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9053162 No.9053162 [Reply] [Original]

First off, to keep this /biz/ related, should I go all in HST or PBL? Ok now seriously:

>be me, junior in college
>be fucking a qt freshman for a few weeks
>went through a phase of being intensely into her, thought she was gf material
>last night she comes over and we fuck a few times, but I wasn't even enjoying the sex (first time I felt like this)
>so bored of her and everything she said pissed me off, her whole presence revolted me
>inner sperg autist comes out and start being weird to mess with her and even said some mean things
>completely ruin the vibe
>sorta kick her out (she had other plans anyways, but I made her leave earlier than originally planned so i could go chill with my bros)
>she leaves clearly on bad terms, we dont hug or kiss before separating like we always did before
>later feel guilty
>friends convince me to send her an apology
> i send her a very short apology, just saying I was in a bad mood and took it out on her or something like that
>she still hasn't answered (been 24 hours)

What do I do from here /biz/? I honestly don't like her emotionally but I regret burning that bridge, like I would def fuck her again sometimes if I had the option. Is it worth trying to hit her up again or should I just move on? Part of me knows that is the right option but desu im a little lonely and rarely have regular hook ups, almost exclusively do one night stands. It would be nice to have a regular girl and now I can't stop thinking about the whole situation since my sperging out was so unnecessary

Sorry for the blog, y'all are my bros though and I don't want to talk about this to ppl in real life cuz its sorta pathetic

>> No.9053171


>> No.9053176

All in HST, has more potential for growth than PBL IMO

On Topic tho she sounds like some random fuckbuddy, you were clearly getting sick of her so who the fuck cares about her now. You're in college, get some new fuckbuddy

>> No.9053200

If she accepts the apology shes good to go and you roll with it.
If not, learn from your mistakes and move on.

Stop being a victim to your short span feelings so they stand in the way for your long-span goals.

Also, she isnt worth anything more than fucking if she stops talking to you after one night with ''bad times''.

>> No.9053266

Ok, I agree with everything you said. If she never responds could I text her in few days or is that pathetic?

>> No.9053271

was meant for >>9053200