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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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899401 No.899401 [Reply] [Original]

alright /biz/ I know you've probably seen this thread a million times but I want to know what books you've read that have changed your life and how your life changed because of it. I'm most of the way through the intelligent investor and have the 48 laws of power coming in the mail. I want more suggestions based on other peoples experiences instead of those pictures with a bunch of titles in them

>> No.899406

The secret, mostly.

>> No.899416

Getting Things Done by David Allen

>> No.899424

>"if you believe in things hard enough you can do it!"
>u can cure ur terminal cancer and become space engineer if u belief

>> No.899427

>the 48 laws of power is popular with inmates and celebrities

Instantly shit-listed tbh fam-o.

>> No.899448

The Richest Man In Babylon.

Then again, I'm a sucker for parables.

>> No.899481
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You will never be the same again.

>> No.899490

How did this book help you?

>> No.899497

hes now rich

>> No.899564

This list is a bit overwhelming. Where do I start? Can I have the order for at least the first 5 books or something? I feel like a lot of them might be too specific for someone with no knowledge at all in this area.

>> No.899581

Firstly, what is your goal?

>> No.899589
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I forgot the pic and didn't look at this post until now.
I want to start a business in the future, something without big start up costs, so most likely tech related. I also want to start trading stocks.

>> No.899591

Do you have your basic finances in order? Do you regularly save part of your income? Are you free of bad debt?

>> No.899596

I'm in my first year of community college and I'm getting ready for a mechnical engineering degree. Its not neccesarily what I want to do with my life, but I enjoy math and stuff like that so its not the worst backup plan ever.

>> No.899602

That's not what I asked, though.

>> No.899604

48 laws of power is such a shit book. All the advice is vague and it relies on historical shit that isn't applicable to your life. It's only good in that it gets you thinking in a competitive way.

Honestly I can't think of any books that really worked for me though. Observing successful people is the best thing to do.

>> No.899605

>community college

>> No.899613

I'm an 18 year old NET going to community college. I don't have debt.
I actually enjoy it a lot here. There's a lot of dumb sloots who are controlled by hormones instead of their brains, which is always a good thing. There's also a bunch of people from varied backgrounds. But yeah, I wish I tried in high school so that I could get into a good 4 year. I live in California though so I have great options to transfer. UCLA, UCB, USC, etc.

>> No.899618
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Machiavelli, the Prince

only book that made me think differently than how the society brainwashed me to think.

>> No.899677

How'd this help you?

>> No.899685
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It also turns you into a power-hungry snob.

I would read "The Myth of Male Power" by Warren Ferrel.

You'll begin to understand that in between being a fireman, coal miner, and army ranger you were not given the pleasant side of life.

>> No.899686
File: 11 KB, 200x304, The_black_swan_taleb_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is fantastic, really changed my view of the world. Also, so arrogantly written, I couldn't help but laugh most of the time.

"Talk is cheap. Someone who took
too many philosophy classes in college
(or perhaps not enough) might
object that the sighting of a Black
Swan does not invalidate the theory
that all swans are white since such a
black bird is not technically a swan
since whiteness to him may be the essential
property of a swan. Indeed
those who read too much Wittgenstein
(and writings about comments
about Wittgenstein) may be under
the impression that language
problems are important. They may
certainly be important to attain
prominence in philosophy departments,
but they are something we,
practitioners and decision makers in
the real world, leave for the weekend.
As I explain in the chapter called
“The Uncertainty of the Phony,” for
all of their intellectual appeal, these
niceties have no serious implications
Monday to Friday as opposed to
more substantial (but neglected) matters.
People in the classroom, not
having faced many true situations of
decision making under uncertainty,
do not realize what is important and
what is not—even those who are
scholars of uncertainty (or particularly
those who are scholars of uncertainty)."

>> No.899689

That sounds interesting, I'll chuck it on my list of books to buy

>> No.899691

>It also turns you into a power-hungry snob.

not really, it acknowledged my belief in pragmatic and realistic behaviour in decision making. Finding stoicism appealing Machiavelli complemented that perfectly.

