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9083050 No.9083050 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9083061

I'm getting fucking owned

>> No.9083069
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+8% TO -3% IN A DAY

>> No.9083073

>10k gone in an hour


this is the real JUSTening

>> No.9083076
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>> No.9083080

$50k in 2 hours, completely numb


>> No.9083081

We're being taken for a ride by market manipulators, that's what is going on.

>> No.9083088
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>> No.9083092

It’s stupid. BTC is at the same price it was at 12 hours ago, which is the same time alts we’re mooning. Then BTC surged and alts dropped. Then BTC dropped and alts also dropped. This market is retarded.

>> No.9083096
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>> No.9083100

You mean the same manipulation that brought it up? They are exiting the trade and leaving all the buyers holding the bag.

>> No.9083103


>> No.9083105

yup totally fucked

>> No.9083108

buying this failed dip bois!

>> No.9083117

u guys knows this is why it dropped

>> No.9083126
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>CEO of Paypal hates crypto
>literally the problem crypto is solving
>hates crypto

>> No.9083127

haha if you were holding alts absolutely rekt. this is why bitcoin is king lads.

>> No.9083136

any other fud besides paypal ahole

>> No.9083139
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Thanks for the $50k lol

>> No.9083160

Any decisive moves in btc result in alts drop in this market. BTC moving sideways allows for alts to grow.
The market isn't retarded and there is a reason for it. Just remember that you get fucked on alts (not all of them and not always) any time BTC makes a move(up or down)
Up- losing sats, gaining fiat(not always gaining fiat)
Down -> losing fiat value, losing sats.

>> No.9083168

Guys are taking profits. That's why.

>> No.9083180

In theory, you should gain sats when BTC falls, because it takes more BTC to buy 1 alt (all else equal).

>> No.9083182

These "Bitcoin is a scam" articles don't even make sense. How can Bitcoin be a scam? Who is doing the scamming?

I think what they mean to say is that it's a meme, i.e. it's something that lots of people believe in without any real backing. But journalists and CEOs (especially Silicon Valley types) are usually stupid and incompetent I guess.

>> No.9083189


>> No.9083195

I mean, it IS a scam, just not for the reasons he is saying. He is just butthurt it is eating into his business.

>> No.9083200

you're been warned bulltard

>> No.9083202

muhh regulation daddy

>> No.9083208

This. It makes no sense for sats to fall when BTC falls.

>> No.9083226

>over 5 hours old
This isn’t why. Plus the guy is a literally who.

>> No.9083235

He's mostly upset that people are able to send money to people who do wrongthink. If PayPal was the only way to send money online, it would be much easier to starve out dissenters.

>> No.9083236

Just goes to show how irrational and inefficient this market is.

>> No.9083237
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>Literally created by an unknown entity - "Satoshi", who hodls $billions in btc, created from absolutely nothing.
>"Who is doing the scamming?""Whyyy??"

>> No.9083257

Not really. This move happens for a few reasons but one of the biggest ones is alts don't have a real fiat value and are paired with BTC not fiat.
So it doesn't matter how much they are worth in fiat, we usually value them in sats for a reason.
When BTC drops it's most often being sold for fiat-> if people flocked to alts, your theory would hold because they would be spending BTC to purchase them. Instead the volume drops and people sell alts for BTC (and do nothing to its price btw) and then cash out in fiat.
I hope I'm making sense here. It's late but if anything needs to be clarified ask.

>> No.9083260

>tfw long until 9.7 then short

why you guys don't like money?

>> No.9083269


you idiots do realize he is just syaing this to bring in more regulations and fuck us over right?

>> No.9083296

It's not irrational.
Just stop thinking about it like it's Forex. It's not.
It has its cycles and manipulation and volatility but it's not irrational.
Right now you are seeing pumpers of BTC taking profit.
Don't sell alts for loss just yet.

>> No.9083315

I guess that's true, but I still don't think the word "scam" applies. Satoshi is not out there conning people - he's literally anonymous. It's more of a mass movement. The average person shilling Bitcoin is not scamming, most of them actually believe in it. It's more like a cult or a wives' tale than a scam.

>> No.9083320
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>> No.9083324

No. They don't.

>> No.9083343

I'm still disappointed that JuggaloCoin never took off.

