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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9032200 No.9032200 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Only people with Trust Nodes allowed

>> No.9032462

10k reporting in

>> No.9032470

Unironically have a little over 20k PFR

>> No.9032471


Lol look it's two payfair devs trying to shill their exit scam coin

>> No.9032478

this is such a fucking autistic project, I checked their telegram and retards actually think they'll make income off this shit.

hint: a lot of people would actually need to use this shit platform, which will never happen. enjoy the dump when this buggy wordpress site gets released.

>> No.9032490

Sick fud bruh

>> No.9032505
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fud harder

you do the math, I have 80K PFR


>> No.9032538

>$1,000,000 daily volume
hahahahaahahahah, If you think this shit will have even 1000 dollars daily volume, neck yourself. no one gives a fuck about your scam project except your telegram group. you fags share threads so you can shill together, it's pathetic.
then again, this shit is down 90% from it's all time high, so I see why you're so desperate

>> No.9032574
File: 286 KB, 722x830, pfr trust node.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too drunk to feed the troll

PFR to the moon!

>> No.9032589

worst fucking pajeet shill i've ever seen, go take your bags to reddit faggot

>> No.9032700
File: 41 KB, 419x480, AB8FE18F-D9C8-4488-AAF3-45B023BDE89F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone has a personal agenda.

>> No.9032722

20k reporting in

it just happens to all be on an open sell order on idex

>> No.9032950

Theres alot of energy your putting in for something you dont care about... or do you ?

>> No.9033234


Can anyone give me a fast answer of how the actual fiat is supposed to get into the system? Ok I've got a thousand dollarydoos and I want to buy some EVE. How am I going to use PFR to do that? Where do I send my pennies and what does he do with them?

>> No.9033242

low key link shill with this cube kek

>> No.9033496


That's what I fucking thought. There's no way for the fiat to get into the system, is there? It's 100% a scam with zero infrastructure.

>> No.9033797

Ever heard of p2p? It's literally localbitcoins with more cryptocurrencies, only that It's more secure via escrow, with optional kyc and incentive to hold the token to earn passive income from trustnodes. That's all it is. Just a direct upgrade from lbc

>> No.9033952

10k zipflopping in

>> No.9033972

This is a replacement no for local bitcoins you chode. The fiat comes from your pocket.

>> No.9034117


Ok then where does it go? Do I send it to the guy running the escrow node? That involves a bank transfer and then it's KYC all over again.

>> No.9034170

Everyone will just continue to use LBC and Local Ethereum. Plus many exchanges will have Fiat cash out options too. Then your argument is ohhh but i can sell my bike for crypto. Who the fuck is going to buy a bike with crypto? Payfair holders are delusional if you think you will get more than 50,000 volume daily. The only people that will use this are the people who own payfair. There is also no value in holding Payfair if the platform fails.

All the whales dumped already and for good reason. The only people left holding this are poorfags thinking they will make good passive income.

Seriously wake the fuck up and stop being so ignorant

>> No.9034328

how do i send crypto to someone i dont know, that i just met on the internet, say he has something i want, like a whitelist for a ico for example. how do i send him/her crypto ??

>> No.9034893

you don't buy whitelists lmao

>> No.9035217

Ha, no wonder you're poor.

Pfr is much needed and the fudders are just some bag holders larping until launch.