>> No.899757

The millionaire next door by Thomas j Stanley
How to win friends and influence people by dale Carnegie

Take every book you read with a pinch of salt.

>> No.899758
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ready meme book..

>> No.899759

Written by a giant asshole known for his wall art of plastered vaginal openings. Srsly.

>> No.900170

It teaches the basics of personal finance, through a set of parables. All of it is basic stuff, but it helped cement the ideas into my head.

>> No.900190

>wall art of vaginal openings

>> No.900644
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>same shit every thread
How about some actual Bilderberg-core? Pic related

>> No.901330
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>Karl Marx

>> No.901341

IMO, skip Taleb's first two books and skim Antifragile. I think there are some honestly interesting views in there, like when he talks about his distaste for formal education and his views on having a more "natural" lifestyle.

>> No.901369

the art of war helped me

>> No.901493

48 Laws of Power is a fun read but it's utter crap from a practical point of view.
Anecdotes combined with speculating on how and why historical events played out the way they did. Then presenting it as valid evidence in support of repeated and arbitrary laws.

Read it as an aspiring boxer might watch Rocky. Entertaining, inspiring, and fun to reference but don't ever think it's more than a bit of fun.

>> No.901563

the communist manifesto was the shitty book from marx and engel.
Das capital was where they realized their mistake about free cash flow being the only known agent to bring about new improvements for the advancement of the highest good. Essentially disproving communist economic theory.

>> No.901565
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Great book. Learned a lot.

>> No.901714

that would be detrimental to the health of my arteries

Take every post on 4chan with a sprinkle of garlic

>> No.902891

detrimental to your ability to focus.
add a stick of butter per day

>> No.903288
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>> No.903313

You idiots (particularly that anon) know that the Prince was written out of spite towards the prince it was meant for and, therefore, has wrong advice on purpose to sabotage him (and would-be tyrants like him), right?

>> No.903325

Influence by Cialdini
The Process of Government by Bentley
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Carnegie
Words that Work by Luntz

Just about everything else I've ever read was a primary source or a waste of time. One or two nuggets in a sea of shit. I still read a lot hoping to find something insightful, but I spend a lot more time thinking than I used to as a consequence of so much time wasted on other people's thoughts.

>> No.903385
File: 41 KB, 419x650, the-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not joking. It's not as much about "how to pick up girls" but rather realizing how limited one person is by his instincts and how you can achieve what you've always dreamed about if only you would put enough effort. The book basically describes how turboautists can get laid if they REALLY wanted it that much and were absolutely committed to doing it, by either studying the fuck out of the subject, or overcoming their most intense fears several times a day, 7 days a week, for several months, or basically do everything what it takes them to do it. And that's just for some sex. After realizing what some people are capable of going trough for some 5-10 minutes of pleasure, you will really understand that if you're not retarded and are capable of putting yourself trough the same shit those guys were putting themselves trough, except fully money/success-related, you WILL become successful.

I am now fully dedicating my days to reading and practicing, reading and practicing, and I'm actually starting to get very good at some subjects and am starting to see holes for opportunity for stuff related to them that I didn't see before. There are other books that did help me too but the main book (not really the book itself as much as the realization that the whole PUA thing exists and people are extremely serious about it) was this one. There are many people who would say "don't read self-help books, they're bullshit". I'll tell you the exact opposite, read self-help books, fucking memorize hundreds of them, they are one of the most valuable asset you can have when your psychologically broken, and I'm sure most browsers of this site are.

>> No.903419
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I'm 21. Read it when I was 20. Being an only child with no father thiis book has the questions and answers that I've wondered about with human interactions. I don't feel I'm a "grown man" but this book has really help me with my openness with understanding myself and my relationships.

>> No.903636


2/4 books you've mentioned are excellent and the other 2 I haven't heard of. I will be looking into those.

>> No.903662


Well did it help you pick up chicks or no?

