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8976316 No.8976316 [Reply] [Original]

bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin

change my mind

>> No.8976344
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>> No.8976511

Legit question. Where do you go to get paid to make these threads?

>> No.8976801


not paid fgt. been in bitcoin since 2012, converted everything to BCH

>> No.8976816

so you are stupid too

>> No.8976819
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These fucking reddit newfags haven't taken the red pill yet. Fucking core muppets.

>> No.8976844

These things take time grasshopper but before years end your wish will be granted

>> No.8976851

late adopter coping with his losses

>> No.8976875

more like btrash

>> No.8976936

sooner or later you'll realize bcash is no different to bgold, or bdiamond, or more aptly monero-zero. a coin for chinese miners, created by chinese miners, and predominantly traded on asian exchanges by asian speculators, with less security than a lot of other alts.

those of us non-late adopters that received a significant airdrop of bcash have either already sold it, or more commonly are holding it, but the intention is to always sell airdrops, sooner or later. that dynamic will never change.

>> No.8976937

- LN has pretty much been a failure at this point, while BCH with bigger blocks can already handle more txs than Ethereum
- RSK is abandoned, literally 0 people talking about it nowadays, while OP codes are going to be reenabled in BCH in a few weeks
- institutional investors starting to see the reality: LN is dead already at birth
- BCH adoption increasing, while BTC support is being dropped

I don't see what BTC supporters are waiting for anymore. There doesn't seem to be any hope left.

>> No.8976993

did you blow Roger after he emailed you this copy pasta?

>> No.8977039

nice argument, very convincing. the absolute state of Core supporters
not even a good joke. could have thrown in something spicier, like a reacharound orsmth, not the typical: Ver, blow, heheheh, gotem

>> No.8977102

t. roger ver
The thing is, bcash only has slightly better tx throughput at the cost of being centralized. Bitcoin will have to be replaced by something that can scale to thousands of tx per second at some point, but it sure as hell won't be bcash with only one order of magnitude more tx per seconds as bitcoin.
Why would an intermediate solution, basically a band aid on a gaping wound see mass adoption between the household name and the original blockchain, and the "next bitcoin" which will solve the scalability for real?
>inb4 500mb blocks

>> No.8977111

cashies btfo

>> No.8977157

Legit question, doesn't bch still copy like 95% of bitcoin github(or w/e they use) updates, how they going to improve if the devs keeps copying btc... Feels like a scam to me desu.

>> No.8977197

>only has slightly better tx throughput
>only one order of magnitude
an order of magnitude is 10x btw

Increasing block size to a limit that the tech currently is ready for + second layer solutions. This will be more than enough for multiple years until tech has advanced + more scaling solutions are ready. If a better coin comes along, then it's all good. BTC and BCH will both be history, while this new con takes over. If a better solution doesn't come along, BCH is the answer.
BCH does retain decentralization, while the other already more scalable coins out there, don't. BTC is also decentralized, but it doesn't scale at all.

>> No.8977211

*checks chart*

Heh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.8977216


>> No.8977254

Bitcoin is an open source project.

>> No.8977262

Google the term 'fork' in regards to programming and software. BCH and BTC are still very similar things, since the projects just separated less than a year ago.
As for updates after the fork. These have been very different. BCH doesn't have anything in regards to LN or Segwit and BTC won't have OP codes or large blocks. After the fork, these projects went their own ways.

>> No.8977372

>an order of magnitude is 10x btw
I know, that's what I said. 61 tps is still laughable in the face of visa's and paypal's throughput. Even litecoin has a similar tx capacity while also having been around longer and having better name recognition than bitcoin [word].
It's better than bitcoin, but so is verge, monero, xem, etc. The only thing bitcoin has going for it is name recognition, and as hard as cashies are trying to make "the real bitcoin" a thing, bcash (bch) is no different from bitcoin gold, bitcoin diamond, bitcoin private, etc. in terms of normie awareness while bitcoin (btc) is something most people know by now.

>> No.8977406

also bcash is still called bcc on binance and I bet it isn't the only exchange like that

>> No.8977420

I believe everyone has a right to be wrong. Buy all the bcash, bro.

>> No.8977426

If you believe BTC/BCH are going to be replaced, why even care about name recognition?
I really like this debate over Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash. It does make some new people unsure of what to choose and will lead them to researching on their own. It doesn't even matter which one they choose, they will still end up learning more about the tech than before. This is what we need in cryptos, going forward: people actually understanding what they are buying.

