla chips.

>> No.913147

How easy does that work? I've been thinking of selling my car but I wouldn't want some "LOL NEVER RECEIVED " bullshit like eBay is

>> No.913154

>topkek people actually believe OP is being 4 realz

Nice try kiddo, but no one will pay you shit for collecting emails and sending them offers. Especially not 17k

Jewelers do NOT make 70% profit on their merchandise. They buy their crap from Jewel or gem wholesellers that sell them for a high price. The ones making the money are only the companies that extract the jewels and gols from the motherfucking ground.
> Biz is literally filled with little kids that does not have a clue about doing anykind of money

>> No.913276

>own business
>average 10 sales a month with $10000 profit each sale
>pay $200 for trial marketing campaign
>suddenly average 15 sales a month

Of course these business owners would pay 17k a month for this marketing witchcraft

>> No.913424

>bulk email scanner
>industry leads email lists
w2c what program/where to get emails fam? are you setting up google analytics and calling it a day?how do your customers determine whether or not they should continue to hire you?

>> No.914616


>> No.915583

Do you have your own website where you offer the services?

What if I'm not from US? Can I still do it?

Do you set up Aweber for client or run everything on your own accounts and just bill them monthly?

>> No.915595

Also, where are you located?

>> No.915604

>I believe you. Making 6 figures isn't hard.
No need to humblebrag all over the place like a douchebag. If it wasn't "hard", then half of the world would be making 6 figures.

>> No.915606

It's not hard in the western world. If you don't make 6 figures you simply need to be more skilled.

>> No.915611

>Then you charge them relative to the VALUE of their sale.

How do you find the actual value of their sale? Just from seeing their offers on website?

>> No.915633

Nobody just pays you 6 figures for easy to learn skills. The skills that are expensive are rare and hard to learn, that is why you earn so much. So while earning 6 figures is certainly possible and doable, it is by no means 'not hard'.

>> No.915648

Sales and marketing seem like common sense to me. I would be surprised to hear they are that rare and hard to learn.

>> No.915663

>just learn some social skills
If I had social skills, I probably wouldn't even know what a 4chan was.

>> No.915664

>Why aren't you selling marketing services to high average sale businesses?
Because, I am a fucking dumbass.

>> No.915938

I'm probably smarter than you, so just tell me what I need to know to make 6 figures.

>> No.915950


This is where the money is.

2 year into a digital marketing agency running from home. Have 20+ clients paying me $500-$1500/mo for SEO services. It's fun, but you gotta learn to balance your work and life or else you end up glued to your business.

>> No.915998

>You think I care about losing a percent of the thousands of dollars I make per month?
I'll charge you half of what paypal does to handle all of the money transfers

>> No.916013

Hello OP, I am desperate for money, 25 living in London. I started up an ebay store which generates roughly £700-1000 a month after fees/postage costs.

However my only way is getting 2nd hand items and it's not the money I need at the moment, I'm a total noob when it comes to business/marketing but what do I need to learn to make money like you?

>I have no qualifications
>No good job experience (only mcdonalds type stuff)


>> No.916124


>> No.916635


Why are you charging so low? Fuck you for fucking up the market rates.

>> No.916660

this is exactly what i want to do, any tips? what should i be learning to do?

>> No.917389

it was all bait nigga

>> No.917405

would you like to partner up and expand in a different city? i'm in montreal fam

>> No.917477

Best bait thread in a while. I actually got a few ideas. Something to think on.

>> No.917558

OP just sold he's car, there is nothing to the "story"

>> No.917904

>partner up

leech detected

>> No.918877

Where would I start in doing this?

>> No.918939

Paypal can and does put your balance on negative and holy fuck they're worse than a jewish landlord.

>> No.920049

how do I become car?

>> No.920987


>> No.921011

How do you find out if their site gets enough traffic to make your services worthwhile? If my local furniture store's website only gets 5 visitors a week, I'd need a ridiculous conversion rate.