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8928887 No.8928887 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at 4pm
>netflix, 4chan, youtube for hours
>lift at 3am for 2 hours
>sleep 12 hours

been legit doing this for 5 years.

pros: peak aesthetics and comfiness

cons: barely see the sun and talk to strangers. my social skills went to shit but the confidence of being shredded kinda combat this.

also the worst part is adhd accelerated badly. i cant concentrate on a topic for more than 8 minutes kek

>> No.8928972

>he actually believes asaad gases his own people

>> No.8929104

mmm grayons

>> No.8929115

it wont be so funny when you wake up at 40 and realize you have done literally nothing your entire life

>> No.8929142

How do you financially support yourself?

>> No.8929143

>lift for 2 hours
nigga wat

>> No.8929179
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feel you OP, I'm in the exact same situation except I have a regular day/night pattern. I find that being aeale during the day really helps with keeping depression away.

Also, I recommend going on daily 60 min morning walks preferably on a fasted stomach (I do OMAD so this is not an issue for me but you do you). It really does wonder for you figure and again, fresh air helps keep depression away. Especially now during spring when everything is turning green, it's super comfy. Can also listen to audiobooks while walking and learn shit because I don't know about you but I sure as fuck don't read books. Anyway, just my 2 cents good luck.

>> No.8929185

been doing exactly that for a year and want to kms. trying to find a job asap before i blow my brains out

>> No.8929196

*being awake>>8929179

>> No.8929203

>does weird gay shit
>doesn't read books

>> No.8929204 [DELETED] 

Its funny how if you remove one variable thr nert life becomes the playboy/man of leisure lifestyle and it becomes infinitely more attractive and cool.

Thats my goal. Just need one fucking alt coin to 2x to make it reality.

>> No.8929227

The comfy life is nice but leads to stagnation. I've gone through the neet cycle a few times in my life, and it's great, but now I'm in the process of selling everything and traveling the world. Forcing myself to take on new challenges and get out of the comfy neet zone.

>> No.8929229

That's the dream, being a NEET wiithout having to argue with mom and dad.

>> No.8929236

Its funny how if you remove one variable the neet life becomes the playboy/man of leisure lifestyle and it becomes infinitely more attractive and cool.

Thats my goal. Just need one fucking alt coin to 2x to make it reality

As for if it gets boring? Nope.

>> No.8929237

Reading books is boring, get over it

>> No.8929248

This. All my friends are wagecucking and I feel so fucking bored everyday except weekends. Neet life is shit unless you are a millionaire and can travel 24/7

>> No.8929288

Not disagreeing, but what about every other person who wakes up at 40 and realises they are trapped in a life they wish to escape from every single day. All you have to do is look at facebook, people complaining about Monday all the time, and even renaming Friday to 'Friyay'. Why? Because working SUCKS DICK. And 99% of people work unfulfilling jobs that they would willingly fuck off if they won the lottery.
That's not to mention the human race will likely be obliterated in a (relative to the universal timeline) very short amount of time and the greatest of human achievement will be completely forgotten about. At the end of the day, all we can do is that which makes life the most bearable and try to maximise the amount of time we feel 'happy', whatever that means.

Of course if you have found a job that really gives you purpose and feel is helping advance humanity and really isn't just pretending you're not completely replaceable and in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't matter if you disappeared tomorrow, then great I am glad for you.

>> No.8929334

As a NEET however you choose your time is up to YOU.

As a NEET how much money you make is up to YOU.

As a NEET how bored you are is up to YOU.

If you want someone to tell you what to do, and how much money you will make then become a wagecuck.

>> No.8929350

I think one thing people never look at is their level of conscientiousness. People who possess a higher level of it will get no enjoyment out of the neet life. Working makes them happy. Chilling and partaking in neet activities dont. And its the inverse for people wirh low levels of conscientiousness.. Like me, i have none, and having a job or even a business would be a drag. I'm extremely happy trading cryptos and maintaining enough money to do my hobbies.

>> No.8929395

>wagecucking is doing something with your life

>> No.8929456

NEET life especially on weed is dangerous because life pass you extremely fast because how comfy it is. You could spend decades like this in blink of an eye

sooner or later you start comparing yourself with your peers from the past who all advanced a lot and depression and anxiety start to kick in

>> No.8929468

It will be even less funny when you wake up at 40 and realize you've spent the last 20 years of your going and sitting in a room getting told what to do by a man who gets paid more than you, with no real memories of a life lived, no escape, next to nothing to show for it and low self esteem from knowing the only way you can eek out a living is by being a better mans little helper.

