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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 371x142, 34567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9003296 No.9003296 [Reply] [Original]

Just came across this still rather unknown project lads: Espers, ESP. Finished reading their whitepaper and i've gotta say... it's impressive. The project seeks to develop websites and private messaging on the blockchain. Think about it; no more censorship, no more security breaches and no more DDos attacks. All of this, while making it as user friendly as possible.

If they are able to deliver on their project, wouldnt this revolutionize the internet as we know it? Wouldnt entire industries make use of it? Would this basically create an "internet 2.0"?

They just updated their whitepaper and it seems to be rock solid. It's currently at 0,003 cents so we can still buy millions of them now and start staking.

I need some feedback on this baby lads... what do you guys think? Yay or nay?





Btw, DONT buy it on Yobit. It's a scam exchange that sells an ESP token that has nothing to do with Espers. Its not connected to any network. Any other exchange will do.

>> No.9003312

good coin sirs. best place to buy cheap espers is yobit sirs

>> No.9003327

yes yes many dollars to be made buy esp on yobit very cheap

>> No.9003339

Buy Espers on Yobit sir. I will include u in prayers and wish u many lambos sir

>> No.9003351
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sorry, price is 0,0003 atm. Cheaper even.

>> No.9003441
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i swear, i posted this yesterday too hoping for a serious discussion about Espers. exact same replies yesterday, within seconds from making thread. Fucking price surpressing whale-bots? It's weird.

Anyway, i'd love to have some actual input on this since im considering a buy.

>> No.9003632

YES hello Sirs Pls be to buying e$pers coin on YoBit Exchanges. many times to moon if only buy from YoBit

>> No.9003654


Sigh. Guess /biz/ isnt really the place anymore to discus such topics. I'll ask on some other forum or imageboard. Fuck what this place has become jesus christ.

>> No.9003684

Wow very good! i watch ESPER$ is start make attention in forum. In India we have say, close pocket with ESPER$, open pocket with lambo. TruST me, you are not be disappoint!

>> No.9003758

sirs yes very quick leave to buy from YoBit exchanges. not to discuss with so cheap coin!

>> No.9003843

Yes these are probably bots/people who don't want this advertised yet.

>> No.9003871

I've read the paper
i don't see why messaging on the blockchain is gonna be a huge thing
imagine being unable to delete that nude you sent

>> No.9003886

deer sirs,
pls aware me on how to buy e$pers on YoBit exchange?

>> No.9003911

Yes sir plz do the needful, buy on Yobit!
For much rupee, make the invest now my friend
U will not have the disappoint sir!

>> No.9004010

Sirs $ESPERS$ soon to lambland! Ranjeet here, buying a designated shitting street after making it!

>> No.9004036


I genuinly believe this to be so. Try it out, create an espers thread here and within seconds it's swamped with such replies. Someone or some group seems to be doing some serious whaling imho.


Yeah, i'm not sure how they are going to solve that problem. It seems private messaging is closely tied in with their side-chains? My main interest is the site-on-chain network they're working on tho. I think that's the real strenght of Espers.

>> No.9004169
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daddy please espers
very needful

>> No.9004274
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What is the fucking purpose of the coin? Pls dont tell me its the "backbone" of the chain nonsense.
The faq on the website is only about investing and staking and nothing about the technology. shitcoin....

>> No.9004462

OP its an old /biz/ meme.

Pajeets working for Yobit would shill it. Espers on Yobit is an old fork and not the main chain. Don't buy it there unless you want worthless coins.

>> No.9004476


>> No.9004532
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>> No.9004543
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according to the whitepaper, the Espers coin will be used as a fee to make use of its blockchain, aka hosting websites, transferring data, etc.

Much like you'd pay your provider to host a website on their servers. Only with espers, you'll have total control over the entire thing.

The whole Yobit scam, with them selling a fake espers coin and their refusal to remove it after being asked several times by the Espers team, combined with these bots crashing every single espers discussion, really triggers me. Someone really doesn't want this to succeed.

They see it as a treath. Wich is why i actually like this project so much. If internet moves succesfully onto the blockchain, governments all over the world are fucked - their last control mechanism (censorship through isp's and providers) will be gone.

>> No.9004593

tanks sir, just bought 100k on yobit sir we are going to the moon sir.

>> No.9004850

but sirs ! you need buy today espers my familie is starving! buy all very cheap best coin.Thanks sir !

>> No.9004869

someone post the thread with the guy who went all in on the old espers and then lost it all on dice

>> No.9004881

>tfw oldfag and saw the birth of this meme

>> No.9004889
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Isn't this a literal Pajeet coin that already exit scammed?

How is this garbage even traded anywhere?

I swear to God, crypto is the most retarded market I have ever seen. You have morons literally trading icons listed on exchanges, with no actual network or developers even existing behind the symbols.

>> No.9004970

nevermind found it here

>> No.9005327
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x1200, sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear sir,

thank u for posting about this greatt oportunitty.

espers is the hidden gem, the passport to riches ,

>> No.9005421
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>> No.9005479
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braking news!!!

>> No.9005507
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today now., you can buy. !

>> No.9005516

sirs remember to buy great coin on YoBit sir
YoBit = lambland passport
Other = deported faster than great wall of Trump

>> No.9005576
File: 991 KB, 1400x786, riches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank u for reminding.

fine life aways for the savvy businessman with e$per$ opportunity.
