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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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899060 No.899060 [Reply] [Original]

Create a fucking pie chart edition

>> No.899074
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You wish you were at my level.

>> No.899086
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Taxes and Rents

>> No.899527

60% booze
30% food
10% video games

>> No.899532

30% rent
70% buying pie charts

>> No.899698
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>> No.899701
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Here you go, I must invest more into hookers, seriously, I only have sex five to six times a month. No wife though.

>> No.900176

>hookers - sex escorts
Kek. It's good you have your priorities straight.

>> No.900186
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this is why I moved back in with my mom

>> No.900196


>Rent out a place with gf
>Each pay half the rent
>In the winter I shovel the sidewalks for more than half off rent
>Contract is for Oct-Feb
>GF still pays her half

>A few months ago the guy who vacuumed the buildings moved out
>I take the job
>Half off rent every month
>takes 2 hours a week to vacuum halls in the buildings
>$56.25 an hour to vacuum

>I live rent free year round
>My GF pays me rent 5 months of the year

Seriously, ask your landlord if they'll pay you for this shit. Every apartment I've ever lived in payed me to shovel snow or use a snow blower which I enjoy doing anyway/

>> No.900200
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Cant beat me fags. Also, the reason all of my income is going to land is because i plan on paying it off very early. Plus im working 2 jobs with 60+ hours on m-f.

>> No.900233
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>relying on someone else to pay half your rent
>finding a girlfriend
mummy takes care of me just fine, thank you

>> No.900249


damn nig you payin a lot of insurance...

I pay $350 a year for auto and that's it. no health coverage even.

>> No.900275

We should really think about gassing the kikes

>> No.900802

>Double the recommended allocation for living expenses.

Your lifestyle seems untenable.

>> No.900834

Where are your savings?

>> No.901150

Not making a fucking pie chart edition:

14 percent mortgage tax and ins

10 percent other bills ( utilities, car insurance, ect. Any other bill that comes monthly

8 percent 401k. This seems low but I'm just using take home. With my employer contributions and pension cash balance value contributions this is more like 20 percent

30 percent discretionary. This includes gas, groceries, intertainment, clothing, random maintnance

Remainder, 38 percent, intermediate savings. There us some cross over here, becuse I'm not much of a budgetfag. I save as much as I comfortably can and allocate it as nessesary. This intermediate savings goes to everything from maintaining emergency fund to vacations to brokerage account long term savings, or the occasional large purchase.

>> No.902129

50% into savings
50% into checkings

and i eat up most of my checking by the time the next paycheck comes, never dip into savings

>> No.902139

its like 50% rent, 30% booze and the rest for insurance and tuition

>> No.902147

Lmfao until you need to go to the hospital or see a doc retard lols

>> No.902184

funny you don't include the huge chunk of your paycheck that you don't get to spend

>> No.902898
File: 32 KB, 1043x497, paycheck piechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do note that this chart is very misleading. While I have officially paid off my mortgage 2 years ago it still hasn't paid off the initial $5,000,000 I dropped on the mortgage[not counting the rough time I had when I couldn't find tenant]).

However it should pay itself of in about 3 years making this 11 year venture worth it. Infinitely faster than I could have ever imagined.

>> No.902926

brehs how do you spend so little on rent? are you living with urban individuals?

>> No.902934

90% savings
5% random stuff / clothes
3% health / car insurance
2% food

>> No.902942

Impressive! How are you personal spendings so high though?

What kind a property do you own / how many units?

>> No.902950

10-stories multi-family apartment, 45 units.

>How are your personal spending so high
I still haven't quit my sys admin job which pays very well and I no longer have a mortgage to worry about.

>> No.903004

I am curious how you raised the funds to get a mortgage that huge, do you have partners?

Did you buy during the recession and get a great deal?

>> No.903067

Here's a super tl;dr:
It was a foreclose auction for a property worth 21 million. I managed to win the auction for 13 million.

I wanted to put 6.5 million down thinking it would be for the best to pay off as much as possible but they talked me out of it. Rather they would not allow me to do it and they only allowed me to close because I made a down-payment of 5 million(35%) and had 2 million to work with while I tried to get everything sorted out.

Turned out to be a big mistake, even with that money in reserve it drained away really fast since my mortgage was 55K a month, at the time I only me 8,000 a month. Also the apartment was a mess and had to pay a lot for repairs and maintenance. (I say it was a mess I just took his word, and in hindsight I have made a lot of mistakes and should've done more research).

In the end I pretty much exhausted almost a million dollars in a single year. Eventually I consulted a property manager to help me with my issue of getting tenants and general house care. Eventually he referred me to someone and we worked out a 7% fee, a bonus equal to half a month's rent for finding new tenants, and all major costs must be cleared by me.

If I had any partners I would have to say it was my property manager, the same one for 8 years. Who coincidentally even now gets paid more than me relative to my current job.

Actually writing this I don't know why they cleared me for the property. I guess I did put down 5 million and they know I had 7 million and if I fail they would just foreclose my property and just sell it again.

>> No.903078
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>effectively 90% of my pay goes to the government
Denmark YES

>> No.903106

Good job on pulling through and thanks for the story. How did you get the 5 million to even start? I am guessing family money or some other business investments because it sounds like that was your first venture into real estate. That is a lot of cash to save up even with an exceptionally high paying job.

>> No.903117

God why didn't you start with single family homes and smaller multi families first

>> No.903122

6.5 million down? That'd take decades to save even with a $100k salary. You selling cocaine or something.

>> No.903125

>Good job pulling through
Thank you

My grandfather passed away and my family inherited his business and over 20 millions in his saving.

I was given about 4 million and I didn't want to turn into the generic failure that wastes all of his money and becomes poor again. So I essentially went on a lot of different forums/sites trying to figure out how to invest. Things were insanely difficult trying to find good information in 2005, I didn't know about 4chan for another 2 years and even then /biz/ didn't exist for much much longer and all the forums/sites you would find on google were useless or behind a paywall(I even paid for some of those scams and the information I got there was equally useless).

I did eventually work out an investment plan and one of the stocks I purchased (NASDAQ:ETFC) became huge in 2006, stocks I bought for 100'ish(?) were selling for over 250.

I wasn't very smart, I had a lot of money and wanted to buy a big place and they're very flattering about property during the auction and I was blinded by the numbers they were giving. Essentially they told me 45 units, 2K+ a month per unit and that factored into a million a year.

I think the moral of the story is you shouldn't give kids too much money.

Ruby back-end developer / Sys-admin I make $105K.
Also I put 5 mil down not 6.5 mil.
Rent is $2,560 per unit right now and might continue to go up since it's relatively close to New York.

I already paid off the mortgage so it's only a few years til I pay it off unless the price of area just plummets.

>> No.903138

I need to do this. Hard to seperate my biz and personal income and expense though with a home office and split use vehicle and such.

I'm guessing I spend way too much on food, probably $1500 a month for two people. I eat out every day and we get a lot of takeout, also shop at Whole Foods then end up throwing stuff away cause we dont eat it fast enough.

Also spend a lot on my car. Put a turbo and a bncch of performance mods on it.

I know if I kept track of this stuff I would stop spending so much.

>> No.903604

Like your priorities. Anything left over I'd just waste.

>> No.903607


I haven't been to a doctor in 5 years.

>> No.903624

faggots like you are why we need universal. guess who pays for your $100k bill when you get in a car accident and fuck off scot free in bankruptcy? everybody else. i hope you wear a bracelet that requests no medical treatment unless ability to pay is confirmed