>> No.8929486

The best way I found to escape this is move cities/countries reasonably often.

Maybe 4 months or so in one country then move on.

>> No.8929521

t. Brainlet

>> No.8929545
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Majority of people get that 25 year long mortgage, then some kids, and then they will be afraid if they dont work hard enough a job they hate every day their wives will divorce them.

That is not a very good way to live a life imo. but most people are incredibly "slow" and simply follow what the herd does it is absolutely out of question they would have their own thoughts and ideas


>> No.8929592

That's what I'm aiming for. I've been living the comfiest neet lifestyle in Austin for years, but I really have nothing to show for it. I'm tying up some loose ends with an employer right now, and will plan to start traveling in June. Too late to turn back now.

And you're on point about weed and the neet lifestyle. The years will fly by when you fall into that trap, unfortunately. Thankfully the older I've gotten the less weed has appealed to me.

>> No.8929627

Perhaps but I dedicate my time to doing stuff I enjoy and find fun. Reading books is boring IMO so I don't do it and I'm not going to do it because "enlightened intellectuals" tell me to do it. If you find it interesting then good for you but if you do it to prove how smart you are then you are a cuck. You do you tho, I just find it rather pointless when you can just listen to audiobooks while doing stuff.

>> No.8929632

Working towards a goal and accomplishing it will give you more fulfillment and happiness than lazily consuming media all day could ever do. I'm not saying wagecucking makes you feel fulfilled but you should work towards something with your free time instead of being a useless consumer slug

>> No.8929663

living as a semi-neet for 5 years almost destroyed me.

I do NOT recommend it.

>> No.8929679

Your ideas sound like a 'great value' knockoff of the original. The word you're looking for is lazy.

If you're a highly conscience being then you'll be content on whatever situation presents itself, and not insecure like this guy >>8929115

Good or bad you'll find happiness and thankfulness in all circumstances.

>> No.8929693
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Grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but if it appears only slightly greener, then you are for sure on the right side :)

In my experiece these people who have very strict 'set goals' are the most miserable ones. They are feeling huge and constant lack.

>> No.8929750

Non-NEETs rarely achieve anything notable.

Do you think Elon Musk would be sending rockets to space if he had to work the 9 - 7 shift for Mr. Sheckleberg?

Would Beethoven had come up with his Symphones if he had to work the early shift at McDonalds 5 days a week?

>> No.8929770

hello fren, reason i got my schedule like that is so i can workout in a stadium big gym all alone lol. peak comfiness with 2-3 other neet buddies working out while the whole city asleep.

the pre and post home walk in complete empty streets with music earbuds is like meditation. sometimes you do get a depressive vibe aswell but its 1000x superior than working out with a million kunts waiting for a bench hours

>> No.8929890

Not a NEET, but I do this for my gym routine as well. It's really comfy to have the gym to yourself with a couple other guys doing their own thing. Also helps me sleep really well + let's the muscles heal overnight.

>> No.8930059

>it wont be so funny when you wake up at 40 and realize you have done literally nothing your entire life

as opposed to normie wagecucks? lol

>> No.8930102

Conscientious, not conscious. Conscientious people by definition get pleasure from doing good work. And if they aren't doing anything then they feel guilty.

>> No.8930167


From Wikipedia. You can see how this strengthens my argument?

Conscientious individuals are generally hard-working and reliable. They are also likely to be conformists.[2] When taken to an extreme, they may also be "workaholics", perfectionists, and compulsive in their behavior.[3] People who score low on conscientiousness tend to be laid back, less goal-oriented, and less driven by success; they also are more likely to engage in antisocial and criminal behavior.

>> No.8930237

The irony is that the reason the majority of people wageslave is so that they can livee the neet lifestyle. The problem is that being a neet is miserable if you don't have money. Eating tendies and pissing in bottles is bottom shelf depression

>> No.8930757

shame that i cant think of a single goal that i actually want to work towards

>> No.8930765

>he actually believes that there have been 300+ "false flag" chemical attacks in syria

>> No.8930850

how old are you? My life is exact same to a T

>> No.8930899

hello fren

23 and you

>> No.8930968
File: 242 KB, 790x837, 1517798125188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has become my life after I quit my job last month. Should I be worried? I even started visiting pol to kill some time.