>> No.903669
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>no bully

>> No.903670


not that anon, but I lived it and I ended up sleeping with 70 chicks. I think it's the best we have to remain hopeful

>> No.903673


I've been watching a lot of videos and have been thinking about getting into pua. Is the book pretty straight forward?

>> No.903675


Read the Game for fun

that shit is so outdated don't do any of it

>> No.903677

I read quite a few but the next day I turned into a lazy motherfucker again. I guess there is just no helping it.

>> No.903682


So you have anything you recommend to start off?

>> No.903685


Real social dynamics videos/bloggs

until you realize your heros actually douche bags all along.

>> No.903703

The guy who posted The Game

This guy >>903685 knows his shit. RSD videos are all sprinkled with self-help advice in addition to how to pick girls, so go watch them as he said
My personal favorite is this one because it explains the situation most of us are going trough so fucking on spot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGp25fn25Cs

>> No.903704

my diary, tbh

>> No.903712

baby rudin

>> No.903745


I'm watching this now


>> No.903757

Reading is for fags and losers.

>> No.903895
File: 49 KB, 423x417, 1283830694199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1, Seriously, that book made me open up as a person instead of being the quiet Neet type who just likes to stay home and watch cartoons, Build computers and improve my speech (Used to Stutter), now i just mix and match depending on the day.

>> No.903897

>Too edgy for me m8.

>> No.903998

well if this gets in, Try
Power v. Force, the hidden determinants behind human behavior.
Given to my friend by his Doktor father with big-ass mansion and 3 doctor children, and soon to be lawyer 4th. Buddy didn't read it, one of the best books I've encountered.
I read plenty if that's a question.

>> No.904099

Atlas shrugged Changed my life.

>tfw not joking.

Rand was a methed out cunt, but damn can she write a novel

>> No.904102

this was really good, probably her best
atlas shrugged was too long winded

>> No.904144
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Hey I know this is random but why can't I sit myself down and actually read a book. I prefer to just read stuff on reddit and 4chan way more.

Also this is a book my friend gave me. He said it was good (had to contribute)

>> No.904154
File: 27 KB, 460x460, 1442658280819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what most people on /biz/ read and recommend are in fact "self help books" and not business books.

A business book that actually teaches you important things is what you work with at universities. This is what everyone who wants to become a stock trader or whatever you want to do should read.

>> No.904180
File: 107 KB, 329x475, the dog in the coat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very inspirational, would read again

>> No.904478

the fact of the matter is most people as they are now are simply not in a place where they could reasonably succeed without level 10 luck and rolling nat 20's.

Their mindset is negative. resulting in a low opportunity detection skill. The opportunities are there but the radar is shit.
Stock market hasn't disappeared. 9/10 businesses are still going out of business resulting in liquidation opportunity, many people are still time constrained, people are still making mistakes that you can fix. There's still the whole future of the human race to invent.

The only way you know viscerally what opportunities exist is to go out and find them. but no one looks for imaginary things in scary places.
Often what's holding you back is some bullshit reason somebody gave you way back when. This was a trusted person who gave you wrong "facts" about the world.

If they don't believe they can win, people will never pick up specific skill books.

>> No.904491

He wrote Das Capital to "prove" that capitalism was an unsustainable system though. His whole point was that the only way competitive firms can gain an edge is by squeezing every cent possible out of labor. It was a stupid theory then and it's an even dumber theory now.

>> No.904497

And /biz/ is convinced that the stock market has the key to make them all rich if they just try hard enough despite the vast majority of people well-educated on the issue, including actual economists specializing in the stock market, stick to fucking index stocks.

Not that opportunities aren't there. My pal's parents made 250k in 3 years by investing 10k in Ford when stocks were 9 cent a share, but thinking you have a "radar" like you're saying is inherently dangerous because if risky stocks were that predictable, then the payoffs wouldn't be so great.

>> No.904853

You inspired me to give this book a shot. Got twenty pages left. I read in on an airplane ride to salt lake city. My girlfriend keep glancing over and reading it with me. We kept laughing how spot on he was. This book changed my life and relationships with women.

