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907101 No.907101 [Reply] [Original]

Why is startup culture so shit?

>almost every startup website uses exactly the same HTML5 template (parodied by this startup website generator http://tiffzhang.com/startup/)) and yet they all think they are unique snowflakes

>blatantly lie about their number of users/customers through cherry picked or even falsified vanity metrics

>somehow manage to get VC funding even though their own fucking website isn't even clear about what they do

>add the word "hack" to everything stupidly (e.g simple. marketing is called growth hacks)

I'm sure you guys could add more to this.

tl;dr why are they such a shit?

>> No.907108

They aren't shit because they actually make money.

Stop being so jealous.

>> No.907114

Fake it till you make it.

>> No.907115

>a team of passionate coding rockstars

>> No.907128
File: 73 KB, 1017x632, PLANIFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.907132

>actually make money.

The only startups that seem to consistently money are those that take advantage of the naivety of young "entrepreneurs" with a lot of parents money to burn by offering accelerator programs, app development advisory services, etc

>> No.907261
File: 3 KB, 125x93, Oh for god's sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be part of a startup. I can confirm the amount of cancer. I actually shopped a rainbow around our logo when the fed legalized gay marriage to show our progressive support on social media. So fucking fake. The so called experts are the most pretentious fucks around. I ended up quitting because I could not fake it till make it. VC money is not really about the idea itself. You just have to prove your team is smart, so you go into meetings name drop colleges, connections, and why you are so smart. Really bad community with a ton of circle-jerking.

>> No.908716
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Kek intensifies

>> No.908917

I'm not sure if theres a bubble going on, but there is way too much VC money getting through around.

Silicon Valley VCs follow the unicorn strategy, bet on everything, and eventually you will hit a jackpot, like Facebook or Uber which offsets your losses on shitty startups.

It's unclear whether there will be a correction soon. There can only be so many unicorns for the VCs too feed off of, and Silicon Valley is getting very crowded. Traditional Finance, even Wallstreet is already getting in on the early stage investing game.

>> No.908926

Web developers focused more on their front page design than on the architecture of their products. Now everyone thinks that they are hot shit because they use Sass, Django or Ruby.
This trend would never happen if people still needed to code in Struts, PHP4 or ASP.NET. Hipster web designers would resort to drawing pixel art instead of deluding people about the easiness of programming.
Startups instead would just be called small enterprises.

>> No.909063

holy shit the startup I used to work for even has the same suffix as the website generator.

>> No.909295

Interesting topic. At the company i'm starting we are banking on the competitors to be morons like mentioned in op's post. We found their personal profiles on facebook and they are obsessed with this faggy startup culture where everyone is a special snowflake who talks about their special hack to make themselves seem unique. We've designed the entire business model on being lean and not requiring VC money we can cannibalize their existing business while they whore themselves out for VC money. We focused alot more on functionality and adding alot more services for the customers rather than spending everything on the front page.

The most annoying things about startups is by far the shitty business models along with special snowflake names. VC firms are giving money to businesses with no revenue models to simply try and flip it to another business in 6 months who might want to add x users to their preexisting network. There are some amazing startups out there with the growth potential of standard oil or US Steel yet the runners of these companies are all hurr durr lets toss a hacky sack around while we sit in our bean bag chairs and the VC firms only care about an IPO or trying to get a public company to buy it for stock . A vast majority of startups are pump and dumps trying to pass it off to the next smuck down the chain.

>> No.909305

It's always one guy who made a website for his friend's "business", who then starts going around telling everyone about how "he runs his own business".

You're the fucking millionth guy starting a business making websites. You're not gonna make any money doing this, learn a real skill.

>> No.909306

Agreed, I hope your company succeeds anon.

>> No.909374

Web Development is a real skill. But real web development had less to do with making pretty websites and more to do with managing data and communication between servers, and making sure your shit doesn't get hacked. I do web dev at a large corporation and everybody cares about three things: is our shit safe, does our shit work, and are we maximizing customers. That's it. No faggy parallax scrolling that nobody likes or any other hipster shit.

>> No.909884
File: 79 KB, 674x670, 1442324609103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha that shit always gets me. Why are all these cucks always "passionate"? It's like the description of any fucking app in iGayStore. Always beautiful, passionate, simple. It's like been written by and for retards.

>> No.909901


A properly designed website (or program in general) is really fucking trivial to slap a pretty skin onto. Get the functionality working. Make sure everything is secure. Make sure you have a clean, usable, and efficient interface. Then, add in tasteful levels of eyecandy.

>> No.909929
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>lmao but that stuff is sooo boring. None of us actually know how to code, we just like to have FUN and pretend we're Mark Zuckerberg while drinking Starbucks and talking about normie stuff.

>> No.909937
File: 14 KB, 345x365, 1425059408328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually physically sickening how many web "developers" will complain that you want them to program.