My only alarm is set at 3:30 PM so I don't miss my 4:20 joint.

>> No.8931042

> t.brainlet thinks he's destined for great things

I have some bad news anon. The thing Elon Musk and Beethoven had in common was a high drive and a sort of OCD. Not NEETdom. Only way you'll achieve greatness is by actually working more than a wagecuck at something you have set as your goal.

Otherwise you're merely some lazy entitled spoiled cunt who has a massive inflated ego and thinks shit should be handed to him because he's a ((genius)) with ((high IQ))

>> No.8931069

23. kek

>> No.8931108

See I’ve thought this through and I plan on doing the following when I have enough crypto to support myself

>wake up whenever
>take my son to preschool
>come home and try and make 1% before lunchtime
>go for a walk/cycle/golf
>Home around 6 or earlier if my Mrs can’t pick up our son
>make dinner from scratch using raw unprocessed food
> clean up

Or on the odd day I’ll go to the car auction and pick up a car or two to flip instead of golfing

>> No.8931139

I'm planning on living a NEET degen life for at least 6 to months after I make it.

>> No.8931149

>said no one ever

>> No.8931169

>> Son & Wife
>> Having money to invest
>> Buying a house

Choose two Anon

>> No.8931176

Fucking this

>> No.8931205

I beg to differ, pretty sure that's what mid life crises are. People working at jobs that dont fulfill their self actualization needs over extended periods of time tend to end up asking themselves what down the line.

Unless they are brainlets ofc

>> No.8931268

>adhd accelerated badly

It's because you're constantly refreshing social media which fucks with your brain, both your ability to think and reflect, and your dopamine

>> No.8931294

How do I unfuck my brain then?

>> No.8931298

>Living until 40

>> No.8931310

what should i do? start reading books?

>> No.8931367

I started dealing to cope with the boredom one summer. No joke.

Was mind-opening. It's a money printing job anyone can do. I stopped while I was ahead but the experience still leaves me in awe. I can't believe I did that.

>> No.8931396

consume material that takes longer to process that a single web article. e.g. books.

meditate, restrict internet use, stop bringing your phone to the bathroom when you go to take a shit, delete unnecessary apps, train to not be bored without external stimulus

>> No.8931465

Nope. You give an ADHD person something meaningful to do. An ADHD person will literally not care about giving themselves arbitrary restrictions, that's not how it works.


>> No.8931542

I had a NEET phase after I graduated.
I was severely depressed, more than I've ever been, but I also, paradoxically, enjoyed it greatly.

The depression was driven by my money worries more than anything.

I'd start the day with some physical (hit the gym or hill sprints), go get lunch/breakfast, head home and do something productive until I got hungry (I remember towards the end I was learning Japanese and Python on alternating days. Just two skills I'd always wanted to have), I'd make dinner and spend the evening doing typical NEET shit (I watched a lot of kdramas and read a lot of VNs).

I saw my friends occasionally, got my current girlfriend (of ~5 years).

For someone like me, it was a genuinely comfy existence when I wasn't thinking about the money. As depressed as I was, it's corporate wagecucking that's driven me (and a lot of my friends) to drug use.

>> No.8931543

that is how it works. Read the comment chain. Not talking about pathological ADHD, this is neuroplastic attention loss caused by excessive stimulus. They are self diagnosing ADHD

>> No.8931601

That would be a good start. I'd suggest maybe reading Brain Chains (best), Deep Work(ok) which are related to the subject. I'm finishing up Digital Dementia by Manfred Spitzer

You need to be aware of the damages it can do to you. It's like crack cocaine. Probably the smoking of our generation where few are aware of the damages it can do. I'm suspecting there will be a lot of old NEETs because they are all stuck on an endless loop in life and entertaining themselves with internet

>> No.8931627
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Are you referring to Obsessive compulsive disorder, you've have no clue. That has nothing to do with "drive". It's an anxiety disorder where people have compulsions and compulsive thoughts they try to shut down performing a "ritual" while most realize this is irrational behavior

>> No.8931640

>Lifts for 1 hour in his sleep.
>Can't do basic arithmetic

Choose one.

>> No.8931654

>cons: barely see the sun and talk to strangers. my social skills went to shit

Both of those happened to me, and I am slaving away 40h/week.
I'd rather be a NEET.