9/10 bc he's a little out there in some parts

>> No.904867

The blueprint by real social dynamics

>> No.904869

It's a will power thing. Start with 20 pages. Practice slowly with more pages. I'm the same way. You'll build your ability to concentrate over time.

>> No.905002

It takes time to build the habit if you didn't develop it young.

A few years back I set the goal of reading 10 books in the year and failed, only managing 7. Whereas this year I'm on track for close to 50, not monumental but good progress, what worked for me.

Track You Reading:
The closer I track my reading the more I read. Last year (~25 books read) I had a table which I would add to as I completed the book. The problem with this system is you don't look at the table frequently/don't see much changing. This year I'm using a spreadsheet to log how many pages I've read for the day and how many pages of each book. Using the input data I can keep track of how much reading I'm doing daily. Also I see patterns in my behavior, for instance I have patches where I can't decide on a book so I just don't read for a week or so. Now I'm aware of it I actively avoid doing it.

Include Fiction:
Since I've started trying to read more this is the first year I've been reading fiction. Initially for me it was to keep the habit going during the aforementioned lulls, good literature is incredibly captivating and you can learn a lot from it.

You also need to say fuck it, turn off you PC go sit at a table and just read.

>> No.905011

I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.905020

Tracking is a wonderful thing. With tracking I went from nothing to a 10 hour work day from one day to another.

>> No.905021

I kinda have trouble with reading comprehension. Is there an effective way to work on it?

I tend to read something then forget most of it in almost no time at all, but occasionally do remember lil bits over long periods of time. They kinda just "stick", and it'd be something like the name of a muscle or some chemical or something.

>> No.905037

You could always use a notebook and write down the things you want to remember.

It will also depend on the subject. Your brain will comprehend a lot more if you're engaged with the subject at hand.

I think your case is completely normal if it comes to a foreign subject. At first you will retain only a small amount of information, it can't be helped. Reading comes in many different shapes. If you read casually through a book of a subject you're not too familiar with you will retain little information, especially with no post analyse or note keeping.

I think it's just a case of experience. If you read a lot you will get better at reading.

>> No.905039

Thanks fam.

I'm always excited to read but I get kinda demotivated when I think about how little I'll remember as usual and see 20,000 words in front of me. No joke I get lost in terms of what line I'm on eventually.

I guess I'll just keep at it and try to summarize what I've read every chapter or something.

It's just if I'm reading about programming for example or something else technical I tend to start forgetting the chapters after I've read a few past it. I wish there was an easier way.

>> No.905047

We all wish to be super intelligent and be able to retain 100% of the information we consume.

The brain just doesn't work that way. At least when it comes to programming 90% of the learning process is programming itself anyway so I don't think it's too bad not being able to retain much information from reading alone.

>> No.905053

The Shipping Man is a very good book on the shipping business, and really business in general.

It's written in the style of a novel, so it's actually entertaining to read.

>> No.905059


Practice and note taking/flash cards developed from the notes. I don't take notes unless I'm reading for a specific reason or understanding.

Ask yourself "What am I reading this for?". For me it's mostly general knowledge in a lot of different areas, I want to know what's out there and how other people do the things they do.

Studying the contents of a book is different to reading a book. I've got an interest in the law, so I've read a few books about the subject. I don't remember every detail in those books, but I can recall the contents in general terms which serves my purpose. If I wanted to be a lawyer or putting the knowledge to use I'd attack those books completely differently.

You'll probably find your comprehension is no worse than most peoples.

>> No.905061

Wow completely forgot about this but yes this is good

Win Your Case - Gary Spense - persuasion, in the vein of Cialdini's Influence, which I also recommended earlier

What Every Body Is Saying - I forget - body language

How to Fail at Almost Everything - Scott Adams - actual self help instead of the usual selfhelp woo; basically a world view to help you achieve goals instead of just wishing for things

>> No.905064

Exactly how were those books life changing for you? At the moment this is just name dropping book titles.