Bunch of fucking liberal arts majors with graphics design degrees that can't even handle fizzbuzz, and are fucking useless if they aren't using dreamweaver. Then someone else comes along takes their shit, makes it take 36kB instead of 3.8MB, not require a 3GHz processor to render, actually have fucking https support, and they just throw their hands in the air and complain about how complicated it all is.

No you retards, you are approaching the problem wrong. Stop trying to assemble the plane while it's in the goddamn sky. Build the framework, and then put on the body panels.

>> No.909938

>Why is startup culture so shit?

because 90% of startup culture consists of fanboys and small business ideas that think they're startups, 9% are incubator/VC sharks, and 1% are actual startup entrepreneurs.

however, your interpretation is garbage.

1) who cares about that?

2) it's not an exact science, so the numbers can be off. not necessarily lying.

3) it's not about the website. it's about face to face networking.

4) and you're using common pepe. every culture's got its memes.

have you actually engaged with startup culture? Just curious. Ever went to events and talked to people? it sounds like to me you're bitter at something without not really knowing what you're talking about.

>> No.909950

How do I get into a startup anyway? I am a serious programmer, as in I have a CS degree, I do genuinely know how to program and am currently hired as a software engineer on a pretty high end project.

>> No.909953


What stage startups are you trying to get into?

>> No.909957

Probably any level really, tbh I'm more interested in the adventure side of things, creating something new and living life off the beaten path (to an extent) and less interested in the money side of things. I'd like to make my mark somewhere though

>> No.909977


Are you willing to work for free or deferred payment?

I suggest you google around for startup events in your area, and just go there. Talk to people standing alone if you feel intimidated by groups. Usually they're waiting for someone. Build groups and ask around, get a feel for who knows whom, and work your way forward to the actual entrepreneurs.

Some events have a speed dating type thing, those are perfect for you, if you can find them.

Once you get there you'll be a hot commodity with your skills. Look around and talk to each, and don't be lured into something too easily. You're making an investment - your time, and you want it to pay off. So get pitched and pick a concept you like, or you think will make it to market. You can ask the VC guys about their opinions.

I suggest you don't try to sign up for something on the first day. Also try to meet people outside of these events.

Also, prepare your facebook and linkedin, and have some business cards printed with your contact info.

>> No.909978 [DELETED] 

Good to see some Georgia Tech people doing things

>but bragging about that small pokeman community

I once had a 20k member forum for a video game. Get on my level bish

>> No.909990

Not for free but deferred sure

Do you think I'll be able to get into something with C/C++ and Python skills, or will I need more web developer type stuff?

>> No.909996


you'll likely have to do some web stuff, but just say you want to work on backend. But you'll figure that out once you know what startup you want to work for.

>> No.910006

Seriously. Backend is where it's at. If you are actually legitimately good at backend development (determining this is up to you, we can't help you qualitatively analyze how good you are), just outright ignore any shitheads looking for a pretty webpage and nothing else.

Good startups will know that they need a real system before they cover it in stickers. Once you have a backend you can always hire some retarded web monkey to make you a template based web page then unceremoniously can their ass once they produce something that looks like it took more than 38 seconds to do.

>> No.910009

Fair enough, any other random tips? You sound like you have some experiences/horror stories

>> No.910011


the reality is that he'll likely end up doing at least a mockup, so I think it's a little unrealistic to expect "absolutely no front end".

>> No.910014


yeah, don't be afraid to jump ship when things get retarded, for whatever reason. But do try to leave with a good and competent impression.

>> No.910019

I never said no front end. I said and nothing else. Lots of retards think they can become a company by just having a pretty looking web page. Some of them actually manage to sell nothing too. Just not something you can count on, and even when you do, it's exceedingly rare to actually make any real money doing it. Once people realize you are selling pig shit, the money faucet gets shut off.

>> No.910023

Definitely, where abouts are you based btw?

I'm not averse to doing a bit of front end (I've done a fair bit of 3d graphics stuff) but I don't really want to invest too heavily into js or html or whatever

>> No.910032


central europe


absolutely right. But I don't see too much of that. True nonetheless.

>> No.910035

Cool, I live in a pretty tech heavy area but tbh it seems like a bit of a closed tent; you need to know someone to get in

>> No.910040


as I said in this post:


just go, and network. you can make friends really fast. start small. you just need to actively move from one person to the next. If you're absolutely intimidated, bring a friend and double team loners to get your feet wet.

>> No.910045

Yeah in that case market yourself as a software or backend guy, and if needed, get a webmonkey to throw shit on the screen for your projects. If you have a good API layer for your backend, it doesn't take an incredible web dev to make a decent enough site.

>> No.910049

Now I just need an idea D:

>> No.910239

Welcome to the business world.