>> No.9083344

My gains of the past 72 hours are gone. What do? I should’ve sold this morning. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9083347

It is irrational in the sense that it SHOULD work like forex. I assume that when we see a drop in BTC, noobs are just looking at the USD price of their alts when they panic sell. The result is that the alts drop as well. Maybe irrational isn't the best word, but it is definitely inefficient. There aren't enough arbitrage players to keep things in synch like in real markets.

>> No.9083349

Is this a " I just got into crypto last week" thread?
The fuck is this scam and cult posts?

>> No.9083374

No btc is retarded. Btc is only used because its required for trading. More coin pairings when?

>> No.9083388

If we had Forex pairings it would be like Forex albeit super small.
But we don't.
Only a few players are paired in fiat and they follow BTC because people cash out when BTC drops.
This market is much more prone to emotional trading than any other market in the world.
So the sentiment of the trade matters here more then technicalities really. Fundamentals still apply, but explain the bart pattern?

>> No.9083412

i agree that you can call it different things, but don't you think it's odd that soo many people are not in the slightest concerned that we don't even know who created a crypto worth about 50% of $400 billion (currently)?

satoshi even posted on forums, at a time when the NSA already was able to trace back anyone through their ip/proxies/TOR. and we still have nothing on him/them

In my opinion, there's a very high chance this is all a set up by one or more governments to fuck common (non-/biz) ppl out of money

>> No.9083414

If anything it means no crypto integration with PayPal.

>> No.9083422

bots are constantly monitoring BTC price and they sure panic sell accordingly

>> No.9083426

Hold for another day and then see. Don't sell for a loss on a 2h drop, cause it can go up as soon as it got down.

>> No.9083448

Bots sure. And a lot of new people that constantly flow to this market that follow the bots.
Either way it's a volatile market, and a small and illiquid one.
That's the reality of it.

>> No.9083469

That's a pretty sound theory. I wouldn't be surprised. TOR was developed by spooks, too.

>> No.9083473

Oh, I agree that sentiment is the biggest factor--it just gets on my nerves sometimes. At the end of the day, 95% of coins are really just worthless garbage, and emotion and greed are the only things that matter in this game.

>> No.9083474

Is Satoshi the one selling you bitcoin now?
No one is forcing us to buy. Whoever created BTC, most likely did not predict this highly speculative craziness.

>> No.9083499

Holy shit, I made some fucking good plays. Already up 5% on all the purchases I made during this dip. Thank fuck. My heart is racing. Still down from my high today, but not by anywhere near as much as I was 30 minutes ago.

>> No.9083504

I happened to be on here for quite some time and don't share your views.
This entire thread looks like a newcomers rant or an effort to FUD BTC.And I'm not even happy with BTC dominance and lack of pairings with fiat.

>> No.9083524

Same here.
Back to my average.Bought the dip on some. Risky but paid off. I prefer the bear market desu

>> No.9083540
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crypto baby

>> No.9083543

yes, however if you consider that Satoshi's wallets hold literal billions of dollars (which would make him/them one of the wealthiest people in the world), it does make identifying this person an important issue.

Knowing who invented btc, can help answer why it really was created

also, not saying you shouldn't trade. Hey, if you're lucky enough to cash out with good profits, more power to you

>> No.9083568

green id go up ;0

>> No.9083577

And these wallets are easy to find and monitor. If they start to move to exchanges you can make your move accordingly.
This isn't my first rodeo in this market and I like all of the things that you don't ( maybe not so much the obvious manipulation) and that's why I'm not going anywhere.
If you research the market you'll see a great opportunity here, or not lol

>> No.9083581

Lets be real--most coins will never see an actual real-world use case. It is laughable to suggest otherwise. If you "hodl" long enough, you will likely lose everything. Never drink the kool aid.

>> No.9083602

I don't hold almost anything.
And you are correct with the fact that most of them won't survive.
Now that you realized it you should ask yourself if you are willing to trade in such market. Some of these coins will make it big though.
We are in early early stages of dotcom bubble if it comes to that aspect imo
Most people aren't and that's fine. Some like it and stay, which is also good.

>> No.9083640

Now that I realized it? I knew it from day 1. This is just a casino, and I am fine with that. I have no problem taking from idiots.

>> No.9083648

best market to scam dumb fucks in.

I love it.

>> No.9083713

All you gotta do is spam positive articles on reddit. Tell the lie often enough, and people will believe it lmao

>> No.9084280
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