>> No.905069

Also Thinking Fast and Slow, Think and Grow Rich are bretty good

Checklist Manifesto & Margin of Safety - dont need to read them but familiarize yourself with the concepts (Amazon reviews are enough). Checklists can improve almost any system or process and the Margin of Safety concept can be applied to any uncertain decision, not just stocks

>> No.905072

> Think and Grow Rich
> How to Win Friends and Influence People
> The Power of Habit
> The Personal MBA

>> No.905078

Why are people recommending how to win friends and influence people?

>> No.905082


> why can't I sit myself down and actually read a book. I prefer to just read stuff on reddit and 4chan way more.

Because you're used to fast paced content and absorbing random, usually useless info as quickly as possible. By comparison a book is a lot less stimulating, though infinitely more useful.

>> No.905089

I'm reading it now, actually really enjoy it

>> No.905106

When people try to learn to make friends and influence people out of books I can hear the sperg alarm ringing. You can't learn social interactions from books.

>> No.905134

>you can't enhance social skills through streamlined material
>being consciously aware of things you already do doesn't make it more effective

I can hear the retard alarm ringing

>> No.905136

Everyone in need of such a book is already too socially inept to profit from it. Would pay to see you eloquently stuttering the results of your read. Maybe you can become the king of spergs that way.

>> No.905144
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x1840, 20150804_125247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one thing - Gary Keller

Youtube it and watch the short video FightMediocrity has about it (I'm not him but I like his videos..) I sound like a shill but don't know another way of saying it's a good book and watch a 4 minute video about the basics of it.

>> No.905369

How does /biz/fam get their books?

I kind of like physical books and yo have them on me as a reference but not really down to spend $15+ per book.

Is there some convienent way to buy used books or something?

>> No.905422

>Is there some convienent way to buy used books or something?

>> No.905424

Is 15 a lot for you? The shit lasts forever how about instead of getting McDonald's one day you get a book you fucking retard.

>> No.905435

I don't go to McDonald's.

But yeah $15 is kind of a lot when I want to buy 20+ books and I'm a poor memeage kid. Gotta save every shekel to pay off school

>> No.905447

Sometimes you just spend money to improve your life. Cut out shit you can and benefit in other areas. I'm a college kiddo too but I make it work.

>> No.905452

I feel sick when I spend money.

Especially when I can just torrent them, but it's just not the same. Besides I doubt I'll read very many books more than once or twice.

>> No.905456

Resell them with Amazon FBA then

>> No.905462

Reading this now, thanks.

It feels a bit weird only focusing on one thing, though. I can't shake the feeling that I'm neglecting important things I care about.

>> No.905473

Holy fuck, they are a lot.

I'm from a country where the word liberal (as in classical liberal) is a bad word, and libertarianism is an unknown concept. So I felt really out of place and kinda ideologically alone until I read Ayn Rand for the first time. So it'd be the fountainhead.

Also, I had a very shitty childhood and teen years. The wry humour and nihilism of authors like Kafka (personal favorite is the process) Camus (personal favorite: the stranger -I think it's called that in English-) and Aldous huxley (brave new world, duh)... It saved my life in a way.

Then books like Mein Kampf, Das Kapital, La razón de mi vida (by Eva Peron), trotsky's "the permanent revolution" and other such books showed me how boundless human stupidity and economic illiteracy can be, and also helped my self esteem a lot.

>> No.905928

This guy is a prick, He would browse 4chan if he is alive

>> No.905961

If it's life changing you want 48 laws of power fits the bill. Changes your whole perspective on every human interaction.

It's 'vague' because it's general and applicable to everything. The examples aren't supposed to be giving you literal advice on how to act, they're there to give you intuition for the game of power.

>> No.906030

the library, many have digital works now.
fucking torrenting and other filesharing.
and try craigslist

>> No.906087


Isnt this book just a bunch of common sense? i know i have read mist of it, but dont remember which book of page filling anecdotes it was.

holy shit. all of these books are written just to make other people money.

