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File: 33 KB, 590x403, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9044029 No.9044029 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys just smoked a blunt and eye got to thinking. We can record electric currents of one's psyche and slap it into data form. (Obviously it would take many years to accomplish what I will speak of next, nonetheless still possible and likely). This data can be uploaded on a blockchain. With extensive practice on our end as humans, we can learn to emit specific "patterns" of data neurologically into the blockchain. When mastered, individuals can actually communicate without speaking on the blockchain with whomever had access (and ideally is able to comprehend the wave patterns). Before we even consider our end of the linguistics work however we would indeed need convenient, portable devices to be able to detect the electric currents and translate to blockchain and then traalnslate the data back into some form of signal we can comprehend. Potential use case : infantry combat? The problem is we need a tamper-proof, trustless network of Oracles carrying the psyche waves onto the blockchain otherwise miscommunication can occur. Moral of the story: forget the money $oyboyz, with chainlink we can link our consciousness to the blockchain.

>> No.9044107

Your first paragragraph is literally impossible with our current understanding

>> No.9044135
File: 923 KB, 740x900, 1524425553924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just explained link thank you good sirs

>> No.9044198

>(Obviously it would take many years to accomplish what I will speak of next, nonetheless still possible and likely)

>> No.9044293


But the data wouldn't be 'you'.

If you believe that when you die your consciousness fades away into nothingness and everything goes black, then that will STILL happen if your 'psyche' or whatever is on blockchain etc.

There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it. When your brain dies, you die. Even that bullshit of transferring your brain signals one neuron at a time doesn't work. You're still making a copy and deleting an original. You are the original, you can't copy or transfer the ongoing stream of consciousness.

>> No.9044298


>> No.9044319

stolen for my future sci-fi book

>> No.9044329

The greatest trick /biz/ ever pulled was convincing the world that LINK was just a meme

>> No.9044368
File: 354 KB, 1300x1500, nolink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”
― C.S. Lewis

>> No.9044581

>We can record electric currents of one's psyche and slap it into data form.

You have no idea how impossible this is lol. There are so many different parts of your brain that operate via different inputs and outputs and have a very unique role.

From the visual pathway to then transmitting the signal to your primary visual cortex, to the visual association Cortex, which incorporates different sensory modalities together. Then your “database” of images; the angular gurus is used as a comparison of what symbols/ signs you just saw to what their correct meaning (which you’ve learnt through experience). Now the data is matched but you still have to comprehend the internal language; occurs in wernecks area which then puts to a region know as Broca’s area, which sends the signal to move your speech apparatus to produce the desired sounds.

There are people with debilitating disorders like brocas aphasia where they know exactly what they want to say but can’t. And we can’t fix that yet. Uploading the inner working session of your cerebral cortex, brain stem, cerebellum is probably a millennium away. I’m a neurologist and we still can’t find out reasons for stuff like excitatory epilepsy.

>> No.9044887

Yeah comprehension of the data would take a very long time. What about some form of smart contract (if [specific artificially implanted receptor of electric current becomes stimulated] then input = yes, if [other receptor is stimulated] then input =no.) With heavy Qi practice, you could become pretty on point and that is most basic of all language(still hard af to achieve).But the point is that even some next shit like this Is a potential use case of chainlink. The ultimatum is how much hardware can smartcontract.com pump out into society and how fast. This will determine if it is here to conquer, other wise it's just another meme.