>> No.8931697

Anyone staying indoors a lot, you need vitamin d supplements. Not getting enough d causes a lot of the indoors faggot depression.

In fact, people just discovered USDA suggested intake for d had been lowballed quite a bit recently.

>> No.8931765

>>lifts at 3am for 2 hours
>>sleeps for 12 hours
>>wakes up at 4pm

Maybe fit some math into your schedule Anon.

>> No.8931823

>off by 1h
>worth mentioning
ok anon, i did chuckle

>> No.8931852
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>wake up at 4pm
>netflix, 4chan, youtube for hours
>lift at 3am for 2 hours
>sleep 12 hours

Truly you will achieve great things with zero responsibility

>> No.8931887

This right here, I don't know what's up but during my neet phase I always found something to do. Fucking up with homemade racing drones, programming, photoshopping memes, reading, doing DIY shit, biking, working out, traveling... Now I'm just wagecucking, my weekends are soul crushing borefests. I'm in a capital meme city that is way to expensive, and live in a cramped cuckshed where I can't do jack shit. Existence is a meme right now, luckily I'm earning really good money and investing everything I can in crypto. Sergey I hope you deliver my dude, you're my last hope. If I do make it it's gonna be time for entrepreneurship.

>> No.8931923


just take your shirt off and go lay down in the sun and read a book 20 minutes every other day or so

should be aware you only get vitamin d if the sun is above 50 degrees in the sky at your current time/position


been doing this a few years now after i did a home vitamin d test and found out i was very deficient. now i look forward to my time in the sun every day, feels amazing

>> No.8931933

>achieve great things
well i am stronger than 99% of the population and as a cool side effect also look better than 99% of the population physique wise anon. isnt that a great thing?

>> No.8931962

Fight the jews.

>> No.8931988

youre basically masturbating tho

>> No.8932036

>he says, as his brain rots away in front of a screen day after day

>> No.8932079

you'll prob be depressed at 40 either way but at least if you have a career you can do something about it. as a neet with no money no skills you are absolutely fucked

>> No.8932084

That is good. Keep improving in other areas of your life too.

>> No.8932104

It's great for you, yet leaves you empty. You're a fit shell, with no purpose.

>> No.8932117

if you already have a kid you're not gonna make it

>> No.8932180

>wake up at timeIWentToSleep + 8
>browse internet, 4chan, articles while eating breakfast
>go to the library to study
>at 12 go out to eat
>study again until 4pm
>chill on the way home, do some groceries whatever
>go to exercise or yoga outside at 5pm
>take shower at 7pm, watch some twitch, read, browse internet, check shitcoins
Never been feeling so healthy in my entire life, and all that thanks to crypto gains. I don't plan to stop studying, I love learning new shit. Maybe I'll launch an AI startup, self funded

>> No.8932438

i dont care about the jews anon

>> No.8932526

im a wagecuck but im bored as fuck in when im off

i'll play a couple of games, watch some youtube and literally just stare out the window untill monday hits again

i'd unironically kill myself out of sheer boredom if i were a neet

i guess friends / gf would solve this issue, but im not privileged enough to have either desu

>> No.8932550

In some ways it does, but I've never at any point said "Man I wish I was at work again."

>> No.8933433

Similar life here but I've been making stuff to sell on etsy.

>> No.8933690
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I fucked my brain with gaming meme. I play much less now. I would also add lifting to the ways of improving. Got to train the mind and the body.

>> No.8933755

I was a neet for a year before I started uni this year.
I was getting tired of being a neet in my last few months and I couldn't wait for uni to start. It turned out uni is shit and it's making me unhappy. Now I miss being a neet and being able to focus on my hobbies without worrying about studying for exams or writing assignments. I don't even have much time during holidays because some exams and assigments deadlines are right in the first week of the semesters.
My only hope is crypto

>> No.8933761

Fasting is so underrated, and way easier than most people assume.

>> No.8933822

NEETing makes me more depressed than anything else because I am alone with my thoughts 24/7 reminding myself how pathetic I am
work distracts me

>> No.8933860

>NEETs aren't happy, wagecucks aren't happy
The way I see it everyone needs some kind project that they can work on giving life a meaning. Be it raising kids or doing freelance work basically same thing in this context.