>> No.906098

1. Gen dot lib and an ereader. Download the epub and convert to mobi (for Kindle) with calibre.

2. Purchase ebooks from amazon if I can't find on genlib or it's a small time author.

3. Purchase hard copies if it's unavailable as an ebook, or contains really nice illustrations, or if I really really enjoyed the book I'll get a hard copy.

>> No.906192


!!! They have books for under $2 new and free shipping. What in le heck? Should I cop from this website? Is there some sort of hidden fee or something I'm gonna buy like 20 books fam-o

>> No.906195

Well no shit, books about getting rich arent going to say "do these steps and you are now rich", they give you underlying philosophy and some ideas to think of your own stuff and make it work for you.

>> No.906241

Is this book a meme?

I've mostly heard meme-men recommend it but I don't want to overlook a book just because of some memayers.

>> No.906264


The Prince and 48 laws of power are memes

Intelligent Investor might as well be one, even Ben Graham and his disciples disavowed it

>> No.906272

What will I eat instead

>> No.906451

I'm looking for a book to get me mentally aligned toward success. I'm reading Awaken the Giant Within. It has lots of filler in it, but it's seems to be pretty good.

Also I recommend As A Man Thinketh.

>> No.906490


Are they maymays?

If you're an average IQ/social IQ then they'll have zero impact on you.

But if you already have a certain degree of intelligence, cunning and ambition then these books can help you refine your skills and even be an overall force factor.

It's theory, you're the one that needs to apply it.

>> No.906507

Well meme'd friend, well meme'd

>> No.906511

cheers mate i was starting to feel a little underappreciated here

>> No.906525

I'm the guy who originally asked if they're memebooks.

So should I cop them then? On that one website the guy recommended you can get books for like $2/each so I might cop a few dozen.

Will they really help me?

>> No.906589


This thread is about life changing books. Not a discussion whether these books have merit. Contribute or die. If some one finds value in the book that's great, of you don't that's fine.

It's like you don't understand people have varying opinons. There is no objective truth in taste. Vanilla is not better than chocolate, it's subjective you autistic fucks.

>> No.906594

>This thread is about life changing books. Not a discussion whether these books have merit

Logically, if they don't have merit, they won't change your life.

>> No.906607

If a book changes some ones life, there's nothing to discuss. The book obviously impacted them enough to mention it. So it automatically has merit. Arguing whether a book is meme or not is not productive and does not add value to the conversation.

Some one could say Clifford the Red Dog changed their life. You might not see the value, so just don't fucking read it.

>> No.906613
File: 20 KB, 220x319, Confessions_of_an_Advertising_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy is pretty interesting. Its kind of slow and repetitive but if has tons of interesting information about the biz world, coming from one of the most successful advertisers himself.

>> No.906615

Strait to the point. I dig it.

>> No.906672

Anon, please tell me
How do i stop stuttering

>> No.906673

he's now lazy.

>> No.907053


>> No.907085

They are books not memes, what are you, stupid or something?

>> No.907231

After reading this thread, I started reading How To Make Friends and Influence People.

The first chapter was easy enough to digest, but didn't bring about anything revolutionary. I've come across people who would be less swayed to do as I ask by following the advice in this book (don't complain, condemn or criticise) than be given the stern word about what they're doing wrong and how to improve.

Does the rest of the book continue in this fashion? I'm committed to finishing it, since I'm about 1/8 of the way through it already, but I'll feel deflated if it tells me either things I already know or methods that work situationally.

>> No.907254

They seem to be memay books.

>> No.908365

I used to stutter.
Then I speak 3-4 words at a time.
Like Obama.

>> No.908471
File: 183 KB, 500x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started reading influence by Robert Caldiani. Thanks guys.

>> No.908498

I work at a small midstream energy company. Sometimes one of our longterm engineers or marketers will have financial tantrum at the office. If it is severe enough, management sends them to a Dale Carnegie course. After that they get fired if it happens again.

