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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8794694 No.8794694 [Reply] [Original]

Many might not know this, but the overall B2B economy has always been much, much bigger than the B2C economy. This general trend applies to ecommerce as well, globally its $7.7 trillion in B2B and only $2.3 trillion in B2C (as of 2017).

Today, buyers, account managers, procurement specialists, program managers, etc. have to rely on Excel spreadsheets and macros. Invoices, POs, rebates, and other manual back-end accounting practices to transfer money. Macros may be able to provide some small degree of automation, but it's still very clunky compared to actual crypto smart contracts.

To quote Aphix: "Many B2Bs are powered by a combination of backoffice ERP software and accounting systems and fulfillment processes and tracking technology and account-tailored pricing models. With all those moving parts, they struggled to take the first step of introducing that complexity into an eCommerce environment."

This doesn't make much sense when you consider that companies like Amazon, Alibaba, etc. all have thousands (maybe millions) of partners, each with many complex contracts. That's technically millions of buying decisions and variables for the account manager each day.

Now imagine if all that is handled with smart contracts? Automated code connected to big data, all web APIs on the planet, and artificial intelligence outputs with an oracle as the intermediary? Every decimal point of every transaction of every row of a giant spreadsheet could be optimized and things would happen at the speed of business. Billions of variables each handled with the precision and grace of a ballerina.

>> No.8794696

Not to mention the billions of dollars in expense saved for these companies from being able to eventually slash probably 80% of their white collar personnel dedicated to maintaining these contracts and partner accounts. Amazon's net income of $3 billion is really low when compared to their $178 billion revenue. Lots of operating expense and overhead in the way of accounting/business development folks that can be replaced by smart contracts.

Totally feasible given that smart contracts will beat humans in many cases.

B2B is much more complex than B2C, many downstream consequences to every purchase or change. Even a top human program manager sending emails and making calls as fast as he or she can will often still need a few weeks to sort a new deal out. A smart contract can control all those downstream gears and levers simultaneously.

Furthermore, as you will see in the sources I provide below, ecommerce is highly cross-border and trans-national. Traditional money is extremely inefficient compared to crypto in this regard. Recalling the Capgemini paper on smart contracts, "[Most] existing commercial contracts [are] unfit for the world of real-time commerce". Even more reason to go to smart contracts.

For B2B commerce with razor thin margins, being able to operate at the "speed of business" is hugely helpful for cash flow turnover.

I'm not saying that Chain Link will necessarily get you a Lambo. But smart contracts with reliable oracles will provide trillions of dollars of value-add to global B2B ecommerce, that is undeniable to anyone with a basic understanding of B2B and globalized supply chains.

>> No.8794711

its just a meme

>> No.8794710

When smart contracts really takes off for Fortune 500 adoption and whether Chain Link is still top dog in the oracle world by then is anybody's guess.

Sources: 1) Personal work experience with highly globalized supply chains

2) https://www.aphixsoftware.com/blog/b2c-vs-b2b-ecommerce.html

3) https://www.shopify.com/enterprise/global-ecommerce-statistics

4) https://www.capgemini.com/consulting-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2017/08/smart_contracts_paper_long_0.pdf

>> No.8794728

I'm a goy 2 goy sales professional.

>> No.8794779
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 191be5ab212d00bb6407b0e88a66ca4123ec7178_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are anons on this board right now who have this thread filtered

>> No.8795029
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>> No.8795646
File: 423 KB, 556x420, 93043ECB-2A8C-4E9A-834F-5D1C67929983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 90K LINK

>> No.8795663
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>> No.8795686
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>> No.8795688
File: 132 KB, 800x803, F7F48882-8861-4536-A102-555DEBC76867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s the best part of this psyop i become fucking manic in laughter thinking about their JUST posts

>> No.8795835

nice essay, you gotta go back