>> No.8934163

interesting point of view

>> No.8934278

Everything becomes boring

>> No.8934341

best thing to do is take a nice walk in nature, preferably on a rainy/cloudy day then return to your meme feeling refreshed

>> No.8934756

NEETS comparing themselves to billionares with incredible work ethics? LOLOK

>> No.8935258

>the greatest of human achievement will be completely forgotten about
Name a laureate of Nobel prize for chemistry in 1996.
No one knows. And thats a ONE winner, who sacrificed his entire life. No one even knows. There is millions more who contributed. So much for muh achievement.

>> No.8936043

>haha of course the guy winning with everything to lose is going gas his own people again
>if you don't believe the info being put out by the white helmets (actual terrorist organization) then you're crazy!

>> No.8936056

>I'd suggest maybe reading Brain Chains (best), Deep Work(ok) which are related to the subject.



>> No.8936098


>> No.8936147

How the fuck are you able to do this? I envy your lifestyle greatly, as I went to college and can't seem to find a job that pays more than $13-$15 per hour. Luckily I live in a local in which I can use that to support myself, but fuck it makes life annoying. I was just unemployed for a few months and it was some of the happiest times of my adult life.

How are you able to live the NEET life OP? Do your parents support your lifestyle or are you on gov't benefits? If so, which gov't benefits are you on, and how can I qualify for them as well?

>> No.8936172

Im leaving the neet life, shits juat depression with a meme name.

>> No.8936399

beethoven was a lazy neet, musk wagecucked with passion tho

>> No.8936417

oh nvm, i'm sure he did put more work into his music more than wagecucks at the vienna opera house

>> No.8936556

You need to challenge yourself. Ain't nothing to it. You feel like you're not going anywhere.

>> No.8936624

I self diagnosed from this, and a long kinda depressing winter of being glued to 4chan and social media. Went to a shrink and got put on a low dose of adderall. 15mg XR a day. It has its downsides, but I can't say I regret getting it. I don't take it every day, sometimes I take weeks off of it. No depression. I seem to be quiet a bit happier when I don't take it than I was before taking nothing at all. Not to mention when I do take it I GET SHIT DONE.

>> No.8936740

This is what I'm wondering as well

I think most NEET's either live with enabling parents who pay all their bills, or they made a fortune off crypto and are coasting off that.

By the way, I was a NEET for 2 years and I fell into the first category

>> No.8936769

> Everybody who does not do what i do is lazy.

Fuck off faggot. Some people are open and creatieve enough to provide value to self through other means than having a ‘job’.

>> No.8937023


>not preparing for the economic collapse/civil war/ww3/supervolcano

Bizraelis are unknowingly building a network and secret language to identify each other after the fallout.

>> No.8937026


feeling the same lately. work is social time as much as it is money etc. being an adult neet is shit because all your friends are either gone or working anyway. having time off, so technically being free to do fun things or hang out, but not being able to because nobody you know is synced with your schedule, is the most depressing bullshit and i'd rather just be at work desu

>> No.8937588


Same here. Work is my social life.

I'm an introvert and I have social anxiety, but I still go kind of crazy when I isolate myself too much. When I was a NEET for 2 years, I lost the small amount of confidence and social skills that I had. Going back to work last year helped me get it back. My coworkers are the closest things to friends I'll ever have.

>> No.8938546

If you're white, you've been handed the greatest task a man can be given, that of saving his own kind from extinction.

Think of the glory that awaits you if you're one of the men who saves the race.

>> No.8938811

Tfw enjoy financially supporting parents and traveling to grorious nippon once a year too much to break out of current shitty programming job.

The amount of time I spend with people my age in person is dreadfully low.
At least I have no debt, I guess.

>> No.8938864

Can I recommend getting a dog friend to improve this wonderful picture even more

>> No.8939659

You won't be laughing after your parents pass away. Who's going take care of you after that? Your siblings?

>> No.8940672

If you're looking for a simple 2x then i would suggest Cardano

>> No.8941187

This. Many people do miserable work just so they can make enough money to slack off later. I am one of these people.

Truthfully, being a NEET without massive amounts of money sounds miserable to me. True, you get to dictate how you spend your time, but most of it will be spent trying to save a meager amount of money and not trying to starve to death. Or, you are leeching off parents/friends, which just makes you feel like a complete failure. Would rather work a ton and be average than be a complete loser.

>> No.8941832

>"enlightened intellectuals"

I am audibly yawing at you