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File: 304 KB, 600x450, 4231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8993276 No.8993276 [Reply] [Original]

Sitting here, with no social interaction for over 1.5 years and I hear some girl getting fucked a few doors down. Tell me I'll make it guys.

>> No.8993307

> in crypto: probably yes
> in life: probably not

>> No.8993315

Aslong as I make it in crypto, then I can atleast just take a plane to a sunny beach when I want to.

>> No.8993333

Anon, I don't know what you look like, but i have met all kinds of people in my life, and there is 100% somebody out there for you.

leave the fucking house.

>> No.8993334

That’s the spirit, anon. Or wait 5-10 years and buy a robotic anime gf.

>> No.8993345

Also, unironically this. Quads of truth.

>> No.8993369

This and checked

>> No.8993380

>no social interaction for over 1.5 years

What have you been doing for 1.5 years?

>> No.8993401
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1516345887423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That pic

>> No.8993404


When you are single on a dry spell, hearing the moans of a woman having sex next door is one of the most depressing sounds ever.

Some cucks get turned on by it though. The like the silent humiliation. The cuck would much prefer it if they were sitting in the corner of the room next door masturbating and the woman getting fucked was their wife though.

>> No.8993411
File: 872 KB, 500x500, wE6NM1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering you're a fucking legend who enjoys 2D little girls you're gonna make it brah

These threads are why I love /biz/

>> No.8993446

haha yes. You choose to not have any social interaction. You jealous someone else is having sex? Well go and make friends. Maybe one of those friends will be a girl, maybe one of those friends will introduce you to a girl. Leave the fucking house.

>> No.8993654

I'm a balding, fat, 40 year old man who's been unemployed for the last year, down to only a few thousand left in my savings, and living in a trailer. And I live in the middle of nowhere. I still get sex about every other month just from dating sites. Bang fat chicks and older single mothers, man. Is easy.

>> No.8993703

battling a psychosis which I'm slowly recovering from. Social interaction stimulates my complaints as I get very anxious about them aswell in public. And I fear people noticing my anxiety so I become even more anxious, its getting better however.

>> No.8993712

I'm not jealous also yes I do partially choose to have no social interaction see comment above comment

>> No.8993722

haven't been close with anyone in 4 years
get on my level faggot

>> No.8993751

>Some cucks get turned on by it though. The like the silent humiliation. The cuck would much prefer it if they were sitting in the corner of the room next door masturbating and the woman getting fucked was their wife though.

Sounds horrible but whatever floats ye' boat

>> No.8993897
File: 42 KB, 481x406, 1465222501891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sad when I see all my shrimp breeding while I remain a virgin. Even fucking meanless ocean bugs get to experience sex except me. Wtf bros

>> No.8994106

Takes more than stepping outside. Its a whole journey, you don't know how or where to go, and the perfect friends could pass you by at any point and then gone forever.

>> No.8994261
File: 19 KB, 620x576, I-Know-That-Feel-Bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
