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9012544 No.9012544 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanted to say that bbn started boosting to high heavens right this moment

>> No.9013064

Most things did, but BBN hasn't yet had its time to shine. Prep your anus for all the news they just announced as well.

>> No.9013205

this is just the tip you got.

you're gonna enjoy it even more.

>> No.9013308


Realistic conservative prediction here. $1.50 EOY.

>> No.9013337
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Anon senpai what news was announced?

>> No.9013418

Taken from a reddit post, r/BanyanNetwork is still small enough that it's not shit.

Actually we have some information that recently has been published.

Some days ago it was announced that one of Banyan Networks founders Kelvin Long will be a council member on the Trusted Blockchain Alliance. They are in contact with the government and support it with information and promote the industry so the government makes right decision. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/v-2pWFApQCGJgvhfYww07A

It was also announced that they are working on a research project with Renmin University of China. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Ru9-gO--cloxkTVGj3EokA

Did I mention the research lab was opened a month ago to help the government? Oh it is. Short: http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1595027409895679160&wfr=spider&for=pc

Long: http://sh.people.com.cn/n2/2018/0316/c134768-31352477.html

>> No.9013425

You might have already heard about it, but I've been busy enough and only just saw it posted today. Their gov ties are strong so this is all pointing towards big things.

>> No.9013432
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Translate this for a brainlet

>> No.9013485

institutions are interested, they are looking for real world usage. not speculation, just to make things work, fast.
seems like you don't understand how china is going to adopt blockchain

>> No.9013597

Like the other kind anon said, it's all about institutions. Kelvin being part of the TBA is great news but nothing surprising. The research lab confirms BBN isn't just in direct contact with but also applying real use for the Chinese government already.
Kelvin being an advisor to the government through the TBA is important especially for BBN more so than many other coins. Since Banyan is a data network, being in contact with not just the government but the already pre-existing relationships like UnionPay mean they're going to be the first to work with some extremely high level data.

>> No.9013767
File: 234 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20180420-204130_CoinTracking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so fucking comfy in Banyan i took a vacation. I couldnt sell if i tried. I might sell a quarter of my stack at 5 bucks. Maybe.

>> No.9013883
File: 237 KB, 1125x2001, IMG_2588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eucalyptus = Banyan

>> No.9013908
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Sorry wrong screen shot. That's another translation

>> No.9013951

Isn't the circulating supply tripling soon though?

>> No.9014292

Isnt your waistband tripling soon though?

>> No.9014484

nice, but not relevant

>> No.9015412

No. 30% more June 3rd.

>> No.9015443

If it was a serious question i feel like an ass. I fogured it was just a holder fudding to bump the thread

>> No.9015518

This shit is a scam. Lol. Jesus Christ.
It’s never gone above .11.

>> No.9015546

thanks for valuable information

I hope everyone in these bibox threads makes their own research and understands value of patience
asia will be first to adopt crypto, rest will learn from them

>> No.9015949

The only shitty part of this coin is that it doesnt have any good FUD :(

>> No.9016612

So buy after June?

>> No.9016638

I wouldnt. They have upcoming updates that should offset it.