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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9024024 No.9024024 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey Nazorav (CEO of Smartcontract.com) has been working with SWIFT since 2015, which led to the PoC at SIBOS in 2017 which was essentially a smart contract powered bond payment application using a centralized oracle. Hence the name of the company, Smartcontract.com. They put the development of that on hold to develop the ChainLink Network. They did not just drop SWIFT to work on a decentralized oracle network if it was not vital, and that SWIFT and others requested.

The centralized oracle was a real barrier to the system moving forward. They had a working product but realized they needed two other pieces for people to take it seriously. Trusted hardware (the Towncrier/Intel SGX connection) and a decentralized oracle network. Decentralized oracles are mandatory to have an environment that is trustless end to end.

ChainLink is the catalyst to real world mainstream Smart Contracts. A fully decentralized Smart Oracle Network will be ground breaking technology that will change our current financial systems, that is, the use cases are limitless. The world will change because Decentralized Oracles will allow for the holy grail of technology - an environment that is trustless end to end. Because it is trustless, true automation can occur. Smart Contracts are the ultimate disruptor.

>> No.9024034
File: 101 KB, 1086x527, Link is faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9024037


>> No.9024062

hahahah so fucking pathetic. it'd be funny if it wasn't so scammy. you are actually disgusting, trying to manipulate people into buying your worthless sack of shit, holy fuck kill yourself

>> No.9024078
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we dont need damage control idiot. who ever sells right now deserves to lose their money.

>> No.9024095
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Remember that that ZeppelinOS partnership is still a thing. OmiseGO and other huge coins.

>> No.9024120

retarded nigger faggot

>> No.9025286
File: 22 KB, 400x400, linkcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9025413
File: 52 KB, 1203x482, thiskillsthelinklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK has a shit team. total train wreck. couldn't code pacman. fucken kek!

>> No.9025429

We are fucked. Link is kill.

>> No.9025470

Reminder that a random Reddit poster was able to shit on LINK with the LINK devs begging the community for solutions to the problems this random redditor was bringing up.

If you didn't sell then, and you aren't selling now that vechain has a working product, then when will you sell? When it's too late??

>> No.9025490

Hello nootropicat thank you for your service I sold 100k

>> No.9025494

>be me
>coming home
>looking at at the price action of today
>got to /biz/

wtf happened?

>> No.9025534

Nothing, Vechain fags are fudding because of the anouncement to make themselves feel better about their investments and dumb linkies are fudding to buy back cheaply as usual or bring the price down because they don't want it to take off before mainnet. Nothing has changed, in fact employees are actively being added and mainnet isn't out. I swear all this shit comes from faggot discord groups who thin they're having an actual effect rather than just annoying everyone

>> No.9025580

so what has a litteral scamproject (we have a bmw partnership) to do with link?

>> No.9025613

their logos are both boxes lol, and blockcat is going to make development of smart contracts accessible to people without programming knowledge, also it's hardly a scam if the whole team is still actively developing, updating weekly, and didn't exit when it pumped last bullrun

>> No.9025653

yeah but i still wouldnt touch them with a 10ft pole
just googled it so they announced a oracle poject

>> No.9025725

Oh shit apologies, I thought you were referencing my blockcat post earlier in the thread for some reason, I thought you were calling that a scam. Yes I am also highly skeptical of Vechain, I don't see it doing anything significantly interesting, especially oracles