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8787113 No.8787113 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw heart starting to hurt from all the crypto stress from a year of trading

I'm only 23


>> No.8787153

Disconnect trading from your emotions, better for your health and the only way to win

>> No.8787202

why do you feel the need to mention you're a female? and also if your heart hurts, you probably should start eating healthy and exercising.

>> No.8787224

you need to exercise, but if your endorphins are directly tied to crypto markets then you need to revalue your priorities going forward

>> No.8787251

I thought he was paying respect to himself.

>> No.8787255
File: 49 KB, 720x731, ABE9F33C-A789-43C4-A3BA-6F666F0B2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch lasagna.

>> No.8787326

Yeah I think you're right

Meditate OP. Eat healthier. Are you excericing? Pick up a sport you played when you were young, do some beer league. Or train martial arts. Good temp stress relief that only takes a few hours a week from crypto but will keep you balanced.

>> No.8787372

Nice larp. No women r on teh interwebz.

>> No.8788110

i use to stress HARD in crypto last year but since the crash im completely detached and check coinmarketcap around two times a day. feels good

>> No.8788199
File: 5 KB, 250x196, 1517297804368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you got Parkinson's.

>> No.8789078

nothing to worry about most likely. heart attacks are very rare at your age. also doubt you would have developed heart disease unless you're the most obese fuck on the planet.

>> No.8789100

it's anxiety dipshit

get a kardia ekg if you're paranoid

>> No.8789125

Too fukin soon.

>> No.8789129

>it's anxiety dipshit
likely this

>> No.8789147

it is almost certainly that
or costiocondritis

there is no serious disease which can produce chronic cardiac pain at rest in a young person besides those two

unstable angina and heart attack are very distinct and very acute

>> No.8789172

No trading for me. I've hedged part of my money in crypto in a cold wallet and I'll see where it goes in a year or two. A friend is running bots so I might look into that.

>> No.8789219

Show tits

>> No.8789812

It's anxiety.

>> No.8789871

starting trading with less money faggot

>> No.8789911

Stop doing cocaine you filthy degenerate

>> No.8790860

Do you have boobs?

>> No.8790896

did he die?

>> No.8790949
File: 101 KB, 600x842, 1522864125728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8790991

developing a skin rash due to stress