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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 183x155, XLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8816996 No.8816996 [Reply] [Original]

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling

Stellar (https://dashboard.stellar.org/))
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM


Recent News:

- IBM Blockchain VP on XLM: https://medium.com/@kuipr/ama-


Upcoming Events:

- Tokenize Assets on Stellar, SF Meatup - 10 April w/ Boris

- IBM Q1 Earnings - 17 April
- BayPay Forum - 19 April w/ Jed McCaleb
- Global Money Transfer, Dubai - 29/30 April

Recent Partnership:

- Keybase.io
- Blockdaemon.com (Blockdaemon claims Stellar will be *THE*

Ethereum of 2018; Blockdaemon backed by Comcast)

Big Things to Watch For:

-Jed claims "interesting" announcement soon; likely IBM's

plans with central banks + tokenization of central bank fiat
- Official IBM news on their Hyper/Stellar Ledger plans
- Stripe BTC replacement announcement circa April
- FairX Beta - April/May
- Lightyear.io major announcement late March/April

Overarching Goal of XLM (and why it could be worth a ton):

- XLM is Asset-to-Asset Bridge

The list below will be fully operational by year end, ask

yourself the price of XLM by then:

>FairX(Foreign Exchange Company)
>FX across Asia


>Central banks onboard
"How far away do you think we are before we see central bank

issued tokens on Stellar (or another platform)?

>Other assets trading on stellar (talks of reaching 1000 this


>Pure Stellar ICOs


>> No.8817002


>ICOs replacing ETH for Stellar as a new standard due to

Hyperledger Fabric

"After building solutions on both Etherum and Hyperledger

Fabric 1.0, we found Fabric to be the superior platform for

enterprise-grade blockchain applications. ..." -Mohan

Venkataraman CTO, IT People Corp.

>New IBM clients
"The prototype is live and we are onboarding clients now to

the production version that will launch officially in Q2.

You’ll begin to see a lot more XLM payment volume as the

transaction volume grows. And yes, you’ll be able to see it on

the Stellar network."
-Jesse Lund, Head of IBM’s Blockchain department


>New uplifted SDEX interface


>Lightning near roll-out
"State channels will be fully implemented on the Stellar

livenet and a Lightning Network Beta on October 1, 2018, and a

fully functional Lightning Network will hit the livenet on

December 1, 2018."
-Jed McCaleb, Stellar CTO and co-founder


>> No.8817037

what will be the price of XLM at the end of the year?

>> No.8817118
File: 6 KB, 300x168, Stellar-Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody knows the answer to that question, little NEET

Do some research, find out who's worth investing in, and invest. Anyone focusing on "EOY" price isn't going to fucking make it in this game.
I'm sharing this with you /biz/tards because I've come across the gold from some of you and I like to give back. There's entirely too much fucking garbage on /biz/ these days, and if more people would take time to do this kind shit, the pajeets wouldn't have been able to take over so easily.

I've personally been accumulating Stellar since around 450 sats and I'm not about to stop now.

>> No.8817160

thank you for the advice. would you get only XLM or is it ok to split between BTC, ETH, and XLM?

>> No.8817290

I don't touch ETH, man. That's up to you.

I'm holding SC and XLM on Bittrex now and that's it.

>> No.8817319

Foundation holds 80%+ of the total supply.

+ inflationary token.

Sure mate, 10/10 coin

>> No.8817350

you do realize the 80% of total supply is for the inflationary means? lol

>> No.8817361



>> No.8817475

I get the hesitation on the amount held by the foundation, but the inflation?

Who the fuck cares? Join an inflation pool and you'll be fine with a weekly pay out. I'll argue that IF there was ever mainstream adoption of any coin you'd NEED a small inflation mechanism to keep the total amount of circulated coins steady against coins lost by users.

>> No.8817564

I'm flattered you are using mostly my pasta, but damn nigger, you really fucked it up

>> No.8817581

Easily in the top 3 long term holds of crypto. Will be the standard of transfering money.

>> No.8817813

Stellar is a no brainer. If you don't hold any bags then just get out of crypto, you are making bad choices.

>> No.8817836
File: 47 KB, 598x714, 1518552102829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300k XLM, am I gonna make it? wife is pissed I didn't sell back in January to pay off our house and car, I told the bitch I'm waiting for $3+ and now I'm rekt

>> No.8817859

I mean you should have sold in January and re-bought, but that's your bad for not knowing Q1 is always a shit storm.

By now you should have accumulated more, lmfao.

>> No.8817981

literal nigger coin. have fun when they donate coins to Africa faggots.

>> No.8818079

You know what I'm not finished with you fucking kids yet.
I'm not going to pretend like /biz/ was all that great before you fuckers showed up, but you fucking seitos are starting to seriously get on my nerves. We fucking waited years. You haven't waited a fucking quarter and you're talking about the end. My parents barely get away with 7.5% on their portfolio with inflation, and that's in a fucking 12 months period. What do you kids think? that this crypto thing is as easy as dumping money in any random colourful coin you see gets the most attention on reddit, biz and discords/twitter, wait a few minutes and collect profit?
You haven't seen shit yet. Knowing what I know about tomorrow, I hope it gets pushed and we correct down to fucking 3000 so you fucking normie fucks btfo of this space. You don't deserve any of this. We shilled Ethereum endlessly here, back when we had real convos about real projects. Now you fuckers get impetuous when LINK doesn't provide you with more than 10% gains in a 20 day period, WHEN THE PROJECT HAS LITERALLY JUST STARTED TO PROVIDE REAL RESULTS.
Yes, it's a bubble you fucking morons. It's been a bubble since the very start, and when I got out of University and started buying a 200 dollar bitcoin, I got fucking laughed at now you faggots want the world handed to you because have disguised yourselves amongst wolves who on a daily basis eat you fuckers alive. The reality is, i want you to stay, because I want your money.
But i'd gladly pay to have 2016 /biz/ back.

>> No.8818112
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XLM and DBC are my lambo coins

>> No.8818184

>literal nigger coin
Which is why RMT has been mooning.

>> No.8818211

blockchain AI is a meme, scam.


>> No.8818222

You will be lucky to get a Huffy out of that trash

>> No.8818338
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t. no brainers. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't own XLM either.

>> No.8818365

You are literally holding onto the two biggest losers outside of straight exit scams, on the off chance that they ever release anything resembling a functioning money making product.


>> No.8818396

DBC is trash. I agree. XLM has a 20% chance of being anything

>> No.8818422

$3-5 within a year.

Ibm is about to rek the whole crypto world. They are the amazon of blockchain. Biz is trying to accumulate and knock it because they are poor no coiners.

>> No.8818518

Why would I want to hold a depreciating asset?

>> No.8818582
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DBC Marines are immunized against all dangers: one may call them scoundrels, pajeets, swindlers, chinkcoins, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But spread out FUD and you will be astonished at how quickly they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: “we've been looed out.”

Hear hear brainlets, day of the Snake soon.

Stellar Marines niemals ermuden, weak FUD