These guys come back from the Dale Carnegie course as different people. Calm, laid back, no trouble anymore. Fucking amazing.

>> No.908510

I'm in the same boat as you. Single child born to an 18 year old mother. I'm 18 now and debated on joining the military for these kinds of answers. Will definitely give it a shot.

>> No.908514

>not We the Living

That book is great

>> No.908529

What translation of the Prince is best to read?


>> No.908541

Skip him altogether than and just read Tao Te Ching, the originator of the "natural way" (Tao)

>> No.908543

Sounds like lobotomy level shit there anon. Like the ending of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.909046

accidental success/epic fail

>> No.909245

got me my first girlfriend, kiss, and popped my cherry within a month after reading. Made girls people instead of objects.

>> No.909923
File: 401 KB, 1400x2022, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.

>> No.909959

gonna order it now, I don't really want to read nonsense books that feel like "proving themselves" in the first few chapters though

>> No.909985

how about Pfeffer, Power: Why Some People Have It—and Others Don't

>> No.910012

Which course?

>> No.910044

What about audiobooks?
I know that there's one for How To Make Friends and Influence People. Anything else?

>> No.910117

You can get audio versions of most of these books, even on YouTube just search them up or abuse Audible free trials or just buy them if you want.

>> No.910507

Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.910631

lol nawww

>> No.910714

He's now a man

>> No.910720


>> No.910721

Good job buddy. My goal was 50 books this year. I set my sights waaaaay too high, but still, keeping track of books has helped me focus. Next year my goal is 20.

>> No.910727

Dude, Amazon. You can get used books practically for free plus shipping.

>> No.910741

My picks:

>Personal Finance and Investing For Dummies
(flick through to the bits you find relevant and use as a reference, obviously no point grinding through the mortgage section if you're an 18 year old and going to be renting for the next 10 years)

>Fighting Fuzzy Thinking in Poker, Gaming and Life - David Sklansky
Obviously it's first and foremost about poker, and even as somebody who plays Hold 'Em a lot of it went over my head. But there are some nuggets of wisdom in there, mostly about conceptualising your efforts as long games and not rushing to alter a normally winning strategy after a temporary run of bad luck.

>How to Win Friends and Influence People - Carnegie
A meme book, but containing a lot of obvious yet sound advice. Without wanting to sound like a shill, this is the kind of book you should probably re-read once a year just as a reality check.

And if we're including /biz/ fiction:

>The Door into Summer - Heinlein
A good read, and I think it would appeal to you misanthropes.

>> No.910961
File: 56 KB, 472x695, 7-Habits-Of-Highly-Effective-People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book just really hit true for me, listened to the audio on youtube.

>> No.911350

He's now a man

>> No.911534

I used have an instructor who had a bad stutter, its not so bad actually. Its a little jarring to hear at first , but everyone got used to it very quick. Best thing to do is only speak when necessary, say the least possible, and be right as often as possible.

>> No.911593

He's now a The

>> No.911596

He's now a Way

>> No.911598

Hees nao a To

>> No.911616

>His whole point was that the only way competitive firms can gain an edge is by squeezing every cent possible out of labor.

The argument isn't about individual firms, it's about capitalism as a whole. If a firm comes up with a new, innovative way of doing business it can make superprofits, but as long as competition remains other firms will try to copy it.

So the greater profit that innovative firm attains will fall as the price of the commodities it produces fall towards production cost.

>> No.911729

To kill a mockingbird
And recently started reading self help and spiritual books
I'll suggest you read The Bhagwad Gita

>> No.911948

reading this book I think its extraordinary and just what I needed. by reading I mean playing the pdf in text to speech program on my phone. Came to post that it says do not tell anyone about your goals and program. Minutes earlier posted on facebook that everyone should read this. An hour earlier told my sister and friend what I'm reading and what its about. FML
going to shave my head just waiting on buzzers to finish charging. HERE WE GO BOYS. DAM I want to play league and domiante some noobs so bad. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.912119

Why even try