>> No.8977430

>real bitcoin

Compatible with first version all the way back to 2009


Not compatible

>> No.8977433

This. Checked.

Report all bcash threads

>> No.8977511

>replay protection is a bad thing

>> No.8977515


You do realize BTC and BCH are equally centralized and always will be right? Mining (and thus the network) become centralized because of economic incentives completely independent of blocksize. As the network gains value large mining operations form and dominate the hashpower. Bigger blocksize simply means that instead of these operations (that own 99% of hashpower right now on both chains) putting all of their money into their ASIC hashing machines, they will have to spread some of that investment capital into bandwith and memory.

There is a giant misunderstanding about this centralization issue.

>> No.8977530


are you that much of a brainlet? They didn't copy code and start their blockchain like VERGE. BTC forked into 2 chains; they are supposed to have the same code.

>> No.8977572


bitcoin is far more secure/uncensorable than any other protocol out there right now. The only limitations are hardware related. In 10 years or whatever when machines have much more memory/cpu/bandwith Bitcoin Code could run as is (with bigger blocks, say GB/TB blocks) and do thousands of transactions per second on chain. The bitcoin protocol is an amazing piece of tech. I always wonder how many of you have never even bothered to read the white paper and thought about what a genius and revolutionary invention it really is.

>> No.8977750
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And changed

>> No.8977767

What literally none of you brainlets have considered is that Craig Wright has created the first economic moat in crypto. Unlike every other successful project that has its code stolen right away. That can't happen to BCH because of the patent protection.

>> No.8978718

I care because my point is that the only hope bcash has at mass adoption is riding on the back of bitcoin's name, and the true successor of bitcoin will take btc over because of tech that will be too good to be swept under the rug. Bcash isn't all that different from litecoin or bitcoin, it's just the bitcoin codebase with slight technical differences like block size, time, etc.
I don't like bcash shilling, because it doesn't bring anything new to the table and just soaks up market cap from other projects while perpetuating this mindset of chasing pumps instead of looking into projects and what they actually promise/offer.
Bitcoin is sort of a white elephant at this point, and the market is just beginning to move away from it, but bcash is just going to delay that transition.
>these operations own 99% of hashpower
It is an amazing piece of tech, for all intents and purposes it's genius. But the hardware problem is a big one, especially with moore's law slowing down. Even if asics start being manufactured on the 5nm process in a few years and start using intel optane memory the power issue will still stand. The network already uses an obscene amount of electricity, and the upper limit to the amount of money miners are willing to spend on electricity is close to the actual price of bitcoin. If it goes to 100k miners will be more than happy to spend 80k on electricity to mine a single one. As the price rises with adoption so does the electricity used by the network.

>> No.8979061

go suck ver's dick, bcash faggot

>> No.8979777

The ONLY advantage core has over cash is the name.
Segwit is pure cancer and LN is/will be a fucking joke.

>> No.8979808
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Bitcoin Cash is literally the real Bitcoin. What blockstream and bcore are attempting to do is highjack the Bitcoin brand and attempt to sell their shitcoin as Bitcoin when it is just another of the 1500 shitcoins on the market.

Kill yourself you stupid cunt for being too fucking dumb to realise this yourself.

>> No.8979839

how much i get paid if i shill for bitcoin cash?

>> No.8979883
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>> No.8980064

>t. getting paid by theymos to shill bcore

>> No.8980104
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>real bitcoin
>incompatible with the original chain
>the continuation of the original bitcoin chain dating back to 2009 is just another shitcoin

>> No.8980316

please tell us who is paying you to make these shit threads

>> No.8980362
File: 274 KB, 372x420, 1466627476479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cashews get btfo in one thread
spam the next
rinse and repeat

>> No.8980766


there's like 5 implementations of BCH now. (Unlimited, ABC, XT, bitprim, parity, etc.)

>> No.8981393

Legit question:
How did the so called "bitcoin core" get the actual bitcoin name, while bcash felt into the bag of all bitcoin shitcoins (bitcoin diamond, bitcoin pink, and basically anybody that downloaded the repo)? How does bcashies call themselves "the true bitcoin" if they, while desperately try to get all the brand ownership (bitcoin.com, twitter, etc.), are not called "bitcoin" and do not have the original code BTC?

>> No.8981416

It is real bitcoin. Too bad bitcoin is a shitcoin that will be forgotten by EOY.