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8791995 No.8791995 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Linkmarines, do you have any predictions for the day when mainnet get released? Some people say that when mainnet is up we will see what companies work with CL, but on the other hand Sergey stated that all partnership announcments will be proclaimed not by the team, but by the parners themselves.
Will we see who uses the network when it's up and running?

I'm asking because recently REQ's network went live and it resulted in a dump. I admit that I'm a brainlet, but can someone tell me how do we know that the same is not going to happen to Link?

>> No.8792022

good job for finally starting to think for yourself!
of course the price is going to dump upon mainnet release.

>> No.8792033

> stated that all partnership announcments will be proclaimed not by the team, but by the parners themselves.
Let me clarify that for you. Sergey never said that they would announce any partnerships, he said that we would be able to see the users on the network. He also said that it is up to other parties to announce anything if they wish to do so, which I think is not very likely to happen if we're talking about traditional institutions that don't tweet about "partnerships" like they're running a chink scam.

Also the word partnership is retarded, if somebody is using the network, they are a customer not partner.

>> No.8792045

Customers not partnerships. Also node operators on day one so it won't dump

>> No.8792046

Firstly I think the Mainnet will be 2-3 weeks from now.

Secondly it may well dump straight away but that will soon rectify itself with the people slowly figuring out the amount of nodes being used and required.

>> No.8792054

Exactly this

>> No.8792074
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already discussed multiple times here is the summary:


rory stated multiple time they are ahead of schedule

>> No.8792078

I don't know why everyone thinks that regular people will be hoarding LINK for node usage unless we're talking about some third party specifically having an interest in running tons of nodes because they believe LINK is the future or some shit.

a) LINK doesn't need that many nodes, especially in the start
b) You don't need to have a ton of LINK to have good reputation (I'm thinking like 5k-10k LINK should be more than enough)
c) While it is desirable to have LINK in your node, you don't actually need it to run one

>> No.8792085
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>we would be able to see the users on the network
Does it mean only the quantity of network's users or will we be able to see what are these users using the network for?

>> No.8792140
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We still don't know how will this look like but we got a pretty good look at their centralized system they used for the PoC so I'm guessing it'll be similar to that if not exactly the same.
>pic related

>> No.8792156

No, it means those running the nodes, their location, the amount of link and every transaction the link was made in. It allows for accountability in fiscal transactions. That means if you were swing trading (crypto to crypto trading) it’s all visible on the system to ensure there are no bad parties involved (KYC 2.0)

>> No.8792357

Hmm, the day the mainnet will go live, is a bit overrated IMO. I am not FUDDING I love LINK and the whole smartcontract debate but I try to be realistic at the very fragile moment of birth.
Partners or cooperations interacting with ChainLink, need to have their software updates or need to be integrated into the network in some way, to be able to use it's data. That's why I think, it might take at least two or three more months, till we will be able to see the actual use of industries. In terms of smartcontracts you need to stay on solider ground, they are also new and unknown to big traditional industries. You can add smartcontracts that fulfill pretty simple agreements but you want to enable smartcontracts to understand the middleware that ChainLink provides. That also will take some time till those smartcontracts fulfill the agreements on the desired complexity of some industry's . My estimation is, that ChainLink will have some sort of a moon but it won't take off as many think. That's ok for me since I am in it for the long term of at least 2 more years. ChainLink will definitely change the financial world but it won't happen as fast as majority thinks.

>> No.8792383


>> No.8792398

I still think middle of may, does that make me optimistic? June onwards just seems stupid to me

>> No.8792444

This coincides with the singularity approach .. will get a bump as it comes out and it becomes obvious they are connected with many "customers" they serve ... but the real increase will pop when it begins to be used heavily and it is proven to be successful. That is when Smartcontract chatter will become similar to the "cloud" chatter by normies that AB spoke of - then it will increase significantly. I dont anticipate anything higher than $5 to $10 by EOY with hopes of $20 to $100 in 2019.

>> No.8792545


It will prob pump a small bit then dump heavy as big boys realize it’s gonna go astrological. All you can do is buy and ride the waves.

>> No.8792565
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Around june 2018

>> No.8792631

Do people really spell Spenser like that?

>> No.8792679

I think Chainlink will follow ETH.

2014 ICO
2015 nothing happens, sideway movement for a year
2016 small moon
2017 moon

2017 ICO
2018 nothing happens, sideway movement for a year
2019 small moon
2020 moon

>> No.8792683

>Hello Linkmarines, do you have any predictions for the day when mainnet get released?

>Soros shorts the fuck out of BTC
>BTC price drops below 5k
>Shitelink drops with it, like it always does
>"nice, i'll buy me some more LINK! ;^) who else is accumulating here fellow brainletmarines? xDD"

it's just another
with SirGheay

>> No.8792761

>Trips of Truth

>> No.8793160

Testify Confirmation.

>> No.8793214
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ITT: impatient brainlets

>> No.8793367
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The next few hours are CRUCIAL for link